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,-n:-AbP»MSD R£PE»v^At|)«fby»weepon i his' Cc art until th|., Lolgeheld their weekly session in Gee’s! schoolri om last members were finkirt^iiwimA^oja^wreipropaspd. PhokaSpobts.-—-These Will come oil W^alftHiciieiti 1 lb the . Of to events appears in another AOlumux . «rf mme. - bscr > beentipnwssMgiCaehpsrticu ars being gitenia airiuiwMMiaiffit iathls issi or xn* Teas bit lished Testerdav sboold bn«Fl>een ackniw-•ledget-'&<^fiMe! of J »eeV' io. *■' ,f GOTBEKMBNT ;OpixclS.riJla a Provin rial Gazette DeoV 23/ ij%'‘fi that the offices of wil be closed on Deor2S wul/86, also on Jan. 1 an 113,': aa £ ftdkcE\’^t £ wfe^«Siii ! dPro' inifiipl Nai h’s post-office is abolished asi-a; polling place, md>l that JBiagslandAcboplropm is appointed id l ■itomi&i^' y " . „ . Weights and Measub^s.?—A Pwvm biu OasteUe, da|ed Dec. 23, contain* the appo nt» meht" of Constable Charles 'Butledge'y Li-. r specter ffGZflffe,.doted Dea-23 r that the Superin epTin srb Rnd distrio^%r,ii]tabj^P u, lP cl,eß » and in the Oxford distract tor.a,gravel pit. Postal.—The intim de?, that, witiia'yiew fa silik, ties to the^ po#taiift the receiving bouses—at Gaul’s, High stn et j Rllisdon , sptfhlij»!^ri^j,iEfekapdj9oi4 , s > coi of MontrealaM Toam' tMeet; Biii6Ceha's,Ca ihel street; Griibtbok?S,'Eap6nuiroad; andCtx’s, will be b dug posted at tbemfrom Jap. 1,1875; <&. t/. .Annual Spobts.—These spirts' are I^,‘^p(lfiatoW( fiobefe.y rieifti; .in Mr Beme’s.padddoh;--‘ffeft EAUdhl *P' ball " is also ahaounoed to take place in I'onji gray’s Assembly, Boort inf’the ’Wening. ;s^dmpkihfc,‘hf has jalep advertised an attractive of sdorts to take place in arnddojok adjoining his i AsroSuxioN.^':''■ meeting membMS stos'tA 'haiirwtWen held at'Waniert' Hotel yesterday, afternoon with a viev making wnsufemebtßifPL the next aniwiK sports, botottihg to the stball nbfflber pre lenL it was decided to dfftfir the'bdiißeßS (ilia' future day, : ; ( It f ifj-.qpderstood, however, that thAlports.wili moet. probablyi be held ot the, Saturday .after ths , P r orijkfef'! hkltob. 1 ’ ... i. '4o Lqfal -Eriaeoj LoPGEv LOiO.F., MJ The half«yearty meeting of this lodge was leld in the fisUi Savbh ifteet.’tin'Taesday eve ling last, to elect ofyfVffor the ensuing term. The followingßrsiwwleetediri-P.-G- Wright, to boy 'N.'O;; i ßrd'Hi i Ei«%;'-’V,#.ri '!Bir#i'uni ton, 3 . j * Wa T K ns Bid.Wigeell* .-GwiiiriißP.. Hi Ck jßate tool the. G.M. chair. P.G.M. Olarks and Bro 'Ar PiekanoK atisli WJmmtid consented to ait as 'stok'bkiiitotKm-iTb* formal business oi the lodge wm thfin.tmni»otffd,.^i--L'lL S. Jo£to|| v wffl be aifieeiil'le fioe II o’cldik. The service stt oommenceffw th a 'PtoolsKonal '^mii 1 i4i%*by ihd 'ch«r,-who carols. The service will be closed by bblmi tions from the “ Messiah ” appropriate tol fhe r solesln fhioh wißibei taken by Mrs Falmer. To-morrow being l ' Ohriitmas'Day,: the|«skvictowUi;be ohoralj ada ’ the anthem for the occasion will be sung for the first time in Christchuroh. The churchwill suitably dssoratsd. The. German Bells. —The bells, have been seimrety 'in the new tower, abd the whole of : tHo arrangement for l ringing thd first peal upon them ryriU be pempleted earlj)' today.. The sacred concert to be'held after the ceremony of rinmg fhe’ bells will be under thd patronage ofiLady Wijson, Mrs BollCston, and. Mr