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Public Notices. I h i fl fi 1 A 'L .*. s -Bv. qj P P* T 4o the3Unre and 8&0BS always «mW» IDlMot Irom the -best ne •^ leli °* w. At A B «• (I -a, ■, Chshelirti&M. ■■■;■. 985 ffiß l A fiIN«LB PAT® OB 11 BOOTS AT WHOLESALE THICK isssss^f~Sa^ jssiaGssassat^.The Ladies-crowd outside ?‘l»lfi ike*!' Him amhopiaeaiy to be found, ■Mn this-eltj’JMf s «enowna>4 nr* BioDhar*.-* • worWng-menV*-Mnfeased ffuiatohwui theirs W wwtoeat. •MdiolasaleprioeVaeinKfcjeir. j> • vm say ha bmsi -bntwho SMBAs* 1 * o«w w ae, mmnwuv ■■7-» - HYDE'S BOOT EACTOEY* BotailShop, oppoeiteifltaaage and Chratohimih. -8889-860 AMERICAN WALTHAM; WATCHES, |£ B 8 (P *At MM *4(4 iSSV Il«- «H E WO*il 257-4812 IL. )E. NATHAN A ■ GO,, CHEISTCHUBOH. JAMES 60SS, QANTKBSUBY STEAM SAWINO, lyflßfe, AND tTURNING MUM WHASUfiLI JWAO Al® DUIH6AM STBHBT, CIHUBTCffIrCrBOH, . ■ Sz andKamai?, 600 OASSB CEMBNi; *0 CASKS PLASTBB OF FABIB, 80 TONS IXMtBUGATBD MON, SLAVES (COUNTESS) COALS AND MHEWOOD AT-OUBBSUD BATBS. QBOWN M OLB ••*- "* 1 * •T* ov 8B B 8 WHTHB AH© PIUNTED CAN BE PUBCHASED BETAP* PBOlt AJiL DBAPEBS AJffl BXOBEK EPEES ■'• ■■>•*; ---lathe Colony, '■ AND WHOLESALE FBOM AM. WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS, nyM. article bean the Trade Mark of one or more Crowns, according to <FJaMtr. 9812 TARPAULINS- TmPAXJW T?AE PAULI NS. BIOK CLOTHS. HICK CLOTHS. REAPING ANDn BINfilNiG MACHINE OOTHBS. OANVM DEEDO. THRESHING, COMBINE, AND ENGINE CLOTHS. MASQUEES ON HIRE. A Very Largo Stock, to Choose from at B. HALE & CO.’S, CASH E L 8 irENBT, OH El STOHUBO H. Orders by Post or Telegram promptly attended to. JROWITS WHCILESiLI ft GOAL DEPOT T T ith the Itomeay ly Siding; he has now facQtHes for carrying on his bnaineas which tolT enable hlu inaifflEOT ra mm. large SnppUea always oh hand.JOtdera per rail despatched.promptly. . To ensure constant supplies arriTal of Cargoesat rega, BET AIL TABDS, TIJAM STBBBT Doors, plain 'or ass, all patterns; ishes and Case* ente, in variety; ami. Bod, White, id Clear Pine, Mali, Totara, Baltio, an Diemjan’s liana, id Australian inhere; Dressed , and Q,| Bnstdoa. id and Planed Shah and assorted stock of all the trade i 'Seasoned timber of all kinds; FIREWOOD delivered In any quantities Just landed ex CIiEOI IPATBA-A-SHIPMENT of Cedar. Xandingex Wanganui—--2sTom5 Tom ■ „■. —— To land eximHne—--20 Tons GO and Orb Iron gQQ Casks Cement. And all other Inec connected withth* trade in great to> . . rtatys.-.; ■- ■ J. T. BBOWN, Offices, Tama street diUHL all TOtteTn* I Nads. Cement, Peso ing wire, Bfdging Iron, Bricks, Piles Polios, Shingles. G. P. DATE. GASBITTEB. _. Llir ,n., ~K LuujTßijnTH. and t.amP MAXEE. Gas Engines and Eleotric Bells fitted nr Bby experienc&d Sid Cold Water Apparatus of evfflydesonption made and • . i*° a r—l_T* . I?ams PirnflTM. ATll) RaaP fhllHllM fitted HD And T6DS rthemo'Sapproved principle. Hydraulic Bams, Pnmpa, and Beer P&ginMfltted np and repaired. Gm OvCTs7Gis Stovea. aßd &« Kt&nga in always All workgmmmtead op p 081 TEC IT Y HOTEL; 00 LOM B O STBE ET. • Manufactory—Opposite Mason, Strnthers and Co., Colombo street. 5701-90

Business Notices. GRATEFUL—COMPOSTING. EPPS’ (Breakfast) COCOA.—"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the Operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of wellselected cocoa, Hr Epps bas'provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors* bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet, thata constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us, ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame/*—The Owl Service Gazette. Sold only in Packets labelled JAMES EPPS k CO.. Homoeopathic Chemists. LONDON. 8507-209

Business TTotices. u D s 0 N*B D YES, Magenta Mauve Violet Puce Purple Canary Maroon Buff SIXPENCE PEB BOTTLE Cerise Scarlet Orange Blue Pink Green Claret Baby Chemists and Stationers. TKixmouux. Sir,—Tonr “ Simple Dyes for the People " only ■* _ j • 1 L. nMvA/nola/1 T ViftVA Sold by Crimson Brown Black Lavender Slate Gray Foncean Lilac require a trial to need them for some longtli ox time, and recommended them to many friends, who, with myself, find in them an item of the highest economy Having been successful with'fbe smaller articles, I tried the larger, and now dye all at home—vis.. Curtains, Table Covers, Dresses, 4e—with the most satisfactory results. March 16th, 1875. W.B.A. 5541-86

