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J recipe, and'tioMMSlng IW audio in ill diswiaes of the kidneys, fiir 4 atonic,diuretic. DS wwtw/a «imm». The Analyticaland Sanitary Institution, .v. JABolborn VtaSnot*;a.o., London/May 9,1877. • ,l, ““!SsSsa3gs.^»^r fctam, We have subjected,»'wmpleof the •Mlele ,|6 avittreanfal obimloel analysis and mu ammation.' 1 The reealteof the mnelysie,waleta km Mt forthln » eeperate temwrt. aliowi|wt.4M« mint, la of tnm •dotty, and that it contains oat o< sOUd matter In; solution. It roeamae e Aelloete and aiwnbli, •coma, and a pur* and mJd taste. MrHartfs Bohledam Schnapps is superior artiole of Ha atosa.i»well panned. and gnita genuine. Adulteration,” GTTOHEHNES, F. 0.8., PubUe Analyst* ,: WK JOHNSTON'S BBPOET, HeoHJ.Hark Bai.^ 1 -t . Sir,—X have the honour to report lor your infer* nation that-the -sample of Imperial Schiedam Schaappe forwarded by yon to m« has been eubmittedto ateaMhingonbiaieal analysis sndoritioal examination, the result of which enables me to state that It la the duett sample ot Sohnappsthat has a* yetoomomidot my notfoa. It has a pure fragrant odanr, and ia absolutely free from any femes of fusil OH or other injuri Impurity- and his evidently been distilled ft It la very smobthtotho mlat* and in this reeneot compare AvOnraWy with other samples offered for sale. > It 1 may beadvieed aa equally editable for medimd or o<K»nomte purposes. Analytics Chemist to the Government of Victoria. : This PnreMedioal Superior toany la the Market,and Lower I Prioe—la offered to the pnblla under the 101 l oonriotion that it will super* aede aD others now in nae. ATEIAL IB HABNBMLT SOLIOITHD. i WILSON. BAWTELL * 00„ Merchants, Agentm Christchurch. ■ The Largest Circulation at Home and Abroad, . f ffIHE LONDON JOURNAL is the Queen of B English; story-journals. Its articles, romances, love sWrim and novalettes, . are unequalled. TheAnawera to Correspondents loro quite romances of real life."—“The beet family Journal in existence.* V Times-". ....Chest Short Tales—Artlolee on the leading; Events of the Day—Essays oh 'Social* 1 Personal, arid General Receipts— Faoethe, Correspondence, *o.-r" Its XUnstratlons eqnal thoee of best magaalnes,”— t*Seview." ; TT OHDON JOURNAL Mdnthfar Part, Includes, in additionto the above varied and entertain? ing matter, A Sirteen-Pago-Ladies* Supplement ot Fashions and Needlework, Coloured plate of the Latest Paris Modee. “ Of excellent quality, various* vigorous' and 1 wholesome 1 in ’ tendency. —“ Daily Telegraph.** 1 '■ i QNDON JODENAIi Monthly Supplement nor. BeautamElrinMtrßtad. Price Id. '"lte tales have more power than the majority ot throe '“Bbyiew.“ T ONDON JOURNAL. Holiday Number. Price Jtl Sd the Double Number. Issued 1 in j June. “Of oxoeeding, beauty and pathos."—“Advertiser." ... . .. T ONDON JOUBNAL Christmas Number. A I i setieSi of‘.Stories for Christmas Firesides, with a host of' Seasonable Artiolos, Short Tales, Ao. Frioe 2d. “A, complete .Christmas Com. panfa>n,r»?l Standard." T ONDON JOURNAL -HaU-Tearly Volume, -1 1 bound in cloth. “Forms a beautiful Gift, book for all Seasons.”—“Dally Nows,” LONDON JOURNAL to be bad of GORDON a GOTOH and an Colonial Agents. 6871A06 Medical. ISxeb dman's Soothing JPowdebs For Children Catting Teeth. CAUTION TO PUECHABEES. The value of this well-known Family Medicine has been largely tested in all parts ot the World* and by all grades of society, for upwards of fifty years. Its well-earned, extensive sale has Induced spurious imitations, some o which in outward appearance so closely resemble the original as to deceive many purchasers. The Proprietor therefore feels it due tb the public to give -A SPKCIAL CAimON against the use of snoh imitations. ■ Purchasers are therefore requested carefully tb observe the four: following distinctive ohaicaoter. istios, without which none ore genuine ; Ist.