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Public Notices.. HORSE CLOTHS, BUY YOUB HOESE CLOTHS FBOM B. HALE AN D 0 0., The Old Established Shop,, where yon can eeleot from THE LAEGEST AND BEST ABSOETED STOCK IN NEW .ZEALAND.. And ns Cheap as any place In the Colonies. A Liberal Allowance to large Pure haems. 8313 B. HALE AND CO.. Direct Importers, Cashel street, opposite Dunstable House. B E AD Y M O N E Yll B BA D Y MON B YI I Cash Boyers are entitled to better terms than Credit Customers. WILLIAM JOHN -s now Cultivating the CASH TRADE. FISHER, IS now Cultivating the CASH TRADE. All Overdue Accounts must be immediately settle SUGA B 8 t Finest White Snowdrop Sugar, at 6M per lb I Light Brown Sugar, at fid per lb Grey Counters Sugar, at fid per lb I Crushed Loaf Sugar, at 6)d per Ih. 0 A S H ONLY. W. J. FISHER, High street and Hereford street, Christchurch. N.B.—Orders collected for and delivered free of charge. ■ . 6979 EC H I T E MR THOMAS CANE, CT AND BUILDING OXFORD TERRACE, CHBISTCHUBCH. B U R Y EliY O R Plans and specifications made for every description of Building. Bills of Quantities prepared, artificers' work measured and valued. Disputed building accounts arranged. Surveys and valuations of dilapidations. 6971 DRAPERY. DRAPERY. DRAPERY. WATERLOO HOUSE, 1875. , THE AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. Hobday and Jobberns Abe NOW SHOWING AT THEIR CELEBBATED CHEAP DBAFEBY AND CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENTS, UPWARDS OF 15,000 POUNDS WORTH OP SEASONABLE AND FASHIONABLE DHAPERT AND CLOTHING. The Cash Prices will be found at least FIFTEEN PEB CENT LOWEB IN PBICE than charged at any other legitimate Trader’s in the city. The Whole of this Valuable, Extensive, and Well Assorted Stock, has been purchased FOB CASH, in London and Manchester, by the Best Colonial Buyer in Great Britain. It is our intention to maintain the reputation .of WATERLOO HOUSE, which is giving Heal Good Value for the Money all the year round. WATERLOO HOUSE, 1875. HOBDAY AND JOBBERNS.

Miscellaneous. tOT OSEPH GILLOTT'S CELEBRATED STEEL FEES. Sold by all Dealers throughout the world. 4004 AND P. c OATS' BEST SOFT 6-COED SEWING. COTTON, Suitable for all Sewing Machines. EX TE A GLACE COTTON. This cotton being greatly improved in quality and - finish, will be found unsurpassed for Machine or Hand Sewing. On reels 100, 200, or 500 yards. CEOCHET OE TATTING COTTON, Of the finest quality, in skeins or in reels. To be had of all Wholesale and Retail Drapers throughout the World. 6303 DIN NEF OR ITS FLUID MAGNESIA is the great remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations and Bilious Affections : IT IS THE PHYSICIAN’S CUBE FOE GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, GRAVEL, And all other complaints of the bladder. And as a safe and gentle medicine tor Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Pregnancy, Diuneford’s Magnesia is indispensable. Sold byall Druggists anaStorekeepers. j N.8.-r-Ask for Dmneford’s Magnesia. i " . A Agents—FRENCH, KBMPTHORNE and CO., Dunedin. 6780 COLT’S NEW GOVERNMENT ARMY REVOLVES, as recently adopted for the United States Cavalry, takes the; 450 central fire service Boxer Cartridge. It! equals a rifle in range and in accuracy of fire, and is unequalled for durability of construction. It can be easily loaded and unloaded when dark, and can be carried with perfect safety when loaded. It far surpasses in efficiency and quality of make the numerous cheap pistols of various make which now flood the market. COLT’S LARGE BORE BEEECH-LOADINGDEBINGEE, for the waistcoat pocket, 1 shoots hard and straight. COLT’S DEEINGEE REVOLVER, for personal and house defence, fires a larger ball than any other Revolver of the same weight and size. To be had through any respectable Gnnmaker or Dealer in Arms, or .from Colt’s Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, 14 Fall Mall, London, S.W. 5866 EA A PERRINS’ Celebrated I WOECESTEESHXEB SAUCE, declared by Connoisseurs to be the only Good Sauce. CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD.—The success of this most delicious and unrivalled condiment having caused certain dealers to apply the name of “ Worcestershire Sauce” to their own inferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine is to ASX FOB LEA A PERRINS’ SAUCE, and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, labels, stopper, and bottle. Some of the foreign markets having been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which the names of Lea and Perrins have been forged. L. and F. give notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power of attorney to take instant proceedings against manufacturers and vendors of such, or any other imitations by which their right may be infringed. Ask for Lea and Perrins’ Sauce, and .see name on wrapper, label, bottle, and stepper. