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■ -it: ■ Ljfiuttm /inwa Offlce, : :.Z , V. ~!• Saturday Evening.' . The Customs J*»eoue cip»Bh; ahd l4ytteUoß to-dsy amounted to 4M» 8s ud. He following were the items s, gals, 44,, 13s, 7d •„ spirits, 2Q3* gala* *122 2aUd;bitter», 20i gals, £l4 7* Wflk.'lK.ll V, 7- ,‘n l->l ;•! ir-'-V •niil.'i’iTVli? yd '■•(rt'iK-i • «1 {AflSteMy trade-hes hepn .transacted. since the departure.of.the..last English .eapUdria ,Although- the holidays,, during the Dui’i visit, and the subsequent wet weather, iattrferdd with business to a great extent. Only one auction sale of general merchandise

has been held daring the month, bat the; bulk offered were faulty or low, classed brands. Our stocks generally are very light, in fact lower than they hare been for yesw, and trade in consequence is in a healthy state, as the market is seldom or new forced, which enables tot houses toobtpda something like remunetatiTß < 'rates. The Dag mar has been expected sometime, and her protracted voyage is causing considerable inconvenience, as several lines are quite out, and the bulk will bear sorting up. The Celoeno cleared for London on the 6th, with a full cargo of wheat, wool, and flax, but unless she arrives to a better than our latest telegrams would" warrant bur hoping for, her account sales will prove anything hut, satisfactory. The. Matoaka will sail on the 12th instant, and is the last wool ship of the season. She has a heavy cargo of wool, and a full complement of saloon passengers. The Caroline Coventry may shortly be looked for, as she left London the latter end of February. We have no failures of consequence to report, the monthly payments are made with commendable punctuality, and nothing but legitimate accommodation, is either sought fat or given. Business, though limited in extent, is being conducted on a sounder basis than for some time past; and very . little wild or reckless speculation is indulged in. Commercial prospects would be somewhat cheering,, were it not for the extreme depression in the wool trade. Sugars —Advices from Mauritius to jlOjih March, state that stocks are so reduced that they cannot meet the demands on them, and that grey sugars are quite out. A few parcels of white and yellow had been paid for Australia at £2 rise, and further advances were expected for the remaining stock on hand. Sugars are also reported as having risen £2 10s in Cuba. Our market ia literally bare, and values have been steadily ruing for some months, so that we can look for nothing but extreme rates until the new crop is ready. Crushed loaf haa advanced' in England from £4 to £6. Oilmen’s Stokes are in good request; supplies have been light in several lines, but large lots will shortly be coming forward by the Dagmar and Caroline Coventry, , Teas have worked off considerably, and values in consequence are firmer. The heavy imports to Melbourne tend to weaken our quotations, . . ' . i Coffee. —Good plantation is sought fer, while low classed are entirely neglected. Candles have improved, and recent heavy stocks are nearly cleared out. Large lines were closed at 12}d, and in some instances Igd, but 13d is now currently asked. : Kebosine.—Stocks are low, and prices during the month have advanced front 2s lOd to 3s 4d. Advices from Melbourne tend

to harden quotations. Oils.— Both boiled and raw oils are held lightly, and extreme prices obtained { white lead is not in good demand, and supplies are ample. Cornsacks. —A brisk trade was done in cbrnsacks early in ■ the month, .and diretet shipments were cleared, off at once, but very heavy parcels have recently come to hand from Melbourne, and. a slight fall, has , resulted.

. Fencing Wi»k and , Standards, are held heavily, jjoipidering thp fqw, improvement? in progress. . Dried Fruits.—pumnts are coming into favour, as quantities on iiand are limited. Sultanas and Eleme raisins are dull of sale, being held in excess. ■ Salt.—Fine salt, in 1 cwt bags, is quite out, while the demand for coarse is only limited. Spirits.— A. satisfactory demand: exists for most lines, while stocks are becoming much reduced.., Brandy has decidedly improved, both for bulk and case. In whiskey, both DunviUe. and DL> are almost out* and Scotch is wanted. Bnm is quitted freely at Ml rates. Geneva is in better supply, but Old Tom is much wanted.

