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Medical. T|B HEIGHT'S PHOSPHODTNI."Tlie only reliable remedy for Indlgertlon, Nemue and Liver Complalnte, and all EuswtiOnal Derail numti, . .A, w '. Eaootnmeaded by the Faculty. Bold by all Chemiata and StowiMws. in oasee at 10* 64 or in family caaes, oontafoinf one dezen 10a6doaaea,atAS, w-su ggHPraSawi. pifraaßß. » 00. HE BOX of 01/ASHE'S B 41 ranted to cure all diaa* nary Organs, in either sex. l tlonal, Gravel and Faina - borea 4a dd each, by all Chemiata Itnd Patent Medl« Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln,. England. Export amenta, BurgoyneTjßUrbridfaA and Co. Coleman steeet, London. Newbery tag Sons, 8t Newgate S».tesa as- tf*iiy p t!a#t^aßS^ss PBQBBEB,ACO.l)tifledin andAttoMand; 780? •f POE THE BLOOD IS TBS UPS." /NLABOrS world-famed BLOOD MIXTUEB. tv Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture.’’ The Great Blood Purifier and Ecetorer, for cleansing and elearingthe blood' from AD impurities, cannot be told highly recommended, Porflcrofula, Scurry, SkMEuwueiiaiidSoneotaa Unda it ia a novertallittg and nermaaant an, It cures old sores. Cores ulcerated aorea on the neck;Cores ulcerated aore lean. Cure«blaoi£eads,or pimples on the taoe. TCorea scurvy aofoa. Corea oanoerou* ulcers. Corea blood .and skin .diseases. Cores glandular swelling*. Cure* the blood ficem all impurematter, tr^wnUaver-caaaa-arising. Aa this mixtore ia it to the taste, and warrant Proprietor solbdta nftro tp gta it a trial to test its nine. Thousands of testtand in osees, contahtog sla tfahee the ymntlty. Its eaoh-Hsomolent to elect a permanent cure In the great majority Of long-standing oases, —by al. Cbemiatsahd Patent Medicine Vendors out the world. Sole Proprietor,. F. J. CLAEKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' HalL Lincoln, mghM, Export agents, , Burgpine, Burhndges, and Oo» Coferian street, London, Newbery and Sora; 87 Newgate street. London. , Barolay and taM Parringdon streak London. Sanger arri Sons Oxford street, London, dhd au the London wholesale Agents for New-i«Uand-KEhtPTHOBNH, PEOBBEE, A CO., Dunedin mud

MOLLEB'B, CO© LIVES OIL received the ddlyGdfd Medal awarded to Cod Liver Oil at thePOrUi Exhibition, 1878. ■ - special process produced from exceptional purity# tree (not thetadlgestible_£ats_ln. herent u other wthf i bat otherwise In Its natural condition as in (he Uving'flSßlr, no chemical bat only mechanical operations entering into Peter Moller* e new improved process. ' - ' i_ MOLLEB‘B COD LJVEB OJL.--The “Daily News’ " Correspondent at the Paris Exhibition, 1878, writes to thab fdornal of Sept. 18, 1878, in reference to the several exhibitors of Cod Liver Oil. •• At the Exhibitors of this product is Peter MSller, of ChHstiani%, L°ndonand^New year ronadhe employs there 30 men and’2o-Women, and in the fishing season from 300 to iOO extm hands.- This benefaetor' Of oohsttmptite invalids andfrmy children htts a special method for clarifyingtne oil taken from.the ood'aliverwhlleiit is fresh. What was freshly opened had no taste of sny'sort.* r ‘- T! -'= THE GOLD MEDAL—the only one . awarded in thisclass—tnakea the FOUBTEKHTH PEIZE which has been gained by • •• -- MOLLEB’S OQD LIVEB OIL since the London Exhibition; 1883;in preference to p other makers —great and the 'whole world, at all the prmftipal lntefM^iudfehiwtiona. MOLLEE’SCQD LJVEE OJL is the only one that will’ retain its virtue) In ftopioal climates, on account of its exwptkmal pnfity. Dr Pearson, of XTmhalla, writes.*'/!?* tejfce only oil that will remain good fovanytimS in India, while mtherarjntloal value your oil excels all others with which am acquainted,** - ' ' Head Offices: CHBISMANIA. NQBWAT. . Eriuioh Offices •. JDNDON. W.C. 531, OXPOI_ >» Factories: Stqmsond kA Kaheijvaag, Lofoden Islands, - ■ '.. Norway, , 5991-98 MEDICAL. THE following is an extract from a letter, dated . May 15th, 187%; from an old Inhabitant of HoxnhNpiain, near Warminstof, Wilts : “lamstalsobeg tosay that yonr Pills are an excellent medium} for me, and loertainiy do enjoy good heel th, sound sleep, and a good apetite. This ,u owing to taking yoop Pills. lam 78 yean old. Beroaining, gentlemen, yours very respectfully, && To the Proprietors of NOETON'S CAMOMILE PILLS. London. 7685 a A VALUABLE MEDICAL DISCOVEEY

