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hitA&m) MON DAT,' AP Bii *4, 1880. M IisSES % Miftkox 1 * 'MP&Wi&dnA instructions from Mr‘William Btiaohan (in oonsoqnenoo of the expiration ot the lease of fufcw'a ■‘ iT 7k': *¥WWWr * ?;ii ,;,Onthe ahoy? date f ( thy; fpiloyring-!-, , , L IVE AN D'D B A D S T 0 0 E, fpr (whyempnop of sale 120 Hoad of Fat andStoro Cattle ji. :u: 1000 and Stbro Sheep lhay'A T are, 6 y oars old.. I grey It. we, 6 years old : igfcey i&ftjsi’jWitali saiUOK 1 bheithu!. Mare, 4years s •• 1 grey Filly, 2 years 1 lay Mare end fqal at foot by Shades . I oobPohy/rocdin saddle andhwaeaeU years 1 cream Popy (Maro)ln foal, aged X saddle Po®y,v4 yejos 5 | j j r* The draughts are by the celebrated stallions Sir Colin Campbell, Sir Walter Scott, Lord Cljde, and Young Watyp, and’-'ire iii ; foal-to Govcrnor and Wellington. • ... - IMPLEMENTS. 1 Sydney dray _.<>:> - ; V 1 tlp'drty : ’ i;; '' a -'- a ivfi’ee/rf« \»Ji. 1 drill by Ca^ett ( ipiplemeht 1 com crustier, nearly new : 1 three-herse roller, by.Andergon, nearly new 1 horsa-powpr, with ipterapdlatp, ~«$ belts 1 ‘ "Complete 11 ’' <• ■> «• 1 com oruEher.idmost.neTv; 1 Keetly self-delivery reaping machine '1 obmfOrtftblafbur.Beated ’ A 1 set chain harrows 1 set wooden : •\ ! ' f 1 threa-horse grabber ... Ipotatohoo’ ’ 1 1 '1 stack rye ferns hay . ‘ - ,2 stocks rod clover •„ ' , 1 sheep dog, bnd ‘ !l double-barrel gun , ■ - “ - ’Mr********* SPLENDID INVESTMENT LEESTON' MSTMOTr ■IT UPPER ASHBURTON DISTRICT. .51 f. K’ithil saactii KOTH‘MiUA. Messes .a> ao., in conjunction with Messrs Frledtander,, Bros., have received instructions fromthe' administrator of the Estate ot the late John Joyce, , ; j.t. K TO SELL BY PDBLIO AUCTION, At their' Land-Sale Booms, on SATURDAY,.APRIL 10, 1880, .At^o'olookp.m., ■’ WlthohiEesem. The following really MAaM^oMT’;|lilil>LDs. ANDL^AfeH6I)DS; " Thd date fixed for this clearing sale being on thej ordinary, Igonthly Bale Hay, the public are in-| formed that Entries' will be token up -to hour of; (ate;'- ■' v '.x i ' j Terms'-libetel. 076 187 - H.''MATSON A COi, ’ . i’ . Auctioneers. ADDINGTON. ADDINGTON. haglby; park. , , J - fIAGLEYT PARK IMPORTANT SALE VERY VALUABLE RUILDING'SITES.; largo frontages oh Hagley Park, the West Town Belt, and the Eailway. ! i H. 'MATSON 4 OT. have received to instructions from Henry WashbourUe, Esq., SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ! AT THB 1.1. ! CANTERBURY WOOL STOBE3, ■ CASHEL STEEET, I OH ■ | THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1880, j At 2 o’clock— ; l ! VEET ELIGIBLE BiriLDINGSITES, | ' With frontages on f HAGLEY PARE,' j WEST TOWN BELT* RAILWAY. 1 ALLIANCE STREET, MATEAIR, • | \ AKD ' / I PARK LANE. rhe locality oannotlbe suepassed forone of solaIty, beauty and excellence of situation, beinghear the city yet quite suburban and retired. Fojr a merohant. prbfesßibnal man, or t'radoaman, oprtunity for acquiring such advantageous sections ? not often before. ,tbe public, and Hagley Park ihg obntighoos to tbe whole' 'of the Eastern undary gives at once a sylvan aspect, yet adding infort to convenience. • ‘ ■ i THURSDAY, APRIL S, 1880,.At 2 e’olopk.. 