WiNEs|have met with some favour, although stocks are ample. Grain.— Oats have been heavily dealt -in, but recently speculation has somewhat subsided, and prices in consequence have slightly given way, average samples are now realising 2s 4d to 2s fid. Barley is firm, and ■ likely to continue so, as exports have been unusually heavy. , Deliveries generally are scarcely according to sample; and great-dissatisfac-tion has been the result. ; Wheat was quitted at 4s to 4s Id a month since, but recent advices from Australia and Europe checked the market temporarily, although large orders continue to arrive from the North, which tend to strengthen values. Good to primq samples will realise 3s fid , to 4s. Several shipments of flour have been made-for-tba> north, but prices remain. stationary at £l2 for trade parcels ; something lower would readily be submitted to, for orders in bulk.

Provisions.— Butter continues to, be figported freely to Meioourne, and Hokitikg sj stocks are somewhat reduced, but prices have not advanced heyopd lOd.-tolld. Hama and bacon are working, oiff, while cheese is somewhat neglected at fid to 7d. Potatoes are looking up for export.' at £3 to £.3 10s.

Messrs Wilson and reporta full supply of cattle at tkt Carlton.Tards op; Wednesday, and also ibn - Saturday, at the Cashel. Street, quality stores and prime, fjtt cattle, ptatiniue f |p de&flnci, and bring fulji jgjces.,. (tytek* especially springing heifers, are qiore enquired for, and have ii^jroyed, ifli faljm, Catt|e h tender 18 months old are dull of sale, and gffi£ggected to be lower in price when’ the winter tains and frosts set in, and feed becomes scarce. Sheep are still difficult to a'ellV but an improvement in prices is shortly anticipated.

Preepe’s .iSalnyards, and Auction. Dqpgt were on Saturday abundantly supplied with pigs and poultry, farm product, implements, &c., realising fair prices:—Pigs, fat bacon pits, 60s each. I large.posker*, 35% each middle size do, 20s to AOs each ; large stores, 16s,to;S4s each i; atoallerdo, 10s,to 15* each suckers, sstoße: each.,, Poultry-Marge cppk turkeys, 6s to ,2s fid, eachhen, (to, 6s tP per pair ; geese, 3s’ fid to 4s fid. oum; ducks, 8s to 44 fid per pair. } iowtla,2a fid. to S*9d> per pair. Produce—flour, geod, 10e ( ,t0,12s pec IQOlbs; medintte,Bsto IPtdo ; to Is 2d pdf bushel { bran,' 8d to '9d per bushel; chicken, wheat, 3efidpcr bushel t oats, 2s fid to 3e 9d per bmfiiel ; potato©*, Jtato 3s fid per cwt* according to quality.

I The following li ah abstract of the Quantity pf land sold at the Waste Office daring the month «t. April *. 3j lUpper d0,*41 ; r Ashley,; 120 t TirMf%7e8 llr JAnooln, SO;; ; Handeville, 95; Ellesmerey ICO; Banks’ Peninsula, 343; Oxford, 40; Malvern, 268 ; Wwtapgi, 140; total, 1913 acres; realisingi'AMM.

The following is the Customs revenue collected at Christchurch and Lyttelton for the month ending April 30 ■ ■■>■ ■' £ .(:■ it,' d. Duties ... 6484 8 9 Light daes u 1 I Merchant shipping fees 613 6 Arms fees 18 6 0 Other receipts ... 49 17 6 •; )■ - - : ■ ' ...Total :'k.. ...46490 7 S _ i SHEEP STATISTICS. The following table SXhiWts the number of sheep over six months of age in the province of Canterbury on* Jin. 1. is 46 .

The increase lor the year 1868, ending December 31, is 89, 4MijT:

'CHRISTCHURCH WHOLESALE ■ PRICES CURRENT. The following is our detailed price list, ■•ranged by last Customs’ interpretation of ,tK .tariff. Quotations are far flmt-olass aridities only, delivered in GhrlstohUMß eft « cost of from 9s 6d to 13s 6d per teft, fH>t ship’s side in Fort Lyttelton;-. w: .

