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Fibes.—Full particulars of the fires which occurred last night will be found elsewhere. IMMIOBANTS FSB NOETHBEK Moh’ABCH. —The Timaru portion of the single men will be forwarded to Timaru this morning. Lyttelton Harbour Board.—Mr Robt. Allan has announced himself as a candidate for one of the vacant seats at the Board. “New Zealand Christian Record."— This journal has issued a four-page supply ment this week, containing full accounts of Mr Varley’s addresses. An eight-page supplement will be isned each week of Mr Varies stay in Dunedin. , Cricket. —A match was played in Hagiey Park yesterday between the Normal and High Schools, which resulted in an easy victory for the former. Cresswell (captain), England, M'Qregor, and Brown did good service for tbs Normal, and Wood, Tato, and Fleming played well for the latter.

Lyttelton Colonists’ Society.—A meeting of the Committee of this Society was held on Wednesday evening, Mr J. C. Boddington, President, in the chair. The pane and specifications for the proposed additions to the Hall were laid upon the table, and the Bub-Committee were authorised to call w r tenders for carrying out the work. Fikb Alarm. —The work of connecting the Fire Brigade Stations, Police Depot, Lunatic Asylum, and Gaol by telegraph, gi« alarm in case of fire, was commenced yesterday, under the superintendence of Mr Mendings, Telegraph Inspector. The first posts have been erected in front of the Police Station, and it is anticipated that the hoe will bo complete and in working order aboithe end of the month.

Waimatb Distbict School— A meetmi of the Waimato School Committee was in the schoolroom on Monday evening last,) consider the applications to fill the vac^.l f in the teaching staff j present —Messrs tW” smith (Chairman), Manchester, Hawbp> Connell. Kidd, and Watts. After comiden« the applications, the following were appoints, subject to the approval of the Board “ ea mistress, Miss M. Bowles ; second assistan > Mr A. Bannerman ; third assistant, in l -" M. A. Lillie.

Ashbubtok Tbitplah Haix CoirrAST--' This Company held its annual meeting i Wednesday, when about 30 shareholders we present. The Auditors* report and sheet wore read and adopted. The oalaiii sheet showed the Company to be a success. The following were elected UirtV for the ensuing year:—Messrs A. D. Charles Braddell, K. Sando_, T. Scott, • Elston, G. W. Andrews, and B. 0. Snu • Messrs Weeks and Harrison were el* * Auditors. After the shareholders £ the new Directors met and elected iu f Sando, Chairman for this year. Itwasre*> • to invite applications for the office oi » tary.

Bbnbfit of Hbeb Bckz.—Oi» readew reminded that for this evening Harm announces a benefit entertainment to place in the Theatre Royal. Herr Bun tor many years been favourably tno Ohristohuroh as one whose service always been readily available in fur '„^; t3 ble of any musical entertainment for m 0 f purposes, and as an enthusiastic 10 e jj music he has certainly been ve !3 known. But apart from these Herr Bums has provided such a as can scarcely fail to attract a enoe.Mdlle. Charbonnet, who has of "th« won the sympathetic oommendstio public, is announced to perform, an Venoeta will sing some months Miss Florence Colvule, who for so . m has been absent from Christen tc kindly consented to read “ M® l ?, in * Soots,” and to appear as Ijady „ jlr scene from “ The School f° r a s Walter Hill taking part ~t h outers M' Peter. Mrs Walter HiU, the f Mrs Arthur Toke, and Messrs M i 0 Imisetti and Stark also have item* circU ®- them in the programme. Under BeC un? 4 stances, Herr Biinz should c ®. rt ' 4 bumper on the occasion of his n

