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XiTpraiiOK ObphAKAQH.—Dr E. Macdonald has been notified by the Goroxnment PC his appointment as medical officer to this institution, his appointment dating from Jam. 18. ■ , |Unxox Rowing Cltrn,—The Senior pairoar race in connection with the Union B4wtag dub, for the prise presented. by Mr A. Gunderson, has been fixed to takeplaoe on Saturday, Feb. 28. Ftom the number of members now in the dub wbb can .take part & thd contest, a good shew of entries is antittnued. - ■ fjTTMMOir HxußotraßoißP Suction.— THo nomination. of to represent the city on thelotteltoa Ear boar Board took puoe at yesterday, at noon. The foUoaing «mtlemen were nominated !—Robert AJUn, Frederick Jenkins, and Henry SawtelL A poll for the eleption of two candidates will take place at toe pity <Qounoil ohambers on Monday, Feb. lOi between the houn d;-. 9 amu and 6 p.m. F, Murray-Aynsley was the only nominated yesMMay tp> wpresent {M Borough of LytteUon, aaa was declared fWjy eweted. i

Mb Cokthes.— The foUowingw^ s received on Thursday evening by M Acting-Commissioner of &iW Conyers continues to improve a reports him now in fair way Revision or Hospital Committee of the Hospital and n" Th« Aid Board, appointed to revise tU n rules mot last night at the i® l *! Turnbull. They will bring upT/'Dr at the next meeting of the Board fe P<»t Cbioxbt.— The following chosen to represent Canterbury 6 64,0 Otago on Monday, Tuesday and 7 day, Feb. 10,11 and 12M e g w i n », oe »* W. Beard, 0. 0. Corfe (Captain) R J. Fowler, W. Frith, H. fr. kw Neiison, A. M. OUivier, H. H. Secretin ?• Tamer. Some remarks on the two , 4will be found in another column 104815 A Local “ Qnri’s BABr.”-Jxh o Berry r. Stephens was brought WZ 1 ,? Justice Johnston in Chambers I when Mr Holmes appeared to show caS' answer to a rule «tri. The affidavit. *° : a state of things which His Honor minded him 0? “ (Jinx's Baby.” a!LS«; report of the case appears in to-dav*7 ?*** under the head “ Supreme Court ” l3rJe Railway WAGGONS.— By the w s mail an advice was received by the Rail * department, stating that the ironworks 7S waggons had been forwarded—so ft* tlA w ton andso for. Fort Chalmers. ment will arrire in about a fortnight Jp the) woodwork is now waiting, * the railway workshops, the «gg«f naming in about a fortnight #ft«? Thb Latb' Mbs Gabwood.— The of the late Mrs Garwood, wife of Garwood, an old and widely-known settW Akaroa, took place on Thursday. There« a Tory largo attendance of friends, whom had come from long distances, an/:! eluding two members of the General Z Mrs Qanrood was one of the oC eolomsts m the Province, having atriwAJ Lyttelton in the Samarang in 185? W * Ah UHSAra BEIDGIL-A notice has late!, been erected at the Heathcote swing bridri informing travellers “This britWUunsS fear traffic." Notwithstanding this notkZ! issued no doubt by the Heathcote Boadßosrf action has been taken to prevent tnS and heavily laden ’busses to and from Sumner are daily crossing over. If this Z tore is as unsafe as it would appear to be w 8 n»y be startled some day by the occnrria* of a very serious accident. StrPBBKB Coubt.— His Honor MrJufo. Johnston sat m Chambers yesterday mom. mg, and disposed of several cases. His Honor stated that ho should leave for Wellington next Thursday, and could not hold a Chambers after Tuesday. On tha laitnanisd day he would be prepared to take anythin, urgently requiring to be attended to. fla would not be in Christchurch probably ft>r some time, but would ask Mr Justice Wfflkms to come here for a day or two, in order to ffij. posft of anj busines that could not conventently be postponed. ; Ah Ikdddbnt Thbpx.—A woman Stubberfleld was arrested yesterday on a ; charge of stealing a pair of boots from outside , the shop of Mr Archibald, Colombo street South. Both Mr Archibald and his wife were in the shop at the time* and saw the woman deliberately take down the boots. On being stopped she declared that the boots found upon her were a pair she had par. chased elsewhere, although Mr Archibald’s ticket was still affixed to them. The offender will be brought up at the Police Court this morning. Cahtkbbuey Bowing Club.— The maiden pair-oar races of the Canterbury Sowing Club have been fixed for Feb. 13 and 14, and in connection therewith it has been decided that winners of maiden four-oar and doable ecaH races are not eligible competitors. On Saturday; Feb. 15, there is to be a scratch doublescull race for prizes valued at £3, and on the same day an event of more than usual interest is to take place. This is a four-oar race between married v. single members of the Committee. For the former crew a married man is to act as cox., and a bachelor will perform the like office for the single men. High School Cadets. —The usual monthly inspection of the High School Cadets was held at the drill shed last evening. LieutColonel Packe expressed himself highly pleased at the progress the cadets had made since last inspection. The arms and accoutrements were all found in excellent order, and the drill was gone through with a coolness and precision that would have dons credit to any company of Volunteers. The attendance was as follows: —Captain, lieutenant, sab-lieutenant, three sergeants, one corporal, one bugler, and 30 rank and file. Daring the parade Lieut-CoL Packe remarked | that the officers of the High School Cadets had every reason to bo proud of their coaIpany. 1 Nobxhbbk Railway.—A corresponded says:—The time kept by the trains on this line has of late been very irregular, ss they scarcely ever reach their deatinationatanjthiii| like the time stated on the table, and great inconvenience is caused to the travelling public thereby. Last night the evening train to Amberley arrived at Eangiora a litde more than half an hour late. The engine used for drawing this train is one of the “dubs kind, and has not more than sufficient power to draw a light train at a slow pace, but the Friday evening train being a heavy one, the public is thus put to serious delay and inconvenience. This engine, commonly known in the Northern district as “The hot-water cart" from its plain appearance, is intended to work on branch lines only, and why it u kept to do work it cannot do properly remains a mystery. Some immediate attention is required to enable the drivers to run the train in anything like the time wanted. Messes Jakxson Bbothbbs’ and Co.’s Nbw Gbaik Stobk. —The very large and commodious grain store which has been for some time in coarse of erection in West street, Ashburton, has now been completed, and handed over to the proprietors. The building, which contains two floors, and covers nearly » quarter of an acre of ground, has been designed and carried out by Mr A. Stubbs, architect, 0 Christchurch. The front has a bold and very substantial appearance. There is auno of rails running through, the centre of tne building, over which are hatchways for hewing grain, &0., to the upper floor. This door, which is 100 ft long by 70ft broad, is supported by massive storey posts and stout beams, to® which spring the laminated ribs which cany the largo areolar roof, the whole of the store being roofed in by a single span, and covered with corrugated iron. The building has nrmi stood the severe teat of the late gales, andre creditable addition to the architecture of As • burton.

