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MedioftL • TOE THE BLOOD IB THE LHI." fXLABZB’B world-famed BLOOD KHTDEJS JL/, Trademark— M Blood Mixture" The Great BM Purifier and Beetcrer, lor deaaaiag n( clearing the blood bom all impurities, oaanot he too hirhly recommended. For Scrofula. Bourn, EOto Dueaees, end Sore* of all Unde it is a aarefr failing nod permanent core. It cores old snriOi Oure*i ulcerated sores on the no*. OtmonlomtoZ ■pro legs. Cores hleohheade, os pimples oa the flsoe. Cures scarry sores. Cares cancerous nloers. Cures blood sad sUn dlseness. Cores glandules swellings. Cores the blood bom ell impure bom whatever cause arising. Is this mixture Is pleasant to the teste, and warranted ires from any. thing Injurious to the most daMoate constitute* eg either sex, the Proprietor sobdite sufferers to give It a trial to test Its rains. Thousands of tastt> monlala bom all ports. Sold !n bottles. Is 6deesh, and in oases, containing six times the quantity. Us saob-suScisntto effect a permanent oars in tbs neat majority of long-eiandlng oases. —by dt Chemists and patent Medicine vendors through, out the world. Sols Proprietor, P. J, OLABfiL Chemist, Apothecaries* Ball. Lincoln, Wnwlnaf. Enort agents, Burgolne, Bnrbridgss,. snd 00. | Coleman street, London. Newbery and Bern, H Newgate street, London. Barclay and Boom M Pamngdon atmet, London. Bang** and Ms Oxford street, London. And all the Loads* wholesale houses, Agents lor New Teslsad-i KEMPTHOENK, PBOBBEB. * C**., Dunedla and TTO .MJd. orders HKAT/TM ton ALL. OLLOWAT’B PILLS AND OXNTKNN7, The Pills purify the blood, eonest ell dl* d( the Urea, stomaeh, kidneys, sat bowels, ana are famduaNe inaUeomplatateiaeMealalte Tim Ointment is the only tellable remedy faybog IIMtS **** nH *^^^^!/ Sold by the Taoiui Hoixowa*,HS Oxford street, London, and by sllKediolnsVeMeas Ihrooshoat toe World.

D * B O H O H'B (KNIGHT OS' TH* OBDBB OS LNOPOIB OF BBIOITK, jaaoHT osthk xaaioir ot honoto) JQIQHT-JgEOWH It C 0 * Jj 1v B B o 1 Proved by nearly 30 reus’ medical'.experience * THIS ONItT COP JjlVi!!! OIL Wkchlprodaoea the fujlqnratlveeffecteln consumption and dibhassb os thn : chubs, THECA! ASSBOIIOKB, GBSTBEAI DMIUTI, WABTIMQ BISBABIB OS OHILDBNN, WOK***, 1 AND ALL SCBOFULOLB DIBOBBKM. 8 ELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. DE PEQSBEE JAMBS,: Lecturer cm Materia Medics, London Hospital. w¥l«; de jongh’s mght.bbown odd 11 LIVES OJL contains the whole ot the , jtctive ingredients el the remedy, and ie easily digested. Bence its value, not only in diseases ot the Throat and Longs, hot in a great number ol cases to which the Pro. lession is extending its use." ; . DB HUNTEB SEMPLE, Phy.lHoß.|lor Dis.of the|lhxoat and Gheet,|Ladn. TT HAVE long been aware ot the great repute* . X Mon enjoyed by the LXGHT-BEOWN ODD LIVES OIL introduced into medical pne> tico by DB DE JONvlH,ftndh*yoreod»- , mended it with the ntmoet confidence. I have no hesitation in stating my opinion that it possesses all the qualities of a good and efficient medicine. Its taste is by no means disagreeable, and might even he . called pleasant. 1 have found DB DB JONGH’S OIL very useful in cases tot Chronic Cough, and especially in Laryngeal Diseases complicated with consumption." DE WHITMOfiE, 1 Medical Oifioer of Health, St. Uarylebonq, Loudon ft MATY own somewhat lengthened experieaeed ivl- as a Medical Practitioner enables me with confidence to recommend DB DE JONQH’S LIQHT-BEOWN COD LIVES OIL as being more uniform in quality, more certain In its effects, more palatable, and in®, nitely less'. ; cely to disagree with the stomach than the Pale Oil. If I were asked for an explanation of the marked snocese which for so many years has attended the administration of DB DE JONGH’S LKtHT-BEOWN COD LIVES OIL. I should say that it is owing to its extractdinary medioinal, dietetic, and regiminal properties, and which are found to exist In no other medicine that I am acquaint.