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Foegbet.—Eobert Lee, against whom two charges of forgery and uttering are preferred, will be brought up for trial at the Magistrate’s Court this morning. The case against prisoner was remanded from Feb. 3 tul to-day for the production of evidence. Thb San Feanoisco Mail.—The inward English mail vi& San Francisco arrived in Port by the s.s Hinemoa at noon yesterday. It consisted of 46 bags for Christchurch, 8 for Timaru, 6 for Oamaru, arid 6 for Lyttelton. The Christehurch-Lyttelton portions were forwarded through by, the 2.30 p,m;*train. Distbess at Home. —In our mail columns will be found some particulars of the terrible suffering at Home among the middle and lo wer classes. A very graphic account of the distress in Manchester is supplied by a correspondent writing to an Auckland paper, whose letter will be found in our sixth page. Donation to the Fieb Eeigadb.—We have been requested to state that the cheque for £2O, which was handed to Superintendent Harris in recognition of the services rendered by the Fire Brigade, at the late fire in Lichfield street, was a joint contribution from Mr W. Saunders and Mr H. B. Sorensen. ' Waimaeabibi Habboub Boaed. The meeting of this Board, called for Friday last,; was not held, as by the “Harbours Act, 1878,” the Governor nas to; appoint the day and place on and at which the first meeting shall be held. Messrs G.. H. Wearing and John Beharrell have been nominated by the Governor as members of the Board.

The Telegeaph. —New posts are being attached to the telegraph line on the North road between Christchurch and Kaiapoi, and the old ones, though apparently quite sound, are being dispensed with. The new ones are a decided improvement on the original posts, being higher and of a larger size. An extra wire is also being added. r \ Kite Flung,—The amusement ol flying kites, which of late boys have been indulging in throughout the city, has become sb serious and at times dangerous a nuisance, that steps for its prevention have become necessary. The constabulary have, in consequence, received instructions to proceed against all lads who may henceforth be found flying kites in the streets.

Hotel Peopeetx at Bangioba.— lt has been stated that two properties of this class have recently changed hands in Bangiora, viz,, the Junction .Hotel and the Bangiora Boarding House. The purchaser of the former is Mr James Hadneld, but the price is hot publicly known; and Mr Hahief has become the possessor of the boarding house at a cost of £SOO. ~

Assault.— The man James Yates, who recently seriously injured a woman named Jane Mahoney, by pushing her against a table, will be dealt with at the Magistrate’s Court this morning. Yates, was brought before the Magistrate on Feb. 10, but .the case was remanded, owing to the inability of the prosecutrix to attend to _ give evidence. 1 Although she is still an inmate, of the Hospital, she has recovered sufficiently to be able to be present at the Court to-day. ’

report upon the -inland s Canterbury linewill be found in another page of this !**BxpOßTATidir or Shbbp.—Seven Lincoln rams were shipped per Hawea on Saturday, to the order of Mr K. 0. Jordon, Tauranga. They are from the flock of Mr H. J. Hall, of Leeston, and are well-grown sheep, with splendid fleeces. _ , , Acclimatisation Securer. Yesterday there arrived by the s a. Hineinoa a cage of 18 Prairie chickens for this Society. The birds all looked very well. • Two died on the passage from San Francisco. The remainder wore Drought by tho mail steamer to Auckland and transhipped to the Hinemoa. Lenten Pabtobal. —• The Right Rev, Bishop Redwood’s Lenten Pastoral was read yesterday at the Roman Catholic Church. l lt contained a lengthy statement of the Roman Oatholio view of the education question, and the usual' dispensations os to the Fast of Lent. ' ■ , ' ■ Thbatee Rot An. —On Saturday, the theatre was crowded in the afternoon, when a day performance of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin’’ ' Vras given.-. The absence of the usual gaslight qnd limelight effects gave something of a qovelty to the affair. In the evening the play was repeated, but the house was by no means so well attended as it had been a fe.w hours earlier. To-night-the same drama will he repeated. ; The Rev Fathee Maonamaba. —The Bey Father Maonamara, who has for the last •few years been one of the priests at the: ghuroh of tho Blessed Sacrament, is about to ave Christchurch for Wellington. The Bov gentleman has during his stay here made many friends, by whom his departure will .be much - regretted. Father Maonamara will, it is said, be succeeded by two priests, the work of the mission being too heavy for only oho.

