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j Supplement.—A supplon>ent is published with tho Lyttelton Times Vcoa morning. .

1 MoUNT.:-SDJEBS£f "iBOADi: DMl&lDtii-iThe Regulation of Local Elections’ Aot has been brought-into force in this district, v-■ -■ •*’ : OuAMßgli; OP COMMBBCK.—- 15ie ; nmnhiay tions of oflicers and Committee of thm OJiamber of Co mmerce; made yesterday. Will be found in another column.' , ’

i TiMAßtfDisTßidT Court. —At this Court oh .Monday last,' a jnew. trial was granted in: the case of Hunt- <r,Sellars, recently heard at the Waimate sitting of the Court. The ease Will come -oh for hearing on Sept.' s£>TOi ■ ->T‘f ■ ■ ; Runaway,Hob3E3,— There-were two cases of horses running away yesterday. In one instance a horse ail'dhart boltod'dbW Colombo r jAft»P!» fewfe.,, tbat wiy" case was that of a liorse and apring cart being-left : •fending outside an ; hofel on-jfeefdiWj road, while the driver went inside to refresh him* felf. ,In the iheantih»-& bolt ensued}" Tbf , hbrie bolted /alon^rthe/ running up Colombo strfet .andj.turning off into Armagh street, whore its stable is. ) No damage is reported, but the ihoiwl .may be phinted that when drivers go into* bars to refresh they-should first lock.'the-wheel,' or if they have .. not a lock atid chain,- have their drink brought out to them. V '..S t Experimental . Imirtifeßi- 1 -This evening FrotVsaor Diekerton is to deliver the secondof his course of lectures on audj Magnetism,” in the lecture theatre l of the College. The lecture ' will be -devoted to frictional electricity, and-will include experiments to illustrate' the attraction . and fepul-' sum displayed' by elertrified I ,bodios j hoticcs of ‘the theories respecting leliwfeicity'j 'expla- 1 nations of the electroscope-; conductors and : insulators • ’the distribution of electricity the action, of points and of lightning conductors ; the efeotrophpras—fee' instrument which was described' by Gavallo'a* “ a machine for exhibiting perpetual electricity and fifaaUy r fee,feribu» forms of .eleetriqmachinoE afe to:»orib«d and illustrated.; jdoUKCliitOß Blßh.bN THE Question.— By an omission in our report of the City' Council in our issue of yesterday Counoillor Bird’s name did not ■ appear , where' it should have come in in the; discussion, aha his speech appeared as the finish of Councillor Jameson’s. We make with pleasure, as.whUc aß;the expressed their •: so bpiniohji : on. the. 1 BUDjeoti it would appear-from our report’ that Ootuuimor Bird was silcrit. Couhciftbr Birjj however,- spoke -out decisively, His-speech, was to the effect that he considered every douhoillorshould express i4at'ter, ' 'T’hey,' should IfektoCluistohuroh fifty "years hence. There was no finality in? City .no tolling where the ! thin edge, (jnce 1 ' inserted/ wtfuhl stop. and for that reason .the leasing had. hi*, opposition. ' ~ “** ! Montreal Street North Pbbsbpxbbiah Sundae School.—A children’s treat in eonpaction with this school took place last evfeii ,ing, in the Oddfellow*’ Hall, Montreal street Nbflh/ where the'sdhopl 'l#; catried pribTiW!Sunday. The prindpalobjoct wa* to jpftigu :r •fete the introduction, of an harmonium, which had been obtained, through the effort* of the tfechefe’ahd, someofhad collected subscriptiowfrom their friends ‘fed neighbours to cover the> expense.- After .fee an entertainment took place., The chair was occupied by' tfe Jfey Ehnslic/. #h„ delivered a short and .appropriate address. Mr J. Cameron; the superintendent of the' fehool, next.addfesied .ihe meeting, fed gate fema statistics respecting the' fife ’fed pfe. 1 gt-ees of the iohooh Ho stated, that it was commenced on Nov. 19,1876. at whioh time there were 28 scholars ahdeight teachers, who had increased to such an extont thst thcre Was now an average attendance of 82 scholar* abd li teaohew. 1 Short addresses were 1 alfe delivered by Messrs FiUow, King, Baillie and' Hubbard..,- Kot the liart'intewstife. feature of the entertairinwnt oOntisted ofsohujf recitations given by the children.'' Votes of thank* to the eollfetor* of the fund lor purchasing the harmonium, and the choir, were pissed,.and a very pleasant evening’* phtdri :dinißvnt;iJici. au.ct« ah'