® with in snob uniform combination. DE SAUNDEES, C. 8., late Deputy Inspector-General Army Hospitals, “I HAVE used DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT. SHOWN COD LIVES OIL extensively among the sick poor ot St Giles’, and con. eider it a valuable remedy, especially ill the Wasting Diseases of Children." DB DB JONGH’S LIGHT-BBOWN COD LIVE* OIL is sold oxiT in capsuled latmtiit Half-pant*. Bs6d; Pints,4s fid; Qnarts.Sss bvallrespectable Chemists And Druggists throughout the World. sons cOTSiamnsa: ANSAE, HABPOBD 4 C 0„ 77 STBAND, LONDON. 164 M D B HEIGHT'S PHOBPHODTNB^The only reliable remedy for IndigeeUomKereow and Liver Complaints, and all Functional Derang fifntf, Beoommended by the Faculty. Sold by all Chemists and Storekeeper*. In mm at 10b (ML or in family o—e* containing OM 4 mm 10e 6d oases, at AS. 187-344 SEMPTHifENB. PEOSSKB, * CO. KAYE’S WOBSDELL’S PILLS. THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH BEMKDI For all Diseases. Estailishw) ovm Am Tuna. Known all over the World, FOB upwards ot half a oentnry Kaye’s WondeOt PUls have been esteemed as the beet remedy for the prevention and onre of diMaa* heir use readers the doctor muses—ty ha the family. Acting cm the blood, they purify it toefo all humours, rendering the Ufegmngiulhealttr in its action, and oonseqnently restoring as® etiib. WA<w WWi ol tha fafiJM : These Pills an invaluable to Emigrant* bdtog a certain remedy for,all diaeaaee of the longs, liver, ho. An equally adapted for all ace* ana either sex. Persons residing in tbeOolMU**. who cannot have recourse to medical advice, wflf therefon find them indispeneable. The Proprietor has in his possession ’ of teatimoxhda bearing witness to the' efficacy ot this invaluable medicine, a selection e* which accompanies each boxSold by all Chemists and other Dealers In Patent Medicines oughonl the In l(ihNL and te ex. MM M OLLBB'S COD LIVBB OIL Anin nodiTtd it THE PASS EXHIBITION. UTS, .... , m., __ ONLY HIGHEST PEIZE—THE ONLY GOLD MWT)AT. ( Amongst 43 Competitor MOLLSB’S COD LIVES OIL.-Dr E. H. Baddoefc MJX. A*. say* in hie “ Vade Meeoas" — M Tn# Oil we Invariably recommend for its easy assimilation and high , nutritive value, is Miller's." KOLLEB’S COD LIVES OlL,—From the Hess* for Sick Children, Bed oar, Thomas 17, B. Locke, Eeq., Admiralty Burgeo* writes—“l can hear testimony to the purity of Haler’s Oil, which I here now need for some three, yeen. Ja comparing the Oil supplied fay Ha Hdller with that used previously, J cannot hut be struck with the war oases in which the stomach refuses to tolerate the Oil. a great deeideiatua in an institution where so many came ot scrofula are admitted. I can oca. fldently recommend Sir Hauer's OUa of exceptional purity and of great M etio value," -[MOLLSE'S COD LIVES OIL is, in ay opinESfo nrinnmtiriTistiljtl-'Ti nit Imnteesiintilj superior to the brown oil—mow pete table and tar more efficacious.*—W, Domett Stone, Kequ, MJ>., PhysMte to the PinsburTand to the Wests** and General Dispensaries. Ac., he. MOLLEB’B CODLTVEB OlLreoeivedtheOnly Gold Medal at the PariaExhlbition. 1878, meUne - ’ molurb** the Fourteenth Prise which alone _ ODD LIVES OIL baa gained in competition witib all other makers throughout the world since the London Exhibition, 1868. Heed Offices i Christiania. Norway; Brans Offices! 621, Oxford street, London. W.O.r Fee to rice i Stamsund and Kabelvaag, Lofoten Island* ,B BOBEBTS* CBLEBBATED OINTMENT, ‘ (tjtTTBP " THE POOB MAN'S FBIEND." ~ mfldently recommended to the public as an iling remedy for wounds of - every description; rtain remedy for ulcerated leg* boms, scalds, BMU fthilMninf, soorbtrtio and pimplpr • ho face* soro and iniamed ©yea* aore hoo»» breasts, piles. It also entaely removes the smell arising from cancer. Sold ia pots, 13|d*. 1,4 s fid, Xls, and 22a each; and his OLE ANXI-SCEOPHDLaS OB ALTERATIVE FILM, _ ' . • . red by more than 60 years’>°2S ie beet medicines for purifying the Wood an* iting nature in her operations. They. form • I and superior family aperient, which way ho n at all times without oonflnementeeohango Let. Boldin boxes at 13td.2a fid, -is 88. U*,aad _ Beach and Purnfcott,' Bridpovt. England, and sold by »“

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5953, 25 March 1880, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5953, 25 March 1880, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5953, 25 March 1880, Page 2