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LIVE* COMPLAINTS. K MHO'S DANDELION and QUININE field by Chemist* end Medicine Vendor* through. ' out the world. • M Pmarcd by Jm. Borke, London. HE FACT 18 NOW ABSUBED THAT Incipient Consumption, Ohronloißronohltls, Asthma, Throat,"and Xung Complaint*.! Nervons>nd WflstlDg.Disseses Are permanently relisted, the worst symptoms arrested, and a healthy reeotlon produced by AIGKIN'S BYBUP OF EUCALYPTUS WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES OP LIME AND QUININE. These groat results are owing to Ithe'.oemblna. tton ot NEEVE AND BBAIN TONICS that lend increased sustaining powere to the in. valid, added to whioh to the SPECIFIC ACTION of the Eucalyptus on the inaous membranes whereby the air passages are cleared ol unhealthy secretion in a natural manner. Daily evidence is after ed ot the permanent resusoitating action of this remedy—so that all who suffer should at onoe make a trial of itsi eminent properties. The Eucalyptus Syrup Is moderate ta wideT and within the reaoh of all who need it. It is a Pharmaceutical combination of tonic alkaloids with hypophosphites, and not a secret nostrum* Marks Begistratlon Act; Bharmaoy, Anokland, Wholesale Agents i THE NEW ZEALAND DBUG COMPANY. 18120 "Lives of great men all remind m. We oan make oar lives sublime i And.departing,leave behindus Footprint* on the sands of Time.'' (HB above is read with great interest by men. It inspires them to no such word as fail. Alas I .say many, toll> to oorrect,-to true with renrdtotueyoutkwho has never abased his strength—and to the man who hag not been "passion's slave.*' . . But to that youth—to that man who has wasted his vixoat, who htt yielded himself up to the tern. Hnw are but as a re haver Whatasphet bto footprints on tlieaande of time J For him alas! there to nought but dark despair endselfcreproaoh (oca lost lifel Fora man to leaiehto footprints on the sands of. time, he must be en dewed with a strong brain and nervous power. Hi must possess a sound, vigour, mind, hi a healthy body—the power to ienergy toezeoutel But look at our Australian youth! See the emaciated form, the vaoant look, the listless hesitating manner, the nervous distrust, the. senseless, almost idiotto expression. Note his demeanour and conversation, and then say. Is ttsjt a man to leave his footprints on the sands oC trass f Do parents, medical men, and educators of youth pay sufficient attention to this subject t Do they ever ascertain the cause of this deoay t and having I'i*MOTvfifl^ made this branch of his profession his particular speciality, whose life has been devoted to the treatment of these oases' Header, what is your answer P Let each one answer for himself. Parents see their progeny ifading gradually before their sight, see them become enuunated old-young men, broken down in health, enfeebled* unfitted for the battle of life j yet one word might save them, one sound aid vigorous health-giving letter from a medical man, habituated to the treatment and oontinuous supervision of finch oases, would, in most instances, suooeed in warding off the impending doom of a miserable and gloomy future, and by appropriate treatment restore the enervated sysf to Its natural vigour, and ensure a joyeus and happy life. Dr L. L. Smite, of Melbourne, has made tho diseasesof youth end those arising therefrom his ~7, His whole professional life haa . „ y devoted to the treatment of Nervous Affections and the Diseases incidental ,to Married Life. His skill is available to all—no matter how many hundreds or thousands of miles 'distant. Hto system of correspondence by letter is I now so well organised and known, that oomment would be superfluous (by this means many thousands ot patients have been oared whom he has never seen and never known)} and it to carried on with such iudioious supervision that though he has been practising this branch of hi professionfor twenty-six years in these Colonies, no single in. stanoe of accidental disoovary has ever yet hap. nened. When medioines are required these are forwarded in the same careful manner without a possibility of the oontents of the panels being dis> covered. Plain and clear directions aooorapany these latter, and a cure to effected without even the physician knowing who is his patient. To Men and Women with broken-down Constitutions, the Nervous, the Debilitated, and all suffer* lan of treatment oommeud i itself avoiding as it _oes, the inoonvenienee end expense of a personal visit. Address— DB L. L. SMITH 182 Collins street cart, Melbourne, late the Besidonoe of the Governor. Consultation Fee by Letter, 41. 6521 HEALTH FOB ALL, OLLOWAY'B FILLS AMD OOmOWtt The Pills purify the blood, correct all die t of the liver, stomach, kidneys, and bowels and are invaluable in el! oomplaists incidental t>, The Ointment to the only reliable remedy tot hat re. old wounds, sores, and uloers. For bronchitis. -«*.—■- ooughs, oolds, goat, rheumatism, as* it has no equal. HOMAI HOtLOWAI, SII by allMadleintYenSofl i VtxcrjKtonb the WcvW miscellaneous EIZE Medal (Paris Exhibition) awarded to Day and Martin's Real Japan Liquid Blaokiilg. The only composition of the kind to nourish K p,serve the leather. High Holbcm, LowCcn S J. CQLLIS BBOWNE'S CHLOBODTNE. The i Advice to Invalids.—lf you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to oalm and assuage the weary aohings ot protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems ot the body, you will provide yourself with that marvellous remedy discovered by Dr J. CoUis Browne (late Army Medical St" *■-—•-■-*- «-- gave the name of Chlorodyne, and valuable remedy ever discovered. Chlorodyne to the best remedy known for ooughs, consumption, bronohitis, asthma. Chlorodyne acta like a oharm in diarrhcea, and ie the only Bpeoino in oholera and dysentery. 'Chlorodyne effeotually outs short all attacks ol V Earl Bußsell oommunicated to the College ot Phyaioiana that he had received a despatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera had been rasing fearfully, and that the i.—See Oaution.--vToitJuanoellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that Dr J. CoUia Browne was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of Chlorodyne: that the story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrne, whioh, he regretted to say, had been sworn to.—See "The j at Is lid, 2s Bd,is 6d, and j each. None is genuine without the words "Dr CoUis Browne's Chlorodyne "on the Govemmen stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony acoom. panics each bottle. Caution.—Beware of Piracy and Imitations. Sole Manufacturer—J. T. Davenport, 88 Great Bussell street, Bloomsbury.Xondon. 218* AYHHAM'S ENTHBIOOJ> ~~ THE NEW SPECIFIC. | Gives Immediate Belief and St Derangements of either sex. Bapldly Bonovates the Nervous and Musonlai System, and is an Infallible Bemsdyfor Liver Com. plaints. Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, Ac. A Specific for all Impurities of the Blood, OSes* •lve Breath, Pimples, Eruptions, the baneroTeffoote iftißy^v'^ tbuOhexnslaandtnoreKeepers. Frioe.Se. Wholesale Agents i AEMPTHOHNJL f BOSSES »|0O„ DUNSDIN. SAMPLES GBATIB. API E B Apply 23, Soho square W., _ opes, sent gratis by post. be had of all stationers To be had of all st of the Manufaotnreer k-~-* P* l *""* Sheets and by post. tioners and wholesale only MABION4 00., London-

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 2