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Medio#!. • FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIES," WOrMUfamed BLOOD HUTOKB •" Blood Mixture.” The Greet J Eettoror, for from all impuritieß, cannot bi wumended. For Scrofula, Boturry, and Sores of all M«dg it is a urea ~ it euro. It cures old soma v t -°5 the neck. Cures ulcerated blackheads, or pimples on tke ywwes. Cures cancerous oloera« skin diseases. Cures gl&ndulai the blood from all impure matter, causa arising. As this mixture is to the taste, end warranted free from say. __ injurious to the most delicate oonutitntlonol solicits sufferers torhs It.e to teat Its value. Thousands oi teeth moniils from all psrts. Sold In bottles. 2e 6d each, ■ndtaeasss, containing six times the qmmtitvTlti e*oh—suflloient to effect a permanent care in the * oaeee,-by sB mat majority of lo Chemist. «id Patent ~“7rr~ —■* Vendors through, out the wocld. Sole Proprietor. F, j, CLABXB, Apotiuearlee' EaU, Lincoln, EnglaaT* ®>3Psf* •**?*> Bareplne, Bnrbridges, and Co, Opwmn street, London. Kewhety and Sons, 1} [ewyate,street,. London, Barclay and Sons, BI wnwwm street, London. Banker and Sons Jxlotd vMreet, London. And all the London wholeeale houses. Agents for New ZealandEEHPTHOBNB, PBOBOBB, * <A. Dnnadin and fWfht HEALTH TOB ALL. roLLOWAra pills and ointment. L The Pills purify the blood, correct all die. crises of the liver, stomach, kidneys, and bowels, and are invaluable Is all complaints incidental t« fmtlee* The Ointment ie the onlyreltable remedy for bad tegs. did wounds, sores, and ulcers. Por bronchi tin dlptheria, oougha, colds, goat, rheumatism, and all akin diseases It has no equal, ■Sold by the Props' “tor. Tkomaj Hollowat, m Oxford strset, London, tnd by all Medicine Vendori throughout the World. J) B JQ E JO HQ H' 8 (KNIGHT OP TTLH OBDEB OP LEOPOLD 0» nbxgi xns, KNIGHT OP THB LEGION OP HONOTO) JVIGHT-JJSOWN G 0 D 1V H E QI 1 Proved by nearly 30 years' medical experience THE ONLY CODLIVES OIL Whioh'produoes the full curative effeota in OON6VUPTION AND DIBKABI3 OP THB CHEST, THBOAT APPEOTIONS, GBNBEAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES OP OHILDBBN, BICTBTB, 'AND AX£ SOBOFVXOTrB DISOBDBBS. RELUCT MEDICAL OPINIONS. ; DE PEOSSEB JAMES. ■ Lecturer oa Materia Medics, London Hospital. 1 B DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BBOWN COD LITEB OIL contains the whole of the active ingredients ef tbe remedy, and ie ' easily digested. Hence its value, not only in diseases of the Throat and Lungs, but in a great number of cases to which the Pro. fession is extending its use.” DE HTJNTEE SEMPLE, Pby.|Hoe,|for Die. of theJThroat and Chest,]Ends. H T HAVE long been aware of the great reputa* JL tion enjoyed by the LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL introduced into medical prao. tice by Dit DE JONGH, and have reooht* mended it with the utmost confidence. I ■ have no hesitation in stating my opinion that it possesses all the qualities of a good and efficient medicine. Its taste is by no means disagreeable, and might even be called pleasant. 1 have found DB DE JONGH’d OIL very useful in cases (of Chronic Cough, and especially in Laryngeal ; Diseases complicated with consumption." DB WHITMOBE, Medical Officer of Health, St, Marylebone, London IMT own somewhat lengthened experienced ill as a Medical Practitioner enables me with . . confidence to recommend DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BBOWN COD LIVK.E OIL as being'more uniform in quality, more eer. tain in its effects, mote palatable, andinfi. . nitely less I ? *ely to disagree with the stomach than the Pale Oil. It I were asked for an explanation of the marked success - which toe so many years has attended the administration of DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT-BBOWN, COD LIVES OIL, I should say that it is owing to its extaunw - . dinaty medicinal, dietetic, and regiminalproperties, and which are found to exist in ■ no other medicine that I'am acquainted ■■ with in such uniform combination." ' DB SAUNDEBS, C. 8., late Deputylnspector-General Army Hospitals, -- Superintendent London Medical Mission. rt T. HAVE used DB DE JONGH’S LIGHT. - 1 SHOWN COD LIVES OIL extensively * among the sick poor of St Giles’, and con. sidar it a valuable remedy, especially in the ■ Wasting Diseases of Children," DB DB JONGH’S LIGHT-BBOWN COD LIVED OIL is sold oklt in capsuled Imperial Half-pints, 2afidPints, 4s 9d; Quarts,9s: bv »Urespectable - Chemists and Druggists throughout the World. - ' sons cohsiokees : ANSAE, HAEFOED ft CO„ 77 STB AND, LONDON. 