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:3? IBTEI ox CotTßT.—His Honor Ja’dge : W ird -will ■open'the*monthlyisitting-ef ■ -the- Distj io tT Court At the Colombo road Wesleyan.; :Ohiwobj jess terday,-Harvest Thanksgiving.. service n Wero c hold; arid sermons appirobmt’e to the pbOision ■ °V !■: >!' LONQWOOt 'AI/ StßSßln EXHIBITION.- , telfegfaia -’wa* - 'lately 1 published that,the prh?e-t%lfpr,at tbfcGardphi Enlace ibrlongwool was Mir Charles Seed, of.Auckla ad; : It 'should■■„hlfte’ < read the late -Mr Ohailes. ' Seed, of 1 Westerfibld,' Ashburton; 1 ' < oisl oircolar red amounts have been collected TiuTthe Catholip churches in districts m aid.dfthe distress J3d 10s 6d ; Lincoln; jE29 2e's :Ashburton, £l6 Bs' 9dJj Southbridgoj! total, £92 4s 3d;j The amount ;haa heeh forwarded to Bis' Locd.-i ship the Bishop of ■Wellington* , - 1 Ybssbi, OJT Kaiapol Ba».— News arrived at Kaiapoi 6n schooner Savonn with s&,QQrfeefedf timber -fromfrhe-Thames bound for-Kaiapoi, waa o%' the r toar. ' ; The wessel' jwas l :oeming"/into the river before a light north,*cftat 'breeici and' just aasiie.vpis L jkfavy-nan squajl came bn wWdh'hid'the hearons, and,, the wind> dying awpy, the vessel got.r On to .the north spit, its shb is well inside, the bar therp illittle doubt that' tide. i.iShehaSrsusiained dittla or bdyond some slight injury to her rudder* | EntoSMTOH jodsßT' general, meeting of the members and othors intereatedt in this Club was held at the Leeatoa Hotel on'Friday>_ .ovening' ; laat. There was'.-,a. (large, attendance, and Mr W..Bishopi was. vptodj td, : . thhchttirl The TreasiiMr 'stated that.there: ..was a.balance.fromlast-ysar_df i £ls 138 *3d ? ; .Mr Herdmah proposed—“ That theßJlcsmej'.C, . Jockey Club hold' theiir animal Trace on Tuesday, :< J 4pril 20.f* J- The • motion jwaS, Mr Lemon and: carried, unanimously. .she election of ofScers' was proeeepod with, and the programme—which, appears .in. our advertising :■ bolumns<T-was then arranged.: After passing a vote of thanks to the Chair--, j ■> The AutothNi Mbbtikg. The general' entries.and acceptances for the G.JiG; Autumn, meeting/ appear- elsewhere*- Of , the 18jac-» ceptbrs thq Great Autumn Hjsujdibap I4j have made final payments,*'those;.absent from I ’, the list being Hornby; Vamjpire,” Libeller, hna' 1 Laertes.' There is a.fajling off of three Ihithe number’ of. docoptanoes/for: fheChampagwe Stakes compared | with rlatt’year, and of the fame number ini the'!nominations for ,the Easter Handicap] and. Selling Eaoe. £' dheFlymg Stakps show in--creases -From*.the", quality;of lefli ; in for the big event; some good racing jhiai be" looked f6ri ;Weighta forthe : are:iibtifled toiippear and|a^cept‘; ancCs for this evefitimust be forwarded to 'the* Secretary not later'tfian Thursday next. Final payments of 10 sovs for the.' Ohampagtie Stakes, 5. bqtb Epsom'Stakes, and 3 flovs IVBe Handicap/ muet be madb on or* before .Saturday evening, .March 27.' | „ ' '; Ist* 'Errhoxiva ■; BAEO^tBXEEs 1 Messrs’Pe f tprsen and Co:, High street, have : atthe ;i>f; 'their gl|«®. jofMbntiness: ah admijibly biro- u meter K The noticed in bur (mlumns some little; time sinoe,is fholosedin a.peat base, And hae-on 4 jbße lelff a mlia!Wb~ : bloi)fc" Oh: the “right: and ih 'the/contr| is a brass; .vertically. Thejdrumi jwljiol^ 1 is caused ;tp revolve, by bemhebtibniwith Ithe. clock, has. a suitable diagram placed upop its' Connebted with the bafp|aptei? by meahs of . ohain -gearihg ; is a‘3 jpencil, a roai,,^'F u,, ' , xas|p|)iaaß.'; baroineterTare fraoedM)on. ;tho diagram by the-pencil point. A valuable? record is thus and the sheets &e of, ’bourse available fjjr “’reference at onyitime.. ;The apparatus ip ' rendered complete by the iintrbduotibn: MelpW;; the' iiSamm of Ta sblfregistering minimum and maiimum - meter. I”. ? ] ./