Mklbooenb.—The ArquM 6t April 29, reports:—There has been a fair amount of business traon£ted in the import markets, chiefly for trade requirements. Breadstuffs fnaintainafiTm and vtoady aspMt,aot withstanding which we hare ho large 'Sales to refer to. Buyers of wheat sn ready (bough to operate, thoagb. they decline to pay the rates required by holders; offers of It 6d for prime samples are freely ■ fivttam out, notbmg, however, can be purchased wider B»7dtossßd. flour has been quitted in small trade parcels at £l2 Ifs to 413. Sales bf ghddNew Zealand bats are effected at up to da iQdj Maize in the mornlag was a trifle baaier, hut all Offering at 4s Sd having been hfeaMdbS; hone i»uld be 1 got uofitr 4s lod by the afternoon. The auction sale'of attmdted a lhrge attendance of the trade; 6600 packages altogether were disposed of. (Congou dust andaifting brought 6|d to 7Jd; ordinary rather broken rean»ed 9d; comibon, |l2}d; and medium to fine; Hsd to ls lod. Scented orange pekoes sold at 3s,lMd?jrbbng byson at Is 4d. The floe coSgoues/'etf Bertha, jwere witbdrawu at is 3d,— alio seaas’B.o. pekoe aad scented caper; ■' WtrnoSa abtnsiderable deWahd for Iragar. Sdine rather heavy parcels are reported to have beet ptochd with’ the trkde, of quslittasragingtroto gedd counter’ to white crfStals, at 439 toi £«» ’ Soriie datnkgSdiota jure adrertisedfor aobtioa Sale oU Frtdsyi 'Tahaccaes corooumd improved attention., and rames of ‘fine descriptions are evidently stiffening. A Uae offsncies was taken up at Sixty-two packages were ahpiqqittqd attbs bona, in faulty condition, at extreme figures. Twists brought Ik td to Is 4|dj half-pounds sold at lljd to nMjniqcea realised Is 2sd; ban, Is to Is 4}d; aromatic twists, 9)d; and Miwew yfo ft? pany Wp mraSthq wicq oMlie'r Hid:" A good demand is experienced for fine hams; parcels of Varey’s brands of twenty tofiftyaad sukert^-five’cases in a line, baring been, freely Durchsped at 13d to 13|d. sJm or llaoon an aU6 made at 10ld and 1141!. A .percel. ef Axty bottles quicksilver was dupqsed of at 2s. Kerosene oil is Tcry J fflnchlUqulred for. Many parcels an under . negotiation} -the extreme rates Enquired, however, keep back operations. Soda crystals have been.pmhflaff £B. In spirits, we.heac.of ..the disposal of a thousand cases of V. H. and Go's geneva, at 12s. Small lots of HfctWisntVJpkDi, brandy, in-bulk; realise 7s 9d; for large parcels, a trifle less money would not bonfqjwd. . , , A telegram in the Argus, dated April 28, reports that the ordinary half-yearly meeting oifthVfcropttolofesblfthe Bsfak'of S*# l 6dStjp' WWHTiift\Wld fchdt- «tot; wAa toosoWuaAa’d adopted. ' A dJiUtonuKtl .‘cent’ per • dnwsaa ♦is*' deotorMi,trid4> bfelanedof **«*), wM- toritofi’ tomard. The usual half-yearly meeting of t9a,.Ne7. JSsuth .Wales Marine Assurance COmfiany #as held the saine day, wheni dividend at the per cent per annum was declared. <r - 7

The following wooF market report, dated April Trott the Arfiu 8 ifrm ** *— tug dagr,' srtte* we oaaMgtted siotelte tetol. Fair prices were obteNtedfor a considerable J°£iSS’X d JS» S£3ffiSMs ■kins, from SJd to -4Jd. Hides sold at 4d perils Tfcttc^TOedbteartd*tfes«*nn«s, and Ugh prices obtainable. We quote sales ofttatton at M 97 Ss t beef, «*•”

dated Aprilgl, sales of wheat haratakM place for export at from Os Id to Os 2d A*bS£el. Best brands of sold at £l3 ta£Um ' ■ '■ , • ' • A .

; District; QQ Iw-U Nnphar of Sheep. - Number of .Shew in each District,. t Male*. «» ■ ■ f ■! ■ Vaowlcs. i Southern i *Northern 'Central i Southern 1 1 T ,l 1 *|s, f M " jPn Farnu SS 160 U ‘ —‘i ini:M ri6ld e' ;i «g " ls|036 “Vm ;>iw m in 41P,956 ,764,671 | 792,328 > 38,146 77,286 40,387 1^97,109 9,193,776