Board of UoißO ° T ? es K held the usual fortfido« tio “ t {n2 rtwhicha large amounfc of “transacted. A report of the business *** ; n another column, oenting meeting of thei xnemOXFOBf. * «£j Amateur DromaUc Club Gachmt’s Hotel on Tuesday ffa3 held st , fc waa dec ided to plaj the evening, * b ®j hc p C ep Show Man next dramf of the benefit of the wardrobe fund month ff, UlO 9 f the Club. Obsbbtatioss fob iother part of thu i««« JiStAßi -1 of meteorological obsemappears an »hrt j B Stanse u during lions rt f h s 0 /inuirj, 1879. SuchobssmtbemonUio f taken an d accurately tions- * h % ok Mbe of Tory g«»t use to DOt?d 'uSand others whoso intorcsU are U K affected by climatic influences, liable to U 1 Cricket Match.-** m °< L) in by lE, ® eTeD *tLin last evening. The rest «P”l s e will follow on of t. b * • match North t. South will be The usual matches the U.O.C.C, mSi » d Clubs mt ** AT XHa the Lichfield street fire last <l*1 bT interfering with the firemen, up with his annoyance for Hams gave the ££ Xcurfe. and he was taken to the iw Sm05 Besibsot Magistrate's oS-Ihe Clerk of the Court hu wowed °°f3Lam from the Eesident Magistrate, * JwWm not bo able to attend at the owing to hie haring to hold an ® the bSdj of a man who was in the Bangiteto, close to the traffic S iiw m2y cases, both civil criminal, it is probable that some Justices fS*" preside in the Besident Acrosst.—Yesterday morning what might i.« bsen a serious accident occurred at inlLston It appears that a Mise Simmonds Se'S® *** v°”d fatfor the timely arrival of a gentleman, who lent every a«ustanoe, fte lad** who Imped with no other injury than the fright, tight have been wriously hurt. Ins EiiiwAT Fisk Engine.—Ho railwaj .rjire, one of the finest in the Australasian Colonies, and without doubt s splendid piece of mechanism, bids fair to become knem veritable “ white elephant” At the kto fire in Svdesham, it will be remembered, the engine Va* brought out, and by a clever minipnl&tion of the stop-cocks, the bottom of the Section pump was Mown out Last night In connection with the Lichfield street fa vhec the water in the tank was becoming bv it" v&s considered advisable to use the nfl’irav engine, which would be powerful enough to drive water through a line of hose stretching from the river to the scene of the fire. The engine was accordingly placed on the river bask by St Michael’s church, when it vaa discovered that the boiler was so leaky 33 to render this otherwise important aid absolutely useless. Waxes Smir ICommittee.—The usual weekly meeting of the Water Supply Committee m held yesterday morning; present— Counriliors Cass (Chairman), Gapes, and Aven. Hr W. White was present, and , stated that he bad sank one 25ft pipe in the Wiimsbriri, and was proceeding with the : prelimimry Tork of the experiment, as agreed upon by tne Committee. A letter was read in reply from Hr E. G. Fitigibbon, Town Cleri, Heioonme, giving full particulars of < the Tut lon reservoir and water supply to i that city and suburbs. He stated that the cost of those waterworks up to the present date was £1,500,000. The Tan Yean reservoir, situate about 20 miles from the city, was GOO feet above the level of Melbourne, and was capable of supplying thirty-four millions gallons of water every 24 hours. The main , embankment of the reservoir was pierced with two 33-inch pipes, and the city was supplied by these mains. After transacting some minor business the meeting adjourned.