The “ Unemployed ” at the Wekl Pass. —One of' the unemployed who recently pro- * (seeded, with a - bthersj; to phe railway works instituted by the Government for their benefit at the Weka Pass, writes; to us as follows; —“ DdHtig the past the) works on the -northenr extension of the Amberleylind have ibeeU- agam Btarted, but progress lrar nop; bflßjs' 'very great; •“owing to; .the—incomplftMnfl ji« nf the —Gavemmbnt' arrangements) ■ DuHte last year many of the) storekeepers of their accounts, and ,b&ve.,determined this time to adhere to vvisekly. Bettleniente'or. caah, But'oaßh|is:;f6ri the; v present the rule|'niiany men; airlvi on the, ground,. can get no provisions,? and-‘rotbrn..,. It wiUjbewell, therefore, for th'e Government at once -great-hardships-up-here,-as there- are several men with their families here.' In truth, ! |do not know what some ©flu ¥bulilT»vll3<taoi' hadriot Mr Dunh. kindly ,ftdvanpediiirioney; from hjs own< poeket. It has bpenreporfed; that* tho old system l of monthly is? to bp presorted to. The have to either alter that' arrangement or else? at once provide provisions, on a fixed as %as promisediAbopt 70! men have remauied ■bn -the works,---weathering- it- ion short daily expecting' ’to "hear from headquarters. It is how- bver * week since the first, arrivals; got hero, ’and .. wj} nothing definite. By fieltgrpm from jton to <Christchurch,' various things? ’ w T ro promised, especially to married'men> ! _ but nothing con be done, as no instructions-have been received, X would recommend married men coming up not to bring their wives ior families' for a week or two, till things are , more ship-shape. Another groat want i* a, Post-Office, which want I trust will be shprjtly remedied." ' _ ,

Chalmers, Fraser, ikti> •jmlwd.'for..mMWun‘g,.ha<.]Meapoil4>oaoa. T*g ; Q?Al|r ' bags of grain carried bn the Christchurch section and bran'eh'es for the week ending Friday, March 19 ) atnbunteiTio'oO,6S2'. Notwithstanding this largetrafilo, no block has. ocourred'Otrany of the lines. • ■ * 1 : JUABxHS i Monday Ebs?];vxxl«b‘ at Rah-OiOBA.-rln addition to' the races at'Bangiora on'Monday next, • there ■ are amusements : of variqus kinds^-to’wit, ;;a grind,, ball in the' evening in. aid', of the fundi of-the j local ftfeBrigade, under tha-pationage of the Corpora-' tbp. and a -bazaar in conneotion with the Woßloyau;CKuroh,‘’Woodend, which is to be : held id the district schoolroom, Woodend.; A' Oabhlhsb Thadbsmak.—Attention has' been!; repeatedly called ‘to the culpable negligence of! those tradesmen who make; aprao- ■ ticeof oxposinggoodi outside’their'places of* business, and so jppffeofcTy'onsite' many coses--of ptty--laroenyr—Barly-yesterday- mornlng tiie police noticed draper m High street. had; ie«. Bomu„umhisllas hanging up outside his shop. The articles were of-coarse moved to 1 the Dep6t for-safe keeping,, , I -■ BoEonan "of “BanOioea’. Mir S. H. Andrews,' of Exeter, England, but formerly a resident ,of .Rangiora,.-haa presented the Borough'of Raugiora with a'piece of landlSO* acres in Extant, situated!, on the, road leading to the Ashley, which tho.Connoil endeavoured to 'purchaee from him lor use gs a cemetery. MriAndtews 'ConVeye thor fandtothe Mayor aha Corporation-for- thb being, for thi; sole purpos'd of A'fiirk'lir pleasure ground for’ • the nse - ■of'ihsr 'pubtfar of-Rangiora/and ( he Park,” in remembrance of his late wife, j , Assessment OotrsTS.-*M r Whitefdord has! given ,|t ias his that there is-{do necessity. for a sitting of the Assessment Court for ’the-distriob*known 'as- the. Man , ;. deviile and. Bangiora Drainage’ As |the .Doard W'-Conrfe^f^rS:!.nitthjnb .rating poweri. theu: rates have to be ;lovied and Coir :leptbd ;by th& -Boad Boards ‘ undpr Iwhbsa* , "they are. A ■ sitting' i qf fhe’ Waipara AspefsmenS,' Court wps beld at tbs • Boad Boardoffice, Waikari, on; Saturday, Mr 1 ftvWhltefoSfdi-the ffudge, presiding,: There .were eight madf, .andthew - being ageantedto.hj . Mr Knight, .the Valuer,' the Wesconfirmed, , j • ' A MIDNXffiHTBISWTEBAHOE.