Tbux or Tbaomok Esginb—OnTb-irs-day last, the experimental trial of one Messrs John Fowler and Sons steam trach and ploughing engines took place at w » beach, the residence of Mr John Gngg* * place where the engine had been left In any possible way a favourable one to s from, being in quite a hole and an me facing it. Attached to the engine we waggon and large combine. The loaded with 150 pieces of black birch, 1 timber, and four bags of coal placed o top, the total weight of its load being eight tons, and the waggon— which is somewhat similar to a railway tm*. plaoed on ordinary broad tyred wheels--'*, j about three tons. The combine was at . behind the waggon, and is one f oU r Proctor, and 00/a largest size, weight „ tons. The total length of the traij 76ft. The engine, which was only m ° of one man, without the least appa**“ , tion, at a steam pressure of 90lbs, s load and took it up the road leading " jn $ homestead, the incline being abou and, the rate of speed four diataue? After proceeding up the road * oa and the engine was turned round, combine following the exact w 0 f the engtnej the whole turning i fiUlarity38ft, with the greatest ease and , After proceoding homewards ahw g,®# to take in water. The engine, with Joad, then steamed up another xin U> long, the incline of doing it with the same steady turning at the c . ft ®?/Ste's ati9faC !!fd completed the trial to the >rltne .. of the proprietor and those w it.