T. M. HassaU, German Consul. | The |iro(ieedß HS‘W Ve‘ l 'db , the abmnsu.; .tatioa/.of thejbell fund, therefore it is hopedrtbata largo attendance will .oseeiiblc." Se members of the ohurob have themselves. spirited enter-! prise deserves support from the outside publio.W ' The j musical /portion of the prorf gtotome wiirbe undrir & direotion of M# Eev O. Fraser (Presbyterian); .andr jother ministers. ll fi{iß hdt ' Accommodate nO ( application rthould be made for tickets, the more so that, ,admission will, be by ticket'' Only. -

■und on^)ec, m formerly i of meat at popularity boat cause, indulged in tore, by reai certain to isei have, in larooter. A ; night, but lajuEoidfidiL, *W»g«thßLMid do not intend to make any —me of (ibu giwßis, had lihsli wludwwe very to*tefulljmnN|fi[ Mdtdmftted. At Lytklton, in-*dvance of the usual time, Messrs ParAo» Ojßr j is said to be the best display of its kind etfijc,, otft Orta? JO Hi: HahmoNUi BoSk i(t.— Tte HonnonicSociitj: .gtvq'jts'ii*fchic(»oertrHthfi: j sei»fid»{(its pre*-' *®°t J^frrt o We^li^Dt^di^cmcomi^sed « desernnjpiDf opuMiiKjWlpport. The ekem - 'affid'' 'kirtoen' 7 instrumln-' taliste o thei i’ oondueborship of Mr rjatoes equally able I l6Sdri*sli{q j 6f , Mr 0. Bonningtoh,-' Imperial Mass is so gencttllly ; krio#tt , : thatr supbr- . itoi./tnußiplßißt-'j.'anditv’devotional -choruses; the former of which decidedly, aJcl' precision, the’ ” being attacked TlPiia iPipcb / bptter fmanner .thwi- at tpqp former concert- of the ~ society. The 'Speoialwflffd.Df .praiseforher splendid e*ocu> of tWtflrte oochrriiig/ W the w sfc B^surexit t l ; il credit to the particularly that of the julfflarit opening and closing chorus " Heafen'j iPWfi:vliw»i*nd. triosj.,of ;J whion,,tlit' wprk mainly: 'Consists, were exceedingly Well 3s*s? j^kk,(to;,w^d^rtbby ! wW AhtrnSttdr The’trio* “ Hear(E fert i '|Utot' l lCT'c Thee,” was sung with great taete anafeeling,; and the charua pasSSAea taken up withpepu... Awdl-hlfc too Tobdly. 1 * payed efßecftifely ; ;they <were, however, alittl* matoUdy in (the 'opening i.bart iof'the Matoh. «e BowronjUteaident ofttof dition to thiß,-with'a view to make thrw >rk tuitQusJy througheutftheVitonij' 1 The conc irt, bazaar in aidirf"thepsra image fdhd £ wn hkd|u|S. PauUsjiohoolroom <BL rfolly difcoratScFMfia and flow ga4»eppeanotoi ef' the effect. IThbft >|lc! , M ’Varied, proving that ladies o(s]ie psi ilh» >ry issue. There were:, seven stalls, No. 1 (sot plants) bribe prtiided' ( bter, by Mias M iry! FknSte'C' No. 2, by the- Misses Jackson ; -No. 3, *by , Mesdames and Miss Hancock^ satt&rad|ne^p Ladfarooke; No.--o r by Mrs Henry Mattop, -Hancock.—Tarira'wae wee ,! Catherine Wppwap jHppij a wheel of fortune '.M£sUded todi«!Mito WtUiamr.! iOh Ctosday afteMdh^ Mk auctioneer,, for' Jthe 1 a quantity of * sUep, factJsyiprices. i lYeatcrdayj MftdD T. Mattmi submitted the, whole of the unsold portion of .eftorto; to - dispose r .p6 o itpe« i varaouAwmiclea •werato<ntoifalii'-Taken!Beßi-wh(>ls:;tbe>itetult balanced it is thought there .