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M 8 Patentees, ~ " __ Gisn, rifis and revolver manufacturers. srehouse cm first ano. second floors, lolled cartridges, 1878. IHey's ouw, pin or central fire, oteed by car selves with best powder, grease-proof, thiok fan tndolothwadt. • re > 13 gang*, with Bor Sf drs and I,IJ, or lfc» ghot to gauge, 12s pet 100. stout pecking cases, for transit by nil or act freeof oharge.. oiiw patent naamcn— oenirai-nre gun, whioh. fci fimplWty and strength, far surpasses anything y« "?/loefor best quality, Including choke borlnt '/*jant anas fore-end fastener, and double boltsd utton, £3l. w Seoond quality ... t\t C«ntr*.flre double guar. Beat quality and finish, prioe 406 as usual. ■pedal notice. ! A. and Co b«fi to inform those who are aesiroai of obtaining a gun combining the latest Improve, menu with really good, gonad material and work, miinahip, that we have Just perfected what U xm. drjoWedly by far the cheapest gun in the trade, fill— fixe double-barrel gun, double grip actio patent siap fore-end, caokebsre Damascus barrel* H ... 47 o Q Qbm and fittings complete ... .„ ago Every gun guaranteed. Miprm double and tingle barrel rifles. 1*177 art •800 bom. Our improved Martni ZeUtr rises ma bor v for rabbit and small deer shooting. Begvlated 100yds. FrkM>i3. ITmwbf . order. Sf'nrHwt Dtiktrated price lists free by pen jUiioaaif *ND HABBIB, Dressing Cue. 111. Westbourne drove, London. W. ThouI lifts sent post free on application. Ladies'dreanng I bags in real morocco leather, completely fitted, 3Ji sad H/s * Excelsior" dressing bag, square opening lined watered sift, with best electro fittings. brushes, good cutlery, writing case, 4c, 6£e com flute I£. and H.'s noted " Fivo guinea" bsg,ma4* of the hnest morocco leather, lined moire aUk, oca. taining four engraved sterling silver fittings, bast cutlery, solid ivcry-baok brushes, writing inateriaJi *C_ complete *5 ss. Dressing cases. For ladies. variously finished, and completely fitted, at 2lt 83s Sd, 48a, 60s, *c M. and H/s noted "oS games." case is covered with French morocco, tarnished with double-action lock, and fitted with hair aad velvet brushes, oomb, tooth and niQ brushes, mirror, scent bottle, pomade and powder Jars, pin cushions, nail scissors, button hook, sail trimmer, and space for jewellery. The "Two —*—,»• case is covered with fine Persian calf, A and fitted in a su —' *—' complete and useful artic _ ..._ Tunis. Bets complete, with best bats, tensed set poles, balls,*C42s, 56s 6d, 84s. Tennis bats,best manufacture, cedar wood handles, ss6d, 6s 6d. Fun size, 7s fid. Gibraltar strung, very superior, 10a 6d. H.'s registered stationery cabinet, the most compact and portable writing companion. Containing spaces for all sizes of note paper and envelopes, post cards, *C aad fitted with blotting book, safety ink bottle, postal guide, date indicator, porcelain memorandum slate, address book, Ac, covered with French morocco, spring lock, 255; Persian calf, 38s fid; Buasia leather, 455. Core loandel and olive wood, 655. Gentlemen's solid leather dressing cases. Best manufacture, comI celebrated "One guinea" case contains hair aid cloth brushes, oomb, tooth and sail bruehea in metal case, soap box, shaving brush, mirror, strop, pair of good rasors nail scissors, button hook, fro., all of useful size and good quality. Large sizes at 395, S2a 6d, 425, ftc. AS orders must be accompanied by cheque or Post-office order, unless previous orders have been executed. P.O. ordersjto be nxdo sayable at Westbourne Groveftoffice. 111, Weeonrne Grove. London W 4K JQI. The cm a tfsli Irish Whisky, r Pare, mild, melbw iilidous* and most wtoit e. Universally nasauneaded by tie MedL cal Profession. Br HassaH eajs: ** The whijkj 1 soft, mellow, and pare, well matured, and (.1 very exoellent quality,"—SO, Great Ti:cbS«!