7072 187 . . MOST IMPORTANT SALE )! j >iT r i ’> ? - f ! • OF ‘A i FLEET OFr SAILING,. VESSELS. ; FBEEHOLD, consisting of 76 acres ot very rioh'agrionltural' land; sitiAte>in.Leeeton ■ ' district, being rural sections 686 L And £.952. These sections will be sold i separately. . The land is thoroughly .fenced with live fences' 'sized paddocks.! „■! These .sections are both now in,wheat; stubble, being the first crop after haying; been laid down for i very longtime in grass: K.lA* | The Goodwill of the Lease of an.Ednca-; ' tlbnol, reserve, Noj . i , obnelstibg ; of 159 ■ acres of firat-cmss land, having about seven; years to run, at the absurdly low rental of: • 1 paddock, and is admitted to be soiao bf dhe j Lotß. 800 ACElSlMtftoqfrhgfleultural land(free.j hold)' situated bn the WaKANOI, seenrely! .fsh'eedinid'StibiSiv " " * lividbd'tofofonr paddocks, good.dwellingihonse, stock! ydrds. ana allheedful accessories for properly wbrkihg a'firSt-cUias farm I Lot 4. 348 AGEES of good freehold, agricultura l land; adjoinlug the Well 1 known property of ‘ . Th'e land is Messrs Gould and! , well fenced, and sub-divided' intS six paddocks. Upon it there is anew fouttoomed house, andS’BtaUedsiable.iwith ehaff house! attached; also 2 acres of gardefi planted! with trqit.trees. 140 eierMofvthis > Rtfm is’ Jaid dowu with English grass,; The balance fa in'stubble alter a firafbcbp ' • ; Lot 6. ■ : ’ 293 ACHES of freehold land similar to thb above, and immediately adjoining it. The land is fenced and diyided into 2paddocks, 100 acres is in wheat stubble after the first crop, the batynoe is in,turnips . id .r. ; ' Eeinememberthe date' l SATURDAY, ijfßlli Term* o«iy at at 1 o’clock. ... ; Sale at 8 o'clock sharp. 7271 ’ H.MATSOK *Co., Anotioneors. ' FORCED SALE. ‘ 000 lN LAND, AND PEOPJSETT. YARIOUSSIZESi SPLENDID CITY BUSINESS SITE] WITH BBIOK STORE. FINEST SHINGLE AND SAWPIT IN THE COLONY. : MESSES H.vMATSON A COitbaye received in'struotions from Mr J. L, Wilson- and inspecters tohoid, an abaplute sale, of his very valuibleproperties at tbeir Booms, Cashel street, Chripicliuroh, ‘ B Y. AUCTION, SATURDAY, APRIL 10,.1880,- ..... 2 o’clock. ■; • Lot I.—All that fine block of Tussock Land oh the Westtrfield Bun, about 2000 acres, near , , the following. Hallways i—WiasiOw atatiod, Tmwald Station, .and Mount Somers Line, , .'.. divided into the following farms: A. B. F. '239 129 derea' 724 3 2 do 538-2 13 do 479 ’0 2 do Lot 2.-AU. that .flue, block .of Tussock Land, lying between Burnhain’ atd-' Eirwee, and near the farms of Messrs Kiver, Smith and ethers',; abbttt 790 'aores,'Ldivided into the following forms:— ,

