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LCTTELTON. ABBITBD. Feb. I—Wanaka, b.s., 278 tons, Anderson, from Dun&n and AkSros. ' Union SB. Co. "gents PMs«n«*B—M*»dameß Vaugh<in, Stook, Wells and ShUdreZ Wright, one ohild.|Tindall, Iji»jr»»* Slid Misses Daly, Dalton, Cullen, MiUcook. IfoSn HelTderßon?Tootter. Mann. MbbaU. Burns. OVcharJ. Wood, TindaU, Master Stock and two B *Feb ß t-S4Uoy Lass, schooner. 89 tons, Callow, from Wellington. Cuff and Graham, agants. Feb.S-HaVea, s.s., 463 tons, Jennodr, fc«n Nelson, Pioton and Wellington. Unton, S.S. Co.. M«nta Passengers - Mesdames Eaton and Wttaon and family. Solomon Mes*™ Lakem.*, Bailer, V«asey. Lance. Booth. Farrant, Greioi'r aad •■even steorage. Feb S-West port, s.s., 263 tons. Gibb. from Timfin New Zealand Grain Agency and Meroan-tUFeb°"a-B!msawoma. s.s., 623 tons, Chatflold. from Port Chalmers. Cnion Btoamship Company, SrW" -Miss Blchmond. Messrs TriaohW, Moir, Winstone, Bev C. Walker; 7 Bteenße ' CLEARED. Ffib 's—Wanaka, as., S7B tons, Anderson, for M!sutaaa^dwVt ß . , Union 8,8. Co.. agonta. Mrs Ktag kisses Werner, Beave. Garrard (2). Messrs Miller, Earner, Jobberns. Bodell; 4 Btee'jago. , Feb. a-Wild Wave, schooner, 39 tons, Oxner, for D'UrviUs Island. Master, agent. FXs-Hawea, b.s.. 4SI tons. Kennedy, for Akuroa, Timaru, and Port Chalmers. U.S.S., U>_, asenta? Passengers-Mrs Chamberlain and family. servant, Miss BUleni. Messrs Maopherton and Fuller. ..... t, »..„._ FeO-Pnnoe Bapert, ketch, 60 tons, Peterson, for Catul'B Biver. tTo. Keleey aad Co.. agents. SAILED. „„ . Feb. 3 —Kate M'Gregor, schooner, 65 tons, Couch, for Kaipara. Master, agent. Feb a-n>n»ey. barque. 484 tons, Edwards, for Bluff. New Zealand Shipping Company, »B<»ntß- - 2-Ooean Bird, ketch, 33 tons, Williams, for Nelson. Cuff and Graham, agenta. Feb 2-8 t Kilda, 5.8., 174 tons, Flowerday, for Wanianui. Boyee, Stead and Co., agenta. Feb72-Wakatipu, 5.8., 1158 tons, Wheeler, for Wellington and Sjdney. Union SteamrtipCom. noay. agents. Passengers - Messrs Molyneux, OalashyTfiussell. Evans, Welton, Langham, Mark, Cogan. Hennys. Barr. __ Feb. 2-Thamos, ketoh, 23 tons, Gillaxd, for Havelcck. Master, agent. Feb. a—Hero, cutter, 29 tons. Jenson, for Pelorus Sound. Master,agent. -,.. „ Feb 2-T. B. Taylor, schooner, 54, tons, Balding, for Grejmouth. Master, agent. Feb. 2-Bingarooma, 8.8., 623 tens, Chatfleld, for Auckland and way ports. Union Steamship Comnanr. agents. Passengers Miss Harris, Miss Smdbolt Messrs Holland, Skelton, M'Lean, Grant. Lamb, Davif, Edwards, Masters M'Kensie, Fraser, Simmena.