BAILWAT IXTBMBKto.—ft is Intended that an consistins of tlxe Mayors of tho vMmM Uoroughf, th« chairmen of th# County Council*, and" - ieceesitr sfopmngvpthe countryby makmg - ihi'srauway at once. ” U.A.O.W'—A sumrtrohcd n>tetln| r.r, tli , aboro order Wni hold bn Monday hlght at this. , Tomplß»n»H| Worcester street, there being » tory good attendance, Bro Opponhelro, A.D., AfteftheusuaprtUmlniirios'wero disposed of. two morfitl&l Were initiated into Iho mystonw of: Jlniidism.-. fi ve;:eaadldato« Were tlron»%Cßcd for Juousslbn took IW »“neWp2co for hojdingthe .mosting.of. the lodge*..when 'it wm finally decided toacoept the room tapM&Sß^umgs. , irony, the lodge closed Wt 10 o’clock. ’ ■ Tni Township o» Atmnr.~ Messrs, J. T. . FojjJi for Mr E. KibHSttlson, offered yostst- 1 terday sections in the township of Albury, • Which i» the centre of a; urge agricultural district and fld thplrim wayltom Ximoru towards Burkehi Tate, file Mackenzie Country, wnd; Mount ‘Nessl dgr Atoong other (ndaooatttlft one given is tho prospective outtibg up of a large estate into famein the vicinity'of-the feby large, and the knowledge, possessed, by. those present of.tho locality did uotappear-to bd-extensive.- ■Of - the > cections offoredi 13* were ■ disposed- of, and the remainder'wero withdrawn fxont sale fbriho pVUtefal. S, [ eAflogglc;. In Monday ‘morning, u inan homed Henry IrpiK leftmte^home-in^Krsb’»tw*t;-Syden-.atb/carryihg 0 '‘child,’ his was ‘ sen the direction of the city. K lung hocTbeen heard-of him by the poUee up blast and as, he is., believed tobe 1 is entertained’ or bis safety and that of. the child. Ho is Cnglisb, 84 years,-of Age, abont &ft 6in high, lark and sallow oomplexion, black .hair, ■ dark corded coat and 'vesfc; dark check trow* alers, and .-soft black-felt hat.-’The child was Six years old, of .fair complexion, fair -hair dark eyes, with slight cast in.rieht cye, and die was.dressed in light bluish alpaca frock, . with light cotton trimmings; < | CBtxtTT 10 Anikam.—The ..misery, endured by horses in dragging heavy loads the goods station at the Central terminus ihilst be intense. : Owing to tome uh- . fortunate dispute between.some of the local authorities, a great portion of tho southern Side of the South belt wits shingled instead of metalled. Where the "railway gates open on to the belt, horses, on coming out"')*to tho street, instead Of -haying-firm metal 'under them,,hare to drag-heavy loads for a distancepf a chain* over a roadway, consisting; of yielding shingle and mud. The shingle is fast disoppearing'in the mud; ■: The City Council, no doubt, cpuld r not see its way to zqetoUing. the, -Whole length or the belt,-but a little con-.-eideration, at nil events, might be shown for. the “ dumb, driven * ariimala.’’ - totfstontiyundergoing torture. . . 1 Thb Ciboub.—At Hayes ;and: Henbß mo ’ 9 Circus, there was a Wery ; fair attohdaheei last - evening,, and tho programme, of, Saturday and Monday, wittirepeatca tor the last tiniel The attractions which can bo offered by this highly talented company arb ; far from being ekhausted, arid in proof of this another now programme is to bo submitted to night. Amongst the new sensation'- feats .may be mentioned that allotted tp Madomo de Gran.viUe, who, as if to' ‘show - thot' her previous efforts are not after all to be regardea as any extroordinarr display of hdr strength of jaws-' andß ißd.WhitoKthe is being hauled tip to 1 ttefpfe to the . of - fh'C eh- ‘ closure. * Amongst the amusing items, Messrs ■jfenhamo and Wal&toe are-tO' introduce an. unusually comical a,ud entirely -'original; act,' entitled, ; ,fc The manipulation pf liat«/ ,:? ’

