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m rrvJjl JL UTF. u Hi lO 1 Properties for Sale. Offlceofth^^^ _,— , EQBMS of Application placed on the 1 Electoral Rolls of the 1 - I*'-' 1 *'-' ••*■'* ■*■ City of Chriatchuroh t Avua , , f r , .. t , , , J ■ . | Hcathcote; and. •!■ ' -*■ f Welwyn Districts Can be obtained at the office. I I.i i j i ■„ ’ Office hours—Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. m ys' GEORGE I/EeLTE LEBi ;: j; Registrar of Electors. Legal Notices.'* : IN BANKRUPTCY, J NOTICE, ■fJIIB B ITTTEITOS. 1 ’ TXM, 8 ■ Is duly appointed ( , . • I Q A Z, £ iT' -TrSt \ V : ; j . FOB .7 .‘o '.U , A.L.L, N.,0 TIC E 8 tTKDU TBS .-i DEBTOEB’ AND OBEDITOBET AOT* V. B. 1 IN THE SUPREME COUBT OF ~ NEW ZEALAND. ... " ' ! .. CANTEEBOEX-DISTEICT, . In the matter of “ The Debtors’: and-Creditors’ Act 1876" and'the various Acts amending .. ! ; tbesameand inthe matter of the bank (> - L j <r,; j ; ;o j. mp is to notify, ttiaii . THOMAS HART of _l_ Woiknku farmer haatbfrday Hied a' statement that he is unable to meet his engagements with his creditors The first meeting"of creditors to be held st the Supreme Court-house: on Wednesday the Sljit day of March at‘half-past "eleven o’clock in the forenoon. . T , Dated this 22nd day of March, 1880, .*- | A. B. BLOXAM, . Deputy-Registrar. W. H(fm WntiAiis, Debtor’s Solicitor. :7;t ; 7334 193 » (IN THE SUPREME COURT OP . NEW ZEALAND, , ~;. r ;■ ; OANTEHBUBT DIBTBICT. / " In' the matter of " The Debtors’ and Creditors’ .. Act 1876 " and the Actsjimending.the same. : and of the bankruptcy of FRANK : BLVINBS of the ciiy of.-Chrietohucoh in ; the said district grocer a debtor. THIS is to notify that at the-first meeting of the . Creditors of the above-named' debtor held this day Mr FEEDEaICK CHARLES BICHABDBON ,b£ the city of Christchurch was duly elected Trustee of the estato of the said debtor and that be has signified to me in writing his acceptance Of snob Trusteeship. Dated this 22nd day of March 1880. :'i-: - A, B. BLOXAM, t Deputy-Registrar. ‘C. E. Saxtke, ... ~ . ...... . Solicitor for the debtor. >■ • ‘i l i > .7332 193 IN THE SUPREME COUBT OF , -NEW' ZEALAND./ 7 ".'.m CANTERBURY DISTRICT. In the ma tter of “ The Debtora’ and Creditors’ : Act 1876" and the Acts amending the same 1 and of the bankruptcy Of' Asthob Millee a debtor. ... . : ( , .. ■.. ( jnnHIS is to notify that ARTHUR MILLEE of ;L Baneiora in the said district labourer has this day flled a statement that he is unable to meet his engagements with his creditors The first meeting of creditors to be held at the Supreme Court-house in the City of Christchurch on Wednosday the 31st: day .of March 1880 at balLpast 11 o’clock in the fbrehoon. Dated this 22nd day of March 1880. ■ _ ; -- ' A. E. BLOXAM, ! Deputy. Registrar. , ■ C.E. Baiter, ’■ ■ i;! Debtor’s S olicitor, Hereford street. 7333 193 i IN THE SUPREME'COUBT OP : NEW ZEALAND. CANTERBURY DISTRICT, In the matter .of “The Debtors’ and Cteditors’ Act 1876” and “ The Debtors’ and Creditors’ Act • Amendment Act 1878” 1 and In the matter of the bankruptcy of ; Aleiandee Witsoira debtor. rnHIS is to notify that ALEXANDER; WILSON I of Christchurch carpenter has this day filed a statement that he is unable to meet his engagements; with his creditors.. The,first meeting of creditors to be held at the Supreme Court-house Christchurch on Wednesday the Slst day of Maroh'lß6o at eleven.o’clook in;the forenoon, <7 Dated'this 22ndday of March 1880. ' i A. E. BLOXAM. Deputy-Registrar. W. i.NrcK,- ‘ Solicitor for the said debtor.; 7370 194 V. B. ’ IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP NEW ZEALAND, j CANTERBURY DISTRICT. In the matter of" The Debtors’and Creditors’ i Act 1876", and “The Debtors’ and Creditors’ Aot Amendment Acta 1878 and 1879 ’* t and of the bankruptcy oI Heemah Stein- . BEita Piebehoht of 'Christchurch iu the . eaid district trading as “ H. 8. Pieremont | and; Co." grain mprohant a dehtor, lOTICE is hereby given that at' a first meeting ' of the creditors of the said HERMAN STEIN3EG; PIEEEMONT held at the Supreme Courtuse Christchurch on Monday the twenty-second y of March instant THOMAS BEOWN CKAIG Christ jhnrch a certificated accountant in bankptcy was appointed trustee of the estate of 9 said debtor and further that the said Thomae own*Craig has by writing under, his hand signing the Registrar of this , honorable Court his leptance of the office of trustee, til proofs of debt must hereafter he forwarded the trustee, Dated this 22nd day of March 1880... _ A. E, BLOXAM, Deputy-Registrar, f. Strothers Williams, ' 'Solicitor for the debtor. 7344 193 To Let. T 0 LET, Cleveland Cottage, Lichfield street. W. Wilson, Cftshel street, ; . 6544 173 T 0 LET, Offices and Cellar. Hobos and Co., new building,-High street., ; B*o2-137 TO LET.—The Bouse and Stables in mauraa street, lately occupied by Mr Coker. W. leon, Caabel street. v. 6544 173 O LET, a Furnished for a single ■ gentleman, in a quiet family, with or without ■d; ten minutes’ walk from Post-office, Address .Z. : , office of this paper. , , 7879 194 D LET, at St. Martin s, two miles from Town, House of seven rooms, dairy, scullery, washe,' with copper, oow-houso, garden, and oaks. Bent reduced to £7B, Apply, Mr Baird, >lk Browery. - ... 3470-91 TO BE LET, the Offices lately in the ; occupation of the undersigned; situate in Cathedral Square. Christchurch, containing six rooms and largo fire-proof strong-room. Apply Garrick and Cowlisbaw, solicitors, Gloucester street, Christchurch. . 5466-143 ; TO GROCERS AND OTHERS. TO LET.—A first-class Shop, in a rising neighbourhood, suitable for. any business. A) ply by letter addressed T. D., office of this paper. 7353 0 ‘LET.—That desirable. Dwelling Mouse, known as ..Alcester. Lodge, Dnrham streat h,: containing drawing robm; 'dining • room, xy, kitchen, six bedrooinßs and every conveni* for a family. There is also a good etablo, and r outbuildings on tho, property. For further loulara apply Thomas R. Fisher, Herefom »t.- i,- 7862 194 J LEX, the Shop and Premises in Herelord street, lately in the occupation of Mr E. P. ibury. Apply to WILSON, SAWTBLL & CO., , HO Christchurch. > FARMERS.—Applications will bo received up to April 10 to lease, lor a term of years, f. W. Lee’s Farm, of 485 acres, situate about lea from Woimate, South Canterbury, ndjoiunoiforms'of Messrs Bourne and Lovegrove, of tho well-known . Sherwood Estate, a ir&ble lease will Jvo granted to a good tenant, a; purchasing clause if desired. For parLts, apply to O. H. VIGERS, on tho farm, or ARD & CO., Cantorbury Brewery. „ roh 16,1830. , . . . 7028 185 FARM TO LET, , for a term Of years, a Farm of 1800 i of good Wheat Laud. 60 acres are m i remainder unimproved. It I®, led > there is a good well. Comfortable ailed stable, arid ohaifhouse. More land If desired, or it would ho let in two or Exceptionally favourablo terms to a " N?, P l 5 CHARLES CLARK. XnOR SALE,—AJb T Doctor, or bngky j also oartli dress T-,-D.y<mog otthlspaper. a Ittdy. Ad. 7354194 io&iV’ ’ BA&3. Qfk pure-bred Romney BAMS for Sale, two and Ak3 four tooth. Average price -Three Guineas. 