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London, Ac., Ac.; and by Grocers and Oilmen uni▼etßally* To be obtained at MATHESON’S AGENCY, Lyttelton, 6386 ROWLANDS’ MACASSAR OIL prevents the hair falling off or turning grey, strengthens weak hair, causes it to grow on bald places, and makes it beautifully soft, liable, and glossy. Price, 3s 6d, 7s, 10s 6d, equal to four small, and 21s per bottle. Important Caution.—Ask for Rowlands’ Macassar Oil, and avoid all other cheap articles under the same or similar names as spurious imitations. Each bottle has a glass stopper instead of the cork as formerly. All with the cork are spurious imitations. Rowlands’ Kalydor removes cutaneous disfigurements, freckles, and tan, and imparts a healthy and blooming appearance to the skin. During the heat and dust of summer especially, and in coses of sunburns and stings of insects, it is of the utmCst use. Price 4s 6d. and 8s 6d, per bottle. Ask for “ Rowlands’ Kalydor. * Rowlands’ Odonto, or Pearl Dentrifice, preserves and imparts a pearllike whiteness to the teeth, eradicates tartar and spots of incipient decay, strengthens the gums, and gives a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 2s 9d per box. Ask for “ Rowlands’ Odonto.’’ RowEssence of Tyre never fails to produce 1 immediately a perfect change in red or grey hair, whiskers, eyebrows, Ac., to a beautiful glossy and ' Sermanent brown br black, which colour remains so nrable that neither washing nor perspiration can remove it. Price 4a, 7s 6d, and 10s 6cf per bottle. All these articles have been used and justly appreciated by all the Sovereigns and Courts of Europe, the Pope of Rome and thearistocraoy of the world, during the last 70 years, being of inestimable value to those who have once used them. They are sold by all chemists, perfumers, and bazaars throughout India, Australia, the Colonies, and South America, A. ROWLAND A SONS, 20, Hatton garden, London, proprietors. 6337 DIETZ a CO., St Paul’s Buildings, Carter Lane London, Inventors and Manufacturers of the Celebrated PARAGON LAMPS, burning kerosene, petroleum, or paraffin. Unrivalled for simplicity, eebuomy, durability, safety and brilliancy of light. Over 5000 patterns of handle lamps, table lamps, hall lamps, church lamps, billiard lamps, railway lamps, factory lamps, ship lamps, chandeliers, brackets, lanterns, stoves. Fitted with our famous Paragon Burners, which gives- a magnificent white and steady light, equal to 35,20,14 and It candles. Our Chmax Cooking and Paragon Heating Stoves, - in mi sizes, will be found extremely useful in every household, beirg always ready for use, and saving time and money, coals, trouble of lighting fire, dust, and refuse. Our Hurricane Lanterns are absolutely wind-proof and safe ; simple in construction, and rive a splendid white and steady light. They are the most serviceable lanterns for use In stables, farms, gardens, boats, cellars, Ac, Having been exclusively engaged in the production of lamps for. many years, the reputation Which we have established for our manufactures in America, Australia, China; India, and ell other foreign markets, enables us to satisfy the requirements of every buyer; our assortment being large and Complete in every branch. For brilliancy of light, simplicity and durability of construction, our lamps cannot be, excelled ; whilst the style, finish, and decorations are exquisite, and generally Much admired. We therefore can confidently invite the attention'of all importers, and in recommending to you the above course, we point to our prospective mutual advantage. Catalogues, containing more than 1000 patterns, sent tree of charge. 7380

Miscellaneous Price Sixpence, Monthly. Family herald monthly paet. Novels and Tales. • The “ Saturday Review " says:—“ Its novels and tales are quite as well written as the hast circula-ting-library stories." Price Sixpence. * Family herald monthly pabt. , Pqre Literature. The “ Illustrated London News," in reference to pure literature, speaks of the “ Family Hbeald, that joy to tens of thousands of innocent English households." Price Sixpence. T7I AMILY HERALD Monthly Paet, !