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Xedioxl. VOX THE BLOOD IS TBB LLPS.” B worUdamsd BLOOD MUTDBB TVade Kuk— H Blood Uztnta." The Qmt< Purifier and Sestorer, tor oleenalcg and gthsblood from all impurities, cannot be UgUy recommended. Vox Scrofula, Scmrrj. . > dUomm, and Bores of all kinds it ii a nerer. foiling «M permanent cure, It cores old snrea,. Oureenloerated eorae on the nock. Cure* ulcerated •ora lap, Cons blaokhoade, or pimples ob thafooa. Onzaa wmrvy aorea. Cures cancerous ulcers. OnMsUood aad aUn diseases, Corea glandular tana Wbttarar eaoae arising. As this mixtniwlr pleasant totha taste, and warranted free from .... hing injurious to the moat delicate constitutlono# ettheeaex, tha Proprietor solicits snflerera to air* It a trial to taat Its rains. Thousands of testk monlals from all parts. Sold in bottles, 2a Sdasofa., and Jba eeeea, oon talnicg six times tha quantity, Ifo - effect a permanent mure Into* . and Patent Medicine Vendors throurh. ogt Cy wacld, Bqle ftojjtotor, V. J. OLABxX,. Chestiat. Apothecaries’ Ball. TitiiMtii Enelaad Knott agents- Bntgolne, BurbridgessJ «usf Co.’ Coleman street, London. Kewhery and Stott, ay ” ‘i street, London. Barclay and Soul M lonrtreet, London. Sanger and Sana street, London- And all the London wholseela bonaee. inibr for Mew Zealand-* noermOXHK. * 0O„ Dunedin and--mv BXALTH POB ALL. roLLowAT's pills amd oxmtmkbt, L The Pills purify the blood, correct all di. _ nc< the Urn. stomach. kidneys, and bowala, and an invaluable la all complaint# incidental ta The Ointment la tha only xaliable remedy forbad — 1 *“ Tat' ooothi, ooldi, goat, it 1m no equal. aids the Prow* "lot, Taoins Hctncwar, SSI ■old civvr rjm* j aw» bvuwwaii oh London, and by all Mad joins Vendors Oxford UnongKoDt eWorld. D E D* J 0N ° H ’ B (KKISHT OP THI OEDEB OP LEOPOLD 07 BELGIUM, KKIOHT OP TBB LBQIOS OP BOSOVS? J^IQHT-J^BOWS G 0 D Xj Iv3B B O 1 & Proved by nearly 80 years* modi cal’axperieno* THE ONLY COD LIVEE OIL V : Which’produoee the foil ouratiTa effects in OpBSrKPTIOB AMD DISEASES OP TBB CHEST, THBOAT APPBOHOBS, OBBEBAL DEBILXTI, WABTIKB DISEASES OP OXCLDBBB, BlCEßTflj* AMD ALL SCBOPDLOVB- DISOBDEBS.