/ aetiolbs. F . Mat. Alb k Pobibx, in wood, (Duty £2 10* P»r hhd.) (Duty paid 4 delivered.) hhd None Ale—Bass’* No. 3 4 8. i, -B* Pfcle — * >» None • Aliaopp’s ;■ «. McBwan*’ K. I.'pall > < »» ' II Norq \ | flStdJW'lO* ' Porter.Taylor* Walker • (tout f ■*- ■ v*< , 0 ; >Hoa-->'’ Ouinneu r It Whitbread’s II ) (In glass. Duty 3» f 1 per dot., p<My ' / Ale, Allsopp’s, by Friend, dos. 12* 6d to 18* quarts M. B. Foster’s 13s to 13s 6d Bass’s, trademark ... III «d to IS* Tennant’s, pale Ind Coope’s II 12s 6d to 13* 3d II Nominal Porter—, i 12s Sd to 12a 6d Blood’s Barclay’s Byass’ Machin’s II 12s to 12s 3d 13s to 12s 3d It I2s «d to 12a 9d Other brands II 10* to 12s Basbabd Bamibo. {Duty , 1* 6i per cubic foot,paid.) Blags, 8-bushel dos 16*6d*«13 9d 10 lbs. etch 4s 3d to it fld Gunny bags Floub. , dos 10* «d foils {Free.) None Adelaide ton Chilian II None Malt. {Duty, M per huehel, paid.) lie to lie 6d .. Buildihg Matbsiaib. Ember— (Duty, 1* per 100/1 tuperjlcial, pdld.) 20* to 24* American T and G ... 100ft Scotch flooring, T and G 20s to 24* Deals, Baltic, red, 11 z 3 3id to 7d run ' ft Deals, red, 9 z 8, run ... jJdtoCd (Duty, leper barrel, paid.) Cement,' Rutland,i*st barrel Ulto'Bte • (Duty, leper act,paid) Corrugated iron, 6,7, and £3710s to £39 ! 8ft, Moreirood’s ton Gospel oak Hill’* eagle brand £34 to £36 10* ewt 38s to 34* 1000 £1010*toJU Slates— Duchess’*,'2d Bit ... i, £15 to £16 i Countess’s, 20 z 10 ... ( ll £12 to £12 ICs Ladies, 16 x 8 £!0Ao £10 ICs Hops, d. p. lb Is 7d to 2* Malt „ 10* 6d to 11* i Boots abd Shobb. (Duty, Be,per cubic foot, , • ' English best, new season20toS5poadr. able goods mroice Cabdlbs. ~ ■ Duty, Id per. lb ., paid,} Price’s Belmont sperm .., lb 7 Hale’s sperms r . ' » f IfOHtolstd full weight* ,.. Genuine Neva (Brridon**) 1* Id to Is 2d - o ClOABS. (Duty, be per lb., paid.) Manilla, No.2» Cortados... 1000 £6 Us to £6 6* ) ’WHOi >| JQWVSBn* — . shape £610s to £7 Swiss, Ormond’* £4 to £410* Haranah, *ai«ii* u 100 26s to 30* ; Coal*. I Free. Bngli*hr*£oyV in Lyt, I WM ••• . r ■ ton Komuul Hew Sooth Wales, do ... 30* to 32s COFIBB. (Duty t Hperlb Fiantatuh Ceylon, fine ... lb Is to ls8|d Dp dp medium, ... tr Is to la Id Chicoxt. • ‘ ‘ {Duty, 3 d per lb, paid) ■ Barry’s or Wallis Dry*- ‘ dale’* if (■ H ...' ®id i Cocoa k Cho£olatb. i (Duty 8 d per r Fry’s or Taylor’s nomeo. 1 : cocoa ./ i m«. 1* ddrto Is 7d ' Do., soluble chocolate Is4d to la-1 id ; 5f)Q0fffBP?W*WW». „.j ' ■ n-rr ■ . -J t Duty m 6e.per eubUf Jopt, (>♦ 1 fK*W4 • .-I-'.