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MlaoelUmeoaa T7IZPANDING writing oases, Mali* packed is (he portmanteau, trom 10a fid ft 9a. A MU lirgo nwoilTMinf i IBtapbeiiaoa’a Stationery Warehoua *9, Oxford etreet. London. W. SAMPLES GBATIS. £ APIBE MAB lON. Tke Fineet Wiittar Paper. .yply 28, Soho square W„ (or Specimen Sheets end ‘ vei< ‘ • * Envelopes, sent gratia by poat. To be had o( oil stationers end wholesale only of the Man afoot nreor MABION ft CO., - r4Sfi LondonFBSTWQBK AND CAEVINQ AND MECHANICAL TOOLS. ■jeftTAOHINEfI, Tools, and Materials of allude. iVI sorlptions for amateurs. Everything of *>aat quality at moderate prices. Tool cheat (or household nse from 18s each. IQOI onOVu lur ■uussuiutt ÜBS uuiu AAR oat-Ut Catalogues and price lists sent free on applioatio MOSELEY ft SIMPSON. Tool and Cutlery Manufacturers, 17 and 18, street. Covont garden. London, W..C. £|LABKE'S PYBAMID POOD WASHES. See that the Patentee's name is on the Lamp Price each. No. 1 bolds ( pint food, besides water ... Ss 6d No. 8 holds (pint food, ~ i, ... 5* 94 m UUIUB X IUUb IWUj g| if VM No. 8 holds 1 pint food. „ 6s 9d Clarke’s Pyramid Night Lamps, 9d, Is and 8s 6d. OlAiko’s M tvw Imx larko’s ~ „ Lights, 8d per box Caution.—The Patentee, in reply to numerous otuteznors, begs to state that he will warrant hi* Patent Pyramid Nursery Lamp Pood Warmers to answer the purpose for which "hey are recommended only when the Patent Pyramid Night Lights are burned in them ; the common night limits will not give sufficient heat. Persons who And a difficulty in obtaining the Pyramid Night Lights in good condition are requested to write t the Patentee. S. CLAHKE, Albany street, Begent’s Park. N.W., Who will give the address of his nearest agent. The Pyramid Night Lights ore best when newly madei the Pyramid Ppod Women ore sold by all respectable dealers throughout the Kingdom. (homos,—The Patentee having been Informed that mineral oil lamps are sometimes used in his amps, especially abroad, such being extremely longerons.he cautions customers against theuse ofthesome. ’ 128,46 OEATBPUL.—COMPOSTING, EPPS’S COCOA. "O BEAKFABT.—" By a thorough knowledge of 1s the natural laws which govern the operafJTfrL _j ■*• j • ■* —j—|iJ—tto&B OZ uuua v. digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho fine properties of well-selected oa ooa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save ua many heavy doctors* bills. It is by the indioions use of such articles of diet that a oonstiion may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ns ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may ssoope many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a property nourished frame.”—See article in the Civil Serviu Satettt. k Made simply with boiling water or milk. Bold only in Pockets or Tins, labelled— JAMES EPPS ft CO, Homoeopathic Chemists, iLowdos. Ths Hotae-OUpper's Prlend I What has bean wonted (or Peon TJIHIS invention, which la protected by Letters ■ Patent, is (or expeditiously sharpening Horse ■ OX..Vf_ II ■«— linn aJ nliawnAfiltlft % ft&a It WIU DO OZ tne nwtwc aso to rarmcrw* tone dealers, livery stable-keepers, and others. Fall instructions for use sip sent with every nao Ine. Price ofthe sharpener, including wrench, punch, indjpooking ease, 17s fid; and with a horse clipper, Applications accompanied by P.O. Orders, Miracle to JOSEPH TEIOKETT, Cutlery Works, Newnrk-on-Trent, Testimonials on application. Aeaumumaiß uu H.B.— and Germany. waurau awa gtßiivgww uwuwhj May be hod of Saddlera and Ironmongers, 48i Highest Award and Prise Medal. Philadelphia Exhibition,lß7B," NIVEB-FAILING BEMEDT POE LIVES COMPLAINTS. DB SCOTT’S BILIOUS AND LIVES PILLS, prepared without mercury, are Invaluable to all who. suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Lowness of Spirits, with sensation of fulness at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness ofthe Eyes, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer eon describe. For Habitual Coativeness or for persons suffering from Files they will be tonnd most efficacious. As a general Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach. They give a healthy tone and vigour to the different . secretions, causing’ the necessary organs of the stomach and liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promotIng digestion, and strengthening