8 ELECT MEDICAL OPMMOKBJ Eft PEOSSES JAMES. .Lecturer on Materia Medica, London HoepttaL-'*? <6 TAB DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BEOWN COB JLr LITEE OIL contains the whole of the active ingredients of the remedy, and'is easily digested. Hence its value, not only in diseases of the Throat and Lungs, hut in a great number of cases to which the Prcv(esslon is extending its use." DB HTJNTEE SEMPLE, Phy.|Hos.|for Dis. oftheJThxoat and CLestdEndzr, - ® T. HAVE long been aware of the great renuta- : JL tion enjoyed by the LIGHT-BEOWN COD LIVES OIL introduced into medical prac- ■ tice by DB DB JONGH, and have reoom* mended it with the utmost confidence. 1 • have .no hesitation in stating my opinion that it possesses all the qualities of a good and efficient medicine. Its taste is by no means. disagreeable, and might even bo colled pleasant. 1 have- found DE BE JONGH’d OIL very useful in cases £of Chronic Cough, and especially in Laryngeali. Diseases complicated with consumption—' DE WHITMOEE, Medical Officer of Health, St. Marylebone, Loudonsomewhat lengthened experienced ivi aa a Medical Practitioner enables me with confidence to recommend DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BEOWN COD LIVisE OIL as , being more uniform in quality, more certain in its effects, more palatable, at draftnitely lease 5 kely to disagree with the stomach than the Pale Oil. If I were asked', for an explanation of the marked success which for so many years has attended the administration of DB DE JONOH’S LIGHT-BEOWN COD LIVES OIL, P should say that it is owing to its extraordinary medicinal, diatetio, and regiminal properties, and which ore found to exist in ■ no other medicine that I am acqnaintu&with in such uniform combination." DB SACNDEES; C. 8., Late Deputy Inspector-General Amy HospitalsiSuperintendent London Medical Mission. HAVE used DE DE JONGH’S LIGHTBEOWN COD LIVES OIL extensively* among the sick poor of St Giles’, and con- - eider it a valuable remedy, especially in the - Wasting Diseases of Children.” “I DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BEOWN CODLIVEB OIL is sold only in capsuled Ihpbeial Half-pints, 2afid; Pints, 4s 9d; Quarts,9s: bv»UrespeotabloChemists and Druggists throughout the World. SOUS 00V81SKSSS ; ANSAE, HAEPOED * CO.. 77 STEAND, LONDON. XM3AB HEIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNB.e only reliable remedy for Indigestion, Kerven and Liver Complaints, ana all Emotional Derang Beoommsnded by the Faculty, Bold by all Chemists ana Storekeepers, in casesat 10s fid, or in family oases, containing one dozes10s fid oases, at 45. ntsi 187-B*l EEMPTHOBNE. FBOSSEB, A CO. KAYE’S WOBSDELL’S PILLS. TBS GOOD OLD ENGLISH BEMEDY Tot all Diseases. Estabushxd om Am Tkaxs. Known all over the World. FOB upwards of half a century Kaye's Wowdell’i Puls have been esteemed as the best' remedy for the prevention and cure of discs ee, heir use renders the doctor unnecessary In the family. Acting on the blood, they purify it from all humours, rendering the life-giving fluid healthy m its action, and consequently restoring and sstah> liahipg the health of the Invalid. These Pills are invaluable to Emigrants, bring* certain remedy for all diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, Ao. Are equally adapted for all agee, and either sex. Persons residing in the Colonies, who cannot have recourse to medical advice, will therefore And them indispensable. The Proprietor has in his poeeassies thousand* of teetimoxuls hearing witness to the wonderful efficacy of this invaluable medicine, a seleotioao* which accompanies each box. Bold by all Chemists and other Dealers iaPatesl Medicines onghont the world,at Is Itd^As*^

M OLLEB'S COD LIVES 01& Again received at THE PAMS EXHIBITION, 1878, THB ONLT HIGHEST PEIZE-THE ONRT GQL9 MEDAL, Amongst 4S Competitor MOLLEB'S COS LITEBOZL.—Dr X. H. Buddoek, M.IX. Jko., says in his " Vade Heonm"* — l " The Oil wa invariably recommend tor it* easy aasimUatioß and high* nutritive value, is MoUer’s," MOLLEB’S COD LIVER OIL.~From the Hem toe Sick Children, Bedc&r, Thom* W, S. Locke, Esq., Admiralty Surgeon, writes—"l can bear testimony to the parity of HSUer’s Oil, which I have bow rued for aome three year*. Is ‘ comparing the Oil supplied by »» Mailer with that used previonaly, 1 - oannot .but be Btrnok with the few case* in which the stomach refuse* to ' tolerate the Oil, a great desiderates in ah institution where so many case* of scrofula are admitted. I can con fidantly recommend Mr MSQer*s Oils - of exceptional purity and of great dle> etio value," “IMOLLEB’S CODLIVEE Oil I*. in my opinion - superior to the brown ofl—more pato table and far more efficacious, —w. Domett Stone, Esq., M.D., Physidai to the Finsbury and to the western and General Dispensariee. Ac., Ac. MOLLEB’S OODMVEEOIL received the Only Gold Medal at the Parle Exhibition, 1878, maitof the Fourteenth Prise which (done MOLLEB i COD LIVED OIL has gained in competition with all other makers throughout tho world since tn* London Exhibition, 1862. . ■ ■ _ Head Offices ■ Chrislianls, Norway i Bran® Offices: 521, Oxford street, London, W.C.: Psc torieei Stameund and Rebelvaag, Lofoten Islands 6081 A r\E BOSKETS’ CBLEBSATED OINTMENT, XJ CALLED : "THE POOR MAN’S PBIEND.” Is confidently recommended to the public. as an unfailing remedy for wounds of descrl £",°P,* a certain remedy for ulcerated legs, bums, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and Inflamed eyes, sore neaos, sore breasts, piles. It also entirely removes th foul smell arising from cancer. Sold in pots, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each; and his PTT.TTT.a3 ANTI-SOBOPHUL2S OB ALTERATIVE PILLS, . Proved by more than 60 yeara’ exporienoe to loona of tho best medicines for purifying tee blood ana weisting nature in. Her operations. They mild and superior family aperient, w^l jk may taken at all times without confinement or Chang® of diet. Sold in boxes at 13id, 2s 9d, la 6d, Us, and Prepared onlyby Beaoh and Dorset, England, and sold by all _ vendors. 38731 w

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2