1 JOKNO. BOYS. Sodthbrook, Maroh 20. " 7393 195 J j_ j STEAK '' By Mosars Kansomeß,, Bfins, niHE undersigned .SALE, One (I X ithe above MACHINES, fitted with all the very latest improvements, and wa ample supply,of extra*. This Machines is now on view, at the premises of the undersigned. j Also, £OO bales Calontta oornsaoks' " 191-4 I ) DALQBTY A CO. POE BALE, ON.DASY, TEEMS, jSBVBN'HUHDBED ACRE Improved Farm, _i fenced and subdivided, two milis from rwbe Railway Station. Comprising—- | 290 Acres in English Gross f 280 Acres iu splendid Turnips | ISO. Aorej in Stubble, ' i 700 For further particulars, apply to S B. H*LE & CO., ] Cashel street; 6655 Christchurch. .ON SALE; .!,i \'rf qgnß undersigned has now ON • SALE | ■ . xr mB ■ ■ ■ : SEED SHOP, ■ Cashel street. The following for present sowing Broad-leaf Essex Rape Prairie Grass J - fft';* Tares or Vetohes ■ Also fresh new seeds of Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower. Radish, Lettuce, Cress and Mustard ■ A Splendid variety of Fancy Flower Pots. Lawn Mowers tmd'Gatden Implements always on hand. 6083 162 W. WILSON, ; Seed Merchant. Properties for Bale. FOR SALE,—A Country Hotel, ten miles from . Timaiu, doing a large and profitable business. The property is situated in a rising township on theim’ain line of railways; freehold. Apply to Taylor and Bowie, Timarn. 7382 194 FOR SALE, a Brewery and Malt-house, in the pentreof a large growing district In Sonth Canterbury. A'first-class opening. Satisfactory reasons- fob giving up. Apply Andrews and Beaven, South Belt, Christchurch, 6230 165. o ; ' MEDICAL v FOB 'disposal in South Conatorbury, a Practice, at present bringing iu from £BOO to-£IOOO per annum, together with a good six'roomed house, stabling, paddock, and largeweU stocked garden, pleasantly and conveniently situated inthe centre pf a prosperous and rapidly Increasing Borough. ! Further particulars can be obtained by addressing M.D.,jßox 202, Post office,'Timarn. 7000 185 jp ORB AL Bj C H E A F-ABAB G AIN-i-Acre Section, situated in St Asaph street east, - with 2 cottages of 2 and 3. rooms, and out, ; buildings. Two frontages. Artesian well. Apply to SELIG BROS., Land, Estate, and General Commission- Agents, 5910-154 Hereford'street west. FOR S&LE, the Bainesse, Estate, comprising 13764 acres of splendid ldnd; with or Without stock;. or it will be sold in lots of 100 acres or Upwards, to suit purchasers. The estate ie situated 10 miles from the port of Foztoii, and haa two miles of frontage to the Manawatu-Wanganui Railway with the Boinesse Railway Station close to. the homestead., Intending purchasers need only see the land to be convinced that its quality is excellent, and the stock comprises some of the host ’and purest shorthorn cattle, from the Brunswick herd, in New Zealand. The homestead and farm buildings ore complete. For further particulars, apply to E. MACE, Manners street, Wellington; or to 0. SIMPSON, Bainesse, Foxton. .. 5916-154 j HOTEL FOE SALE.: THAT old-established Hotel known, as the '* Club , , Hotel,” in the rising town of Waimate, doing a steady cash trade. The house has been lately rebuilt, and is now replete with every accommodation for carrying on a first-olasa business. This property is offered for sole owing to the prorietor wishing to'retire from business. Apply to MBS H. POTTER, Club Hotel, 6485 172 , Waimate,, i FOR SALE, A GOOD SHEEP STATION in South Canterbury, with 18,000 well bred Merino Sheep. . • For particulars apply to ( ' DALGETY k CO., 7139 183 Christchurch or Dunedin. - - CHATHAM ISLANDS. FOE SALE, by the present Proprietor, who is retiring from business, the House, Good-will, and Furniture of the atONQUTE HOTEL, WAIT/lN 61.. For particulars apply to MESSRS WOOD, SHAND & CO„ 7121188 Christchurch, FOR SALE OE TO LET. THAT old established business at Kowai Pass, rtheKOWAI PASS STORE {Established In 1865), and now opposite and within lOO.yards of the Springfield railway station.' A good new seven-roomed House adjoins the store, and the business premises are second to none outside Christchurch.' . . ' The proprietor ,is now only relinquishing the business through failing health A Bakery is connected, and would be let with the Store Business. ‘ Apply to . H. WILLIAMSON, 3255-85 On the Premises, T IST O F PRO P E RTI E S FOR' SALE ‘ BT ’ STEVENS & GORTON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS, BULLS, EANGITIKEI. 