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LYTTELTON. v a , ARRIVED. Dec. 22—Clyde, s.s., 27 tons, M’Convills, IrMf: 2k--hfwgaret, ketch, 26 tons, ''fiSoatts K Dem > 23-Flying I Squirrel, schooner, 19 ■ tohs, JE Dro° i 23-Luoy James, ketch, 27 tons, Hensley, ll brigantine, 138 FuUman, and three oHldren. . _ Doc. 23r-LadT Bird, «ml, 286 tong, , : Wellington Northern pOrta. -. saloon; Mrs and Mias Smith* Mrs and Miss Nloool' Shlon/W Pool Flyjm. Clart, Evon^BH, Foster, Gable, Marshall, Jewell, y j I SAILED. _ .. .. Deo. 23—Margaret, ketch, 31 tons, Bennett, for L ketch, 41 tons, Outridge, W schooner. 21 tone. Mrster, Bird, sis.. 286 tomoAnffifew, for Dtaedto. Passengers—aoiooa,: “Mrs itoharia, Messrs H. WUUonia and Son, Williams, Miss Lanoboster, Mrs Whincop, MrC. ®- S^-d R - Mammal, P. H.. Moore. kW,. English Oper*C?mpony (5), Bless©!, H. Davis..: ? s i imports. . Clyde: 125 bales wool. Consignees-Miles and Co., Talbot and M'Clatohie. ■ s ■ VI j Flying Squirrel: 80 tons sand, 11 boles la* Consignees—Craig, Bulst. . ' '' Margaret: 40 tons mnd. a“A - oases taUow, 15 tons sand. COttigiiees *—Na2 9. Co Crftlff. ? if , i Lucy James: 20,000 ft timber. Conslgheje-: jß^Sf«ri 101,OOflft White pine timhf £ ,|' (jonftimber. 2000 empty* 16 casks beef. Consignees—J. B. Way, E. Q. Wnght, Hopkins andUo. ; ; ',- ,t , 'i’l, JXW Bird=From,-1 case; from Monukau—ll cases. 15 boxes, l.trnnk, 1 pci; from Nelson—l i-qask wine; from Wrillngton—ls pkgs, 1 stone, 2 boxes, 1 case, 9 pkgs hops, Ipol. Ccmslgneee—G. Mookay. C3ifford tod.Hoper, . Woodward, mmkof New •ud. CA, Martin*: Jonee, Smith,; BrOwnp aeslop, CoUector of Customs, Ward and Co., H. O. Jacobson. . • ■•■■■• •' •■'■■■ EXPORTS. Clyde: tao'bdls Wire," 100 bags salt, 1 cask brandy, -*T eases,-’ 5 kegs sngSo\' 1 mask do, 9 chests tea, 1 i-cbest do, 3 cases sundries. Shippers—Miles and Co., Dalgety, Nichols, and Co. ■ - . ■ . VESSELS IK HARBOUR. J J Ships.—Doretto, Merope, Duke of, Edinburgh, Waitam, E. P. Bouverie, John Nicholson (cleared), Pleiades. „ Barques.—Elizabeth Graham, James Hanneli, JMailom, Jdhp Bull,; Islo of France (cleared). Brigantine.—Sir Isaac Newton. Three-masted Schooner.—Fairlie. Schooners.—Alert, Streamlet, Flying Squirrel. Ketches,—Emerald, Gipsy (chared), Annie, Lucy James. VESSELS APTHE WHARVES. Gladstone Pier.—Dorertte, ship, loodingf wool;' Elizabeth Graham, barque,- loading; wool. ► Screw Pile uettry.—Flying Squirrel, schooner, discharging sand. . • ■ | •■' '■ ■ Export Whari—Craig EUachiO, brig, discharging ■ timber and sleepers; Mallard, barque;discharging coal and taking in ballast. ' ■ Breastwork.—Annie, ketch, discharging tallow and sand; Lucy James,, ketch, diMharging .timber,;- ; Thifd ISaW Neriwi brigirttme, discharging timber. _ ? v ; Peacock’s Wharf.—Jane, brig, discharging timber and taking in ballast ; Ahrt,>ketch, loading bridka; Gipsy, ketch, loading l general cargo; Peerless, - schooner, discharging timber; Antelope, cutter, ' dischaygtogtimbeVf ff«i* ii ',r v , ; ;. ft. j The brig Jape v»fll;cida£ rtte' CuStoma • thfi town- ' ing for So&t Town.' The barque John, Gnstoms this morning for Newcastle,, N,B;Wy ih ,bnMst.i . The s.s; Clyde arrived m harwwr on Tuegday, and hailed for Saltwater. Croek yesterday at 11.30 ajm., nlteutioh of passengers is dffflffed to! an aiterationf in the date of toe B.a, Wellington’b deEespecting toe collision of the barque . Isle of France with toe shipsWaitora'and John Nicholson, a cleriad’ertbP hocUrraatas iditoemnoimt of damage done. Instead of £1569, it should read £l5O. Repairs are now being carried ou, and the vessel'will bo' • xeadyforseanestWeekii : Ji The sis. Indy Bird, Captain -Andrew, arrived: in liarbonr at 7p.m. yesterday. 