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Business Notices, TTABBY I'll AST, Temple Chamber*. Hereford ta street, Christchurch, Commission ana Private Inquiry Agency. Enquiries respecting missing friends. Evidence for brltfe oot looted and carefully got up, Sonic* of legal document# effected, „ Bnm Ann Danrs Oouionm. 8030 80S Jf 0 H N !P A B BT; "^■^SSrSSSSr&SSJK 1 -^ HOLIDAYS I HOLIDAYS 11 IIHE Undertigned haring receivedWs Stock of I Goods, specially ordered tot CBEIBTMAB PBIBBEHTS, earlier than neual,- ha# seme beau, tlful Goada n Gold and Silver JawaU*ry.B.P, Ware, to., enltabla for Holiday Presents, at a o,u»i» xsssr rt ' *•* *a « TAMES MCDONALD flat* -of fathw and el McDonald) hog* to Worm «• of labour In any part of Now fcalaad that hoi# stm keeping onthe old eatahllahmant In M*Poh**t*r atreetsouth, and hope* by strict attentionto th* business to merit a fur share of their aupport" Berrant* will bo booked and forwarded to any part of th* Colony. Letter* and telegram# will motive prompt attention. Please address— JAMBS MDONALD, 3876 17 Manchester atraat eonthfShrlatohnroh, C.. Sainsbuby, Ellisdok k WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, *0„ OHfiISTOH (JBCH, WELLINGTON, AND DUNEDIN. Hun Omani BATTEAY STREET, DUNEDIN, 40C1 W UedioaL nftHß abore la read with graft interest by la no auw word aa fall. Alas Isay many, tkla ia UW MB wto £t£l£lf hisvlgon.wbahaa yieMedhimeelfJff toUmUm. line* aa* but as a reproach. What Hopw oan ha hmr What#*ph*tioMrwiutohimm£ faring hlsfootprintson wosands oCtinuf Norhlmalaal than la nought but dork despair andaelLreproaob *°Poe?mMto laai * hla footprintaoo the sands of tima. ha must b* endowed with a strong and nacrous power. Ht mn#t possess* sound, vigour. uuntiof re the *nnrgr ht execute I But low at our Australian youth I Be* the emaciated foam* the vacant leek, th* Uatl**a hesitating aaar. the nemos distrust.the senseless. almost idlotioaxpression. Not* Us demeanour and owyemtton. sod then say. Is that a man to leer* his footprint# on the sands ot thus f Do patent*, medical men. of youth nay sufficient attention to this subject f Do they *'“* , _l_ At.* Juan. *m4 linMHit made this branch of his protection Us putlonlu speciality, whoaa Ufa hasbeen devoted to the treat* meatol theee oaeeef Beadee, what ta your answerf Let each one answer (or himself. Parents see their progeny lading gradually heft*# their broken down in health, enfeebled, unfitted for the battle of life s yet one word might save them, one ■ohnd and vurocon* health-giving letter from a man, nabitnated to the treatment and continuous supervision ot such oases, would, in moot snooeed in warding off the impmid, ing doom of a miserable and gloomy future, and by appropriate treatment restore the enervated system to it* natural vigour, and ensure aJoyeue and happy life, DC L. L. Smith, of Melbourne, has made tho disc tea* of youth and those arising therefrom his psonliar study. His whole professional life has been especially' devoted to the treatment of Nervoua Affeotionsand the Diseasaa incidental to Married Lite. Bls skUl is available to all—no matter how many hundreds or thousands of mile# flistMit, His system ot oorrsspondano* by letter is now so well organised and known, that comment would be superfluous (by this means many thou. ■.mil of patients have been cured whom he has never seen and never known) ; aud it is oarriedon with such indieiona supervision that though ha hae bean practising thfe branch of U ptohmtaufor twenty-six years in theee Colonies, no single in. stance of accidental dlfloovary ha# ever yet hap. penad. When medicine# are reqnlredtheee ami forwarded in the seme careful manner without a peetibiHty of the contents of the paroem being diecoveted. Plain and clear directions accompany these latter, and a sure is effected without even the physician knowing who ia hla patient. . . To Men and Women with broken-down Constitutions, the Nervoua, the Debilitated, and all sufferlag