—ShortIy aftef 1 . midnight |of t&fcurdey, an unseemly disturb-, ance tdofc place in -the right-of-way by the A 'number oflaridkihg hoi assembled,'ahd--i*’tftght was going on. Cpu- • batanta mimed Marsden, about 18 yehrs, And his opmpahions theuftfetSftked. the constabla to suChparpoae that a rescue was effected. Subl sequeufly] Tapa-t&jrejs orKiTcornpambns were idso tahoh . ihtb;oustodyi»b..Xhe.offender| will;be brought iipf at,the Police Court this rnprhing,, j ' .',ipEBIOH«-Ca Thursday last the annual treat; in : qpnueotiqu with the Wesleyan ; Sundayßthoql-at Deeston was- held. The : children, with their friends, {assembled at Vhechuifon at It) aom] where conveyances, provided ,!by Messris-rEt < Overton, Bafnettj iUipfoy, and others, were'waitipgj to convey the 'jpaSty to lake Ellesmere,.. On : amval at Ijiessrß Wibite and Co.’s/ yards on thb lakb, tins children were regaled with the customary wiands altsit - which 'b6at|...!#ere party-had a^lea9™t-saUottthe-lidte;--D*m6<<i ' ih tiirb'p.mTpwheh ■was provided, after which the party returned- home. The weather, ;,was ell that conld- bb desired-, and Ho mishaps occurred Ao^znar--the'pleasure of t&e •' i the , ■ list of corps already published who to attend jthe - review-on Baster; Monaay,'a tplegram waS;receivedbhSaturdaynight that 110 . volunteer9;will!|eaye Nplsouiby the Hinemba oh Thursday, vraWellingtohV -' It is probable, ■ 'nl^tb^yitdS^ioSnEoTQAdsenoDwiiisg , fronr WoUmgton will be made by the City ' whdse unifoymftx-frpm England Jare likely to Brriv» ia time.- iJtogether,-inqla^ing 1 the Ohristohuroh oorpß,. } these; #buld : -br!ing : the nahijber' ’bf ; toen hh.;the "ground »to the ' handsome Wtalof number >o|f meh dhdor arms willj -We Venture to sayi be . a spectacle suqh ae agaip presented for many a day to eome.- • The Committee in finding'billets and making amngeme.nts h'aVerboenT and tyirAttortfldcserf e the heoftyisnpportof this public. /.> IJO . j f QiBKTiTKNBL.—A public meeting was held 'af* Glentunnel on 'PWday, to consider what steps. fakeu^toward!;;! a ; railway station or.waiting-room at Olehtunnel. ; Mr‘ Alexander .GdlwiUa dair. ! The; following resolatioh.- iuifuiiiuoi|sly agreedi thj|‘"meftlmgr^ 1 begS tq draw, the .attention tbh Minister {for ; Works to‘the ing-a petition largely ; in this district, prayihg.for.the ereotion m a railway station at‘Glentunnel fortrii«qed tq' Minister for tpah six months ago-^August-15,1879), no answer ..has been receiveaßo.the.Baid.. petition |.jubo,! that .this meeting bega to that a jwaitipgbefore; the winter sets in, as in addition to, the. reasons - specified in the petitiobj as abbve the township has hicrcased And become more' and has-augmented, the wane of proper railway accommodation."; ; It was resolveld 4hat Mr-B. O. Wright^;' imehibpr jfor this'distriot in the House be forward the. wit& a copy! of the petition]'’to .the Munster for Public Works. "■ ; -V,;v ' Tbstpuktoh.—A special 'harvest, ithanks- : giving-Horvice-ws^held"nn~'"Str"Sayioir , s Church at-four b’crdck dn- Priday, when the church was filled with a large and attentive congregation. The church was taitefully decorated with fruit and com presented by. ’ congregaSonT^ 0. Wright oflioiatedunipreached from Joel, ’oh. 2 v. 26i After the and social! gathering'”was” t 'held in jthe . t 'diswi6t" ‘sohoohuom,’; which fii liirgely j manyComingfromlong distances. The tAlflwa- , were jpresidw over by; W. 1 Bailey, Pearce, ‘PhillipsrT. Voice, and pq Misses ..Dawson, Forman,- and Maddisjon;; During