—ln every case the words - “ JOHN STEEDMAN; Chemist, Walworth, Surrey," are engraved on the Government stamp affixed to each packet. 2nd;—Each single powder has directions for the dose, and the words , JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, : Surrey," . printed thereon. 3rd;—Thb name Steedman is always spelt with two EE's. - ■ 4th.—The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold'ln Packets by oil chemists and medicine vendors at Is lid and 2s 93 each. Agents for Chriatounroh— ' KEMPTHOENE, PKOSSBE & CO. 6SBB 182 o E I M A U L T AN D C PHAHMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Paris: 8, Bne Vivienne, 8, Paris. DISEASES OF THE CHEST CUBED. GBIHAULT AND CO.’S SYBUP OF HTPOFHOS- :. PHITH OF, £l3l E a> '' We invite all who axe ailing from Diseases of the Chest-to resort to Qrimault and Co.'s .Syrup of Hypophosphlto of, Lime as the only Tone yielding unfailing results in the treatment of Phthisis Pn]> monalia, Asthma. Bronohitia, and various kinds of Coughs, Grimault’s Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lime is of arose colour, is delivered in flat oval bottles and never in quadrangular bottles.. Call expressly for . said bottle, bearing the signature Gnmault and Co. ■ ■, . GBIUAULT AND OO.’S MATIOO OAFSULBS AND 1 INJECTION. ‘ ■ >; - ; Renowned physicians prescribe Griniatilt’s Matioo as the most active and at the same time the most inoffensive remedy in the treatment of acute, and ohronio diseases. It has not, like Copaiba, the in* convenience of giving nauseas. ' DUSAEX’S BTBUP OF, LAOTO-PHOSPHATB OF LIMB. Tonic, reoonstituent, and' digestive, of prime order.partioularlysuitable,to feeble subjeots,oon. volesoents, old people, and rickety children, whb find in them the caJcarsoua elements entering into the constitution of the bones. Well adapted to ladies in the family way, and wet nurses (whose milk it enxiohbs) . : 1 .: . ABTHKA ! ASTHMA ! \' - GBIMAULT AND OO.’S INDIAN OIGABETI Asthma, nervous coughs, ohronio laryngi hoarseness, loss of voice, facial neuralgia, i insomnia, aro rapidly relieved by using tb Cigarettes. SICK HEADACHE I NBUBALGIA ! OEIMAUIT AND CO.*S GUABANA. A singlp powder.of this vegetable 1 production sufficient to cure Instantly the most violent i headache. It is the most valuable remedy agai diarrhoea, dysentery, and all disorders' proceed from derangement of the stomach or bowels. ... . , ■ Agents-** Auckland: Kempthoma, Prosser and Co. - , * Dunedin Kempthomo, Prosser and Co. * Elliott Brothers. ' XB6M

AtE’S WOEfIDELIi’S PILLS, which the totprove the digestion, establish thja Known all over the world.' Kayo’s Wor. «l e “B fiUs have been esteemed as the boat remedy tor tne prevention and dure of disease. U Their use the doctor unnecessary In the family. Acting on the Wood; they purify it from all huni. r ® B(, ?rn>g the life-giving fluid hdolthy in dts Sf“S“* fti~iS?? Be< ltiootly restoring and establishing the invalid. These Pills are Invaluable •? being a certaiu remedy for all diseases “? a . stomach, lungs, liver, etc. Are equally aaapteaior all ages and either 1 sex. Persons residi^i^„i“^r,° lonie .?i wll o cannot have recourse to medical advice, will therefore find them IndlspensOoptolns ships who have taken these Pills With them have found them, indispensable to good nli 1 9 ?°Wi e -. ® oW *>y 8 » Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines throughout the worm. 4726-135

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5952, 24 March 1880, Page 2