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Miscellaneous English Goods direct at lowest Export Prices. Bilk, Woollen and Manchester Warehousemen, India, Colonial, and Foreign Outfitters. Established 1813. Th NICHOLSON <k 00. invito attention to JLF» their illustrated 230-page catalogue, sent (with patterns,) post free. Ladies’ clothing, linens, hosiery, gloves, ribbons, haberdashery, jewellery, Ac. Contractors tor military and police clothing and accoutrements. Furniture,, musical instruments, ironmongery, Are arms, cutlery, carriages, saddlery and harness, boots and Shoes, winds and spirits, ales and boors, preserved provisions, stationery, perfumery, books, toys, *O., Ac. Foreign Produce disposed of for a commission of 2| per Cent. 'erms-Not less than 25 per cent, to accompany orders and balances will bo drawn for at 60 days’ sight. D. Nicholson and Co., 60 to S 3 St. Paul's Churchyard, and 66 Paternoster row, London. :4002 Oroide gold jewellery ('; eglstered), The Only Perfect Substitute for 18-Carat Gold. Full Illustrated Price Lists and Oplnions of the Press Free per Fost. Watches, equal to 18-oarat, Horizontal movement, jewelled in 4 holes. Open face, 21«, 255. Hunters, 80s. Keyless action, 8 jewels; 50s. Ladles’ and gentlemen’s sizes) free and sale per post (registered), 6d extra. Alberts, in all the latest fine gold patterns for ladies ana gentlemen, 6s, 7s 6d, 10s 6d, post free. Long Chains, 7a 6d- 10s 6d, 12a 6d, 15s. Necklets, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 10s 64. , Links, studs. Solitaires, 2s 6d, 3s, Ss 6d per Set. Every Article of Jewellery Free and Safe per Post. Illustrated Price List Post free. P. 0.0, payable at Exhibition Road, South Kensington. oTb. ROWE,’ 5102 88, Brampton rood, London, B.W. , : The Horse-Clipporfs Friend I What has been wanted for Fears 111 TOHIS invent ion. which is pro'eoted by Letters JL Patent, it for expeditiously sharpening Horse (Hipping Machines, The operation of-iharpening operation of-iharpening horse clippers by it is so simple that anyone can nee it ' it, and it will be of the greatest use to formers, horse dealers, livery stable-keepers, and others. Full instructions for use are sent with every machine. Price of the sharpener, including wrench, punch, chi and packing case, 17s 6d; and with a horse clipper, 27s 6a. • Applications, accompanied by P.O. payable to JOSEPH TRICKETt, Cutlery Works, Newark-oh-Trent, Orders, Testimonials on application) N.B —Agehts wanted for Fiance and Germany. May be bad of Saddlers and Ironmongers. 4819 GALLEY’S TORBAY PAINT, Several Prize Medals. Established upwards of 20 years. USED in all H;M. dockyards, Woolwich’arsefiaS standing camps, and other large Governmentworks at homo and abroad, and-by the principal * and ship owners, conworks at homo ana abroad, railway companies, waggon a tractors, ana general public. This paint is mode from the celebrated Torbay oxide, obtained from onr freehold at Brixham. It has considerably more covering powers than any other paint. It does not crack, blister, Or 1 flake oil, and resists the notion of- sulphuretted hydrogen. 'Fee ” Engineer," Nov. 2,1866. It has no poisonous fumes, and is impervious to ■damp. .... 11 I It is sent out ready mixed for use, and does not require the addition of any mixings p dries quickly, .and can be put on by unskilled labour. Thoroughly wood, or stucco. , One cwt. carriage paid. to any railway station. ! In ordering please state for what purpose required, and write to the London address. THE TORBAY PAINT COMPANY, 21, Qt. Winchester street, London, E.C. : . Works—Brixham, Devon. ' ' 8827 DR J. COLLIS BROWNE’S CBLOEODTNB, The original and only genuine. Advice to Invalids.—H you wish to obtain quiet, Refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and atanage the weoyy achingaot protracted disease,-invigorate the : nervous media’, and regelate tha circulating systems of the body, you will provide, yourself With 1 that marvellous'remedy discovered” by .DR J. Collie •Browne (late Army Medical Staff), fa which he gave the name of Chlorddyne, and which is admitted by the profession,to be the most wonderful pud valuable remedy everdiscovered.- ; : .Chlorodyne is tbe best remedyinewn for. coughs, Mnsnilß{^Kni, asthma., . : Chlorodyne acts like a charm indiarrhoea.and is the only specific in cholera and dysentery) 1 Chlorodyne effectually outs short all attacks of p^Po%^mte^l^W^ai a a’ji I v§ t> M n lf6nra l gia. kneurnatism, gout,, cancer, tootache, meningitis. Ac. -i ! I ♦,* Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he bad received a despatch from Her Majesty’s Consol at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully, and that the only remedy of any service was Cblorodyne.—See ** Lancet," Deo. 31,1864. -r i Caution.