130 acres, Manchester block, within a mile of Bunnythorpe, 50 of which are cleared and in . -good grass 153 acres first-class land, Wairoa district, within four mileo oil Waitotara, partially improved, 143 fernand grass, 10 bush 154 acres, section 263, Kiwitea, frontage of 20 chains to Kimboltou road, ‘ 16 acres bush - . fallen and sown in grass 178 acres bush, section 9, Manchester block, metalled road frontage, four and o-half miles out of Feilding, all level, with quantity of totara - „■ 2279 acres good agricultural land, near Haloombe. and within easy distance of Feilding and Sandon (already surveyed into' suitable boo tions for small farms), with 2000 sheep 160 acres of good agricultural laud near Great. . ford; 120 acres iu good grass; cottage, barn, and staDlea 220 aoros, sections 49,64, and 64a, fronting Makara . read, Mandhester block ■ 3000 acres valuable leasehold for 21 years inWangaehu district; 2500 iu good grass, 500 fenced ' into paddocks. Four-roomed cottage on property. Rent very moderate 518 acres of- good agricultural land’ adjoining township of Marton, subdivided into eight paddocks, four dams on the property ; 1' Fart of section 12, Carnarvon, boutauiiug 12} acres 210} acres in district of Sandown; 195 good agrii ; cultural land, 15} bueh; fenced and subdivided into six paddocks; permanent water, orchard, dwelling-house and all necessary farm buildings; 36 head' cattle and 400 sheep may be taken at valuation 137} acres, section 40, Douglas Special Settlement, Manawatu. Land on deferred payment—last payment duo July 1883 i Also,, A number of sections in townships of Bulls, Marton, Feilding, Holcombe, Palmerston, Tarakina, Foxton, and Awahuri 2266 aores leasehold, situated iu the Manawatu district, fronting the Manawatu and Oroua rivers. Eiilway station handy. Six paddocks laid down in grass. Good dwellinghouse, wool shed, sheep-yards, barn, stables,* -:.;istock-yards, &o. 2000 sheep, 150 head cattle. Eighteen years to run at low rental 450 acres first-moss agricultural land, all of which has been ploughed and laid down in grass, - sub-divided into ten paddooks, with eightroomed house, stable, granary, and stock, yard, situated within ihree miles of Marton, ... arid close to Bonny Glen railway station 1000 acres good agricultural land, Within one mile of Haloombe, fenced aid sub-divided, and partly cleared, ready for tho plough; about 150 acres of bush, with a railwoy Bidmg on the 41} aores^Haloombe, about a mile from the railway station, part clear ■ ’ 116 acres-sections 240,241, and 242, township of Carnarvon; 16 aoros grassed ; and fenced j four-roomed house; good supply of totara 7} a^MS, 6 section 53, near township and railway station,Haloombe .. 7800 acres valuable freehold station in lower Rangltibel; 20 miles of fencing on the property,; ; which is subdivided into various blocks. Good twolve-roomed house, seven-stalled stable, bull-house, granary to hold 6000 1 bushels, wool-shed and out-statipns, 4QOO steep, 350 head cattle, and 30 horses' ' . ' 2000 aotes ot rich lp,nd, situated 14 miles from Wanggnui, well improved, good dwelling-house, £6OOO may remain on mortgage at 7 per cent. 800 head good' cattle 101 aores, section No-88 ontheplan of the town- ,, ship of Carnarvon, fenced on three sides, and rivet frontage : on fourth. Well grassed. Tferms eaey; part of money on mortgage . ■ 80 aotes, sections 23 and 24, Monohesterlilook, Makino road, within three miles of Feilding. 