from any Disease whatever ,D L-L .Sara's planot treatment oomm«Ai ilteeif avoiding as it does, the inoonvenienoe and expense ot a peraonal visit, Addram— DB L. L. SMITH . IsaCollineetreet east, Mtlbonina, Hate the Basidenoe d* the Governor. Consultation Em by Letter, 41, 1629 HHALTH VOX ALL. OLLOWAY’B PILLS AND ODITMXm The Pill# purity the blood, oomet all die ouoan of the liver, atomaoh, kidnaysb and bowah and art invaluable in all oomplainta inetdaotalti *( The Ointmant Is the only callable remedy lor bee legs, old weranda, ■ona.and nioera. Eorbrooehttla dmharia. oongha, oolda, gout, chanmatiam, an* Buskin diseases it has no equal. Sold by the Propct9tor,Tßo»us Hozxowar. Hl Oxford street,Losubmand hy all Medlelne Vendee Itumarhout tbs WorW Hisoellsneons A Good Family Bomedy Strictly Pare. f Harmless to the Moat Delicate. » A LLXN'S l7»8 BALSAM'. WHAT THE DOCTOES SAT I Isaac Dor* , M.D., of Logan Co., Ohio, writes, that "Allen's Lung Balaam gives perfect astile- ■ faction in every case within my knowledge. Having f confidence in it I freely use it in my daily practice, and.with unbounded Buooesa." Dr Fletcher, ef Lexington, Missouri, eayai "1 recommend your 'Balsam* in preference to any other medioin for coughs and colds." I • - :» Dr A. 0. Johnson, of Mt. Vernon. Dl., writes of some wonderful cures of Consumption in bis plooa by the na* et Allen's Lung Balsam." Dr 3. B. Tmmer, Blonntsville, Ala., a practising physician ot twenty-five years, writes i "It is the best preparat on (or Consumption in the world." For all diseases ot the throat, lungs, and pulmonary organs, it v ill he found a most excellent remedy. As aa Expectorant it has no Equal. It contains no Cpinm in any form. 3. V. HABEIS *CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ' For Sale by all Druggists. WOETH A GUINEA A BOX. BEEOHAM'S PILLS are admitted by thousands to be worth above a guinea a box for bilious and nervous die* orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, idok headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dirtiness and drowsiness, cold chills, flashings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness ot breath, ooetiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, Ac.. Ac. The first dose will rive relief in twenty minutes. This la no fiction, or they have done it in thousands ot oases. Every sufferer Is earnestly invited to try one box of theee pills, and they will be acknowledged to bo Worth a Guinea a Box, For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver they act like "magic," and a tew doses will be found to work wonders upon the most Important organs in the human machine. They strengthen tho whole muscular system, re. store the long-lost complexion, bring bock the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of bealtbuthe whole physical energy of the human frame. These are Facte, admitted b« thousands embracing all classes of society, and one ot the beat guarantees to the nervoua and debilitated la, Beeoham’a Fills have tho largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEEOHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. Aa a remedy for coughs in general, asthma. *»<*- onltyin breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppreeaion of the chest, wheeaing, \o„ these pills stand unrivalled. They speed! lyremota that aense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive thepatient of rest. Let anv person give Bikohak’s (fonon Pitxa a trial, and the moat violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The pnblla are requested to notice that the words "Beooham's Pills/ st Helm’s." are on the Government Stamp affixed to wd, hb x of th* Pills i if not on, they are a forgery. Full directions are given with each box. Sold all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal ora in the United Kingdom. from th* proprietor for, 16 or I ( 1 i t i t I J I r A a tx a el bj

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 2