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MGscellttneous BTBANQE'S A-I OEYBTXL OIL. A MILLION GAliLONSreadyfbr delivery fo. the present seaao>. Bold by npwe*ds of» lemttc.aUoTsr the Unitod Kingdom. tor the sale of •‘Starange’e A-X London—Bonotflnk and Co., 107 and iOS.Cheantlde BdMbnrgh—Smith and Co,,Purreyors to the . j. , Queen, 80, George street, and 12, DnbHn—Ca2L*n and Bon, 25. Suffolk street. Kanoheetar—J, Holgato and Co., 20, 8t Mary's Liverpool—Bennett Brotb*r*,St George's Lime street ■ ■-..-..,,.,.-.1 Neweastloon-Tyne—Matbtr and Armstrong, xw. street Glasgow—John Piatay and Co., 18, Eenfleld street Extuot from The fit M, Feb. 7,1874. “Petroleum and. Petrolonm Lamps.—lt cannot :be dispatodthat In oclonr and iUnndnatlng power Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil is superior to all its ■'■Wbnß&P-' r-> '■;!/ . It fa need by more ot the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy, than any other Petrolonm CO, and every season the demand and sale become larger and larger, having been used over eighteen years. . The following are a lew ot the TESTIMONIAL : Beeelvod i • Apethorpe, Sept. 17 1878. Btr,—X desire to aay, In reply to yonr letter tteft the crystal oil supplied by yon give, great satiafaetkm, and Iperoelve no aiflereno* ut the "light** from that produced by the mace expensive oils.—l remain, yours faithfully, wmsfitUH, Mr Peach, Ironmonger, Onndle. Owydys House, Byde, 1.W., 5ept.9,1873, , Sir Colllngwood Diokaonhas much pleaaare in infdnhlhg Messrs Woods that "The Strange's A-l Crystal Oil" supplied him, has been fromiß7i until now of a uniformly good quality and great Ulnmi. anting power; ana farther, he is perfectly satisfied withlt, Spetistrary Bectoer a tiept. 28 Sir,— Nothing can be better than Stiange’s A>l Crystal Oil. I never desire to bum anv Other, and I recommend it with the fullest confidence to all my friend*.—l an, years faithfully, ■ ‘ E.P.Blunt. Mr John Lindsay. Blandford. : Sutton House, Ifotd, Lewes, Sept 9,1879. Gentleman,—ln reply to your inquiry,! have much pleasure in stating that I have used Strange’s A>l Crystal Oil ftw some years* and consider it by tar the best oil of its lend both for parity and power. I shall shortly require another cask,—Yours obediently, ... ■ Ammwv Hir.TJta Messrs Lowdell, Cooper, and Co., Lewes. Middleton, Harstpierpotat, Bept. 7,1878. - Gentlemen.—l have been burning for some time In my billiard room Mr Strange’s A-l Crystal Oil, supplied to me by y oursel vea.and it has given ma srfeot satisfaction, giving an excellent Ught , H.C.Lar. Metises' Lowdell, Cooper, and Co.,Lowee. Market Place, Chreneeeter, Sept. 27,1878, Gentlemen,—You are, at liberty: to name the undermentioned in '* The Field " as having burnt yonr A 1 Crystal Oil,far severalyeais, he likes it very nmoh. Yours truly, J. and H. ToVey. T.W.C, Mastkb, Esq., The Abbe}, Cirencester (High Sheriff for the County). Messrs Tudor and Sons. yj Lanley, Pentridge, Stafford, Sept. 20,1878, I have found the Crystal 01 supplied by you to be extremely good; it gives a bright soft light, and is free from any'unpleasant smell. Yours faithfully , / E. M. Vauohan. Merer Cozens and Shaw. Laurel Bank, Baekland Dinham, Frome, Sept.liUm • - Hear sir,—ln reply to yourreqnest that I shook' state my opinion as to the burning of Strange’s A, Crystal Oil with which yon have supplied toe, I beg to say that it gives a bright clear light, causes very little trouble, and, if the lamps are priperly oon. structed and kept clean, is. practically free from smell. It has been used in the passage here for upwards of four years, and latteriy in the kitchen also. It undoubtedly answers very satisfactorily the purpose for which it is required I remain, faithfully yours, 0. B. Jsnvts Peaesox Mr H. P.Coombe, Agent for Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil, Market Place, Frome. Westbrook, Byde, Isl of Wight. Sirs,—l have much pleasure in certifying that, after some yean* trial of Strange’s A-l Crystal Oil, four to six lamps doily, I find it bums extremely well, giving a brilliant Ught without any perceptible gmeU; in tact, it is all that can be derired in an oil of that description.-1 am,-Sits, yours obediently, H. S. Pakxhnah Mason. Messrs Woods, Byde. Cameron House, Alexandria, N. 8., Got 14,1878. ' I have used Strange’s A-l Crystal Oil, supplied by Messrs John Finlay and Co,, for several years, and have much pleasure in giving my testimony to its efficiency and merit. When burned in Hulk's Duplex lamps it yields a light of remarkable brilliancy, nmoh superior in parity and whiteness to that ex oil orthe best gas. It is easily managed, and with the slightest earn perfectly inodorous and smokeless. A. Skollrt. To Mr H. W. Newton, Ironmonger and Oil Her chant, 5,6, and 7, High street, Stratford,i ',' ■ ) on-Avon. Sir,—Please send the same quantity and same sort of oil as before (Strange’s A-l Crystal). I Uko it very gives a splendid light.