Medical. JjJ ATNEAH’9 EHTBEICO N TEE NEW SPECIFIC. Gives Immediate Belief and Speedy Cure In Nervousness. Indigestion, Flatulenoe, Palpitation, Lowness of Spirits, *c. Gives Speedy Belief and a Permanent Core in Nervous Debility, Weakness, and all Functional Derangements of either sex. B&pldly Benovatea the Nervous and Muscular System, and is an Infallible Eemedyfor Liver Com. plaints. Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, *o. A Specific for all Impurities of the Blood, Oflen. Hive Breath, Pimples, Eruptions, the baneful effects of Mercury, &o. '' A short trial will satisfactorily prove the efficacy of this extraordinary medicine. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Storekeepers. Price, 6s. Wholesale Agents: EEMPTHOBNA, PBOSSEB & CO., DUNEDIN. 387-378 M OLLEB'S COD LIVES OIL THE PAEIS EXHIBITION, 1878, ONLY HIGHEST PBIZB—THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL. Amongst 43 Competitors. MOLLEE’S COD LIVEBOIL.-Dr B. H. Euddook, M.Xb, &o„ says in his " Vade Mecum” —‘•The Oil we invariably recommend for its easy assimilation and high ■ „ nutritive value, is Mailer’s." MOLLEB S COD LIVES OlL.—From the Home for Sick Children, Bedoar, Thomas W. B. Locke, Esq., Admiralty Surgeon, writes—" I can bear testimony to the purity of Mailer’s Oil, which I have now used for some three years. In comparing the Oil supplied by Mr MSUor with that used previously, I cannot but be struck with the few . cases In which the stomach refuses to tolerate the Oil, a great desideratum in an institution where so many oases of scrofula are admitted. I can confidently recommend Mr Mailer’s Oil as stio viSu* ** ml pnrity and of great diet. “MOLLEE’B COD LIVES OIL Is, In my opinion, unqueßtlonablythebost-lmmeasarably superior to the brown oil—more pa’atahlo and far more efficacious."—W. Domett Stone, Esq., M.D., Physician the Finsbury and to the Western a COD^^^lLreooi^d’theOnly r£ W iPl al Rt , tho Fails Exhibition, 1878 T making which alone MOLLEB’S ®iV^? ,iveb OID has gained in competition with h ieftf hOUt WOrM Blaoe tt9 .9? 0 ® 8 • Christiania, Norway j Branch : <£?’ Oxford street, London, W.C.; PeeNorway 8 an, * Und and Lofoten Island^ SALICYLIC ACID (After Kolbe’s patent). remarkable article has taken the foromos irr - n^Jl»ti lnong “tiaeptlcß and antizymotlos, am only in medicine, but in ever where decomposition, mould, or ferments SaftcS. 11 to be prevented, have met wit) ne < Jams, tellies, fruits, meat, milk tatter, eggs, bread, gins, flab, syrups, snuff, ink Bailoylto AcWU* anlly * eop 800113 U treated witl of T. Lakeman, 66, Clarence street f T om . Bur »°y»o< Burbldgea, Cyriax dSemsau ri€B ' " on^on » 8016 consignees; ag^^al

r consequence of spurious Imitations of r.V.A AND PEEEENS' SAUCE, Which are calculated to deceive the public, Loa and Perrins have adopted A NEW LABEL, Bearing their signature, LEA A PEEEINB, Which is placed on every bottle of WOBCESTEE* SHIEE SAUCE, and without which none is genuine. Ask for LEA ft PEBEmS* SAUCE. And see Name on wrapper, label, bottle, and stopper. ■Wholesale and for export, by the proprietors Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London, fto.,ftc. and by grocers and oilmen throughout the world. Agents—Matheson's Agency. 4158-44 O EOSSB AND BLACKWELL’S SURE PICKLES, 8 AUCES, M ALT VINEGAR, 8 ALAD OIL, P OTTED MEATS. C ALVES FEET JELLY and other T [ABLE DELICACIES, MAT be obtained of Storekeepers in Australia and New Zealand. Every genuine article la labelled. CROSSE ft BLACKWELL, Purveyors to the! ueen, S, LONDON, SPECIAL Agents for LEA ft FEBBINS* WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. 8879.217 J OSEPH Q-1 L L O'T T k S STEEL PENS. Sold by all Dealers throughout the world. 6184 YAUGHAN-JONES’ GINGER WINE. . (" Standard" Brand.) DR HASSALL’S Report state*—" It Is aromatic, bitter, warming, and stimulating—of nearly the same strength as Sherry, and forms an agreeable and useful cordial bororage.** Sold everywhere in the Colonies. , Wholesale of VAUGHAN. JONES, 17, Water Lane, London. 8670-213 "V A 0 AN,JONES BUM V _ (" Standard " brand), in Bottles. Dr Hassall a report states *• Vaughan • Jones* ‘Standard’Bum, pure old Analysis to peasess the peculiar and very fragrant odour and volatile and aromatic taste characteristic of Bum of very superior quality and is quite pure.’’ Sold every where in the Colonies, r f : Wholesale of VAUGHAN-JONES, 3659.213 17, Water Lane, London,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 2