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[TIMES’ SPECIAL WISE.] ■ NEW ZEALAND. ' ABOEXAND| Jar. 8. Mr G. M Eeed. Immigrtttion Agent, visited the Eatikati settlement, and expressed him* t»lf highly pleased with its prospects. Over 20 persons have been crowned in the Northern Wairoa within 18 m6nth|i' The amount of gold sold from the Thames district last year was 61,6070e5, being 5192 oss less than the quantity raised last year. During the month of December 2532 tons of quarto were crushed, yidling dtOSozs Gdwts ISgn Of melted gold.

NEW PLYMOUTH, Jak,3. The Southern mails ', by the coast route, with Wellington dates W Deo. 21 and 24, only reached here to-day. Steamers frequently bring mails four or five days before the previous overland one reaches here. A man named Samuel Chapman, working on the railway, received a severe scalp wound through a winch he was working running away,and the handle striking him.

WELLINGTON, Jaw. 3. The Fernglen is to come here diately from Nelson with most of her immigrants, as labour is not so much inquired in

The criminal statistics of Wellington for the pest two years show that crime is not only relatively but absolutely decreasing, notwithstanding the large number of persons added to the population within the peribdj In 1876 there were 616 committals, of whom 512 were men, and 104 women. In 1877 there were 527 committals, 436 males and 91 females, or adecreaseof 89. Daring the year just ended thero j were * 430 coinmittals, 1958 malre and’ 72 women, a decrease being thus shown of 97 bn -1877,; or I JLB6, nearly 33 per cent, on the- number of com; uittala in 1876. : 1

J. A. Mackay, late manager of the Band of New Zealand at the Hntt, Was committed for trial for forgery. 1 A < customer of the : bank named Thos. Mahey gave him a cheque signed lit blankto drew ont a balance of £Bl from Fate*. The inspection coming bn, Mackay filled this up for £I3OO mid passed it as cash. An unexpected audit a few days after disclosed the fraud. Mackay was also committed on a charge of larceny of £l3lO from the bank. "V -V ; -‘ Thu'morning alargedeputetloninterviewed the Hon J. Macandrew-re the railway station site! Mr Mocandrew promised that at least a passenger platform should be placed near Mills’ foundry. He said the Govern; meat intended to reclaim 20 acres additional; and carry outthe wharf shown on-the plan. The Government eipedted the Thqrndon ref claimed lead fo roause dearly half * a million, with which money an immediate commencement would be madeof ’the West Coastline to oonfiebt with the Wanganui Hn'es. Careful sufoeys of three rouieswere nearly Ooe promised to give alinbin everyway desirable. The following scehe obourtea at the deputation: HisWorshipthe Mayorlyiked, withi bat desiring to be too preesing in the matter, whetlrer they might assutne the two sections referred to would be Withdrawn from sale, so n* to bo used for a passenger station. Mr Maeaodrew: If necessary.Mr Gardner said that Mr Maoandrew quMified his promise by the words “If nebeosary.” Mi* Mtoaridrew thought that the responsibility bf the eity or otherwise of any giyen course of should rest upon the Moulders of the department. Mr Nathan didribtagtee with 'Mr Mabandre won tfoit point,’ He tnoUghta greatdriil more weight should be given to the wishes of the public under the qjrqomstfmces. ' Every interest in the mty wte remrbsentcd bythepre; sent depotation, end be thbtight the Govefoment shoUld pey defereqeo to tHejr wishes,' (Hear, heir.) This Whs hdt a politieal matfori it wes amatterpurely ofcbmtrion BoiMe, and Whatthdy asked fow for 'the ; good' khd th«! foteMMS of the public, Odd Whethrif it ihbhld becamed oiit or notj should not be loft alto* gether to the Jfopirtment. Tlhjrr kirew quite as well as the Department what thby wdnttd. At the tWtefottimO they -JiMd'' ,| to , ’pay;’2r6d cartage oil ‘goods to tße'o^way, ; were the etatiem more crritedly sitirited they would have to pay‘duly le. -Thi* represented a good deal on the sales,' (Hear; hem 1 .) Thb people of Wellington ’under such circumstances should hare something more thaU a half premise'from' Cbvdriinient.' (Hear,: hoar.) OtogO Had not toUUointMs manner < forwlMHOhhWanfaa. 5 This! 'WUe*%■^Becte»i#,;'*tad ; '«Wre?-SHad'-A right to demand that fchrir vriihes shoidd be *' complied iSlthttf riit Ifodid hdt ffid to go os thestump. MrNafoan didpotintend to go on the stump either. ’ This Was v not e. political matter, eud hc dld nct deiire tbj introduce politics. Mr Macendrew (to Mi 1 1 Nathan) ; w You might* \ virtuous isdignationi u '—fit tm of opinion I w *(os»| of no! no!) MFNat&HI thought the people I ought to know bert White they wanted, knd i had aright toashfor that. ‘Mr Maoondrew thought the people didnot always know what; wu best for cbeim' However, had nothing further to say ln the xbatter. He lied no! tntereet to serre, but he' did not { think Ooreraaeob ooidd aitovd to give lip all : tiie reolaimed area Whleh would be necessary.! Mr Dransflsld pointed> oht that they only! asked that the two sections referred to should ■ be reeerred, Mr Mace>adrew 'understood Mb j Nathan to praetioaJly ask Govsniment to girej up all of it: for rrilway purposes. (No, no.) j Mr Macandrew continiid to say that all he! could promise ths depntotiOn wan that the ri-; aem asked for should bc mafis if it Wore! found necessary, - -i'. !■■■'■'< ’• •• ■i-'. ’ Tbriw were {added ffom the Otoki yester-; day 1700 rounds Armstrong shot and shell | for guns alraady ln tho Cdlony/1 i--;. ' < The gate takings at the Galodoaiftn Wmesi on New Year’s Day amounted to 10165 7s lid. Tilting at tho ring Was on the! programmee,; but thefo were bogenuine entries; : Aftcr thoi sports were over, liowovor, two porßons intiitod on ontci ingfortiiling.andihrealeiicd tho disco- ; tors with legal'proceedings if'they were not | allowed to compote. > 'Tho desired jierminriofa'

