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LYTTELTON. ARRIVED. , Feb. 16—Circe, brigantine. 115 tons, Jos=, irom Bluff. C. W. Turner, agent. . ; Pa ; r . Feb. 16—Hiaemoa, Government Steamship, t«r child, from Wellington, with Fnso ma 1. Fa.segets—Miss WoodJionse. Messrs Alloa “FrtTi6-Orthes, ship. 1206 tons, Macfarlane. from London. N.Z. Shipping Company £*' n sengers—Messrs H. J. Sharhuid, Juo. >v ay, , Britan, and Hector Inncs. Second cabin: Mi and Mra N. J. Smith, Mrs Charlo te Kelly. Misses Messrs Joseph Scott, K. Hamuto , y A E, Louney, Cbas. Johuston, L. fawuc, «. -*• ° Feb y is-Croydon lass, schooner, 51 tons, Curran, from Nelson. Geo. Mackay, agent. Feb. U -Clio, schooner, 30 tons, Kirk, from WaiAn F eM S..t Coast B Fndctt Macpherson, Pugh, Ar.vipcivnrtli* JKoberts, Henry, hoder, Mastrej, Molesaorth, C ls-Hawer. :d ss e ,‘ 461 tons, Kennedy, from Port Chalmoi s. E. Puflett, agont PassengereCaptain and Mrs Bonier, Mr an 1 Mrs Whyte, Mrs Coombts. Messrs Tewesley, Hel^ T J „ C w°Morton' sou Parker, Blvtb. Stem ago: Mr W. H. Morton. ’ ‘ CLEARED. Feb. 15—Tinflex, barque, -96 tons, Eos?, for Newcastle.' C. W. Tuner, agent. . Feb. 15-Fnvi!--, brig, ISO tons, Downing, for Newcastle. O. H. WoWge, agent. SAILED. Feb. 15—Wanaka. s s., *7B tons, M'Gillivray, for Poit Lhalm rs, via Ak'.roa. E. Puflett, agent. Passengers—Messrs W. G. Goodwin, H. J. Worsley, Le Courier, E. D. Collison, Schubert. Feb. 15—Hawea, s s., 461 tons, Kennedy, for Auckland, via East Coast. E. Puflett, agent. Passengers—For Wellington: Messrs J. Dewe, W. H. Ford, Steven Feugilly, C. Lewis, C. and G. Paulton, Clark, Harman, Wa-col, £. Young, \Yiuiams, Master G. Smith. For Napier: Messrs F. Dick, J. Cameron, J. Beaton, Deavis, Samuel. For Auckland; Messrs Frudhoe, Cooper, A. Forsyth, BenCe Feb. 16-Linemen, Government steamship. Fairchild, for Port Chalmers. . Feb. 16 -Firefly, brig, 160 tons, Downing, for Newcastle, C. W. H. Woledgs, agent. Feb. 16—Wave of Life, schooner, /9 tons, Herbert, for Havelock. Master, agent. , Feb. 16 —Sunbeam, 411 tons, Thompson, for New- , castle. Master, agent. . , Feb. 16—Marie, 465 tons. Bnrmeister, for Port ; Chalmers. C. W. Turner, agent. ; Feb. 16—Vindex, barque, 296 tons, Bose, for New- , ca.tle. C. W. Turner, agent. ,

IMFOBT3. . Croydon Lass: 46,400 feet timber. Consigned to order. . , _ „ Clio: 53,000 feat timber. Consigned to L. C. AiVmnn, Hawea: Under bond, ex Taranaki—2 cases, 93 rails, 3 clissts. Free —150 bogs, 35 hlids, 6 kldks # l9 chests. Consignees—Order; Crowe j Saunders, Wamika; Under bond from Auckland, ex City of Sydney—lo boxes. From Wellington, ex Arawata 19 pkgs. From Napier—l pkg. From We'lington —1 pci, 3 pkgs, 4| cases, 4 cases, 1 dog. Consignees —Halbert; M'Dougal; U.S.S.Company; Kaiapoi Woollen Factory; T. Moore; Duncan. Orthes: 3385 cases, 144 pipes, 1352 bales, 22 tanks, 721 casks, 2 trusses, 465 kegs, 33 trunks, 50 blf-bnds, 61 qr-casks, 621 pkgs, 98 drums, 30 crossings, GO check rails, 3784 steel rails, 3C> pcs, 10 oc’aves, 35 crates, 20pkgs lead, 115 brls, 3 tierces, 217 bds, 613 bags, 3 bricks, 1 camp oven, 49 coils, 50 pnebns, 7 h’ads, 514 boxes, 16 machines, 3 covers, 10 fowls, 2 ducks, 36 plough moulds, 2 saws, 96 cart boxes, 1 pair shafts, 1 stove, 6 pieces machinery. Consignees—J. Steaton and Sons; W. Beeves; O: dp-; J. L. Lewis; G. Coa'esand Co.; H. Fnbrmann ; Mrs Miles; ;T. J. Maling and Co.; A, Moore and Co.; G. Gonid; G. S. King and Co.; W. Seagar ; Court and May ; Scott Bros.; Canterbury College; Mrs A. Macdonald; E. Page, N. K. Cherrill; Dalgety, Nicholls and Co.; B. Black; C. P. Kulberf; G. Fletcher; W. Montgomery and Co.; J. Baxter; T. Douglas; Wilson, Sawtall and Co.; Warre Bros.; hew Zealand Shipping Co.; E. D. Thomas; Candy and Dewsbury; G. L. Heath and