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Tixiakp.—“Uncle Tom’s Uibm l ' : tainment opened at Timaru last mggood house. . - The Suez Mail—This mail arrive.^s.B. Arawata yesterday morning, amt ■ worded through from Port by the i 1 trian. . Tub Mails. —The Australia, wita ‘ coming mail, left San Francisco on <ty;v one day behind time. She is clue at A - on Feb. 16. . Mb Conykes.—The following ceived yesterday morning by Mr Acting-Commissioner of Railways, ff hi , with general satisfaction : —“Feb. •*, 1 ,| Dr. Mocaffer reports great hopes Conyers’ recovery. He is now steam-, proving.” Mkteokolooical Obsekvatiov ; , Jascabt.— ln another part of , appears an abstract of meteorological i • tions registered by Mr J. B. Scanst' •, the month of January, 1879. ‘ tions, when carefully taken ami ~ n noted, cannot but be of very g^’" 1 agriculturists and others whoso m ~, liable to be affected by climatic m I ‘, ‘ L SI ;' Glasgow RblibfFcnd.—A p 1 ‘“A,..,!:;, ing was held last night at the • ,' ;l for the purpose of taking steps to t y soriptions in Canterbury for the re P sufferers by the Glasgow Bank fa attendance was not large,~ nrot 'eea‘ :: f ceeding thirty people, but V lO were unanimous, and the vanou t jjy were earnestly proposed and n • IMMIGRANTS PEE ship s t! ABOH.—Dr Bouse and the health u Mr March, Immigration Ohm , uli j Suarantine Station yesterday, I there were getting , “Lhith ;:; fy several children are yet m the l y c s. ing from the after effects o ra tiq’-e ship will probably be i ■, May, and the single m » J® a i be 1The single women and faun > early next week.

PA9S.—We hate to thank too Bai^ at .f c t, ne r for Railways, Mr W. Acting P»« Ha nna - T !vfMiddle Island Railways, able on tHB Hospital—A warrant A It*/ 11 ..-}«»■ for the arrest *f a patient ™med Thomas Crosse, who dangerous symptoms of r s t£ rr.rx c ss^^ meetlDg °nMint » solicitor in place of Mr day “ iIC resigned. Before the close Z Sing of the Council the follow0{ the la* l me h f<)r the Taca „t posing finn«w P fl and Harper, Messrs tion;-- Me -, L, w i;,haw, Messrs M Connell fl"* k £d Messrs Joyce and Williams, ard D »S 6 JS« or His Eicatx.KNcr.-His «r DE btn EWor received a telegram from W orJ bpth J to the Marquis of the xrnm jJis Sxocllencj would Konn .?n hold S!7ir 'm rtW levee on the following day, and f “ cliriTtchurch on Thursday. ThelevJe t? u'|sheld at the late Pronncsal Council £ Ub Lr Purine His Excellency’* stay a 3Sory^dr«» g will be presented by tic EnrioTKEs’ S, has Zn arranged by the Committee, Shall of the departments, their wires jnd families, will be able to take part. A Sjareof the programme will bo the baby S for which a large number of entries are ■’ .-i A close carriage will be attached n train for the safe return of the X. to town. On the programme, it a ffi that. “ Hot water may Be obtained." rf . intended that all the hot water shall be “Jd before the decision of the judges on the hnbr ihow is made known. H‘BBDrB Boasd Elbctioss.—The Honß. Richardson, Chairman of the Lyttelton Harv Bo«d, yesterday informed the members that there would be an irregularity in the foHbooming elections, which would render it Inexpedient that the new Board should sit actifs tali dating Order in Council had been issued. He stated that Government had been with upon the subject, and bad declined to advise him, as it was for the Board to carry out the provisions of the Act, bat had consented, should the necessity for dnng so arise, to give any relief that it was rimed to rive. Sir George Grey had telegraphed, “ Will certainly rectify as you risH.* 1 . , A ScforxA* Occubeexce.—The tram from the North yesterday morning was delayed shortly after leaving the Styx station through a Ter v peculiar accident occurring, which fortunitelr resulted in no damage being done, and onlr a slight detention of the train. Three confined in a regular cattle truck, and Kcs-dr tied to the bars, were ts transitu for Asbinrton, when one managed to open the door &nd attempted to escape, but being fKurt'lv tied by the horns, she only managed to her foreleg* out of the truck, and in this position remained till the driver noticed her and stopped the train. The guard (J. Bevnoidi), stoker, and several passengers managed in a short time to right the cow, shut the door, and the train started on its course as if nothing had happened. Babmsss’ Picnic.-—A second and largely attended meeting of barmen and publicans’ employees was held last evening at the Golden Reece Hotel, for the purpose of taking action relative to the proposed picnic. After general conversation, m which it was evident that all who were present were thoroughly hearty in their desire to make the holiday a suecessful one, it was unanimously agreed to bold a picnic as early in the present month as could be arranged for. The time and place of the gathering will be hereafter decided upon. It was considered that the best means of perfecting the scheme would be to elect a good working committee, and this was accordingly done, full power being given to those appointed to carry out the details. Highly satisfactory announcements of subscriptions were made at the meeting, amounting in the aggregate to upwards of £3O. Mr Kiddey, licensee of the Golden Fleece Hotel, was elected as treasurer to the committee, and Mr G. Germany, barman at the Garrick Hotel, was elected honorary secretary. The Sugar Maple.—The seedling sugar maple (see tacciarivm) which was presented to the Curator of the Public Gardens by Mr G. I. Hellish, has made splendid growth curing the past season, and has in a comparatively short time attained an additional height of three feet. The young tree, which is stiu grown in a pot, seems full of vigour, and numerous cuttings have been obtained from it. These have been worked up in budding sycamores, an experiment which it is hoped may have a very successful issue. Some time since the Hon Mr Buckley offered Mr Armstrong a quantity of sugar maple seed, a consignment of which be was then expecting, but the Curator felt compelled to decline the offer, as, on account of the depredations committed in the nursery by birds, ne saw no chance of success. The seed beds of tie fast season, although protected by c.ouole netting, have been utterly ruined by tas persistent efforts of small birds. Some ieedt of the sugar maple were successfully germinated some time since in the green--iouse, and the young plants, eight in all, are in a very promising condition.