IMPOSTS. Firth of Lome: From London—loo bdls hoop iron, 22 rolls lead, 2 cases gun caps, 1 cask shot. 1 pax riddles, 370 sash weights, 10 drums oaustio eodVlOoasta lump silicate soda, 82 reels wire, 7 tanks, 5 weighing machines, 3S pkgs whiskey, 80 firkins, 40 pkgs Tinegar, 100 oases beer, 100 do Kin, 2 do silks, 60 hhd* ale, 20 carboys acid, 940 pos deals, 457 pkgs wine, 287 bars iron, 66 bdls iron, 10 eases galvanised iron, 8 do sheet iron, 31 drams oil, 129 bdls sheet iron, 1 log, 12 grindstones, 1 winoh, 473 pkgs brandy, 9 kegs rivets, 6352 pkgs sundries; for Timaru—4o7 casks cement. Consignees—P. Cunningham and Co.; Order; B. Beeoe and Co.; H.Matron and Co.; E. Elworthy; Boyse,Stead and Co.; J. King; P. and D. Duncan; Edwards, Bennett and Co.; J. Mendelson; J. Inglis; Solanders. Fletcher and Co.; Twentyman and Cousin; A. J. White; D. Storer and Sons; E. Sainsbury and Co.; Wilson, SawteU and Co.; Warre Bros.; W. Izard; E. Arenas; Miles and Co.; Viotona Gas Company; J. T. Brown; National Bink; Wood, Shand and Co.; Matheson Bros.; Beid and Gray; J. Tart; D. Chapman; E. Jones; W. Stokes; Benwick and Hemsley; B. Gonld; Dalgety and Co.; E. Hombersley; W. E. Brittan; E. A. Vernon; A. W. Marshall; Miss Hastings; J. Dobaon; F. C. Tabart'; E. M. Southam; Captain Brown* Hawea: 200 rails, 40 bdls fish plates, 24 pkgs. Consiirnees —Cuff and Graham; Thompson, Bhinn:n and Co.; Bailway Department. Westport: 400 bales wool, 45 saoks tallow, 8 casks meat. Consignees Barque Helen Scott; S.Z L, and M.A Company. . S&uoy Lass: 24,000 ft timber. Consignees Booth and Co. Bingerooma: Prom Melbourne ex Albion—l case cigars, 2 qr-easks wine, 2 pkgs shellao, 1 do hair Beating, 40 do tea, 20 do rice, 13 do boots, SO do oorosaoks, 1 do paper, 3 do onions, 69 do sundries; from Dunedin—free, 10 pkga confeotionery, 13 do glass, 3 c'ld dried apples, 17 do charcoal, 2 do fish, 22 do ale, 16 do sundries, 1 phaeton. Consignees— Glenj ffl'Kay; Marks; Sargood, Son and Ewen; (Hark and Son; Crowe and Co.; Aitken and Soberts; New Zealand Drug Company; Union Steamship Company; Walters and Co.; Forbes; Punpemell; neywood and Co.; Qregor and Hutchinson; Bank of Australasia; Cooke; Maoka7 Bros.: Spensely; Major; Pre3ton; Order ;iEffey; Cameron; Johnston; Boot; Holder; Dalgety and Do.; Flavel; Clarkßon; Davis; Bingslar; Lighthand and Co.; Mobs ; Kemptfeorne and Co.; Se&ley Bros.; AeVmrtm Mail; |A. W. Parson; Murray Bros.

EXPOETS. St Eolda: 145 sheep. Shippers Ford and Newton. Wakatipu: For Sydney—27o sacks malt, 2722 do oata. 8 bales fibre, 8 kegs butter, 1000 sacks, 2 pkgs machinery, 1 ease tools. Shippers—H. Cnddon; N.Z.L. and M.A. Company; Eoyse, Stead and Co. ; A. Moore and Co.; L. V. Deaborough; C. Cbinnery; A. Cameron and Co.; P. Cunningham and Co.; B. Pnflett; Twentyman and Cousin. Hawea: For Akaroa-20 Backs floor, 14 do seed, 12 pkgs; for Dunedin—B boles flax, 26 oases apples, 2 pkgs. Shippers—Houghton; Clark and Son; Morley and Co.; Davies; Moir and Co.; Wilkin and Co.; Sargood, Son and Ewen; Kaiapoi factory. Ocean Bird: For Nelson, under bond-390 mats sagar, 5 qr-caaks port wine, 1 case tobacco, 19 qr-caaks whiskey, 7 octaves whiskey, 25 cases whiskey; free—4 cases matohes, 10 do stout, Ido drapery, 5 do farina, 400 bags salt, 9 pkgs. Shippers —Dalgety and Co.; Wilson, Sawtell and Co.; Cufi and Graham; Sclanders, Fletoher and Co.; Morgan. . _ , Westpors: For Westport—2 cases hams, sdo bacon, 3 do cheese. Shippers—Caff and Graham; J. Gilmour. . . , Bingarooma: For Auckland—2 cases books, 19 do bacon, 52 sacks seed, SI bales cornßacks, 150 saoks grass seed, 21 pkgs sundries; for Wellington—2 oases tea, 3do coffee, 2 pkgs; for Qisborne—2 oases cheese, 5 bales corneaoks, 2 cases bacon, 2 saoks seed, 2 boxes wire; for Napier—l 3 sacks seed, 1 roller, 5 cases cheese, 2do bacon, 5 pkgs. (shippers —Collins Bros.; White; Wilkin and Co.; Willcocks; Kaiapoi Factory; T. H. Green; N.Z.I/, and M.A. Company; Gilmour; M'Laren; Oriental Company; Union Insurance Company; Watt and Co.; Kelson, Moate and Co.; Anderson; Trent Bios.; Nashelski; Green; Eoyse,Stead asd Co.; Dalgety and Co.; Booth and Son; Lightband and Co.