-fTlre Revising Officer* Mrß. J. Lee, yesterday held.a Court at the to revise •the roß'qf' the EailwayDistrioti MrßranaOn, of Ashburton, was,’retained by the.Rakafa, Mount Hult, and Alford Forest Bailway Company, to conduct objections lodged-by his clients, and Mr ' A. ; Thompson,' dr Christchurch, acted in a similar capacity for the Rakaiaaud Ashburton; ’Forks Railway Cora-’ piny. A large number’ df’obj'ectiqn* were dbposed-'of, hud a number ofpersoqi-liable to, b* rated were placed on- the roll, a consider* : able number, ,of r whonv"were_ purchasers of ' sections in thi toWnship of Barrhill,' who, Mr remarked were greatly aggrieved that been- rated Several/ ini fact, : applied to "have their,.lands rated higher than the, amount _set ! agkmat .. their ’ respective aoreagpi topkjtoajrate:? payers’ District 801 l loir a guide, which whert edmpared 'with 1 thb : v showed that ; %?ery ,jolasf rateable,. yalue hid bden arrived at in both rolls.:. The Court rose at 3 The "Revising OfHcer holds a Court at Upper Ashbiirtba tOrduy. , : |A iPcrzzpiKa spt,BO?ppt.— I The. tejegram cqnvpjJhgtbe stores inthomatchbotween the" ' Australians and Lancashire was very carelessly, compiled, which, addod to mistakes in’i the transmission, .teems to fydVo fairly puzzled : mbst of our contemporaries. One * paper ;mixee up'the Australian eleven with the Lancashire side, making Bannerman pnd ;: Beyje ; go in twice in the saiho iuhihjgs, andaddirig the well-known Englishman) Mr/ A- .iJiL Hornby, to the Colonial ranks. ' Another prints • Mr O. P. Lancashire’s name as. Cairnshire in the endeavour to make put iwhpt “lancashire eleven " iin the, middle of the County innings meant. While a Dunedin daily /interprets these mystic ,vrqrds A as signifying that eleven of the Lancashire: men were caught off Boyle. It emits to. explain hoyr eleven men could have beeh caught when eight only had gone in, and its readers were left to infer, that Boyle Hod developed a new phase of destructiyenest.whiph enabled him ,tq put men out "faster than " they came in. 'Another Dunedin daily prints "cancashire(?)." Tjio changd-of ohW'de&i’, bytnrnihgMr V. ■dti'jlo’s name into ‘‘iJqylo,’’ was Another mystification, andtheaOfriy-ttoubled editors ini most cases contented themsoives with putting a query after it, find leaving the public jtd fog ,dp!Bl^'' - jtber ; moral of all Ahig jg that a little morocare and the addition of-- a‘ few ' words ’in cable '.messages would .prevent a great., deal, ojf trouble, andmieunderstanding. Atpresent,' for tho sako'of gaving a fewrrordg, telegramsr are often made unintelligible,< and the 'money’ paid for them is quite thrown away. ; Ashley. County Council. A special mooting of this Council w»s. held' at.the. house, Kangionvon. Monday morning, Sr- the purpose of- urging- on the Qoveraent'- the jieoesdty of attending the .-railway to the ,;A|| the members’ of the ,|ir f f ,U. Parson, Ml* ‘H/ ”P; ; l Eabce l itoenjmb ! g ‘the .chair. * Pile - “qheitiqri having boon fully dls* cussed, si letter Ip th’e Qovernment was drifted' urging upon ’tb'pib' thi of -eitend'i ’ %jg the north, at oboe, os, whlchever routo the line might take after that, it vras’ At apparent that it must go to, tl\e Hurunui first, and. shewing that well as what is now being, daily. sold, warranted Ahe expenditure on the, hue as far. at that if •'nbt carried further, T!he, letter hUp,showed that a j bod already aur f ’ iviyod: tbo Jine to the Huruaui. and had csti-, mated tlmcost stBIOO.OQO.aud urging the route (o the West Coast vih .titer ' \Taiau, asthafcwould-openup; so raueh more i , valuable arable .land than any other. The length of ' terminus on the WsstfOoOsV, W 0» tfwed' to lb*,, about 130 miles, wbenpts Ahe/proposed line between Otago and' the same terminus would be 200 raile», ond would rup parallel; toother line* for aoonsidcrable distance. The Chairman whs requested to oommunioatewith the membfrs of the General Assembly for the Northern District, with a view of securing theirsuppert j to the proposed' extension^ 1 ■■ It; wa# agreed* that Mr R. Wright, bf asked to oondhot an.! clectiou for a member of the Hyreton Biding, oS goon a* possibly. The Chairman distributed the various ainOmits ' due 1 to tbepublio cambterios in the Ooiltdy, and some disouisipn ensued'ae to the propriety of subsidising i 'private denominStidaal oemtSeriM, -as .the i monev was vdted to publio cemeteries alone.: The jeUOO cheque for the K »iapoi Dom*in wits handed Oyer to the Chuirmau in dupli* cite, the original oho hiTihg been lost. -The .pbuuus udjowiwcU