the whole system. A CHEMIST WHITES : 886, High street, Brentford, August 22,1879. Gentlemen,—Perhaps yon will be pleased to learn that the sale of Dr Scott’s Pills is increasing; in 18771 sold 48 boxes, 141878,74 boxes, and since Jan I over 100 boxes. They give great satisfaction, and aa Ido not advertise any pills myself, I shall continue to recommend them to my customers, I am, yours, fto., JOHN WATTS. Seme unprincipled vendors, in order to make larger profit, will try to persuade yon to boy medicine prepared by themselves; do not do so, but insist on having Dr Scott’s Bilious and Liver Pills, wrapped in a square green package. These genuine Pills are prepared by W. Lambert, 173, Seymour plaoe, London, W., and sold in boxes at Is l(d and 2s 9d, by all respectable medicine vendors, or post free for 14 o 34 stamps. TTHTAEDE’S COMME IL FAUT HAIE if Y PEODUCEE. Warde’s CapiUare, Warde’a Beal Hair Producer. Public Opinion.—The original letters from which these quotations are taken can be seen at any time. “MrsE.jßue Lorps, Antwerp, writes to inform Messrs Warde that she considers The Comme H Fant very efficacious, and means to avail herself of their offer to send one dozen.” " Ths Countess of 0,, Surrey, and the Hon Mrs P., Mayfair (both), will feel obliged by Messrs Warde sending, fto.” Mr T., Edinburgh,writes, “A lady, who has been using a preparation of yours for the hair, has strongly recommended it to me.” Mr G., of Burton, writes: “Please send me another bottle; the last I had from you gave great satisfaction, the first application having had an instant effect, as, before using it, my hair was coming off rapidly.” (Mr Q. cannot mean the first application, but the appliestions of the entire bottle.—W. and Co.) Lord 8.. writing from Hants, simply says: “He has heard a good deal about it.” It con be need as an ordinary dressing. It is harmless, changes not the natural colour of the hair, yet keeps it from turning grey, stains not the skin or linen, thoroughly eradicates scurf and makes a refreshing hair wash (one teaspoonful to halt a pint of water being’sufficient.) Sample Bottles, 8s fid and 4s fid each (ons-tblrd beyond usual size); for family and travellers’ usemall size, fc-doz, fisfid; (-doz,l2s fid; large size, J dor, 12a fid; 24a. From all Chemists, per cheir order on wholesale, or sent, free from observation, to any part of the world, upon receipt of remittance. Orders of 4e fid and upwards, carriage paid (United Kingdom.) J. WABDB ft CO., 1270 464 16 Great Martbro* street London W. PBIZE Medal (Paris Exhibition) awarded to Day and Martin’s Beal Japan Liquid Blocking, Tho only composition of the kind tc nourish i< p .serve the leather. High Holbcrn, Lotdcn XT’ auqhan-jonb s bum V (" Standard ” brand), in Bottles. Dr Hassell's report states " Vaughan ■ Jonas’ Standard'Bum, pure old Jamaica, was found oa Analysis to possess the peculiar and very fragrant odour and volatile and aromatic taste characteristic of Bum of very superior quality and is quite pom.” Bold everywhere n tho Colonies. VAUGHAN-JONBB,: 17* Water Lane. London, R ATNHAM'B ENTBBIOON THE NEW SPECIFIC. Gives Immediate Belief and Sj Nervoosm Lownee* Immediate Belief and Speedy Cue la Flatulence, Palpitation, Gives Speedy Belief and a Permanent Cure la Nervous Debility, Weakness, and all Functional Derangements of either sex. Bapldly Be&ovatee the Nervous and Muscular System, and la an Infallible Bemedy (or Liver Qomlaints, Female Complaint!. Lose of Appetite, fto. Loea of Appetite, fto. A Specific (or all Impurities of the Blood, Offensive Breath, Pimples, Eruptions, the baneful effects Mercury, *O. A short trial will satisfactorily prove the efflaacn this extroordlnarr medicine. 80-d by ah respectable Chemists and Storekeepers. Price, fis. Wholesale Agents i MOPTHOMJ,™^BE«OO. D B HEIGHT'S PHOBPHODTNE. The only reliable remedy (or Indigestion, and Liver Complaints, and all Fn&otlonaT meats. Isoommonded by tho Faculty. na Storekeeper*, Nervot Deranr Bold by all Chemists and Storekeeper*, in earn at 10* fid, or In family oases, oontohdas on* dost 10s fid oases, at 45. Agents KEMPTHOSNB, PBCSSBB ft 00. 17-814

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6535, 6 February 1882, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6535, 6 February 1882, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6535, 6 February 1882, Page 6