Sid exham Boeough Council.—A special meeting of the Sydenham Borough Council was held yesterday at the Major’s office at 12 noon; present —6. Booth (Mayor), Councillors Brown, Paritt, Charters, Andrews, •Jones, Foster, White, and Hall. The Town Clerk read the notice calling the meeting. A letter was read from Messrs Joyce and Williams, expressing their willingness to act as solicitors if duly elected- Councillor Charters nominated Messrs Garrick and Cowlishaw as solicitors fcr the borough. Councillor Brown nominated Messrs Joyce and Williams. Councillor Andrews nominated Messrs M'ConnfU and Douglas. The result of the voting was the election of Messrs Garrick and Cowli-haw by a majority of two votes. On the motion of Councillor Jones it was resolved that the Major and Councillor Charters wait upon that firm and ascertain if they were willing to act. The meeting then adjourned. During the day Messrs Garrick ana Cowlishaw were waited upon in accordance with the a^? T . e resolution, and consented to act as solicitors to the Council. Ihe Lunatic Hospital Patient.— The man Thomas Crosse, a patient in the Hospital, who had developed dangerous symptoms of insanity, was brought before Besident Magistrate yesterday morning. He had been examined by Drs Turnbull and Camp* hell The first-named gentleman was of the opinion after examination that although the man was not what might be termed a lunatic, ctili he thought the asylum was the best place to send him to. Dr Campbell, on the contrary, held the opinion that the man was suffering from inflammation of the brain; that he was not a fit subject for a lunatic asyltun, and should instead be taken into the hospital and attended to there. It was stated that there was not a fit place in the hospital for such patients; andWardsman ■Brown informed the Magistrate that on night Crosse bad been so violent that “ e had required a great deal of attention and Knctwatehmg. In this position of affairs Mr March, Charitable Aid Officer, was sent for. and haring learnt the nature of the case, offered to admit the man into the Armagh street knacks and have him lookedaftcr. Auis offer was at once accepted by the Macismle, and the man will be located there lor the present. Diocbeax Sunday School Association. Amato, of the Diocesan Sunday School waß keld last evening, in the ,1 ®, e library, the attendance, which ineluded a number of Sunday School teachers, i. Amongst the clergy present " fe Ibe Kars H. C. M, Watson, H. B. Flavell, B. G. Penny, and J. W. \Sb T v e ch f, ir token by Mr H. B. W^nT h ° l v Ued , u P° n tlie Kcv H. C. M. his promised lecture upon ite objects and management. The lecturer handled his unon • a V ble ma # Dner > dwelling specially upon the influences for good which Sunday d must exerdS a l d u P° n the beneficial emlor w bich these institutions provided wto the work ?L anSf g ‘ Th??evsentleman referred to and ineeifi.. wt,* 1110 * 1 deemed necessary, Which (--.j a ,« . In fbe discussion pan ' -^^ 1 ® 4° U o Wl ?, g gentlemen took J. W. Stack H , -R G 'af enny ’ Webb and Messrs A he^T^ ord d Hobnes, and Stokes. T-iffi proposed bv the Bev l^nwouidtheSr^l a “ odel ftUowiaar Win re.

present the latter r--D. Grubb, J. Belgravo, A, Belgrave, A. Maofarbvne, D. Petrie, W, Ogior, E. Evans, O. Morris, W. Kenwood, R. Empson, and W. Jamesonj emeiswdes, U. Kenwood and I>. Lusk. The employees of Messrs Toomcr and Co. will bold them ant annual picnic ball at the Oddfellows* Hall this evening, A public meeting for the purpose of electing offloow, io.,for the North Canterbury Races la announoed to be held next Friday at Roberta* Club Hotel. Banriore, at t o'clock in the afternoon. There will be a spool'll summoned meeting of the Bangtara Lodge of Oddfellows on Monday evening nest, for the purpose of receiving the auditors' re* perl and balance-sheet, end other business. The 101 l owing will represent the Hagley Oak Leaf against the Saslern C. C., on Saturday Messrs U. V. Anson (captain), O. Booth, J. Cargill, C. Frith, J. Qibb, J. Hopper, A. Johnson. J. Lurk, m mmsmi 3. H. Tarsor, J. Wheatley. A match will also be played between the H.O.L. and the St. Albans' (Ruin on the ground of the termer. The following Wffijplsyfor the Bagiev Oak Leaf iBfosm MawhaU (captain), Ashby, Fisher, Board, Sown. Jones. Hooper, Barker, W. Hapworth, O. Hipvoitbi , A two days' matob win commence on Satnrday between an eleven- el the C.C.O. Club and the Woolston m the grotnid of the latter, play to commence at Afop-m. She following will play for WooUtonKonck. Beaumont, Thompson, Nalder, f, Bsaaford, J. Bamford, J. Davis, s. Buxton, H. Buton. T.L.D»vis, Chik.ud F. Bavltitfcaptain). The loliowiag will represent the D.C.O.C. r—Messn A. J- Baker, J. Dews. H. Wood, E. Peter, H. D. BnchiWtn, IC. J. Bos*, W. B. Feroeval, M. Lewln, S. 8. Smith, K. sTsmlth, and F. Bcbinaon.

