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Public Notices. imperial root depot. AUTUMN AN I) WIN TEli EOO Ta. TUBT ARRIVED, AND NOW CONTAIN ISO CaU9AOr - K . AND V, if?i 0,60 PAIBB OF SEASONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES " w 0 | which h»»o boon nuulo to my own order, 1 W. HARRIS. IMPERIAL HOOP DEPOT, CASHED STREET, wt. 33 () O T 11. TO rvw»«M TIMBER MERCHANTS ANT, OTHER* THAT Hi: IS B T,sllttY DOORS AND SASIIKS, AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES IN QUANTITIES Of* OlnxWt. flln * Mln.» f - : -, ( , t , ";V ' 2f ‘ • »' i ». »' Oft hill * aft Sin X IJIn, »t '- a ‘- I"’* - K-ir. 2U= :<>w !■ ■1 LijchtH, 8x 10, Oh ol; 10 o MirtHa, 8 * l f *. '* *' <l : 10 * Sm ’ •' VI X 11, ICW'M : 1" * BN'-l I - 2 I,istb*«, ZH x 10, JS» M; 21 x I*. IJ< vl ; 2» x ! J, J*'--. pair. VICTORIA STEAM, SASH, AND DOOR FACTORY UCHKIEI.D STREET. CHRIriTCHCRCH.

Properties for in;.'. FOE HALE.—Tho CAHB W/n.l. SMITHY. Twenty arr.-s . grass. Apply to Zri>i WILSON. |j>oi; .SALK. -l.Vf AGPKH r,f f F i.i'n.Vo-1 in tin from tbi* Ahl. v i -v.'ij <r, No. Apply to V>il WITH,ON. 1,101; HAM:, In Mirim «*n*- } Hi*' Hi'Cfn.nin M.ulrw n'r. i;am-t-.' £ i U*'-ly oc.rnf n-; f :i i-.'tol w.,0-l dov't Th- «-.• ami Mu m i* a good otSi■<> er«—. I.CU-V- ha,c 20 yi-ar* r,. r ;n. x:. low. Apply to T. i!. Chrisfi liurch. IMPORTANT M)i A SPLENDID in; - * Vi--FOB HACK, n.iT;, throughout; art<-sian well. SdOtiri’ly frucdrl. Tried, ti.V‘. I. maimli-r in two rears ; land ‘m.-,.: promises, Pound n>ad, s IV. Wilson. FOP. SALK. T 63.18 lIK GOODWILL of Lone • Good LAND, siMiat.-d the Curb-ton Railway n Tin- Improvements cons; ' .! • f House. Hi Aero good Land, fi-m-.'d - y Kiibdivided info nix pel ; . The Lease is with Eight of !•..- .- Terms very lit,. K. .1. DICK KN -i 'V Auctioneer, General St.- k .1 n-f n.-i W. POE SALK, in Oxford,—A •-.- in t. .nuplete repair, sta.. .. ini; sections . • an acre), well f-:. - chains of the railway terminus. pstations; possessing a I'-nra:-:. 1 water, and every other coaver.;- . w. sr.viiD Land and K N.II. —The above must be s- . 1 leavin.* the Colony. VALUABLE BUILDING till fronting on north side of Apply S. B. SEYMO'T.. 6116 Surgeon-Dent l-p C ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TOE SALE, A COACH-BUILDING BUSINESS 1= the ter of Ashburton. About Haif-a.:re .( Un splendid position. Premises reiy eivncw, u well adapted for doing a large trade, a t.-.-xai working plant; a large acock on tne premnei Terms, part cash. For further particular:., n-.j: J. T. BEOWN, 1052 Timber Merchant, rhr-iVherth. Insurance Comuames. THE BOOTH BEITISH FIEE AND MAHIJJ INSUBAHCE COMP AST OF HEW ZEAUJC Capital— 47so,ooo, FIBS and MARINE Risks taksn at towwt w> rent raC*. }. T). MACPHEHBON. Arse. -M yapEßiii fibe insurance ooariii Capital M* m— ■— 41,0OO 1 O(X, disks taken at lowest eamst ntaa. 614 DALGETT, KICHOLS * CO, Lyttelton and Christchttd PIKE AHD MATINS IS-Tl *ANCE COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL—OKH MILLIONIn 100,000 Sham a i 410 sash HEAD OPPICB—DUNEDIN, CANTEEBUBY BRANCH, Fire and Marine business of all l--di art; lowest rates. For forms ot proposal, Ac, apply tc A. CARBTCK, Manager, Hereford atreet, Onr Medical. Q. H O L L A ** GREAT ENDIAN CUKES, (Tiger Brand.) These Faithful and EeKd G INDIAN MEDICINE Are faking their clace in tho front rmiit NEVER FAILING EEMt.-lhr for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbar-, V Painful Swellings, Muscular Shifting i Ati • these, that most extraordinary and EFFECTIVE MEDICINE, QHOLLAH’S RHEUMATISM MIST* is the positive, unmistakeabie, nav.-r-fi— —. complete cure 1 For general debility, disturbed sbvt, tile, disorders of the stomach xn-11--' - lud Liver Complaints, and for al! iisturbances of the general health xnd old of every family are ao const.