-, Keillor's assorted, beat, in .1 J... 7 lb. tine r ... Is Old to Is i|d Wotherspoon’s or Gray's Candied peel {duty id per lb. paid) best quality lid to Is l'4dftf It assorted ; i •■i ..; „ Cobbs. (Free.) Velret, wine* .Vi igtOM S»4oM6d Common 3s to 8* 6d Lemonadeti /. • : i : „ 9*,toJ!*ad Gingerbeer Is 6d to Is 2d Pecos, Chbxical*, .Ac. (Free.) ttdto&l Bluestone.incaik, , »l i {Duty 1* pernet.,paid.) £24 Sulphur flour .., ton Soda crystals 3-cwt cask*... l r s 9d to 13s ‘{Duty 8* pfre*t*/pfd.) Carbonate soda, in jars ... i' lb u'totf' ' 1 Po. ‘“to* i,* 7 » - Saltpetre/reteed 1 cwt . Stflb 0)4 k> ’■ , {Duty Id per lb., paid) Is lid to 2s Cream tartar, in jar tartaric acid, do lb ■rtato g»4d • Fxcits, ka. i Dufy Id per lb,, paid., Almonds, Jordan, gbod to k ?, v ; . V. V 1 fine ... — l*10dto2*ld Do, soil shell «aaei. 1, OdtolOd Apples, dried, American Currants, fla* Do, old n : .1 h. J Bid to 84d Figs, do . . 8Jd to Od Prunes, in bottle Sr 1 Is 4d to Is 6d Raisins, Eleme 6d to 61d • Muscatel*, in layer* Nsaill : Sultanas 8WtoW Nona Huts, Barcelona • 1 IDutyi^e^jJ^J^euper. i.W> r , 1 W , ri ■ ' ■ i , ..; intoie* »to36p**di» GaobBxmxit'OiLkBB** • -jMi'uSBOBn*.' .ior.1 ’/l5/ ‘ r i Duty Betkd jer*eubic , .>'jfBot<.peid.)'\ 1 3 . AuowrootiSatsnB. jb., paper*, French, pint* ... don. half-pint* n 10s to 11s qr-piats 6sto6s Puny powder, genu|n* JtL 1 ylb la ... •> tt\ ‘ '■ r, i v I7*«dtodl9s ihtiihLbottl^lieft, IJamsA JeUleAlIb thu..:. ■ r*i' , •» f. r, 4/.I! Marmalade, lib tine 1 ' 1 '"'. 1 ..' a 1r Hktb'n* Mustard,’ CtUisk’f ’ (ae,1b swat < cording to quality) 1 lib bott. or tin ... lb Us 6d to l«s i4tm* ,d? -i: .VT-.’ <HSaM*heah#rt* M*toi6aJd ' j. r...'rii -»n|r|ipli oi- •! »*4dAM0* Caster, pint*, v, > , -. t-pint* Pickles, best brands, qta... 1 •M ,H*i ear : I pinta. flauces, assorted, Vp>nte . Lea and Perrin’s, pints IS* 6d to 14* 0s to 10s 6d w aSeOdto 24* 6d 1-pints £ UsfldtoU* TejHoon, teu orJan ao.i; Uj u. Mto«i«’ ■ *, : f- , (Duty, ie per, utek. .. >i ; «-■* Blue, Colmufo thumb ,• *• i ' k-oa - ib lid to Is j^h^pnatfe^o^„. lb BdtoUd <>7 !T*piao*j4a'*Hb*''TU ! {Dudple pH eette feed rt 1 •>* i • t 1 CM!to.4M utsijr '■ • '..c i • lirptidd « *.i.ijit i -H Daj aad Mar;<ir. 1*1 ■. f .n iy;..*-. ! Gro^l^pwn’sittf)^ iMaiseSsi, DWyeas “ * 1/ 'Kiniiw ,r aw.-’-(Duly leper etet.paid) . lb Pearl barley S6s to 96* Peas, split cwt 96* to 28s (Duty id peeUb*fuUd jr.i iv iA flpiess bUtch. ilU h-uiii Cr.iV, M*taiiu Nutmegs, good beow vn ft 1 i m/oit Is6d tots 7d r &s:.msun. r Z£ it *' "'t bn* ’i HdtoTd ton’s ‘ "... Nl to Us 6d IS* to Its ad Oystsss is m 14* to 14* Id