the evening, the Rev Mr Blake] of Prebble tohv "addtiiSf,' and, songs; and ,citations, were given by Messrs F. Q-. Btedman and Marshall, Mrs. Taylor, pe Misses Maddison, Taylor,- Hookham,' pd" ’others/ A hearty vote of ’thanks to, those who had contributedia make the gathering’: ißuooessful ; brought a-pleasant” evening to a', close. ' •••- . “• - j ->■■ .. house at'the' Thepro Doyir on Saturday' night, when a dramatised version ..of Fejoi-; more' Cooper’s novel “The Pilot ’’ was performed; as the first piece, j It was retdly’ vyell put upon the' stage, sbmp very pretty scenery hbfhg -been” ppressjly <fori it, ‘ a|nd,. meohanical- effpts qr pmpre;, than ordinpy f magnitude having <been;arranged/ J auidience wero npt slow to recogmse the raerits’ the, speptacle, and ariaat„was re- ■ pfeatadly called' for, hut" did pot rwphdj *P Mr ttoskins assumed the r6U 6f; Dong Tom which his , ujsuEU completeness, even hornpipe, ihthlhs impiersoniitioh. Mr ®ooj;h~ man pfayed/the Pilot to thtf satisfaction: oD his admirers, .Mr J.!P, Hydes made a gdod dpi qp fnn ; of the peirt of Captain Boroughcliil, as did Mr Maqk Alexander of thAtof Sergeant-Drill; and the former was encored,fen his comic isoiigs,. 'Mr Btark mtjde a respootable Colonel {Howard, and Mr Rede an . equally .good Diohti : Bphstaple, ‘ Miss- , Maude yihCehtJ danced ta • 3iiDi| e; DizriC. W ■rape Md-Miss Madge,Berridt {fairlt sustained the rdlea of Kate and Oeoilia. The otpr 'parts were well filled. There - were several* tetriflo 'combats ” which were greatly had i raised after eao|» pt; Hoskiai and Boothmanreoeivod respectively the honour, of a okll before the curtain at jthe clow of the drama. ThfettfMpidbejJiras Robert: Mahaire,’* jin whwuMessrrHydes and Boopman sustained the chief burden, contriving, -to , keep,. the* audience thoroughly l , ...amused . till eleVeno'clock, “The Pilot I” willbe repeated this 1 ie|emh|fi * * ; v ♦ *-}- ’ jnCterly, moeuL’it ,tba loyal City of be “f 14

Qooa Friday on fa OWrt6tn^^fioa^;ihe^«w^^daallwßyg ®«jgassss«sJte^

! OtTABDIAWa OX THB BASK OTf BHOIARD.— J It is a fact not generally kno wjs that the Bank I of England support* a! rifle corps of its . own, which,-in time, it is ifltonded-shall do away , with the necessity of drafting a force every ■ night from one of the household regiments to 1 guard the national money chest. ■ DEBTEtfOTIOH 0? A WHEAT At ' Chliiago, the Imperial MiHs elevatof was blown down last month, One hundred; and twonty-threo j thousand bushels of wheat, Which; it .oontainbd, iwere spilled. on the , ground. It. was 160 ft, high’,' and. 110 by 60ft la extent, with a capacity of 2C3,0C3 bushels. The mill adjoining was badly damaged. The elevator, which cost 100,000dol», is a total loss. Loes on' wheat, about 65,000d01s ; loss on knillj SOjOppdols. There is no insurance covering this kmd of an accident. • ’PbwoxaicStjiiotmbsb£—ln a biographical ■ sketohof- Earl Granville, a .writer in Truth fays of ’that "statesman; Lord Granville; is : fond of playing thej Grand Seigneur. , It is, a., rule of the .Foreign Office that no employee • shall ‘-accept.' a foreign -decoration—a rule which, indeed, applies to all British subjects. , Foreign aovereigneoaccordingly give Englieh- , zneh whom they wish to thank-snuff-boxes or ; otheij trinkets. Lord Granville wisely tluaks too,.should be declined,' and - has laid down a very strict rule for himself. When . the- Shah was in Loudon he-presented Lord portrait, seCin brilliants flf great* price. ‘Lord Granville -withdrew the. diamonds; and returnedthem; kcopipg/pipy" the picture. }Thoi artiwas like, I political S purism, ‘ and so forth j,.; but long imay our i statesmen be bigoted on - this 'point.”’ | ! r’ 1 ';; 1 - : -v ■ j | What Qhbßn Victoria has Seek.