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CHRISTCHURCH. WOSTHWBBT Waho.—The polling for this ‘Word took place yesterday, at the City Council Swra. where Mr E. acted as Deputy Belurning OBlccr. Mr N- K. Cher i bains opposed by Mr J. P. Oliver. There WManpwent’y little excitement. A few cab* •were tobo seen standing m front of the jpolling booth during the dsy, and } • little knot of people ».semb.ecl on the footpath to diVu.'S the chance, of the re* •peclive candidate!., the K eneral ot'iniou being that it w»» “ a very one-sided amur i but a atemger would have found it difficult, to be* lievo that a.contested election was going on. Theooll close J at 6 last evening, and later in the evening it became known Hint the result via* as follows: — N. K. CherriU 850 J. P, Oliver • ■ m

KoBTiMtaSX WAttD.-In thi* Wan! there wmtabtolutalT no «tci f #tnrnk 1 piling booth was opened at 9 a.m at the Orange Fall Wormier street. Mr T. Todd acting as Deputy Returning Officer. Mr Th unsTn s supporter* wore sanguine a* to (heir canaldate's sneers*. but no ve-v gr at exertions appeared tc be made by either side. Allot the staling of the noil, it ws* under*’ood ibal the result was— H. Thomson B*l E. Thomas The official declaration - 11 be made at one o'clock to-day, SYDENHAM. The elect ion of three candidates to fill the vacancies in the Sydenhara Benmch Council oauiedfil the retirement of Messrs While, IfcriMSpsd Shicrlaw, took ida-e at the BorongVCouncjl Chamber® yesterday, Mr O. Allison. jun., ac’ ioga* Reluming Officer. Toe retiring Councillors offered ihem-oKes for reelection. and were opposed by Messrs Sydney Day and William Merritt. There was not aiueh apparent excitement, and the hours of polling were the tame as in C<:ri»tchurcli. flbortlr after -the poll dosed, about fifty peraoes assembled in Iron* of the Council Clumber, and at quarter-part seven the Returning Officer announced the result lo W. White, jua 191 K. Paritt. ... 149 Sidnev Dav 198 W, B’, Shicrlaw 88 W. Merritt ... 36 He declared the first three duly elected. (Cheers.) Mr White thanked the electors roost IwartalT for the honour they had done Him by placing him at the head of the poll, but be thought it would have been better had mere publicity been given to the election, and sb«s a public meeting should have been held So allow the candidates to express their vkewa. He hoped to see a large attendance at the meeting which would be held on Wednesday to discuss Borough matters. He ex-1 that the Council could not borrow Shattered with the ratepayers themselves, it had been said that he would favour one certain portion of the district more than another. He could assure them he would aot do any such thing. He defended his action with* respect to Sandridge town, mad would be hapoy to give any explanation required at the meeting on Wednesday. (Cheess.) Mr Paritt thanked the electors for returning him, and also for placing Mr White at tito h**d of the pell That gentleman well deserved the position.. The Works Oom®mUss had carried out the work of the Borough fatrlv in the past, and the result of the Section' showed that the ratepayers approved of their conduct. He promised to core them them to the utmost of his power in the future. (Cheers.) Mr Dav, who was received with loud cheers minglsd with uproar, lhanked the -atepayers ■for electing him. In return he p-omised that be would do hi* dutv as a Councillor without fear or favour.

After lead and continued calls for Mr Merritt and Mr Shierlaw, Mr raid it had been a matter of indifference to him whether be was returned or not; ho had not ■ftrod for a single rote. If he had been he would hare served them faithfuUj, hat aa it was, he was quite willing to retire, cod ho hoped that Mr Day would make & good Councillor. (Cheers.) A vote of thanks to the Returning Officer, moved by Mr Day aad seconded by Mr White was then carried. The Mayor said he wished to ask for a good attendance at the meeting to be held on Wednesday. The loan referred to was purely their matter; the only course the Council oould pursue, was to resolve on the Ima and then call a meeting of the burgesses. Ha concluded br thanking them for the orderly character of the day’s proceedings, ■which had been conducted in a manner worthy of the Borough. (Cheers.) The assembly then dispersed. LYTTELTON. Thin election took place yesterday, there "being four candidates for the three vacancies. Tery little, if any, interest seemed to be taken la tine matter, except by Mr Webb and his party. Some posters, urging the ratepayers to vote for that gentleman, were displayed in the town, but beyond that nothing would Lave led a stranger to believe that it was an election day. A requisition to the Mayor to call a public meeting for the purpose of affording the candidates an opportunity of waking the ratepayers acquainted with their news on local matters generally, was sent to TTU Worship on Tuesday afternoon, and the meeting was held at the Colonists’ Hall on Wednesday evening. Owing to the very abort notice, three of the candidates were unable to be present. Mr Webb addressed the meeting very' briefly on the question of reduction in expenditure for wages and ;alams, and the charitable aid question. He contended that charitable aid should be administered by a Board where the Council was represented. No questions were put to the speaker, and the meeting, which did not occupy 15 minutes in all, was brought to a dote. The result of the poll was declared at a quarter past fix as follows 8. R. Webb 222 3. G. Garforth 2U W. Eeed 202 T. M’Clatchie l®> Mr Webb thanked the burgesses for placing Hm at the head of the poll, and said that his motto would be “ Facta non verba.'* Mr Garforth also briefly responded. The whole proceedings passed off very quietly. EANGIOEA. The official declaration of the election of Councillors was made yesterday at noon, by Mr J. J. Robinson, the Returning Officer. To the surprise of the small attendance preedit, he declared only one gentleman elected, Mr John Johnson. It transpired that the other two candidates who had been nominated, Mr Hugh Boyd and Mr Charles Luxtop feeing members of firms, and not having their names in full on the Burgess List, were not qualified for election, therefore the Eefrtrfdng officer bad, after taking legal advice, rejected the nominations. There will therein be a fresh election for two members as foon as notification can bo made. This depjajnn and action is the. more strange as Mr H. Boyd has been a Councillor ever since Bangiora was formed into a oiumoiualitr and no objection has ever been raised tobti bolding the seat, indeed, the Council TriU to losing him, lose one of its most enerwgdo and plain spoken members. The above lUAj'flH further discloses the fact that the i.., election which was contested by Messrs w "White and F. Bosch was unnecessary, as «ad#r the same principle as that on which lfw ra Boyd aad Boston we rejected, Mr Bosch would also have been disqualified. The ordinary metohly meeting ofthe Council wQI bo held this evening, and It is probable } ut matter will be fully tested before •* further legal atlrice hw boon applmd

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6097, 10 September 1880, Page 6

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6097, 10 September 1880, Page 6

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6097, 10 September 1880, Page 6