-.n - QHOLLAH’S APERIENT JUXir? - Is the unerring and never-failing temr-iy. Family Physician. For that most insufferable to—7 1 . GOUT! Ist the sufferer but try ti-' f : 1 ouquestiouahlo and positively ourativo yr-f*-' 1 - QHOLLAH’S GOUT MIX IT'S - It gives spoedy relief, and by a steady n-■ * a short time all sonty symptoms d:-a. i These invaluable modidnos, - 11 ' NEVER INJURED ANTOXS.^ Can bo obtained in every part of Canterbury. COOK 4 BOSS, Colombo street, iS y Bole Wholesale Agents for Medioines can be of »b ONE BOX OP CLAKKIVS warnmUnl to core ail d'." Urinary Organa, in either sex. a ■; ticnal, Gravel aed Paint in th<> b- 1 4s 6d each, br all Chemists an i Vendors. Bole Proprietor, T. J. cities’ Hall, Lincoln, huglaud. Burgoyne, Burbridgee, and Co,_ Loudon. Newbery and S,'us. iT London. Barclay and Hons, !'o i Loudon. Banger and Sons. OxL’ r And all the London wholesale ho : New ZeaIand—KEMPTHOKNK, 1 Dunedin and Auckland. POE THE BLOOD IH CLAKKt.’S world-famv KE. Trade Mark-” Ido. i at Blood Purifier and Kest ’t clcuriug the blood from alj '• 00 highly recommended, for 1 Diseases, and Sores of all lung and permanent cure- I- - ea ulcerateil sores on the m’c.v 1 legs. Cures blackheads, ■ . (.hires scurvy sores. Cure'. es blood and skin diseases limits Cures the blooil freiimu whatever cause arisiug. N.suit to the taste, and warou’.t----g iujuvhuts to tho most .lehober sex, the Proprietor soli ' 1 :- - trial to tost its value I lu ials from all puts. Sold in >' in cases, containing six tuie-i* sufficient to effect a penn t majority of Umg-stauJi nibts and I atent Mo>liciuc \ - world. Solo Proprietor, ‘ uist, Apothecaries' Hall, 11 , >rt agents, Burgoyne, man at oot Lmdou. Be"'-'; 1 gate street, London. mgdon street, London. > j !l * rd street, l.oudon. »ndad t.|houses. Agents for N‘-' v 1 * iKN E, PROSsKB, A CO., D 1 IE following is an extract ire Slay 15, 1873, from a" hgsbam, near Wanuiusler, must also bog to say that y ■ out medicine for mo, a"' l I '' , jeultb, sound sleep, and a g" ng to taking your pills. 1 ‘ r [uiug, GouUomen, yours vci. otors of . 11■ S GASUIMIU 1 J_L—-

Wool. Gram *fA OHU U It'X'ON WOOL AND SCOURING WORKS. SCOURING find SORTING curried on M usual. w CnSh PurCl! “° r °'c^Tu8 R HOTeRBH^. WOO!*. —1 >m uiKUirsigaeC. are p/wporao to make liberal Cash Advances on W«• placed In their hsndo for solo in this oonalgrod to Motwra Mile*, ih other*. and O'*.»» Jsg B In HABSAL * CO.. Chrlstehnr«i TO SHEEP IV.KMEUS AND OTHERS. THE nnde-mlgned are prepared to make Ribera CASH ADVANCES on WOOL CUPS foi the coming season for shipment to the Rondos Market at lowest, imrrent lutes. 8i55 P. CUNNINGH AM A CO., Cbriatcbnrch ADVANCES ON WOOL. rfIHE undersigned i* prepared to make liber*. 1 a/lvanccH un Wool, olthor scot in (or aata Christchurch, or for shipment » London. KOBhKt WI L» New Zealand Wool Store*, Christchurch. 9551 WOOL AKD PRODUCE. THE Now Zealand Lean and Mercantile Agenc; Company, Limited, oro prepared to moki LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on WOOL and all kinds of PRODUCE plscod in their hand* for Sal* in either the London oi Colonial markets. For further particulars, apply at the oftos of tin Company, Cathedral square, Cbristchnroh, Oct. 18,1875 tW TO FARMERS. THE undersigned are Cash Purchasers of WHEAT. ?JATS, BARLEY, RYE-GRASS. and other Farm Produce. GEORGE KING * CO., Messrs Montgomery and Co.’s late premises, stjjqstjjq j| Cashel street. TO FARMERS. WILLIAM CUDDON is a Cash Buyer of good Malting BARLEY. Apply Messrs JOHNSTON 4 CO., Grocers, Ac., High street. Christchurch. 5340 MILTON MILLS. IRWELL. TURNER is a PURCHASER of good milling samples of WHEAT. 55133 ASHBURTON WHEAT. Saunders, brothers, Pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE POP. SOUND SAMPLES OF WHEAT, OATS, AND GRASS SEED. Arc also prepared to receive every description of quality WHEAT To clean aud polish ou Farmers' account. And make LIBERAL ADVANCES Ou same shipped through them FOR SALE lu the Australian or English markets. Christchurch Office: LICHFIELD STREET. Next Oddfellows’ Hall. 5527 TO FARMERS. BRUCE a COE, Proprietors of the City Steam Four Mills, and Biscait Manufacturers, Colombo street, Christchurch, are CASH BUVE of good samples of Milling Wheat. 