Magnificent opportunity to realise a Fortune. ' COAL, TIMBER, QRAIN, PRODUCE, AITO OTHER TRADES* , ,'J . THUBSD AY, APRIL, 8 r ,1890, ' 11 o’clock. MESSES H. MATSON & CO. have, received instructions from P.Jenkins.Esq.' (in consequence of -bis desire to relinquish the snipping, branch of his business), V |L I , r „ .£0 SBLL;;BY;Pt®,ljip AUCTION, ; , At their Commercial Salerooms, j CASHEL STEEET, CHEISTCMUECH, \ j ON THURSDAY, APBIL 8, 1880. 1 THE ’WHOLE OP | THE FLEET OF SAILING VESSELS,' 1 * Comprising-- ' 1 ~ j r THE BABQUE “ BSPEOPIADOB," 1 Length 118 ft, breadth 25ft, depth 13>8ft: regis ’ tered tonnage, 2S3i ;.i i;j; i THE TOPSAIL SCHOONER j ~ ** EL IZ AB Bi ff 11 ODE L B,” j Length 86.5 ft, breadth'2o.4ft, depth 7.? ft: regis* tered tonnage, 76. r ' THE FORE-AND-AFT SCHOONER Length 73.2tt, breadth 19.4 ft, depth, B.Bft: regia* tered tonnagbi;69," •. , , v ‘ THE .-EBTOHi LTJOP I Length 68.6 ft, brtttdth 14.8 ft, depth 6.7 ft« . registered tonnage, 27. «d™^ Auctioneers 8 details can he had from the , . . Torms at sale.: ■ THURSDAY, APRIL S, 1880, ~ 11 o’clock. " '■ TiTA 197 FOBPBIVATB hat.w, i TT A ??wP? CE p AnTmf Bay Carriage Mares. -lA Sjnd 6 years old, with black points..' Good Udy to fWvo. moTew '« and thoroughly. quiet for w Siiooiowi *,i «•«> . c"i 1 •" otrThdrsdayf as? 1^8 &Pply 'TattersaU’S M9K ms ’ n MATSON ft CO..- <- ' 7426 196 Auotioneerai i. B. P. 60 0 oAcres with honse J; 200 0 0 do , 530 0 0 do The toanahip soldby Mr Chartora adjoins this Lot 3. AU that valuable shingle and saw pit at HOimby, about 6) Iniles from Christchurch. situated in 17i acres of the best Freehold LANJ>/having a4oft. face of soma of the best shingle .and sand in the Colony, ob which ;the ; City and-suburbs will shortly, have to depend for their road metal. This r isworkedby a Nino-Horse'Pawerr-Engine, good as new, two of Maraden’s Patent Stone (Bieskeniltbleie .Circular Screens, three Trollies, Tramway, Turn-tables, capital'Well Of'Water, worked 'by heavy .. . ■ Ifowes: Forge, Tools, ftc„ Workmen’s House, Kafl- . Siding, evarythiagoomplete.and-haye long ana profitable contraption ha^M,.? ■ B £ib£ 4i—-AH that find aitehaviig 66ft db Cashel > <«tr»t, .fflthajohjdna.dsepj.nwrthn centre of the Bnv vo . r of 'Chxiatohuroh.on which is erected ja BLOOK OF H[EV7 BEJCf: STORES , j 1 ’ ’’ ’ ■ /'\.. ■ ■ (') i now in the occupation ofMt.Wllson and others. 'The Land is held ;by aVlooso, having about 15'years, to tun, at £66 pfer iBOOiV'!. ‘'O 'LI : a o'clock. ‘ I- 7473 ip7 • WHEAT. - OATS. ; ' BARLEY. A j nnSSI hila&Bighed are 1 Cass Phiohasars of large orsamlUunntitles., , . , (. '■ j9„3aATSO N.,'ft'CO.V I 6061- Cashel street, Christchurch.! TO FAEMEKB AND OEAIN DEALBBS.; ;,t. CASK"AIJyANOHS; | TAM'ADE by the undersigned upon shipments of WHEAT,to England or the Colonics, Cora sacks supplied. ' H. HATSON ft CO., i 6062- , Cashel street, Chriatohorcb^ JV S; WJUooat E JOHN. S. WILLCOXhas received ins truetioas to I '-' ‘- ’■ I ■. ■' : r m ? «SELL BY PUBLIC AtrOTION, ; At his Booing, London street,' tyttelton, I ON.SATUBDAY, MARCH 27, [_ ' APleoe of FreeholdLandi havingafrontageof ..irwsooiinkionjaokson’sroad. i. This valuable section 'commands A splendid view Of the town and harbour, is easily accessible, well Sale at noon,; 7382 103 ,• Temaatsale. :

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 8