'Left Monukau at 5 p.m. on the 19to, arrived-at Taranaki at II a.m. on . the sailed at 3 p,m. same day, and arrived at Nelson at 6 a.m. on the 21st; sailed at 4.30 p.m, same day, and arrived at Picton at' 2 a.m. on the ' -22iid; sailed at 4 Am. same morning, calling at. Bowden’s Bay to take in wooi, arriving atWellmg- - ■ day, and arrived as above; ejperienced head winds with V head sea throughout tUepossage. The Lady Bird . sailedfor.fhesotttoatS'p.m, ! The britontine AUgnsta, Captain r to an anchorage off toe town at 7 p.m., from toeThames.; The, captain reports that ho left on Dec. 13; and had light variable winds during toe passage ; sighted. the. East Cape on Deo. 16,- passed Cape Campbell on DSc. 20, and 1 was off toe Kaia-. kouraonDeC. 22.014 a.m., when the wind veared round to the S.W., increasing into a heavy gale, continuing until arrival. Sighted a barque yesterba tw TEtob'Xdthian wwaa'iw ; this port. r vr •; ! The new clipper aehobuef Peerless arrived in bar- - boor at 9 p.m. on Monday from Auckland. Captain Lewis reports.that he left on Dec. 13 at noi>n; experienced a strong breeze from the northward ;' • sighted Cape Barrier at 2 p.m, toe following day, when the wind veered round, to . toe. N.N.E., and continued for six' hours; passed Alderman Island at 8 p.m. same day, bearing S.S.E., one mile; on Dec. 15 had moderate westerly winds; with i fine - weather and dear ■ky; sighted East 6 p.m., bearing N,W. by W., two nules;,oiv Dec-16 had fresh breeze from toe N.W., with heavy rains; Portland Island,was sighted—bearing S-W. by W., nine miles—on Dec, 17; thence fresh bMeze from toe southward, with heavy sfftttoerly, swelL ',Which continued fog 24 hours; Dec.; 18 experienced strong S.E. to S. winds, increasing into a gale with heavy squalls, which lasted until Bed. 20; had light S.E. winds with Clear Weather; at noon! Cape Palßser was passed, bearing 20 miles; rounded'Capa Campbeli at 3 p.m.,.and was off tod Kflikouxaa at daylight on Monday; made the Heads at 6 p.m., and brought np the harbour as far as Rhodes Bay at 1 p.m. yesterday.; afterwards sailed inti a berth; at;- Peacock’s wharf, and will commence to'discharge hit ciirgo of timber-this zooming. 1 , 1 ' 1 '• ' THE TIDES, High Water at Lyttelton for toe month of December:— - 1 Date. a.m. p.m, 24 . ■>., ■'• < -'4,43 ... - ■ 5.14 ! - 25 ... 5.43 ... 6.11 ' 26 ... ' 0.38 ... 7.08 i 27 : ' 7.23 ... - 7Jft ! 28 ' 8.14 ; - ... 8.35 ! 29 ... 1 8.56 ... 9,16 30 • i 9.36 ... ' : 9.66 i 31 ... • 10.16 ... 10.38 ; TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. rCopy of abOvd posted at the Christchuroh office but night.] ARRIVALS. : Port |Dt r Hoot' | Yeesel .fUCrom P. Ohlrars, r 22 I® Tnrama Lyttelton Lyttelton , 83 7.20a.m. Lady Bird Wellington d -23 5 a.m. B. Star ' Lyttelton AKABOA. : ARRIVED. ; Dec. 21—BeanttfuJ Star, s.s.