—Very remarkable changef have' taken plaice - during the forty-twoyears’ reign of" Victoria She has (outlived [byJ several,'-yeafi; levejry ; Bishop add Jqdge wfiom she.foimd seated bn the benches .in i-England,. Scotland, add Ireland. ! She ! has > witnessed - the funeral .of Avery Premier uftfcp. phef* egpept i Lord Beacimsfield and Hr-Gladstone. . Notasingle Cabinet other unolband predecessor’s day nowaurvives. Of the members of the Privy Council who sat in. June, 1837, to administer • tqjjer tho-osth, only fdur,survive,- She Hat; received thehomage Of four. Archbishops of Canterbury, four Archbishops of York, and MP. i ; and Durham successively. (She has-filled each nf the'ChiefjTuitieeehips tWice'atleaet; she has received the addresses offbat Speakers of the House of Commons. She gas entrusted* the Great Seal of the Kingdomto no less than nide Lord Chancellors.; - ■ ■ : number of cases jof cabs nursing * rabbits is causing ronie excitement in the village of Methil, in the of in Fifeshire. . A boy of '-the name ofM'Mannhaving her come poiMSSed of fours wild rabbits,-and having a tabby\whieh | had 'giveh; birth, to a t fanuly flablate -were placed under the care of; Mistress Puss, and, with a ■ zeal and affrotibn ro and watchlhg over her adopted family. . -Itoajmg mtmyrpcojWOMjrnud 1 night,'the &ow a strong propensity for rompingAbbuti'bansing their fostbr- . .mother _jnuoh -anxiety.- -Bhe mouths them kindly, and carries, them back to their retreat. We lure hoard ifesbated that cots which have • had only one family, and during the mresing ' sliokled will M do sp. after wards, Tlualwo have t proyeh, for.,.ww; have known an Old ' A Qiibeb eocentric Englishiinan has reocptly built A houso in the Quarter • Tivoli for the. residence- of -himself, his wife I -hud eight children.* which is the talk of all fans. It is circular, and has neither door nor window externally^ f The approach to it is from the ground floor on to the roof by means , .ol a Mder,,which,is“‘moved up'and down by machinery, similar to that of a drawbridge. Therb is ohly one floor, and that contains eighteen apartments, more or leu small in ; dimensions, .looking into r the centre, which "•is lighted! room -above by a glazed cupola. . *Pn'o stoyci, for i7 ,^eae. rooms is ,in the - middle, and in summer."is to ~be occupied by an exquisite-parterro-of-flowers.' "A Circular balcony,opc^|0 [ all surrounds this spaeei -Tme 1 motire-df this oddity is,! of courw, onlyhnown to tfao-anthorrbf- %• bufT everybody can see-that two points are gained . 1 tyindoAs and a of,, any attempt at. burglary. —Boston Traveller, ■ ’ ' I^ircH.;LdßAiShj^--At;*letter- ; £rom a St ; dence, referring to the new Bussian Ambassador at _ the Court of ,St James,has iritrtdted sdmoattention in Berlin, -iin --brief ■ lobauoff’s ■‘dlplpriilatiC|o«berJ the -rodter speaks of his tsiiccbisdi'n and highly -praises-the-Snltany-whom- ftincff~Lobanbff used toryirit and oonTerse with personally, while the Turkish oh the other injMpable,. intriguihg, and. avaricious. In. London the that Prince Lobanoff-wSi "find ~hls -positroa'anASiy’ope, because most the ladventnrbus Xord'Beaoonefleld, Would Supporthim,’’- Among thetaekswhich it is olated the -new Apibaasador wiU undertaka in liondqn ia ' the. negotiation of an between-England and Eussia, re* speofins a taeutral zone in Oentral Asia, This, more in the interest; of England thamßuSaia, " for everybody knows" are expecting -their- freedom>*»and'--‘ 'independence from Eussia.”, . •

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5950, 22 March 1880, Page 4

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TOWN & BOARD. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5950, 22 March 1880, Page 4

TOWN & BOARD. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5950, 22 March 1880, Page 4