'T'hid pIdCC of OtUUW<*,(3fi>« w,lubl t°tvilfmabe f' lcir &*•, [lll, a«“ t; in a» adterturmfrt, tk. , s' !r: !£ ■£.,*&. » d £SsS nee». lean *«» peeaent, and t»b pacie and *v ir oui?li a number of evolu- '® the exJuted with credits |IODS» *“* ■S-ffif Pffifff the member, of thelfldge 8 Moronic Hall, Southbndge, j, j returned thank, in a word*, and expressed .nrSnoaTSoe him. Tho jewel, P”?*, *• . „«• handrotne one, is » FMtmWte* which w * 'T7 *1 following inscription; S 51 WebCT. by the brethren of L»dge of 1651, Southbndge, Feb. 4, * Tooxsb Skxb. AXD o®-’® >IC S I S‘T 5? ■ i, ofMessn Toomer Sear.andCo.’,em* CL yesterday. A stertwa. jSTftom the factory, the three large omnibuses and a number or bW Xr otodinr the city, preceded by » band, A v f Edfd to Sumner to cany oat At Simmer the party by Mre Schluter, who 2«ira-«rtrtarss SffSIiSWSSS 2M3 ™%y 7&e foOowing—Messrs Toomer.een. (tree&^fSSa££as ffalker,’ a lengthy programme of recwwe got through, the pmesin each ease being „il worth winning. The following were the winners of the principal «wate. m of which were well contested : Sinrle Men’s Handicap, 200 yd.—W. Both, ff Vsiker, 2. Single GiVls-Woodham, • ! ymaiar, 2- Marrim Men*. Handicap— T M-ffisb. 1: K Kerr, A Single Girt, oodar 14— Findlay, 1; Withers, 2; Cottrell, 1- Smith. 2. Boys’ Bace, 100 yd.—F. Too-ci-1; E Toomer. 2. Boys’ Baoe, 100 yd. (aniesp -H. Toomer, 1; A. Perry, A Bind Bare Kmpson, 1; Wealock, A Bors under 18 Walsh, I. Single ffirij under 18 —K. Withers, 1 ; E. Schick, 2. Single Men, 100yds—T. Virtue, 1. Bate for riolin—J. Walsh, 1. On returning to torn the procession halted at the Factory, where tie Band played, and all nog, “ He’s a jolly good feltow.” The pleasure* of the day were concluded by a ball at the Oddfellows’ M, when dancing was kept up with great sprit, to tie strains of an excellent Bano/till sa twit hour this morning, Mr J. King act* iag as &e e£dent M.C. Asptcil&enisgof the Board at Governors of Ctoert-nr Cclegs will be held on Monday, Feb. 17, it 3 o'clock 1-3. As iril] m sec by idTertisement Is another its to J. W. Tngtia itiU prwinh is St. Pioi'i CSurci io-morrow mnminw and ereniawTbe rife match (Artillery ▼, Kogineers) t»4ay

Tte (oUcvisr team wl repsesant the AvonTiße C.CJa tier match with the Sydenham youth* Knt BereaKeans Q. PengeHy (captain), Jw. ghanfl. Geo. Sbud. E. Toller. Jm. T*ylor. T. Fletohar. F. AjruJej, W. BaddieQ, A. Hewman, Jas. Saw. F. K-msitz. F. Mcaricc. £mess«aeie»—F. Bomif, A Monie. ' '

A nitch win be played to-d*y, at 1,30 P-Hn, bet«-eea tie Cambridge and Tenmau* C-Cloba. The fcllo-tEg will represent the Cambridge Chib Ssesa Atkinson, J. Boyle, Empeon, Garret, Owana, Wflliaia*, E. Qooayer, W. Hopkins,- F. Keansdr, Beanrdot. S. Brown. Oa Thnnday next Messrs J. X. Ford and Co. •21 sell ty suction, at Tinurn, the estate known u Ehachgg, 22 miles eonth of Timiru ud U ffiOoi hoa St Andrew's nil way-station. The toehold skew of 6-500 acres and the l»ee»h"V* of 28.000. TU BhetliSs- stud dock of oij prerions at the Show Tarda, Timarn. The £lO/#} on Dec, 3L 1579, and ib* iwwiwdflFinttwa years.

Tie third public rehearsal of St. Michael's Choral Society wd] trie place on ’Tuesday, Feb. 25. lae aasual matriculation gfttio TTwr 2e&laad Unirencty wiß be taSd on Monday. March 3. CaiidatM must forward their names and Hate ol objects % Eegistrar on or before Fob, 22. P P®“?«Wyitt6etin«of members of the Kaiapoi Thursday eremn* at match between the Springfield C.C. *“ , «? Victorian C.C. will take place in pla y to oonaneaoe at l-SOp.m. J l !* lowing will represent the &<XcTre> 21015 (captain). V. Ecw, 8. Lawrence, Brooke. C. large, B. Anderson, T; Bellamy, J. NichoUs. Aaerxeaaeß—H. Milt?. A- Rim™.