Asnßnuoy. —The Eer. J. W. Ingli t gave one of his interesting Scottish lecture entertainments at the Town Hall on Tuesday eteriing last. There was not a large attendance, hut those present greeted the lecturer with rounds of hearty applause, which were well merited by the able war in which he succeeds in carrying the sympathies of the audience with him. The subject title of the entertainment was “Pen and Ink Pictures of the Past.” The lecturer at the commencement said his entertainment was called “ Scottish,” but there were pen and iik pictures of other nationalities represented. ”ithaneaey, fluent, and distinct enunciation, the rev. lecturer reminded the audience of the greatest genius of all true art, the immortal Shakespeare," his works and the benefit conferred on posterity by them. The lecturer followed with sketches from the pen "J™ 1 ' "The Cotter’s Saturday Night,” Will Carlton,” “ Betsy 0. T.” (American), sooir 3 “ First and Last Visit to a Play," Charles Dickens’ “Death of Poor Joe,” ■Borman M'Leod “Trust in God and do *>ght, and the “ Poet Laureate.” The entertainment concluded with a per oraion on “ The Future of the Colonies,” which was given in a most eloquent and masterly manner. The rev gentleman will make bis Wippcarance in Christchurch at the Oddfellow# flail this evening, Socte Bakau School Committee,—A netting of the Committee was held last night '“the schoolroom. Present: Messrs J. Primmicornbe (Chairman), J. N. Sharp, A. S' w. Kemble, N. tfclsh, a Q. bhellock. A letter was read from tho luink agent, stating that £ls odd had been paia m to tho Committee’s credit. Moved by I£l% P, wt. on^ d Welßh and car * Br V d iab chairman be written to, V»inn r *-^ Ueß i ,*° over ah documents the ct g 10 p ommit bee, failing which to t< V uk the Board of Education i m u tbe matter -” Mr Sharp said Con;,,,\ had been re l ue *tcd by the Eer de.Tn .-i> po . Uit . out to the Committee tho «uSSS t° £ ?- mn ? hc school children or three “? trucl > on during school hours, two a ,7' ck * 11 ™ generally eic g nt timf f th M h^d?eii did not tovesuffiIhf ril luer« r ordinar y instructions. sion nl was k * b °, ve ' for future discusation of Mr considerauditine last amber<ain 8 account for p* acc ° unt » "land over till called • EcSO v lved - Tha t tenders be that the nUr niDg Boho °lroom, and also and oUier obEth. d * <d f red of tussocks Mr Welsh were Chairman and Mann, and obtain^ 1 ** 1 to wait u P° n Mr c i>ddreu’£^J he ?? ne y cod «ctod fop Eemble were * MeB6rB Shar P and were necessary Jml b,5 Bee wß at repairs l “ n ! ot £lO foMncWel! 10 ! Boar,i of Edu «' ft** > Mr Webb tal ei ? ons <»- - P«>Sf Uock aad carried .iW b J Mr «C tl ° abe to ls f the , Board ot chwWr*,, them if tho COt whc “ she Sh do « v.. eSaniination »

Railway Trucks.—The Chairman of the Lyttelton Harbour Board, at yesterday's meeting of the Board gave same information as to the Government provision for new railway trucks, which will be read with satisfaction by all interested. Fob tub Boakd op Health Ihsbbctob.— On Tuesday afternoon there were bodies of a dead calf and two dogs floating in the river Heathcotv near the residence of Mr '£. M. Hassal. 'The stench emitted from those carcases was something abominable, and passers'-by were compelled to make a detour to avoid. &. To those residing in the neighbourhood such, a nuisance must be nearly intolerable. Railway Exteksxon Noam.—We understand that Maoandrow, the Minister of Public Works, yesterday forwarded a telegram to a member of the House of Representatives residing in the vicinitv of Christchurch, informing him that tenders would bo called for in a few days for the extension of the railway line from Amberloy towards Cook Struts in accordance with the provisions of the “ Public Works and Immigration Act, 1878.’*