827 acres, sections 171, 172, 174, Moa district, Taranaki, 4 miles from Inglewood, fronting Norfolk road . 206 acres, section 249, Kinitea, fronting lumbolton road 165 acres leasehold, 15 years to run, within borough of Palmerston north > Intending purchasers will he provided with a horse, and shown ever the properties, on applica* tion to STEVENS * GORTON,698.118 Bulls. I? i TO FARMERS. jE E B B O L D I FOR SALE, li ASP AT THE ! LOWEST PRICES, _ AND OK TUB MOST LIBERAL TERMS, I Ever offered in New Zealand. to seliTor let, 20,000 ACEES FIN I ®' AGRICULTURAL LAND, ! IN SOUTH CANTERBURY, . Near Waimate, In any sized . Farms to suit purchasers. The Land consists of gently undulating lime- : stone downs, well watered, and intersected j by good roads. Terms—los per acre cash; [lO3 per acre in twelve months ; balance to remain on fixed mortgage tor any period derired up to ten years, at a very low rate of. interest. facility will be given to intending purchasers to inspect the property. Such farms ao may not be sold will be let for cropping at low rentals.. This is a splendid opportunity for men of small capital to secure first-class farms in one of the finest sgrionltural districts in New Zealand. For further particulars, apply to the NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (Limited), Christchurch, Timarn, Oamaru, Invercargill, or 1 Dunedin.. 6667 176 JJE OPE STIES. FOB SALE. 3,266 acres freehold, divided into 9 paddooks, ! homestead and all necessary improvements, i with 6,009 sh- ep and ~ 1,800 aores freehold, divided into 3 paddocks, with j 3,Q00 sheep 600 acres leasehold, with purchasing clause V, < fenced and divided; house, yards, &e., and • 1,200 sheep; or with , 6,000 sores leasehold, fenced and improved, with. ' 6,000 sheep. Easy distance from Napier 42, aores freehold, fenced and subdivided; good i house, stable. So, Hear Napier. 21,500 sores leasehold. 15 years ; rent, £135 per ; annum. 8000 Merino sheep, 40 cattle, tew : horses, and substantial improvements, sea. | board. 9.500 acres freehold. Crown grant, and 18,000 acres leasehold, low rent, with 20,000;sheep, 150 head of cattle, and all necessary ' station plant and improvements. Land ’ first-class quality, ?nd good port, seaboard. 130.000 acres leasehold, 14 years to run. ?0 miles i from Napier, good road, with 13,000 sheop. , Partner to take half share preferred. 17,000'acres leasehold. 11.000. aores freehold, with all necessary improve* '■ ments. 20.000. and 2,ooo'head cattle S.SOO-aeres freehold, part improved. 8.900 acres leasehold, with 7,500 : sheep, and necessary working plant and i improvements. Sea-board. 13.400 aorea freehold, fenced and river bounded. 6.000 sheep (Merino), few cattle and horses. 11,700’ acres freehold, rll improved, fenced and ’ sub-divided into 12 convenient blocks, each : well watered and of easy access, rich soil, i ranging from 326 aciea to 1820 acres, with ; or without stock. Land carrying at present 12.000 sheep. 100 head cattle and orseg. Terms ■ ' : —deferred payment. * 376 ’acres, freehold, at Mohaka. 9,700 aores, leasehold, IX years, rent £2O. 4.300 sheep, capable of carrying now double that ; quantity, country (being well grassed, few improvements. 620 acres, freehold, and 9.000 acres, leasehold, with 3.000 sheep, few cattle and horses, station im> provements good. Run wfil now carry 6000 sheep. Mohaka. 13,600 acres, freehold, situated close to the three rising townships, with 6.000 dross-bred sheep, and 200 head of cattle. First-class land, with valuable natural shipping accommodation, private wharf; hounded by sea and river frontages, Kai* para north. 