? The Hoskins’ Combination at Ashbtteton. —The little company formed by Mr : Hoskins, and including, besides that veteran actor, Mrs Hoskins, Mdlle. Oharbonnet, and Mr J. Marshall, gave an entertainment at Ashburton on Friday evening. The proSinme contained two farces, a selection by llle. Oharbonnot, and two songs by Mr Marshall. There was a large audience, who -werehighlypleased with the entertainment iprovided. This is the first time Mr Hoskins his played at Ashburton, and there was a ginend hope expressed that it would not be loWbefore he visited the town again. Iboaed op Goyeenoes.—A special meeting of the Board of Governors will be held this afternoon, at 3 o’clock, for the purpose of considering the following clause of the: College Committee’s report—‘'That respecting the recommendation of the Professorial Council, viz., ‘ that as the Otago University is applying for a charter, Canterbury College should do the same,’ the Committee is of opinion that the University of New Zealand Should be the only body empowered to grant (agrees in New Zealand, but in the event of the Otago University applying .for a Soyal Charter, that the Canterbury College should make a similar application.” Supposed Shoplifting.—On Saturday afternoon a woman named Elizabeth Hissenbuttel was arrested by Sergeant Morice for stealing some articles of drapery from the shop of Messrs J. Ballantyne and Co., Cashel street. She had been seen to throw a shawl over the drapery in question, and when she moved away the articles were missed. An assistant in the shop followed the woman, and saw her throw a basket containing a number of articles into the shop of Mr Hobday. She then ran into Mr Harris’ bootmaker’s shop, where she whs detained until the arrival of Sergeant Morice. The woman will appear before the Magistrate this morning. , The King op Pain—Professor Scott delivered one of his popular lectures at Bangiora on 1 Friday evening to a crowded house. During the evening the Borough Council meeting, which was being held in the room at the back of the Institute hall in which he was lecturing, was adjourned, and the Mayor and some of the Councillors ascended the platform and took their seats at the rear of the Professor, whereupon he acknowledged the compliment paid to him, in glowing terms, saying that during the whole course of his lecturing experience he had never before been honoured by such a mark of distinguished patronage. The Professor visited Lyttelton on Saturday and was received by a large audience. Fibb.—At a quarter-past 12 o’clock on Sunday morning* an alarm of fire was given. It was quickly ascertained that the outbreak was in a cob-structure, situated in Peterborough street, between Colombo and Durham streets. The place, which was in an exceedingly dilapidated condition, was the property of Mr Alfred Mole, carpenter, Kilmore street, who leases the ground from the Church ProTrustees. It was assumedly in the occupation'of a man named Chatband, wellknown as a Cheap-Jack, but he appears to have gone to Wellington about a fortnight ago, the house being left unoccupied. The Kre Brigade turned out promptly, and the steamer Extinguisher was placed at the tank on : the Whately road, two branches being laid thence to the fire. Within five minutes the flames had been extinguished, evidently to the intense disappointment of some of the people who had collected. The Constabulary were present in strong force, and many members of the Eire Police were also in attendance. There was no insurance on the house, which was valued at only £ls, and was to have been pulled down in the course of a few days. The Coen Exchange.—A meeting of the Corn Exchange and Farmers’ Club Committee was held at the Com Exchange on Saturday ,- present—the Chairman (Mr T. Bruce) Messrs Attwood, Bailey, Woodman, Perryman, Henderson, Allington, Bowen, Dick, and Captain Willis. The rules for the guidance of the directors of the Corn Exchange, also rules for the guidance of the sale of produce in the Exchange; were read and confirmed. The Chairman stated that in accordance with a resolution passed at the previous meeting, he had much pleasure in stating that he had made arrangements with Mr J. T. Matson to act as auctioneer for the sale of produce by auction in the Corn Exchange according to rule 11. Mr Henderson gave notice that he will bring forward a resolution to expunge rule 8 from the roles guiding sale of produce in the Exchange. Mr Henderson proposed, and Mr Perryman seconded—“ That the Chairman act as Treasurer.” Carried. Mr Bourn proposed, and Mr Dick seconded—- “ That the < Union Bank of Australia be selected as the one in which to deposit the funds belonging to the Corn Exchange.” Carried. Also, “ That the Chairman and Mr Henderson or Mr Woodman be authorised to sign cheques for the disbursement of monies belonging to the Corn Exchange.” Carried. • Captain Willis, gave notice that he would bring forward a resolution to alter rule 7, for the; guidance of the sale of produce, but after some discussion he withdrew the notice.