Cbiokbt Association.—A meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association was to have been held at the Commercial Hotel lost evening. The President, Hon Secretary, and one or two members wore in attendance, but as after waiting for a considerable time there appeared to M no hope of obtaining a quorum, the meeting was permitted to lapse. It was arranged that a meeting should be held on the cricket ground at half-past five o'clock to-morrow (Friday) evening. Cbanbaob at Lyttelton.—The railway department are making efforts to increase the craneage power at Lyttelton before tbs busy season seta in. ASO cwt. crane, which has been altered in the railway workshops to suit the pier, was placed in position at Lyttelton yesterday. On Tuesday morning alO ton crane left Invercargill for here. On arrival, should any alterations be required they will be executed at once, and the crane forwarded to Gladstone pier, where it is to be worked for the future. Thb Bassznothwaxtb Case.—' We are requested to state that the bail took care to obtain most positive assurances from the friends of the accused that he would make no attempt to evade trial, and that one of the hail distinctly stated in Court that there was no collusion of any sort or kind, and that the Justice expressed himself satisfied as to the honourable intention of the bail. The bail are also making every endeavour to,see that the assurances they received will be made good. We are glad to give publicity to these facts in case our articles upon the subject should be misunderstood. We wished to reflect upon the state of the law, and not to impute evil motives to individuals who were merely acting in accordance with a practice which, we are given to understand, has become almost invariable, and which they frankly admitted. It is this practice which we hope on public grounds to see discontinued. Gaol Rbtubvs. —The following is a summary of the state of the various gaols in the Province for the month of January: — Lyttelton—Males—For . trial at Supreme Court,lS; hard labour, 118; imprisonment, 7; medical treatment, 7: total males, 147. Females —Hard labour, 2 : total, 2. Grand total, 149. Nine of the male prisoners included under the heading of “ For trial at the Supreme Court’’ are also included under the head of hard labour. Discharges—--34 males, 1 female; total, 35: total in gaol at the end of the month, 105. Addington— Males, bard labour, 47; imprisonment, 14; debtors, 6: total males, 67. Females—Hard labour, 24j medical treatment, 3; total, 27: grand total, 94, Discharges—Males, 40; females, 7; total, 49: total in gaol at the end of the month, 44. Timaru—Males—For trial at the Supreme Court, 2; for trial at District Court, 1; hard labour, 33; medical treatment, 2; lunatics, 2 1 total, 40. Females—Hard labour, 3; total, 3: grand total, 43. Discharges—Males, 27; females, 1; total, 28 : total in gaol at the end of the month, 15. Tixabu High School—A special meeting of the Timaru High School Board was held last evening; present—Rev W. Gillies (Chairman), Messrs Bruce, Howell, Chisholm, Cliff, and the Rev Barclay. The Chairman reported that ho had inquired of the School Commissioners, and ascertained that as yet there had been no division of the, funds. Letters were read —From the Bank of New Zealand in reference to Board’s account, and notifying that £4806 13s lOd had been paid to the credit of Board’s account. From the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, explaining the state of the funds held in trust for toe Timaru Board, and stating what business had been done in reference to purchasing the site for a High School at Timaru from Captain Cain at cost of £1650, leaving balance to credit as paid over to Board’s account at the Bank. From the Board of Education, granting the use of Education Office for Board’s meetings. The report of the Sub-Committee appointed at the last meeting recommended that the offices of Secretary and Administrator of Lands should be combined, and that the salary be £SO per annum. The report was adopted, and toe Chairman was authorised to advertise for applicants for toe office. The Board then went into Committee to consider the question of organisation and constitution of the proposed Timaru High School. On resuming, the Board resolved—“ That provision be made for tha teaching of both boys and girls; also, that competitive designs be invited for the Timaru High School to accommodate 200 scholars, the building to cost £4OOO complete, with lavatory and outoffices, to be built in brick and ccaicntcd outside. The building may be of one or two stories. A bonus of £4O to be paid for the plan approved by toe Board ; plan to be sent mon or before Tuesday, March 4. Messrs Gillies, Cliff and Chisholm were appointed a Committee to ascertain if suitable rooms can be procured to at once commence the school in. The Board then adjourned.

TUe following team will play for the Eastern C.C. against the Hagley Oak Leaf C.C , on the ground of the latter on Saturday, play to commence at 2 o'clock :—Scott, Gray, Blakely, Digby, Paul Bow (captain), Joynt, Kinvig, Hamilton, Hunt, Bailey. The foUowmgwill represent Sunny side in the match against the Biccorton C.C., on tho Satiny side ground next Saturday, viz.—Page, Whitley, W'hlto, Barkley. Francis, Kinsman, Seager, liiz, Smith, Rogers and Bale; emergencies, B. Cant and Richards. A conveyance will leave Antigua street bridge at 1.30 p.m. The quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held on Monday next at 3 p.m. There will be no parade of the Christchurch City Guards thfo evening* The monthly inspection of the Christchurch Engineers will be hold on Friday evening.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4