iftAtmelt BxQV» ; t.-rAn enquiry into the BUent to the barque Raymond, winch struck some sunken substance between Baton and Lyttelton, was hell yc»te«a|._ import of the proceedings will be founfl px, W Supplement. rr* S§Cootbai.i.—A match was played yesterday bel%en Christ’s College ami Temtika, which* resulted in an easy victory for the latter. A repoi* will bo found in our supplement. Wish regard to the Intor-prorincud Match, .wa-oze-oossy-to ~floA that tha- Canterbury team will not be nearly so strong as it should MHMWlduihadfilg players are unable to "ctf.", At "least .three pf .those on. the list*, published on outlay, will piet be avail* able, and the team'will.havetodje chosen from the diminished number, with possibly One pr t two outsiders who have not «voA riMrttiotiid lunikcdy’to be tetebUdl s * ' ' TMBAVXtf Kennedy:. ’and Bent Minstrels-had another; • capital audieiuw'JasMVemhg, when the opening nrpgramme Was #ep«itea for tbi last time, and i|ighv,ftn wtimj.Hflf programme ra ww. on of songs, new Dutch, Irish, and Negro specialities by HCsSr# Ohearerw and Kennedy, and two original farcical sketehee by.,lit Horace Bent, entitled << He .Would Be an Actor” and “ Old Chimes’ Will.” On Friday evening Hr Martin Simbnsen is to porfofip his wonderful riolin solo, entitled '.Mile otT the Ocean.”

’ ' Tub Wabd meeting on Monday evening, Councillor Briggs gave notice to move next meeMrt|r~ h That in pursuance of a resolutionyfrip&iiy this Council on Nor. MW.Alßrwlnl Abe desirableness of (he City being divided-into yards,: 1. thald^]^ : wards,’ & That thO bbuhdarff»of .each-ward ‘be delinootadibylincs.drawn from Antigua, street to the East town belt, through Here-' ’ ford street, ? wpd; ■from,- the • Norths:town belt, .to ..the, South town -..belt . through .Colombo street. m That- the operation of the yard system shajlapplyjo the flection of momber* chit,. 4, Thai, the necessary stops be. taken under; elausOrSl; qf .‘The Municipal Corporations ;£ofci; j lß76i ! ' to'- tfire ; effect to the foregoing resolution.” The motion will be disouaeed next Monday, : • ■ • 1 1 1 SoyrnnsiDSb • .SoHoptj —> A-. mcotirig of thii Committoe was hold on Mon- . dayjprosent—Mo*srsßoimi,Paddy r araham, And from the. Board, 1 sanctioning. thcalterations to the plans of the suggested by the Committee, and approving the eppoi nt’mont of aiSDcretayy? and :alsoifroni'.Mr.Fat-j tersOn, asking for the- schoolroom for the purpose Of holding "a.' Good’ Templar?* "lodge!" It was resolved not to comply with the request. It was decided to take .no action in ■ the .nomination ofa member of-‘the Board' Until the' fist 'hominatiohs by Other Committees was. forwarded, ’ It was -reported-that £2O was realised- by . the entertainment given join Friday night , last, and it WSS determined to proceed %tj Aith the;! erection,.of;; .the fence between- the Presbyterian - Church section and the school: site; in aecordanoew|fh the plan drawn up at. the .jointmeeting. Accounts, as were' passed for pavmont:—Whitcombe' and Co., £3 Bs--sd; f White and Co., £9"2S. ' Thexuqoting'then adjourned.

- An Hxtmordinary general msotingof in the Company !Mll -be hria oh Sept. sat 3p.m. . , 'i *■. . 'A , A p-iblle meeting will be held at Amberleyon -'aturday at 7 p.m., to consider the Wert Coast railway question. ’ . iA nieeiine will be held st Neville's Hotel, Waiau, oh Monday. next at noon,- to consider the West Coast railway question. . - , ■■A general meeting of the Cathedral Guild will ba hbld at tho College Library on Thursday at 8 p.m. The KevMr Olqssoa will readapaperand selections of music will be given. Miss tidier announces that she will be in attendance at- St. Michael's schoolroom .oh Monday be-, taeen X p.m. and 4 p.m., for the purposaof .enroll., lag-laches who wish to attend the School of. Cookery, Tho first lesson will be given on Tuesday at Bp.m.