Teabb nr Ivdia, —The value of the reSistcred frontier trade of India by lanl aanag the official year 1876-77 is stated at of , .seven and a half millions, «r«7,959 being the value of imports into £3.307,801 the value of exports The largest- share of thisW t, : , e -vli to British Bormah* the affil with imports, 11,12.,! i i exports. More than hafi this Katierhadeof the Pnnjaub is set down to r*Sham*taii, the year’s imports into the Pun- : r . ,5° m Afghanistan amounting t0£716,007, ;2 h . e ( «P°rts,thither to £793,130, The k^ ccITrEE IS Jatas.. Japanese left KoV • a^t^ ar he determined not to be by their fellow-countrymen in part* tb° f J,rogm *> * or we h*®* that in some seed n* T , v a - re & row mg wheat from foreign 3T W . 0 ‘ thls subject a Nagasaki paper saysT wheat .... *?* n * magnificent specimen of than wfw* 0 m <f®pan from American seed, the' floitf ] sstter could h« desired, to ativ £rom !t being fully equal fr ®m Amenca. Such a lhe Pr»pect« of Jana the Eert^ini 8 the /«r®J**» JKWO. that New Tert.r! ° f , v l lß uuthonsed version of the and fin,! ®®“t have concluded thrir second yeara and« has occupied eight 'pent of In 337 days U bSen lhe company througbont ’ tb* &Te ”6® rate of attendance Do * reS. n time . ,h“ .been 16. There 9B Bgestion. »if- “ ,n,ld «*tion of any further A SS r. kcll “V he made by the Mme an d the adjustment of the e2“* Sf till Consisted ofartflwJ - . year oarmflita la order to ttnd infantry only t but, oairy out H. BCr *i Were found xnsufßc&Ut to °®ee laiddown hy the War c ° u ntryi ncaM • for the defence of toe Angj invasion, the Monmouth aS® 1 * were converted into been comt Wj eguneat o£ engineers h« v? 0 f Portsmouth, under It f ' Portsmouth Bubmarino win i^, d Jhat * corps of this A* E mpaaie# of about IW iS °f Dec. S2fu “ t]l ° theX T ; Sir,—The A* ? M ? f Commons, ec >»bito S“^ WBr butch er , u®, bl °od. B Uined us to feMn? t £°>ve invtoed Af 0 r,' rou gh the Hou.. Afghanistan, is n " Uo «. viti nUng protit l ° f Ut ? nydivi '

party for tho restoration of the Irish Pnrliament, or even the redress of grievance*. The man who has brought this disgrace upon our country is Isaac Butt. At an informal meeting; of the Irish members to-day, I denounced him as a traitor to the Home Buie party and; the Irish cause, and I now repeat the accusation. At a future time 1 .hall review the steps taken by Mr Butt in his work olbotray&l, leading up to the supreme treason of the present hour.—Tour, truly, J. O'Oomron ?owta" Hie • Limerick Corporation, on Dec. 16, aok&Baed«ly pu«ed a strong resolution condemnatory of Mr O’Connor Power’s letter in reference to Ur Butt. Iwobnioto FaaOP.—An ingenious fraud has, acoording td g« Fftaro, been committed upon a wealtoymerehant rending in the neighbourhood of Paris. A week to two ago he received a letter informing Mm that the writer bad aeoertained that a bo* containing treasure wm buried to his garden, and oSertag to indicate the exact spot if he wstod agree to divide the apojL Hka marehent was at first inclined to treat the latter as a hoax, hut upon Motoring A eeooud and more petm ingone,he«nt aa«ww« agreeing to the proptoto- 2henertd*y be waswm todupon byagoßtlmnan of agreeable mapw* and it m wncanged that the search should be made at hi order to prevent tha neigM hour, from taUdnf . The bon—a very weighty one—was duly unearthed, and when taken into the home and opeaed was found to tain 8000 franc* in aiTver piaoes of fivehtaOM each. The marbMmt, much pleased at Mia result of the search, at onoe handed over the half which he had promised to bis who remarked that itwastalheraheavy lump to cany to the mlway rtation, distant about a mile, and thstt perhaps the merohaat could oblige Mm wkh notes or gold instead. Ihie the mendmot waß very happy to do ; hut he cwpitted bitterly the next mormng, ag he ttw by the light of day that the firo*£rano | pieces were spurious. | Pboobxss or Haw Zbalawd. —The Ausira~ i litin aad JSm Ztoiaud QautU (a London | paper), in its issue of Nor. 18, reviews at considerable length, in a very tovciunble! manner, the extraordinary progress baing made by Hew ZealanE The concluding jporrioh of the article is as follows:—’‘Anti: all this mighty hulk of mercantile enterprise mtut be the work of, at the very utmost, le« than one-quarter of a million of persons, whose exertions have thus lifted the Colony to a position of oommeroial power and opuence which, doubtless, is escreUy envied by more than one of (he old-established States of Europe. Competent authorities, who are intimately acquainted, with the material capacities of New Zealand, tell ns that the two principal i«l*Fwl« will eventually support a population of at least 14,000 or 16,000 j several millions more, indeed, might be-maintained, ware E not that the Southern liland includes along its centre mnch barren mountain, which, it is not probable, can be brought under j cultivation. This means, in a word, that the population may expand eo far as to become twenty-five times as great a. it is now. Should the evolution of material wealth pro*) toed in the same ratio, we may, indeed, expect that the future of the Britain-of the South will be something beyond what tbs world has yet seen in the way of human progreas.” :

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5603, 8 February 1879, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5603, 8 February 1879, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5603, 8 February 1879, Page 4