therefore was

alaimantoweatetmwg^^ I ‘ nomlhatldrii for 83 adults will bo In | was, drawn by Mrji Ilarry of I satis 1 South dn !Monday. ' . ’ OolOnel Yielding hts presented a very !handsome “Communion Service” to the ! Aaalibpn Church at Fielding. : : | A (fatette issued to-day oxtonda the hpua--1 dariep Of Nelson Borough, and odhtattii an j Order in Council making a change In’ the I Telegraph : *egtUftridrio, 7 go as td legaUio speofal Vre arJirigement. And gire oSg ; 1500 B<mU JpeV day tit ovdning ; O. M. Mr W. T. L. Travers, and UK THorrias ‘ Uoson Jaro ro- : aPpmpted Gevernora ‘df thd New Zealand Instituto., ‘ !

MABTON, Jah. 8. ■ A aeWoUs fire broke out' during this after! noop in the new .Temporandc Hotel, ahd deSttpyed iTkna EtttsollA hones. The fire was oopnned to the two bandings namtd.y Lyon's E reinlses wrt» saved: With dlffletltty. .It rdke out in Bus sell’s, emrpenter’s; Tw Tomperanoe was insUi^'’ifa*the VidtoHk and ' in’the National for B100.‘" The insnranoes; N atiy,’ bU BuiselTs,


, V) >. . The nomination of MV Buckingham, as against Mr John, Stadhpltne, at Waimate yesterday for Qloditoiie teak in the General AmmMyywsn a jgreatsttrpHse. Hehassihoe retired > m farour < of Mr 1 Stddholme. who is now duly elected. Tho latter is astrong opponent of the present CNwermnent, and (avoars denominationsdeduoation. i •■■

The interruption of goods traffic by diunage to the Bangitata railway bridge is canting very great inconvenience in Timarii, as largo quanuties hf grain, atone and Other products areaccttmulatihg. m ...