A Nsvr Obdibancb. —We understand (•ays the Dmiy Jflnw), that an Ordinance vrill shortly be sent out from Home for adoption by the Legislative Counoils in Crown Colonies, providing that European prisoners aentonoed to penal servitude may be sent Home to undergo their sentences in one of the penal eatahushmeata in England. Dartmoor would probably be the gaol chosen, and an Act of Parliament [is being prepared to enable the Crown Colonies to adopt this oouneof dealing with their European criminal*.” BBUOim Chabgk.—The Thames Star relates the following anecdote“ Religious fervour does not alwaye conduce to domestic quirt. ‘The Man at the Comer ’ relates (hat recently a staid Presbyterian was converted to the belief of a select coterie who believe in immersion. A few nights ago he went, accompanied by several brothers and sisters, to a secluded spot in the Eauaeranga to be dipped. His wife heard of it, arii lon the next meeting night she posted herself outside the place of worship, and when the worshippers came out she launched forth a torrent of abuse against the females for seducing her husbanorrom tho faith he had been brought up in, and going 1 bathing' with him in the Banaeranga River late at night!”

Making the Best of it.— A Melbourne paper says:—Australian vintages have now acquired a .Ammfaw that protects them from being sneered out of consumption. Otherwise! would hesitate to repeat the covert and doubles* unintentional sarcasm of our black brother. Some sable sons of the soil paid a friendly visit to tho station of a well-known sporting squatter. He was, unfortunately, out of grog, and his viators were accustomed to entertainment of that kind, and would not be denied. So he gave them half a case of Champion’s vinegar, upon which they commenced a carouse. After the first tumbler, the spokesman of the party, not without a wryfooe, politely said, “ This budgery—vary mod—often drink this. Know it well—this Colonial wine.”

Women in the London Post Office.— Bight hundred young women at work, all of them in one room, all looking comfortable, moot of them looking pretty, earning fair wages at easy work, work fit for women to do —work at wnich they can sit and rest —and not be weary, with a kitchen at hand and a hot dinner in the middle of the day, with leave of absence without stoppage of pay every r, with a doctor for sickness and a pension old age—for tho young women as years roll on soil become old—with only eight hours of work, never before 8 o’clock in the morning and never after eight o’clock at night, with fomalfl superintendents, and the chance of being a superintendent open to each giri. His is a Government office under Government surveillance, and all this has sprang into existence daring the last eight years.

Air Eochstbic Pibb.—The London correspondent of the Cardiff Times gives this bit of mysterious gossip:—“ All the word is talking of a peer or the realm, a bridegroom of only a few weeks, who since his marriage has broken out in the wildest and most eccentric way, and is behaving himself so strangely that if his conduct continues an asylum must be sought for him- As captain of a corps, he took his men to church, left them at the door and retired to a hotel, there got drunk, became forthwith so generous with his gold that the waiter netted several weeks’ earnings by one Sunday morning’s work, and finally gave instructions which had to bo countermanded by his colonel Next day he was distributing £5 notes to his hostlers. _ He makes nothing of ordering a special train if he wonts to go a short distance. A,pleasant state of things this for a bride. It isTDoe hoped that she can solace herself with the coronet which was so remorsely forced upon her.”

Female Hbboibm.—Two English ladies have won awards for gallantry in saving life. On Sept. 8 three young women named Pfell were bathing at Brcadatairs, London, Eng., when one of them was carried off her feet into deep water. Another sister, going to help her, was clasped by the neck and dragged into deep water, and the third sister, who went to help the other two, was carried out of her depth. All three were in the utmost danger when, an alarm having been given by a r»»" on the cliff above, Mrs Disney Roebuck (wife of the well-known Capt. Boebuck, theatrical manager), followed by Miss Bond, her sister, with all their clothes on, rushed in immediately and rescued the three girls from their great peril. Mrs Boebuck was the first to reach the ladies, and was dragged out of her depth. Miss Bond, partly wading and partly swimming, saved the whole party, the difficulty being much increased by tbe incumbrance of the clothes of herself and sister, and the strong current setting to tbe eastward. The Boyal TTnmnnß Society has awarded a bronze medallion to Mrs Boebuck, and a handsome testimonial on vellum to her sister.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5602, 7 February 1879, Page 4