9,200 acres, leasehold, 13 years. Rent, £55. 300 acres improved freehold, the whole ring ' fenced and subdivided, with all necessary ■ plant and buildings, sea-board, with ' 8,000 sheep (high class Merino), a few cattle and ; horses ; very cheaply managed run. 4.500 acres, freehold, improved, and 2.900 aores, leasehold, with . s,ooo;sheep, few station, improvements, good shipping place, sea-beard, Mohaka. 3,180 aores leasehold, 18 years to run, rent £IOO, ring fenced and six paddocks, 1600 acres ;grassed. 3,350 acres freehold, adjoining ; open country an 'low hills, together making the whole a ,‘most valuable run. 100 head cattle. Easy terms. Tauranga. 4.300 acres freehold, partly improved, with 3,100 sheep; all necessary workingimprovemsnts, easy terms of payment. Moeangiangi. :6,500 acres freehold, of which 2500 acres in grasses, subdivided into eight paddooks, Thera are at present only 250 head of cattle and 500 sheep on tho property. Carrying capacity is, however, highly estimated. Terms very easy, Prioo low. Tauranga. 5.300 acres freehold, and ■ 560 leasehold, all fenced and improved 5.000 sheep, 10 cattle, horses, &o. Very valuable little property, and of easy access by sea ox river. 600 acres freehold, rich alluvial, with , 4,000 sheep, few oattle,horses and all necessary Im. provements. This land is divided into eight : paddooks, well watered with artesian wells. Will carry well 5 sheep in winter and 10 in summer per acre. Within ten miles of Napier. 330 acres leasehold, very rich and 1,800 sheep and 20 cattle, and good homestead near railway station. 1.400 acres freehold, and 1.000 sheep and. few cattle. 845 acres freehold, or 1,559 acres freehold, either as whole or in two blocks 1.400 sheep, few cattle and horses; ploughed, fenced, and part in crop. Stock and plant at valuation. Nine miles from Wafrukurau railway station. Form Sections, Woodville—--40 to 150 acres, improved and unimproved. Note—Freehold station properties, partially im. proved and about half stocked, range at from 16s, 20s, 30a to 40a per acre according to locality, Ac.; land more highly improved for pastoral purposes, and partly agricultural, of easy access, range at from £3 to £5 per aero; small farms near town, and Of the highest agricultural value, range from £ls 1 3 £25 per acre. Leasehold, with 11 to 16 years to run, and rents ranging from }d to l}d per acre, are offered at 17s 6d to 22s 6d for all sheep, delivered with all working stock and plant given in. These •runs are generally capable of being made to carry three to five times their present stock. M. E. MILLEE, Stock and Station Agent, Napier. Sewing MaoMnes. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Colombo street, BEG to - inform the public that theyhavo f?r Sale a large and well assorted Stock ot American Hand and Treadle Sewing Machines by all the ibest Makers, and being direct importers can sell cheaper than any other house in town, either for case or on deferred payments. Every machine is sold with a written guarantee for twelve monthsand kept in repair. Needles, shuttles, machine oil, silks, cotton, thread, 'and duplicate puts for every meutionable machine sold. Ma. chines Cleaned and repaired at the shortest notice. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Colombo street North, Fhteo doors from Cookham House, opposite Cook and Boss, Christchurch For urthor particulars boo “Star’’ advertise mont. - Partnership Notices, PARTNERSHIP. A GOOD opening for a Partner, with n small r\ capital, in a General Store near Timarn, having a well-established connexion. For portionlore apply at once to H. 8, Austin, Solicitor, Timarn; CM2176

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 7