The s.s. Bingarooma arrived from Port Chalmers at 5.40 p.m. yesterday, with cargo and passengers ex Albion from Melbourne, and left for Auckland and way ports last night. The ss. Hawea. Captain Kennedy, arrived from Nelson, Pioton and Wellington yesterday morning, and left for Akaroa, Timarn and Fort Chalmers in the afteraoon. The 8.8. St Kilda sailed yesterday for Wanganni. The s.s. Wakatipn hnving shipped between 500 and 600 tons of cargo, sailed for Wellington and Sydney yesterday afternoon. The as. Westport arrived from Timarn yesterday moroin;, and left for Wellington and Weßtport in the afternoon. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka, Captain Anderson, arrived from Dunedin and Akaroa at 9 jf.m. on Wednesday, and left for the North at midnight. Met with thick dirty weather up the coast as far as Akaroa, thence fine to arrival. FOBT OfTyTTELTON. High water, this day (Friday)—Morning, 3,26; afternoon. 3.48. Feb. 2,9 a.m.—Barometer, 29-88; thermometer, 58. Wind, north-east, light; blue sky. TELESBAPH NOTICE BOABD. AsarvAis.—Feb. 2: Lyttelton,'6.2o a.m. f Westpact, from Timarn: Lyttelton, 5.40 p.m., Bingav rooms, from Port Chalmers. Dxfabtubis.—Feb. 2: Port Chalmers, 1.15 a.m., Bingarooma,for Lyttelton; Lyttelton, 4.80 a.m., Wanaka, for Wellington; Lyttelton, 330 p.m., Hawea, for Port Chalmers via Akaroa; Lyttelton, 3,50 p.m., Westport, for Wellington; Lyttelton, 4,10 p.m., Wakatipu, for Wellington. FIBTH OF LOBNE FBOM. LONDON. The barque Firth of Lome, Captain James Porter, left London on Oct. 31, and cleared the Channel on Nov. 2 when a succession of south-west gales was met with lor eight days, followedby fine weather and subsequently fresh north-east trades. Crossed the Equator on the 29th day out, and experienced strong south-east trades, but easterly. Trinidad was lighted on Dec. 9, and the Cape of Good Hope on Dee. 28. Very variable and dirty rainy weather was met with while running down the Easting, the wind varying from fresh (rales to almost calms, the Snares were passed on Jan. 28, with a west-senth.west gale. Was off Dunedin at »oon on Sunday, and met with west-north-west and northerly weather up the coast. Was about 15 miles from the Heads on Tuesday, but was blown off the land, the wind that night blowing with hurricane force. The weather moderated on Wednesday morning, and with the wind from the southward the vessel made the port, towing up to anchorage. Captain Potter was last here Borne ten years ago in the William Davie. The vessel, whioh came into port in excellent trim, was entered yesterday, by Messrs Kinsey, Ward and Co. representing her agents. SHIPPING TBLIGBAMB. Dvvedin, Feb. 2. Sailed—Alfred Hawley, for Newcastle. Botomahana. for Melbourne, via BluffAwcbxahd, Feb. 2. Arrived—The Gorman war.ship. Mo we, from Bydmey. H. M. surveying schooner, Lark, from Sydney, oa a mission to survey Auckland harbour and the coast.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 4