EUIS B’S I F B gYEUP Is a medicine that was discovered by old Nurse Bertrand, who had been occupied in sick rooms and with the care of sick people for over fifty years. It is made purely and entirely of PLANTS, HKBB3. AND BOOTS, and is exceedingly agreeable and pleasant to both taste and smell, being warm, aromatic, and spicy. It is a most thorough purge, clearing out the bowels without pain, and without nausea or sickening. It does not weaken, and leaves the system open and free, never drying up the bowels afterwards, as every.other purge that we know of does. It can be given to infants and invalids with safety, and in every ease of old or young, it is guaranteed to cure the worst cases of constipation. Indigestion, and all diseases that affect the stomach and bowels. It is, moreover, a powerful stimulator and

INVIGOEATOE OP THE LIVEE. Its effect upon the blood and humors is something really astonishing, and is much more immediate and thorough tiinn that of any other purifier yet discovered, having thfa great advantage, that when it has, by its depurating powers, set free in the system the poisons of scrofula, salt rheum, malignant ulcerous sores, and cancerous gatherings or lumps, it instantly carries them bnt of the body by purging the bowels. Ho other purifier does this r with all of them the patient must take pills, or some other equally nauseous dose .of physio, or if they do not, the poison remains ba the system, and.-goes back into the blood. , REUTHE’S liIFE SYRUP is exceedingly pleasant to tabs, needs no second dose to purge the bowels, and does the work required to effect a Complete cure. BARRY’S PAIN RELIEF, Purely vegetable; for use internally or externally. Cores in one minute. Try it I Try it 11 7568-321 L. E. NATHAN * CO., Christchurch, Agents. \B A ESTABLISHED 1801. BB Y'S "" rjTEICOPHEBOUS FOB THE HAIE, Will positively restore hair to bald heads where the roots are not entirely dead, which Is seldom the ease. Will positively make weak, thin and falling hair grow soft, glossy, and long. Wulpositively remove dandruff, andmaketbe scalp white, smooth, and dean. As an degant dressing there is nothing in the world equal to it. Patronised for over fifty years by the nobility of England, Prance, Germany and Spain, and all the first families of America. BEAUTY WITHIN THE BEACH OP ALL. Barry's Pearl Cream gives a beautiful complexion removes every blemish, and enables ladies of forty to pass easily for twenty. Try it. L. E. NATHAN * CO., mm Christchurch, Agents. Nervousness weakness PIMPLES IN THE PACE PLUSHINO ■ LOSS OP MEMOBY MENTAL DEPBESBION. All those suffering from the above ailments should apply before it la too late and irremediable to Dr L. L. Smith, who is the only legally qualified medical man In the Australian Colonies practising solely on these diseases and their origin. Dr L.L. SMITH'S name u a household word, and through his means many thousands of homes have been made happy, and many, whose Uvea were a misery to them have been restored to health and comfort. • . His practice in Victoria has extended now over 21 years on this speciality of his profession. His practice extends moreover throughout all these colonies, and patients have visited him even from Java, Borneo, Japan, China, and India. To convey some idea of the extent of his name and tame, ho i has been consulted from Gnat Britain six times during the year 1874. Those wuhing tooonsultDr L. L. BMITH can do so by enolojriw A One Pound Motes stating age. symptoms, and duration of suffering, A enty will be sontbyw turn mail. , ... DrL. L. SMITH, forth# convenience of those ' ose extent wldence oil nxuryand! t-s ... . . _ T _ teconsult> « i » Do<,tor ' Address— - ' '-' | L,L. SMITH', , Collins street east. Consultation Pee bg letteri^S?^°' ,nW * . H.B.—Fo* the oonvonfcuoe of patients in tha visit him pet. i isduftitfiilnurouidiMifttt < i ,j :. • ' DtlTl. smith baa ataoa largeTnrkUh. Bathing Establishment for at htain&entn «nwH»lly imflh as suffer from Gout end MimiimHb. Medicines, appropriately packed, forwarded to “ the colonies.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 2