Co.; 4. J. White; E. W. Walton and Co.; Milner and Thompson; A. Louisson; G. M'Clatohie; Ha okay; J. Anderson; Christchurch Gas Co.; B. J. S. Harman; C. Oakley; J. Tesohemsker; S. Smith; C. H. Kearsley; Kcmptbone, Prosser and Co.; EclandersjFietolier and Co.; B, Hale and Co.; E. Wilkin; Dransfleld and Eoper; B. Petersen and Co.; G. H. Moore; H. Durand; L. E. Nathan and Co : Miles, Hat sail and to.: J. T. Brown and Co.; Mason, Strutters and Co.; Orr and Co.; E. Lusk; W. Strange aid Co.; Brown and Smith; J. Ballantyne; Morrow, Bassett and Co.; S. Clarkson; Everett Bros.; Hobday and Co.; J. D. Garwood; E. Button; S. Forbes; H. Hawkins; J. H, Spencer and Co.; B. Bishop: N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. Hawea: For Wellington, free —12 cases, 1 bag, 1 pci, 50 sacks, 37 cheese, 1 trunk. For Nelsm—S cases. For Napier—3 sacks. 1 plough, 19 cases, 6 bales, I pel, 1 trunk. For Wanganui—7o sacks, 40 hags, 11 cases. For Auckland—4so sacks, 1 parcel. For Gisborne—s cases. For Westport—6 cases. For Tauranga—s kegs, 4 cases. Shippers—P. Cunningham and Co.; W«tt and Co.; Geo. King and Co.; W. Cuddoa; N, Z. L. and M. A Co.; W. D. Wood; Jameson Bros. ; J. Gilmour; Cuff and ■Graham; E. Pudett; Milos, Hassal and Co.; H. Hawkins; B. Boyle; hoyse. Stead and Co.; J. Brown; Dransfleld and Eoper; H. Davis and Co. Wanaka: Under bond, for Port Chalmers, ex Eingarooma—l case, 1 trunk. For Akaroi, free — 30 bags, 47 sacks, 2 hhds, 1 qr-cask, 17 cases. For Dunedin—3 bales, 8 cases, 10 empties, 1 trunk. Shippers—E. Puflett; W. Saunders; Clifford and Co.; A. Murray; Duncan and Son ; Moir and Co.; Lightband, Allan and Co.; Boyse, Stead and Co.; Mason, Strothers and Co. The vessel telegraphed as having passed Otago Heads on Friday is probably the Piako from her description. The Ortles passed there about nine o'clock that night, but had not the N.Z.S. Company's flag flying. Captain Fairchild, of the Hinemoa, reports passing a large square-rigged vessel, bound South, off Cape Campbell on Saturday night. The schooner Clio, Captain Kirk, left Waitapu on Monday, Feb. 10, at midnight. Had light variable winds to arrival in harbour on Friday afternoon. The s.s. Hawea; Captain Kennedy, left Port Chalmers at 2.30 p.m. on Friday. Had strong north-east winds and heavy sea up the coast to at rival in harbour at 13.30 p.m. on Saturday. The Hawea sailed for Wellington, East Coast ports and Auckland at 9 p.m. The schooner Croydon Lass, Captain Curran, left Nelson on Sunday, Feb. 9. Had north-west wind to Monday morning, then changed to a south-east gale, which held to Wednesday morning; thencs light variable winds to arrival in harbour ou Saturday morning. The Government steamship Hinemoa, Captain Fairchild, with the English mail, via San Francisco, arrived iu harbour at noon yesterday. Sbe leic Auckland at noon on Thursday, called in at Napier next day, and reached Wellington at 4 p.m. on Saturday. Sailed at 7.15 p.m , and arrived in harbour tt noon. Landed mails, &c., and proceeded on to Port Chalmers at 1 p.m. The Union Company’s steamship Wanaka, Captain M'Giilivray, left Auckland at 4.30 p ra. on Wednesday, called in at Tauranga, Poverty Bay, Napier, and Wellington, leaving the latter port at 2.45 p.m. on Friday, and arriving in harbour at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday. Had fine weather to Tauranga, then southerly gale to Poverty Bay; strong breeze and heavy sea from there to Napier, thence fine weather to arrival. The Wanaka landed her passengers and cargo, and sailed for Akaroa and Port Chalmers at 4 p.m. The barques Marie, for Dunedin, Vindex and Sunbeam and brig Fire Fly, for Newcastle, and Wave of life, schooner, for Havelock, sailed yesterday morning with a fine fresh breeze from the south-west.