■ Leading Arriolas and Essays, The “British Quarterly Review” says:—“There Is a well-considered leading article or essay every week, upon some subject of an instructive or thoughtful character." Price Sixpence. FAMILY H ERALD Monthly Part. Instruction and Amusement. The “ Graphic ” says;—“Those who like to have plenty for their money- will find an immense amount of instruction and amusement in the Sixpenny Monthly Part of the Family Herald." E Price. Sixpence. : AMILT HERALD Monthly Pabt. Answers to Correspondents., The “Saturday Revie the oonfldant andeos* The Anawers to Com , a romance and a life almost'each of them." says “ The editor is M in every station of life, identa cannot he.fioUtious, Story being' embodied in _ Price Sixpence, Monthly. TJI AMILY HERALD -Monthly Fast. Jj The beet of the publications. The “British Quarterly Review" says :—“The Family Hebald is well considered with reference to its aims, and'is 'various and amusing, with a fair amount of utility intermixed. Of all these fuhlications ■we are inclined to consider the Family (ebald the best." NT) -The FAMILY HERALD may be had m an- in Half-Yearly Volumes (4e 6d) and in Monthly Farts (6d) at a small percentage over the published price, of Gordon and Gotch, Sydney: Geo. Robertson, Melbourne ; and of all Colonial Booksellers; Or in Parts direct from W. Stevens, 421, Strand, London, for Ids per annum, post free, : 8706 Rum,, pure old Jamaica,—“VaughanJonee” (standardbrand.) No family should he without it. Most wholesome, soft, and fragrant. Protected by new style capsule. To be had of all dealers throughoutthe Australiaa and New Zealand and wholesale of E. VAUGHAN-JONEB. 5, Water Lane, London. Ask for and hare only “ VaughanJones's." 7693 Diploma of Merit, Vienna Exhibition, 1873. THE CELEBRATED YORKSHIRE RELISH.! THE Most Delirious and Cheapest Sauce in the World, and has a larger sale than any other sauce. To be had of Grocers, Oilmen, Ac. Trade mark, “ Willow Pattern plate." Prewired by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, A CO., 5865 Leeds, England. Diploma of Merit, Vienna Exhibition, 1873. GOODALL’S QUININE WINE. THE Best and Most Agreeable Tonio yet introduced. For the relief of Indigestion, General Debility, and Loss of Appetite, Ac., it is invaluable. Recommended by the most eminent Chemists of the Arthur Hill Hassell,M-D., WentworthL. Scott, "Esq.," r.C.S.,'P.'A.S.L., F.R.S.S., Ac., the Lancet, the Food Journal, Medical Press, Circular, Ac., Sold by Chemists, Grocers, Ac. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE A CO., 5865 Leeds, England. Diploma of Merit, Vienna Exhibition, 1873. GOODALL'S BAKING POWDER. THE Best in the World. Makes delicious Bread without Yeast; Puddings, Pastry, Ac., without Eggs, Butter, or Lard. One trial will convince the most sceptical of its superiority over all others. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, Ao. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE A CO, 5865 Leeds, England. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. •pi PPS'S C 0-0-0 A. BREAKFAST. “ By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicatelyflavoured beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors’bills.—“ Civil Service Gazette.” MANUFACTURE OF COCOA. “ We will now give on account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps and Co., manufacturers of diatetic articles, at their works in the: Euston read, London."—See articles in* ‘Caseel’s Household Guide." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, labelled thus JAMES EPPS AND CO., Homieopathic Chemists, 48, THREAD HE ED L E STREETI, AND 170, PICCADILLY Works, Diana place, Euston road, London. 8217 MARAVILLA COCOA.—Taylor Brothers the largest manufacturers of Cocoa la Europe, g the exclusive supply of this unrivalled Coooa, invite comparison with any other Coooa for purity —fine aroma—Sanative, Nutrjtlve and sustaining . power—easiness of digestion—and especially, high delirious' flavour. One trial will establish it as a favourite beverage tor breakfast, luncheon, and a soothing refreshment efter a late evening, N.B. Caution.—Maravilla is a registered trade mark. Mabavilla CoboA.—The “Globe" says, Taylor Brothe Maravilla COooa has achieved' a thorough snoce and supersedes every other Cocoa in line marke Entire solubility, a delicate aroma, and a rare concentration of the purest elements of nutrition, distinguish the Mara villa Coooa above all others. For invalids and Dyspeptics we could not recommend a more sgreeabble or valuable beverage. For further favourable opinions vide “Standard," “.Morning Poet/' “ British Medical Journal," Ao.(Ac, HoKMorATKio Coooa.—This original preparation, which has attained eush a world-wide reputation, is manufactured by Taylor Brothers, under the ablest homoeopathic advice, aided by the skill end 1 expert- i enoe of the inventors, antwfll be fodnd tooombiu*' In an eminent degree I the purity, fine aroma, add nutritious property ofihs fresh nut, - Solublx CHocpLATX. msdelu one minute without boiling. The aboye arttdles are prepared exrinsively by Taylor Brothers, the largest manufacturers In Europe, and sold in tin-lined packets only by etorekeepers and others all over the world. Steam Mills, Brick Lane, London. Export Chloory Mills. Bruges, Belgium Mil

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 4452, 21 May 1875, Page 4