■ The ; Waxpa Cosiest. —An Auckland cor-' respondent tells a story of the Waipa election, illustrating the height to which'party feeling ,ranon the. occasion“ Lato on the . etching preceding the election, , Vie i say»,_.“_flie. land Committee' of; one of thc.dSncUdates discovered that a certain.-townsman was on- the; toll and had not heeh seen to.' Tosting off to this: place'of business he was soon made-right. Still later-the Opposition; Committee became acquainted with the -foot • that the supposedelector was one of two brothers, and that, it wjas the other one who wi‘s'the free and independent elector..: Leaving the enemy to lose precious time; as they thought,■ in fooling •with the -wrong fish, they, started off, to the western suburbs , for the right man, bat to their bhagrin discovered that the'enemy, finding out their mistake,had arrived about ten minutes before , them, and .satisfactorily arranged matters with the “ free and independent.” There was no help-for it but to trudge back. The lucky captors, though "flashed with- .success, .were too wary to risk the fruits; of their diplomacy; so taking. their , man to-a neighbouring- hotel,-one of : their number slept with.him, and took him up to Mercer by the. morning train, ..If such trouble, • wks token ever a single vote; one can understendhbwtheioinfcexpensesofthetwocafKll-' |dites amounted to £1200.” The ballot would "seem to have played si very insignificant part in this election. - -

Abb Fhonceads Useless ramming ' of the Grosser Kurfurst by thefKfenig .Wy-’ helm has led many persons to ask whether,. after all, ironclads, are- worth the money spent •, oh them. The Koenig Wilhelhi, after sinking it* consort, was taken into dock and examined.. The ponderous, ram was> turned on one eidei |iko so much paper, and the bows, were all "split and gaping. She has been visited 1 and inspected by great numbers of naval men and , shipbuilders, as well as hy the First Lord and- ” the' chief. constructor of the. nayyi for it is ' not often the designers of ironclads in these days have a chance to look at the effects oftheir handiwork, as* they' would show after a battle. So serious is the injury that six. months'work will hardly repair it. As might be expected, says A contemporary, this disaster, coupled with the memorable collision of the. Vanguard and-.lron Duke, a couple of years ago, lias set all men a thinking whether great ironclads are really wortli anything in aotufeyferffee ;“for it is evident that if, While the fern is an irresistible destructive power, tlje ramming ship suffers equal damage, it is a 'case of 'six Of one and half a- doxen dr the and the next great naval battle may result in half the ships being rammed, and the 1 other half, sinking from the 1 effects of that operation. If this be so,‘it is'manifestly in* advisable to go on building floating castles, - costing considerably over 'half a- million a piece. .... ;A'; WKAtbN.—On, June ; 7 Mjf Ackers, agent to Dr Gatling, inventor of the mitrailleuse, tried, at Hefeand Bangs, Chester, . ia the. presence of. Cajpfefe. Hbgfe* end a ■ number of ofilcer*. and mfe coimeetod with r the pjqsiohers l now-up for 1 training,'-'thfeo new jfefehf ! Gatling guns whidh have Dover B before.: been tried in England. The mStrailleuses were first triad 'at 1000 yards -Mr Aokefe working the machine, everything had boon arranged, a was given, and . the ' weapon poured regular' hail of bullets, the majority ieli struck the cahva* target,' aiid all to shfeds, and penetrated quite l ithe stout two-inch oak support* 7 e - poles.; Accurate' time . was , feph by captain Hbg6r*, and itwaasioertaihed that. the ralthuUeuae ftred lOCtOrouads psr miuate, which is 300 0i:,4Q0. rounds, per minute faster withj,he weapqu wer* thin tried at aOOaud.,, ‘6OO yards range, and the < way in which tb«. bullets . were hurled '.at the totget, and tba: , marvellous precision with wliich . they struck fetonished every one present. Sergeant <Hayer, whp was marking, said a; sparfeW; must : havo been killed erbssirigf the liheof thb flfe, . The ( bhllets which fell a little short tore up (fed* of earth a* Uage fe a ist, ind hurled thsm ■ right over the' tarfek uito the markmsn’s fetroat. Ths ppinion of oompetent judge* if i feat this is the most dcstruotive weapon ever i invented. ~ ' ' ■ . ; Seeds; Mice, ako !*_ to me ’ ajmatter of great! surprise that inquiries |are made for means of Preventing tile deetraction of newly sown eeeus. by mioe and sparrows, when from time immemorial—felt appears—*l few simple methods have bssdiaaown to serve a* preventive*,’ 1 and '’htefeperer failed. That people go messiug with paraffu aud tai-, and other such muck, u still mofe. surprising fed lamCntable, ffe it males it appear a’ vain fesk to communioate information cheaply for 1 fee general good of mankind.' We never lea* aseed ofanykindfroib theattaoksbf.m|ceor sparrow*, aud -now the raws of peasarc at perfect as can be dsiired, thesparrowi Laviag •; net only avoided ' the seed but the yonttg : plant , also, our simple molhdd of pfeoedure ‘ being completely effectual. In fewiife.ferae \ Gist are likely to tempt these small taaraudere, tlio rule is first to fprinble water, and | I’l-'U eLaku it u .Ijw liunia . '.v.lii u iiUw. ury r.