Mr C. W. Turner’s brigantine Circe arrived from the Bluff yesterday afternoon. The barque Isaac Hall sailed from New York for this port on Dec. 20, with 3540 cases kerosene oil, 130 cases manufactured tobacco, 209 cases chairs and furniture, 34 pkgs dry goods, 120 eases seeds, 2CO boxes clothes pins, 11 waggons, 70 bundles of carriage material, 22 pkgs glassware, 182 pkgs hardware, 31 cases axes, (00 cases merchandise, 200 bundles sundries. She has also the following cargo for Wellington:—4oo cases kerosene, ICO cases lobsters, 46 axles, 131 cases hardware, 50 florida water, 216 axle tools, 13 cases machinery, 13 •cases glassware, 1-50 do sarsaparilla, 126 do turpentine, 276 do chairs, 60 do, 8 drugs, 100 bundles plaster, 30 boxes clocks, 8 do canned goods, 100 do clothes-pins, 60 cases lawn mowers, 11 casks rum, THE SHIP OETHES, FROM LONDON,

A ship from the south was signalled early yesterday morning, and as the N.Z.B. Company’s honseflag was hoisted at the flagstaff, it was generally supposed that the ship was the Piako. The numbers, however, were hoisted, denoting the Orthes, and shortly after 10 o’clock, that vessel entered the Heads in tow of the p.s. Lyttelton, and anchored OS Diamond Harbour. The Orthes is a very handsome iron ship, ofl2oS tons register, built by Messrs J, and G. Thompson, of Clyde Bank, Dumbartonshire, and owned hy Messrs J. Harding and Co., Glasgow. She was launched in 1877, and is now on her second voyage, the flrit having been made to India. The ship has a splendid deck, and is fitted with all the modem improvements. He.- saloon is very comfortable, and fitted and finished with oreat taste, and due regard to comfort. Captain Potef Macfariane is in command, and speaks in very high terms of the behaviour of his vessel in all weathers. , The Orthes’ passenger list includes the names ol 28 passengers, four in the saloon, 17 second cabin and 7 steerage. One of the second cabin passengers, -TrsvE. M. Nichols, died on Nov. 26, three days 'after leaving the Start, She had suffered a good deal frorai-w® sickness, and her husband, who was on beard, informed Captain Macfarlan© that she had previously suffered considerably from heart disease. The second oab|n steerage passengers were quartered —as usual—in the ’tween decks aft, and appear to have been very comfortable throughout the voyage. The Orthes' brings, a very large cargo, over 2200 tons, and comes ouit under charter to the Hew Zealand Shipping Company, Among other appliances, the Orthes is furnished with, a pyroletor, a patent force pump for- nse os a fire engine, which throws a stream of wader impregnated with carbonic acid gas into theUmld, or wherever a fire may have broken out. The* pumpmay also be used as an ordinary washdeck pumr.. The voyage has been devoid of any incident worthy of note, excepting the death already referral to. The weather, taken afta whole, has been.Mr, no gales of any importance having been encountered. - Captain Macfariane reports tha* he left London on Nov 26, landed his pilot off tttq Start Point on Nor.’23. and had a good MU. as fair as 20.21 north 2?.3iTwest oifPec. 1, when * ot light ana

sgass sruv«^jK»*3f« wero good, ve large quantity of ico I a B s t s if- Ss'SSremltffil? ■'"^db .lowest Vroczo sw&swg 113^i 0 «f 1UR«?0 of 87 days from London or 80 r/B so-ith of the Line. The City of Sparta for Calcutta, and City of Tanjore, for Adelaide, were spoken north of the Equator. telegraph notice board. AitßiviLS-Feb. 16: Lyttelton, 12.15 p.m„ Hmemoa, from Wellington; Wellington, 2.30 p.m., Hnwea from Lyttelton. Departures—Feb. 15: Lyttelton, 8,30 p«m,: Hawea. for Wellington; Lyttelton, Wanaka. for Port Chalmers. PORT OP LYTTELTON. High water this day (Monday, Feb. 17)— Horning, 00.31; night, 1.01. , , Barometer, 29.90 ; thermometer, 53.00. Wind, south-west fresh breeze; sky overcast. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Gretmouth, Feb. 15. Arrived Hannah Barrett, from Wanganui; Crest of the Wave, from Wellington. Sailed—E'ibank Castle, fotTimaru; Star of the South, for the North. A strong north-west gale is blowing. Bluff, Feb. 15. Arrived—Hurunni, from Lyttelton; Dahlia, from Dunedin: Hopoful, from Newcastle. Sailed Arawata, for Melbourne; Australian Sovereign, for Lyttelton. j, lg The Albion arrived at noon. She left Melbourne at 6.30 p.m. on Feb. 11, and sails at 4 p.m. tomorrow for Dunedin. Passengers-Mossrs lolgass, Eanie, Mahoney, Day. Fulton, Mrs and Mis® Winch, Me.-dames, Ennie, Mahoney, Mrs and Miss and 15 steerage. qato Fob. 13. Arrived-Caberfledh. barque; Estell, three-masted schooner; all from Newcastle with coal; Minnehaha, schooner, from Dunedin.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4