4065 NOTICE. WE, the Undersigned, are CASH BUYERS of Prime Samples of GRAIN. Sacks supplied at current rates. 48U3 MOIE 4 CO., Styx Mills. SAUNDERS BROTHERS, Ashburton, are Cash Purchasers of Wheat. Grass Seed, Oats, Barley, and every description of Farm Produce. Christchurch Office—--5000 Lichfield street, next Oddfellows' Hall. c ME J. L. WILSON. (Removed to Cuff and Graham's offices), ASH BUYER OF GRAIN AND FARMERS' AGENT. 5736 T duca Of &*• w HE Undersigned is a PURCHASER of Grass Seed, Wheat, Oats, and General Farm ProJ. B. WA*. F. THORNE, OOLSCOUEEE, FELLMOKGEB, And Leather Merchant, DRAIN EOAD EANGIORA. Cash Buyer of Wool. Skins, Hides, 4c. 5050 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. HIGHEST price paid for good s&mplee of Malting BARLEY. VINCENT ft CO., 1393 City Brewery, Colombo street south. WOOL. MILLWALL DOCK COMPANY'S WOOL WARKHOU&E3, LONDON. (Cousens, Merry and Co., Lessees.) THE attention of Growers and Shippers of Woo! is called to the following advantages offered ey these Warehouses : Ist. —Proximity to tho Quays whore the Ships discharge. 2nd.—Good end even North Light throughout the Warehouses for showing Wool 3rd.—Quick Di livery to Buyers, a line of Pails communicating with tho Manufacturing Districts surrounding each Warehouse. 4th.—Reduction of Expenses to Buyers is taking delivery. sth.—Concentration of the Wool Exhibits for the day’s sale in one warehouse or in warehouses adjoining each other, affording the greatest facility for comparison, and ensuring increased competition. Cth.—Reduction in Storage Hates. These have been reduced 25 per cent since the establishment of these warehouses, and with increased support a still further redaction could be mace. Tho following Circular has boon signed by 130 of the principal Buyers in favour of these Warehouses “ Wo, tho undersigned Buyers of Wool, have much pleasure in testifying that we consider tho Wool Warehouses . f the Mill wall Dock Company (Cousens, Merry and Co,, lessees,) admirably adapted for.the purpose of showing aud Storing Wool, and it is our opinion that it would ho to the interest of tho trade to support these Wa> excuses '* Wool Exob&uge, Coleman street, L< nfto i, E.C 9 6 ■Money. t o E N M u * * 1 T 0 L ON FREEHOLD SECURUIES, In Various Sums At Current rates of Interest. ALFRED THOMPSON, Solictor, Hereford street 2761 VIOTOitIAN LOAN & DiOCOU-fl AGENCY, CORNER OP LICHFIELD AND HIGH STREETS Next to Messrs Meyers, Brea,, and Co. riIHE above Agency Is prepared to advance su A. of money, from £5 to £SOO, upon perse; or other security. Loons can be made re-pays by weekly, monthly, or quarterly inatafmen U©n©WAiß ttlfooted. Tntde Bills (UsoouhUhl daily. , LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY OFFK LICHFIELD STREET. fiIUE above Society discounts Bills dai i. Loans from £lO to £SOOO on Poreoi Security, Deeds of Property. Shares in Pub Companies, and other securities, at current rates sin Entire Charge for •10, repayable at 10* per weak £1 80s „ £3 Advances made on Furniture, Stock In Trac Farm Stock. Ac. All applications, personally or by letter, strloi confidential. 9S ■f —f—a. UNCLE SAW'S PAWN SHOP. I O STEWART bega to inform the I public that ho is prepared to LEND MONEY, in sums from Is to £SOO, on Clothing. Jewellery, BP Merchandise, Bills of Lading, fta, B LOWEST INTEREST CHARGED N.B.—Ladies' and gentlemen’s wearing sppare ■old. or exchanged, A large quantity o . of all description* cheap, ' Note the Address—new am. ... to be sold vi tooond hand Jewellery, c 'oncheap. Note the. 8, STEWART, Licensed Pawnbroker, «#• WAiy TTAuii UIUUUBOU A ■WDPIVMt| «n LlohfUU itwet, near the OddfsUowa’ HoU,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 4