£ »treet.W OnCE.—Spoons and Forks in Silver and ir . j Electro-plate.—Ellington and Co., as the result o important improvements in the above manufactures, are able to offer their guaanteeG' oruUiiieu at 6&ch. prices as, while fully Tnaiutatnirs their acknowledged superiority, place them withic the reach ef all classes. Bevised illustrated price lint free by post en application. Purchasers of silwr spoens and forks obtain the advantage of &e? fluctuations in the silver markets. Address: ELK2NGTON & CO, S 3, Begeat street, London [or 2,Moorgsie street. Citv IAB BEYOND TEE BEACH OF GAS MAIKS, THIS LAMP is complete in itself, makes Gas from Baniolino at fwf.Mng per hour. PerCectly safe, cheap, and easily managed. Bspecially adapted for villages, carriago dr vta, %o. airs HGHTING AHD HEATING CO. 115, Bouthwark street, 8 J£r Manufacturers of the oelebmted " Sun •* Mocha* lighting mansions, without the troubla, Kcponse,and dirt of coal gas. Vafarenoes to many of the nobility and gentry. O more sour milk or tainted provisions: GLACIALIYE. One canister prevents 60 as of mflk, cream, claret, or any other ffmd )m turning sour, and preserves fresh without or many owts.of meat, fish, or game, t elegant canisters at 2s 3d; in9oz. packets at to: in sample packets at *?; by all Chemuts and Family Grocers. Country Chemists and Grocer? snoald ordsr ot the Locdsc Wholesale Houses, c:: olrecro- thsSela Maaabwtarers 9 ad (Patentees—f. o Company, Giaarow. oßßES.—Established 18S3.—LIBUTOfABT JAMES* BLB3TEB is used in Her Majerty'' patronised by Major-Gesertl I of the Cavalry aad highly eulogised by Professor CotacaE. 1 Veterinary College, London, in his re-perttotheAdjutaat-GeneraL Its great eiEoacy is all oases when blistering is usually applied is weli known i and its oelehrity has extendod to all 8» great studs throughout the world. No horso wB; gnaw it, Cumo*.—None tannine without the sismatcn* topiabel oC every pot. Agents-KEMPTHOBNE, PBOSSEB Cbxigtchurch. Extenfively used 13 years M Bswanof aspmiou . w BOWN'B Cantharidine Horse Blister. Established SS years. Br usina- this powerful th« hair before applying the blister is avoided. Bo hone wiß gnaw the blistered surface; no crsde aired, and no blemish possible. Lord Anglesey begs to inform Hr Rrown that he has received a «rv favourable ointment with which he furnished them. They state that the blister acts powerfully without "BY BOTAL LBTTEBS PATENT." THE GBEATEST WONDEB OF THE AGE rOSEPHBON*S ATJBTBALIAN OINTSIEIT Guaranteed to be free from all poisonoufl qn»U' tiM. and composed ot vegetable matter only, beifil s*«? f»«5 the wild plants which only grow te the hash of New South Wales. , JOSEPHffOH*S AUBTBALIAN OINTMENT ■ not a aura oatoh ■*■ " •"- —*■'■"- " hn! aneffeotaai Itsi efficacy has been proved in every case in wbi<& t has been applied. Josephson f s Australian Ointment is already tbc standard ointment ot New South Wales. rot all sores, ulcers, wounds, piles. Ac. : For ohaflng, soft ooms, bums, sunburns, ohnrc Bands aad lips. For sore eyes and infants* scaldings Who would suffer (ram sandy blight wher. iM oan find immediate relief, andbe MrfeoOy by one pot of Joseahson'a Australian Ointcw r:, w be bad of a droxnafa .<i.i^«,v..,. n SYDNEY. Bewaro of spurious imitations, none beings* ll ? l ?' Josephson, and the proprietors. Edward Sow a« Uompany, Dwellers in the interior should never be wim" nl ■apply of BOWS EMBBOCATION. OB FABJIEB'S »«. - FBTEND. The first veterinar mend It as an infalltil „ uwou n mm an lnxauic ■PUnters. swelling i? horsee. bot° odders in cows foofcrot in sheep, or nungo is hundreds use it for scalds and sunburns. Yon can't a it is to be relied upon foraU aoddents that »« arise. Of aU chemists aad slorckeepars throughout* ** Ooloaiss.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2