, OAMARU, jijr. B.' : ’ Mr Hendersob; the waterworks contractor, haring, thrown up, his contract, h special meetingof the Municipal Council was hud to-night to consider the question cl proceedthe woWf. ThO Efagineer suhrSftod for the consideration of the • Council scram retoinniendationS is to completing the whri, partly by tenldCr indrartfy by day labbur, ; and recommending the ’Council to appoints. certain staff as 'raggtiUa. 9: 9!lM' recommeiidatibfas were, with slight amendment, adopted, and it is now understood that the work will be resumed with all possible despatch. lhe prompt aotion of the Council is to be ootbmehded, bwatua amafe j)f pien thrown out of employment by the stoppage, and thereby suddenly deprivod of the means of subsistence. . v ' f ’J •

.. Poor cases of temporary insanity, caused by excessive: drinking, have been before the Resident Magistrate during the past week. The vital statistics for the past mouth are— Births, 37 ; marriages, 91 * deaths," 4. Corresponding month in 1877—Births,86 , mar* riages, 6: deaths,; 8. The totals for the yoar are—Births, 406 t .maniacs, 94 ; deaths, 92. For 1877 the numbers were—Births, 416; rnarriages, 64; deaths, 90.

DUNEDIN, Jak. 8.-

Mr B. H. Leary, ox-Mayor, has been elected onopposed/toy the ’rifHigh Ward in the City CooUciL' At the Police Court this morning Henry Lion Metz was committed for trial on a charge of forgety of a bill of exchange lor £3B. The fhther of prisoner stated the prosecutor hod been, pledged pot to prosecute his son, but thee Bench said. , there , was no alternative hut to , oomfrit. Metz is respectably related. i The Committoo of Bxamipers forthe Otago Education Board hayo recommended that the scholorships be awarded to the lollowing pupilss—Senior: John Murray, Adolph Hamaan, Wm M'Grogor, Wm Alex. Fleming, BoberiM, Laing, J, B. Ferguson. Junior: Ann Foirhes. John Somerville, Donald Fraser, John Montgomery, James Parlane, Laura Dartoo. Mr Bastings, ;MJ1.8., Waikaia, received last night a unanimous vote of confidence. The railway tp Invercargill is to be opened on Jan. Ifior lA

INVERCARGILL, Jan. 3. ' Mr Andrew Einross, one of the candidates for Mataura inithe plaoe of Mr W. Wood, addressed a meeting of electors to-night; Mr Crisp occupied the chair. Mr Kinross, in the odurse of hii address deolared.Jumself as most decidedly in favour of the Grey party on all general questions. He approved the deferred payment system regarding the Crown lands, ! and •; claimed credit < for having Suggested such a system inthe Frovinoial Council iwhen he was a member of that, body.; Ho would support a reduction in (herprice of 1 deferred payment* land, and an extension of time, so/ that at -the end: of three vearedammies could not band over * their holdings to capitalists, He lauded the Hon. Robert Stout os Minister of Lands. Speakuß on the franchise headvocated manhood suffrage, with one year’s oolonial and short lotal rosidenoe. The numbers should, in his (pinion, be eliminated from the baoksof ballot papers. He believed in an elective Legislative Council, but the power to elect should be vested in the proper partlei ~not : capitalists. He; agreed* with the principle of the land-tax, and thought it desirable that subsequently there should be an incometax. ; He,would sßpport theMmistryin any measure! they alight adopt to restrict Chinese immigration • At the oonolusioa of his speech a unanimous vote of confidence was adopted.

[rfiouotrs owk cobbispoitdkkt]. TIBiAKtr, 3.

At the Levels Bead Board Domination today, at the WaehdyKe; Mewrt Ai ; Mee, J. J?attor*on,o. E.SHaw, and W. StOnyor, were nominated fortho Level* Whrd. ■

W. 0. Boswiok was elected for the Soadown Ward, without opposition* ■ ' '• The evidence at enquiry to-day showed thatthe damage done to Judge Ward’s pro* party by the fire, caused by a 1 spark from one of the railway locomotives, , amounted to £806.: Judge Wardwill > claim the amount from! the Bailway Department, and take legal i proceedings lor its ■ recovery if necessary. ' ■■

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5

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TELEGRAMS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5

TELEGRAMS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5