‘, from Lyttelton, with passengers and. cargo. Consignees—Beecher, Garwood, Bridge, Brook, Latter, - SAILED. Dec. 21—Beautiful Btor, s.s., for Dunedin, via intermediate ports, with port original cargo, and,' for Timaru—l Case fruit'; ’ for Dunedin—3 kegs hatter, 8-esses fruit, 2Q bides, 20 cases, cheese; Shippers—Bridge, Itewber, QarWood. ! ’ ' The , *ToßgAroßimi' BirtEß.— I the s.s. Watfaira, . whiqhlett toe 'Jpngaporutu on Saturday.lastretnmed to Waitsca yesterday, bringiug a load of sleepers , of black birch, split by Tmati M‘oStohy*a people. . Captain toeriveraa bring very! mflltotri aocessi tbe .ia.nartow t and ygy Bhaltow.even atapringtito,with sharp turns. He is of opmion that It ahould be entered wly at spring . tides by a steamer to 6 .Ste e of toe Wutaia; Mr W. D. Webster (whovlsitedthe^ongaphratußiver) informs ns that its banka srii very piotiresqua, and !’ cut the distrteb U heavily timbered; Great kindness was shown to toe crew of toe tog by toe residents, and Ws are glad. to see this portion oftbe province opened- up by direct trade.—Tamaaki ‘ Merald,‘Ded. 9. - - , >Ar J-, ’■■■/. y. rifin ! Bihoclar Disaster >. -at Se*^—The captain of a - small vessel mated thR Catherine* .bound from Cork to Portsmouto witoa eargo of better, has Just met with- a singular adventure at .aea.The! onew! consisted of but three persona-r-the captain,, whose name is Parking and two sesinen, one named Finch, belonging to! Plymouth, and > the ; other; tolled w Paddy/’ a native of-Cork: '- The Catherine had left Cork; and when about twenty-five miles I from Queenstown the two men were engaged in shifting toe jib, when a sea struek them, carried tbexn away; and no '■ more was seen of them. The (some • wave swept toe captain off toe vessel, Which was , thus left without a hand. Fortunately, however, • andiher wave waShed' him iuto the rigging, ajad ho succeeded in regaining too deck. Throughout the 1 very heavy weather which prevailed during the Unit few days, the captain stuck single-handed, to -his post,’ and brought his vessel safely- into Portsmouth Juurbonr.—Glasgow Herald, Oct. 17. i THE ' 9.W; SmsvrAi—-The: official trial!' of i this splendid! 1 new screw steamer, built end- engined hy Measrs Citildktod Co„ GreCnook'fortha ilanibDrgAmerican Steamship Company, took place down tbo ’ Firth on Saturday, 1 when the results achieved were ' considered mdst satisfactory—a speed of 12$ knots having been easily attaWed. The Suevia- is a brigrigged vessel of 3623 tons, and is of - the following breadth, 41; feet; and depth, l ‘B4 -feet. l She ds propelled - bylenglnes 82 flrst-clfias, 82 second-clasß, 950 emigrants, 109 of a crew, bdsides carrying alarge cargo of merchandise.' . The iaterpol arrangements of the steamer arp very complete. „ If may bo stated that the Snßvla' is too' ’ twenty-sec'md’ Steamer ■of large tonnage bnlltby , Messrs, Caird and Co. for this company, and whan it ' is furtto s&tedtont the value of the Sneria wfll probably bo about £120,000, some id4a may be of the large amount of capital employed,

On Saturday the engines woritedjftSlggrtßPP ness, and notwithstanding tkafahe wMHru light ballast trim, the vibration osboard lrM Ijireljt perceptible.—Glaafloip Herald, Oct. 17. |

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2