IK C< * “45J 11 8 ,, yj r coloured. Ifc I l!" li gf owp »f ni l^ by i T *j* n< §"* , i < y‘^ mtlce 8Un ’ !a^33j|Si?“^ i 8l|(ALlsO-CiUB. —Mention ban ijefte-nli# nr telegram. of ' tliWiUroy ohiia%»ti))g cage,” and m out readoAare probably anxious to know something Ibout it, wo subjoin the following pdnjpkph from tho Melbourne Argut -.—The interne interesttoken In the Potto child-steal-ing case was iddkiated on August 6 by the attendance at the Fitzroy Police Court. The Beach woo crowded with magistrates, the Court woo filled in, every, part bytho public, [.sag during the Hi hours which the Yuvcstigail». «UP‘*HDg ■ streets irere crowded by several hundred* ;nfr people Jis- , cussing the various pqmU of the case. The "cfowd created s' 'Boise' 'that interfered cpafidewhl/ with the, proceediugs. A young .mas who wo* omstSd for iufcing rather Iqudly, Was sentenced,' to .twenty-foiier hours’ imprisonment for conWiript ojndenee against tho woman Fitzgibbon 3a* of a most .conclusive character, aifd. the [entity, of the child was established, apart ff>om other cirpunistanees,-by the existence* df .a red birthmark, which extended from 1 tbs nose over. the right .eyelid, butwbich Jaspdly visible when tho infant was excited, dor: to the [meeting of the 'Court oh the morning she MaaCta appear thewomon confessed that she bad stolen the infant, and the child woe thereupon restored to Mrs-Potts. Mrs Fitzgibbon stated that she stole the infant for tho purpose of passing it upan her husband as Her own, they-having no children. The prisonorwas committed'for trial. During the hearing of tho evidence she appeared to realise die spri.ous.poaitiou in whicli she was. rfacot), and os she was leaving, the.dockshe .fell down in a swoon.-: -i';;; -1 | Tnaßonttnid OdaEMdWifinr, With wferenop. to,, tht soulling’ championship, the FaU MM &uxtlte ol Saae’ 16 says :—“ A challenge,has Just been, issued by T. Blockman, Of to rowony man in England oyer the Thames champion course for Cham- ; ion stakes pf #aooa- I *ide/' Higgins eon hardly decline this,offer, especially asue is negotiating m match with Trickctt, of Australia, tbolatfcer t 6 come again to Knglaftdsmd to reoefvejßl&E) .for .expense*. ‘Higgins sbould be ebampion, if possible, when Triokett comes,and tbishecan '-hardly be if he does not take- up Blackman’* challenge. .When- the tiro' net » year ago ! Blackman Jedfor "nearly two miles, rowing a slower stroke by four or five to the minute than Higgins, and led him; but Higgins came up to him and fouled him/.wlnning on the foal.' Blackmon has always sculled much more like ai stayer than either Boyd or Elliott; and in ‘regattas be has thrice beaten Higgins, though bo lost the match- - just -mentioned. Since then he has matured in age, for he was then barely 21; and if the match comes off and he -takes pains with his. style and with his condltion,no will give .the ’champion a much, tougher task than any of the latter’s recent matches have dune. Blackman’s style is not perfect, and he slides, rather too soon, though hie k for bettor ihhisslide than north-country* men.' Hp.has an immense reach, and'only needs a little .painstaking with his slide to make him one of the best scullers ever seen oh'the Thames. From the line drawn through Jv Sadler to Trickctti there seems little doubt that both Blackman and Higgins are better than the Australian.” . /

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Lyttelton Times, Volume L, Issue 5459, 21 August 1878, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume L, Issue 5459, 21 August 1878, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume L, Issue 5459, 21 August 1878, Page 2