«SU he a«afficienb auin oTi the «defq .clea^, ( ,ofiuthe whole . due to tEe'Twd'.'fe'Bnttan/ (Kptain BeTJ„ Messra C. Cl'G. DUncaa’, find N<MBtoh'rf|r the- ■ inergetio' riianner f to > which tbey and* ' the admirable ; )^anne^iui w bich all ths were carried 'out,! Ati-tnoicaaetosion of it net . proceedings w Vbto : Ot jnw* l .acfiorded.tQ_t.hose ladies who. had assisted to obtaining the bazaar, and tochurch for the conveyance of persons attepd - ' tog | ' J * - -.i fYALRiR'' QE , PaorEßTVi’ INr OAMAEtip-Thp; Hf&ffP 1 .Oikdit 1 /Ykiiies/Af^'DfeCi'f^'eaya^-fi-Tha' hahnaedrby- ’ &nd"Wao»baok> streets andrtbe)»suiway, Wfiioh sgPMMr tb«value of busipess sites to Oamata,:i - Ar WHIm perty of ,T j far Tloods in Wsvtejbw~ HiveesT The, Timaru • s dfl-fljft. 23, says sWCliela-frbia Itonk td - strew.came.tosight, sCrdife’fcoiriWkiaHdriwag cadsea awiM (tpe before tbevehiele was tothe -wafcetthslaadaig !! 6bnHd r toetobcr r : (tof the jttoers 'WCttpi WU ob*" his plao*.ui!tb«'boot (firom-wbiolLthe-lugfage. had removed^, ,of. v But for the real peril iqiplaced the stene WhCK the the humeraed up t« hia neck, iiRL. different from thoae to which tSe'Abiirtli artbe'Meohanioa’ Institute ooouriawts 1 of ol the coach. W) are glrii to Otoio and -.VYaituH-.we aiw .informed, mve been flpbded;' but ' the waters are fact subsiding to MwkwrrtThings not Genbballx; Xnqwn,—P«ncA says thbttbe Plßya rtP Shakespeare were written “by BacbiTtd poeS the time"WMalre~WaS''ont of office. That OliTar'Oromwell was the author of Paifi»£t#| L6s, but ptiiWished it undea the name of hii Latin Secretary, as he thought poetty-.btoeatfi' the dignity of the Lord High Protestor. a &pnful servant I was beheaded’ to pißtse of £tog Charles the First, who is lijis venerable old age in apartments assigned to* him to ‘Hampton üburt Palaoeiu. That tJulius; Mo»a«ri /.crossed the. .Jopiua. That OdßVandtowasgpQt, ar Homer fern Wiled by Cl*tem4l*a. J§t is j still , alive, and writes 'essays. That the Bishop or is Xbfe' owner of|Gwrgb Frederick. W2!£rid l XklWien partner in the firm of (%ia That the Pope: has sent a golden rose to Mr Newdegato, m. return foV-hie ptosibte&baiivOoaCy ofi the Coilfba'aibifal,'" Thit'-'FijifssO'canedbedauefe.'iW; iiqjjabiljfpito A*e(i(^e,tf,, ~Thftt gunpojridCT explosion- was "arraDgod to furouh .seyenT novelists with a tremendons inoidsot. iThak Lord Elcho is to be made prefebt rif %he

Metropolis, with full Überttto|||Hmgtf|H it. That the moon i> inhabulM y Wbb&itav Oh uhoh inH! visxtlSto.— The West CW Timet ot ■i, 18 sayßljr The new WeAwi 'hich U completed, tfmflnbteßroflß I the ifßimb the handiomenJUldS ini [okiti ca. W waa commenced ®KiBl iefi| ader wntract in iv^ failure of the original cohtractor, byfiSwrs Oornfoot and Stenhouse. It is only fair to the latter gentlemen to state that the work Emlo2w W 1 handsome fence, and it will be planted immediately with choice shrubs. The interior ■wi'ttie shwrels it wssy isispesiag, aid iW-rddf.. “ 01 “7 other -public -buwung hare. Tbere is sitting accommodatiionjfar Tat 'least 860 persons, abd awiel ■>ittnr wa* nbt«iwi4etddextt: t W*fciginaJ|. con. . \MiikfrmmM! The jchurch is lighted By gas; two jtronf tedn'Ughte. with two JlgUts on ‘thuTprtrtitnv The. ’tool tort 6f %he ■lmildi^, <l iircltfeiWgTxtl , ae and fencing, will come -fa jiMlTi short of 5 £IOOO. The arohitUittli Mr C. Tringham of W-ellWgtoHTiAa the whole of the work has of : Hr, Thomas Cooke, of this town, who acted as cletk of the Wotlt. J Tfid l building is certai ily •joijfdit tqjthft t#wn. r<An r approach rtw ;he church. thOAhtttmOe tdWhich is from HWeif StiiuaaaiiaLa:il..tti> hhm.vf,A wnit u '

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLII, Issue 4327, 24 December 1874, Page 2