Abtioms, Per. Piioe. Bardina* i-lbtins^ii 1), CyfAmuik:, HI ■ » FAdneo* ■ ' Herring*. rod, 2-doaec do*. tias , , A ; Hon*..,; Seatotsigsndtoping ... t) i* cd toil n Shop assorted n Is id to Is i {Duty 1* per cubic fyol paid.) Matches and Testae— ■ Ball and Black’*, **•") (10 to 12} p s ‘ ff** ; "I Letchford’s do i- /i tt KlOtoufyp • I idr : Bell and Co.’a do » |7 to 10 p o (Duty 6 d per gallon , paid.) t Vinegar, in bulk, Cham gallon ‘ pion’a. No. 34 ... 2* fld to 2s,8d Do, do, Hill and Erar,’... it 2a id to 3* 6d Oils. Qolaa, in drums 99 7s to 7s 8d Linseed, raw, do u 6s Bd to 6s Do, boiled, do 6s to 6s 3d Eeroame, do 3*2d to Said Spirits of tar, do Nominal turpentine, do 6a 6d to 6s ( (Duty leper barrel, paid.) barrel Pitch, Stockholm 68s to 60s tar do 60a to 66s Do coal 99 30* to 83s (Dot# Id per lb, paid.) Fmoviaion. Hama, crime Ena;! lb None demand Bacon, do do, „ 7dtp74d Cheese, do do If 6}d to 7d j Tobacco. (In bond.) ' (Datg, 2$ id per lb.) lb Barrett’s first quality twist Is 8d to Is lOd Karen Is 8d to Is lOd Other brands 1* 2d to 1* 6d Tsa*. ](Duty paid, id per lb.) Congou, fine best . ... Is 10dto3a good ordinary ... Souchong, fine to finest... f* 2*6dto3s8d 99.. 8q to 8s Id 2s 8d to 2s lOd fair to good 99 Eyaon, fine,to yen fine... i iniiSfiing to good ... Ghuboiraef, npd to finie n 3a to 3* 3d , 2»6dto2s7d 8s Sdto 8« 6d Powe scented orahge,' do 99 3# Sd to 8s fid Win*. ■ (In bond) ■ ' (Dutyie.pergal.,) gallon port, Ssndeman’s, choice I6s to 20* Medium ... 9s to 14s , Buie’s medium - . • n By to 12s , ' Hunt’s best qualities lis to 16s Sherry, Sandeman’s dry ; Amontillado, choice ... ; "Bdiioh’a medium ... 99 22s 6d to 26s >. 7s 6d to 10b Od I. superior ... Obampdgne, Euiiiarfs, it 12s to l6l Moefs, and Albrecht/* ! 3 fit*' ... : ... . ... doa. 60s to 66a Sparkling hock, moselle, ! r.,.- Aft*'ftm, qt*/ ... M ?6eto60* Claieti . ... ... ... (Free.) . 99 36« to B0» ,. Salt—Pine, in V,cwt bags j Coarse, Idwt do ; j (pntyi\9ep4rgallon‘, J -J‘“ ■ proof) ; milks, Ac. (In bond.)ton None ’ 06s to 97s 61 ; ■ Brandy, Martell’a, dark A j pale ... gallon 8s 3d to 8* Bd I Hennessy’s do do .,. 8s 3d to 8s 9d Jules Bobin’s do do... 7s 6d to 7s 9d Hennessy’&pale ... Cenera, J.D;E,Z. 30* to 82s 16s 6d to 16s 6d Key 12. 6d to lis Gin, Booth’s, Swame Boord’s 16s 6d to 16s ; Do, do, do, gallon 4* 9d to 6s Old Tom in bulk Beri card and Co. Jf 4*idtoie6dT Ho, in cases case 39s to 41s Bum, best brands - t - W.I., 30 o.p. 8s to 6s 6d j do 10 o.p. ... Minsky, Scotch, best ii 4s 6d to is Bd ' brands „ 6s 6d to 8s do esse ... Us to 16s (Liqueur* , (Dufy, Ms per gallon, <Joe Nominal paid.) Crange bitters Do, Bsrnard and Co. 40* to 44* dcs. 42* to 44s Stoqgtyppdo .. Ginger wine, Bernr'i *ad ,, 28a to 30* Co ... 24a to 2C* Do, brandy 46* Strains. • (Duty, e»ieSd per ton W.EneSh^ (hushed loaf ... (on w- Ji! ant»£8fi. «Mto «62 / Mauritius crystal^. fine w- t . i-, > white „. » ' £66l0sto £67 do bright, yellow counter do dan,. m , : 1% ■■ £61 to £63 £46to^4610* Melbourne Company’s 1st £66l0s to £67 : counter Sydney Company’s 1st at . £6610* to £67 counter '

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2604, 10 May 1869, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2604, 10 May 1869, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2604, 10 May 1869, Page 2