Phesentaxion.-— On Saturday afternoon a few gentlemen met at the Colonists’ Hall, Lyttelton, for the purpose of making a presentation to Mr H. 0. Jacobson, the fate representative of the Press in Lyttelton. The presentation was made by Mr H. B. Webb, who spoke of the highly satisfactory manner in which Mr Jacobson had carried out his duties in the town, and after a few more remarks read the following letter" Lyttelton, Feb. 15, 1879. H. 0. Jacobson, Esq. Dear Sir,—A few friends are unwilling that you should leave Lyttelton without some substantial mark of the esteem in which you were held by Clem while resident in the town. They desire to testify to the ready assistance that' was always rendered by yourself in promoting the welfare of many who were in necessitous circumstances, as well as to the energy by you in oariyingont the many duties that devolved upon you, both in your official and private capacity. They beg your acceptance of the accompanying purse of sovereigns, and trust that you will meet with all success in Jour new sphere: of labour. Wishing yourself,'Mrs Jacobson and family every prosperity, We are, dear sir, yours faithfully. (Signed on behalf of the subscribers.)’’ Mr Jaoobson suitably acknowledged the handsome recognition of his services. He said that ho had felt a good deal of reluotanoein leaving Lyttelton, and should always take -a very great interest in anything that tended to the welfare; of the town. Tho proceedings then i terminated. SJSS

srlmraw* Oosobbi,—An operatic conca>«, fortie Benefit of the fund* of the Catholic Young Men'* IstonwySociety, Is to be given on Thursday evening at St, Patnck’a Hall. Among the vocaHsts will be Signora Yenosta and others of recognised talent. The concert will be followed by an amateur entertainment. Stolen Watches,—Amongak the documentary evidence which i» to be found in the Detective Department in the Police Dopdt is an elaborately arranged record of the watches which are from time to time atolen or lost throughout New Zealand. The number of auch watohea reported upon to the Police within the past two yeora ia IS7. Rainfall.—“ New Chum ” writes to ua concerning the amount of rain that has fallen in Canterbury since Sept. 11 last. Mr J. B. Stanaell, Meteorological Observer, has kindly enabled ua to answer the question. The following is the record : —During the remainder of Sept. 0.37 in; Oct., l.llin; Nov., 0.16 in; Deo., o,Bsini Jan, 2,73 m; Feb., 0.50 in j total, 6.62 in. Oxfoed. —A meeting of the Committee of the Oxford Races was field at Mullins’ Hotel, on Thursday evening, when it was resolved to add another race to the programme for a ladies’ purse of 10 aovs; also that the booths be sold by auction, and. that no publican be allowed to compete unless he is a subscriber to the funds of the Club of £2 2s. The meeting then adjourned. Dog Wanted.—During the night of Friday last the fowl-house of a gentleman residing in Christchurch was in some manner entered by a dog, whidh killed and dragged out no fewer than 18 fine fowls, his work of destruction having apparently been accomplished in a most systematic mariner. Be managed to effect his escape from the premises unharmed, but precautions have been taken to secure for him a warm reception should he venture upon a return to the scene of his depredation. A meeting of tie North Canterbury Education Board will be held on Thursday, at 8 p.m. An advertisement appears in another column calliog a meeting of those interested in getting up the annnal regatta, at the i Council Boom; Karnpoi, lor Friday next, at 7.30. ... ~ . ~ The adjourned meeting of those interested m the North Canterbury Shoes will bo held to-morrow evening at the Club Hotel, Bangiora, when the officers for the ensuing year will be appointed. The Christchurch Engineers and City Guards will fire for district prizes to-morrow. : A public meeting, to take steps for holding the Annual Begatta, will be held at the Council Hall, Kaiapoi, on Friday next, at 7.80 p.m. ' A meeting of the Loyal City of Ch-istchnroh Lodge, M.lf., L0.0.F., wiUhe held this evening. The programme for the: Peninsula Jockey Club Baces appears in out advertising columns. An agency . of the Bank of New. Zealand will be opened at-Kowai Pass to-day.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5610, 17 February 1879, Page 4