1613-4 B HEIGHT'S PHOSPHODTN&only reliable remedy for Indigestion^Nervou and Liver Complaints, and all Functional Darang Beoommended by the Faculty. Bold hy all Chemists and Storekoepers, in cases at 10s Sd, or in family oases, oontainlug one doses 10s 6(1 eases, at AS. 137-344 PEOSSEB. ft CO. KAYE’S WOBSDKLL’S PILLS. THB GOOD OLD'ENGLISH BEMEDT For all Diseases. EsTAMjamro ovn Fmr Tubs. —Known all over the World. F OB upwards of half a century Kaye’s WocsdeU’i : Puls have been esteemed as the beet remedy for the prevention and -cure of rtineaaai heir use renders the doctor unnecessary in tbs family. Acting on the blood, they purify it trees all humours, rendering the life-giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and eatah. HaiifTig- the health of. the invalid. These Pills ate 'invaluable to Emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, fto. Are equally adapted for all-'ages, ana either-aecc. Persons residing in the Colcauea. who oahnbt.have. recourse to medical ad vise, wfl] therefore find them indispensable. The Proprietor has in his possession thousands of teetimoxula bearing witness to the wonderful effloacyof this invaluable medicine,a selections* ' which accompanies each box. Bold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines oughoot tho Is and4a ex. M OLLEB’S COD LIVES Again received at 'ATtra e OIL THB PA EXHIBITION, 1878, ■ - THB - ONLY HIGHEST PEIZE—THE ONVT GOLD wmiT,, Amongst 45 Competitor ZCOLLEB'BCOD UVBBOIL.—Dr E. H. Buddoek. 1 ' M.IX, fto., says in his “ Vado Meonm ” —“The Oil we invariably reoommead for its easy assimilation and high . nutritive value, ie MSUer's.” MOLLES’S COD LIVEE OlL.—From the Home for Sick Children, Bed oar, Thomas W. B. Looko, Esq.. Admiralty Soigeoiw writes—"l can bear testimony to the ■ purity of MSUer’s Olh which I havenow used for some three years. In comparing the Oil supplied by Ms MSller with that used previously, 1 cannot but be struck with the few oases in which the stomach refuses to " tolerate the Oil, a great desideratum in an institution where bo many oases of scrofula are admitted. I can con fldently recommend Mr MSUer’s Oiler- : of exceptional purity and of great diet .atiovalna." COD LIVES OIL Is, in my opinion superior to the brown oil—more paia.- .= . table and far more effloaeioaß."—W, Domett Stone, Esq., H.D., Phygieiaa to the Finsbury and to the Wester* and General Dispensaries, fto.. fto. MOLLEB’B COD LIVER OlLreoelved the Only - Gold Medal at the Paria Exhibition. 1878, making the Fourteenth Priae which alone MOLLXB’I COD LIVER OIL has gained In eompotltion with all other makers throughout the world since thr* London Exhihitiomiaea. Head .Offices 1 Christiania, Norway: Brano Offices 1 621, Oxford street, London, W.C.j Fac torieailStamaand and Kabelvaag, Lofoten Islands SJOU IIOBEETS* CBLEBEATED OINTMENT, t CALLED f* THB POOR MAN’S FBIBND." idently recommended to the public aa an - ngremedy for wounds of every description; in remedy for ulcerated legs, bums, scalds, 1; chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples - face, saro and Inflamed eyes, sore heads, . easts, piles. It also entirely removes the lell arising from cancer. Sold in pots, ISjd, e 6d, 11s, and 22s each; and his *33 ANTI-SCEOPHITLiE OB ALTBEA--1 TIVB PILLS, t v . I by more than 60 years’ expenenoo to be one Best medicines for purifying the blood ana ag nature in her operations. They f orm , “ , id superior family aperient, which may ce at all times without confinement or change . Sold in boxes at ISSJ, 2s M, 4s fid, Hs. and ed only by Beach and Bamioott, BridpMt. Joreet, England, and sold by aU endors. awa

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5951, 23 March 1880, Page 2