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W, Page Wood stated that Dr J. Collis- Browne was, undoubtedly, the Inventor of Cblorodyne: that tha story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, which, he regretted to say, had been sworn to.—See " The Times,” July IS, 1864. ; Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s each. None is genuine without the words "Dr J. Collis Browne’s Cblorodyne ’’ on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. ' Caution.—Beware of Piracy and Imitations. | Sole Manufacturer—J. T. Davenport, 83 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, London. 2134 CURB for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and CROUP, ALLEN’S LUNG BAL SA M Is composed of the active principles of roots and plaints, which are chemically extracted so as to retain all their medicinal qualities, i MINISTERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS, who ore - so often afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this balsam. The LUNG BALSAM never fails to do good for those afflicted with a cough. It is harmless to the most delicate child. It contains no opium in any form. ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM Is sold by all chemists. 4398 mo PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. IWidbw Welch’s Pills (Kearsley’s Original), so justly celebrated for their peculiar virtues, are recommen 3e 6to the notice of every lady (having Obtained the sanation of most gentlemen of the medical profession) as a sate and valuable medicine in effectually removing obstruction and relieving other inconveniences to which the female frame is liable, especially those which at an early period of life arise from want of exercise and general debility of the system j they create an appetite, correct indigestion, remove giddiness and nervous headache, and are eminently useful in windy disorders, shortness of breath and palpitation'of the heart; being perfectly innocent, they may be used with safety m all seasons and. climates. Price, 2s 9d per box, of all chemists. It is necessary, owing to numerous imitations, to.worn the public that Kearsley’s is the only original reoipe, and has been prepared by the Eearsley family over eighty years. Purchasers shonld see (hat each box ts wrapped in white paper, and the name ’’ C. Kearsley" is engraved on the Government stamp. Wholesale agentsJ. Banger and Son, 253 Oxford street, London, England. Ask for Keamley’s and see yon gpt them. , 219 T. AW STATIONERY BUSINESS. JLi (Established 1811.) WATBBLOW BROS., A LAYTON, Wholesale, retail) and export Law and general manufacturing stationers, printers, lithographers, parchment dealers, engravers, die sinkers, account' book manufacturers, envelope makers, paper makers, and bank note manufacturers. Catalogues and samples sent on application, London: 23, 24, and 25,Blrohin lane, E.C.; 28, 29, and 80, Lime street, E. 0.; and 65, Wilson street, Finsbury, 2465 ThTT OTlCE,—Spoons and Forks in Silver and in JLw Electro-plate.—Elkington and Co.. as the result of Important improvements in the above manufactures, ore able to offer their guaranteed qualities at such prices as. while fully maintaining their acknowledged superiority, place them within the roach of all classes. Revised illustrated price list free by post on application. Purchasers of silver spoons and forks obtain tho advantage of any fluctuations in the silver markets. Address : ELKINGTON A CO., 22, Regent street. London; or 42, Moorgato street, City. IMPORTANT Notice to the Importers from England.—All engaged in trade with Groat Britain and Ireland will do well to subscribe to the • ** British Trade Journal and Export Prices Current." as it gives the most complete and exact information of every branch of trade, and so renders it unnecessary to read eaoh departmental publication. It is a comprehensive monthly rosumd of all items of interest to traders resident out of England, tho shipping as well as tho markets and other commercial news being written and compiled expressly for tho merchant, planter, exporter, and importer abroad. Tho " British Trade Journal” was established in January, 1883, and enjoys tho support of tho general commercial public in every part of tho world. It la published on the let of every mouth, and is regudirect from the office to its subThe subscription is 6s sterling per annum, ray. able in advance, free by post to any part of the globe. Tho amount can do remit tod by post-office order, cash, or stamps, or any mode that may suggest tself. An equivalent amount in tho ourronoy of the country remitting will bo accepted. Form or SimscnimoN Order, „to me, until further notice, ” Tho British Trndo Journal and Export Prices Current " addressed as under ’ Name Address Payment by ], T?. yi«V u '’lißbor,H of “Tho BritiVih Triulo j ollr . nal, 24, Cannon street, London E.C, 1917

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 7