—Yours, ton, Clsmekis (for Dowager Duchess of Norfolk), To Shuman and Ladbury, Melton Mowbray. Gentlemen.—The Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil, with which yon have supplied me during the past two years, gives every satisfaction, having nothing objectionable either in colour or smell, loanoowsoientiously testify aa to this. Wm. Lathab, Solicitor. Bedlay, Chryston, Lanarkshire, Oot. 14,1878. Gentlemen, —Strange's A 1 Crystal Oil, with which free of smell, and bums with a steady and brilliant light.—l am, Gentlemen, yours truly, J. Cbais Cheibu*. Messrs John Finlay and Co., Glasgow. September, 1878. I have great pleasure in being able to testify to the excellent burning qualities of Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil, aa supplied by Messrs Wilkes and Sot, of Salisbury, to Sir F, Hervy-Bathurst, Back, Clarendon Park. W. 0. BABSXIT. Wholesale only, 8, TDDOE AND SONS, White Lead Manufacturers, „ COLLEGE HHJ LONDON, E. . 402 PEETWOEK AND CABVINQ AND MECHANICAL TOOLS. MACHINES, Tools, and Materials of all descriptions for amateurs. Everything of best quality at moderate prices. Tool chest for household use from 12s each. Catalogues and price lists sent free on application to MOSELEY * SIMPSON. Tool and Cutlery Manufacturers, J 7 and 18, Ktag .street. Covent garden. London, W.C. lie [MPOETANT Notice to the Importers free, England.—All engaged in trade with Great ritain and Ireland will do well to subscribe to the British Trade Journal and Export Prices Cormt," as it gives the most complete and exact [formation of every branch of trade, and so renjra it nnneceasary to read. each departmental iblioation. It is a comprehensive monthly -sum* of all items ot interest to traders residoat it ot England, the shipping as well as the markets id other commercial news being written and cooled expressly for the merchant, planter, export* id importer abroad. The •• British Trade Journal" was established in muary, 1863, and enjoys the support of the geMwl immereial public in every part ot the world. It is iblished on the Ist of every month, and iaregnrly supplied direct from the office o its subounowßi The subscription is 6s sterling per annum, payable in advance, free by post to any part of the globe. The amount can be remitted by post-office order, cash, or stamns, or any mode that may suggest tself. An equivalent amount in the currency of the country remitting will be accepted. Poem or Subscription Obotb. Plea«e send to me, until further notice, The British Trade Journal and Export Prices Currant, addressed as trader i Name •••■ Address Payment by , To the publishers of “The British Trade Journal." 24, Cannon street, London E.C. »***, ••BY EOYAL LETTEES PATENT." THE QEEATEST WONDEE OP THE AGE I JOSEPHSON’S AUSTEALLAN OINTMENT. Guaranteed to be free from ell poisonous anilities, and composed of vegetable matter only, being made from the wild plants which only grew in the bash of Now South Wales. JOSEPHSON’S ADSTEALIAN OINTMENT is not a mere catchpenny to gull the public, "but . an effectual remedy adapted, to all. capacities." One trial will convince the most sceptical. During the ten years in which it has been in use, its efficacy has been proved in every ease in wbiob it has bemi applied. Josephson’a Australian Ointment is already the standard ointment of New Sonth Wales. For all sores, ulcers, wounds, piles. 40. For chafing, soft corns, burns, sunburns, chapped hands and lips. . For sore eyes and infants’ scoldings. Who would suffer from sandy blight t when they can find immediate relief, and be perfectly cured, by one pot of Josephson’s Australian Ointment, to be had of all dn; grists and storekeepers. PEICB Is PEE POT. Prepared only by _ EDWAED EOW and COMPANY, SYDNEY. Beware of spurious imitations, none being genuine unless bearing the signature of the inventor, J. J. Josephson, and the proprietors, Edward Bow ana Company. Dwellers in the interior should never to without a supply of . BOW’S BMBEOOATION, OB FAEMBE’S PR I SINDThe first veterinary surgeons of the' day recommend it as an infallible remedy for sprains, gauj, splinters, swelling stiffness of Joints in horsesjsore adders in cows foot-rot in sheep, or mange m idreds nsa It for scalds and sunburns, can’t apoly it wrongly.' ill cure rheumatism and gout. OYflj 30 vaars notixiziff biui b©6H intWuiKWu natter that oan surpass Bow’s > bo rolled upon for all accidents that m«T Ss 6d per Bottle, . . . U choaistg and storekeepers throng-, out Colonies. ***

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 6