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LYTTELTON. ARRIVED. April 24—Phmbe, s.s., 416 tons, Wheeler, from Wellington. Passengers—Cabin: Miss Lyon, Miss Heighten, Mr Robinson, Major Stafford, Mr and Mrs Allinson and child, Mrs MHlraith. Fore-cabin: Mr Robets, Mr and Mrs Forman and child, Mrs Shirley, Mr and Mrs Murphy, Mrs Borthwick, and child, Mr Fox. April 25 —Jane Anderson, schooner, Falconer, from Dunedin, en route for Napier, put in through stress of weather. April 25—Rangitoto, s.s., 449 tons,Mackie, from Melbourne and Wellington. Passengers : Messrs Cunningham, Williams, De Beere ; 8 in steerage. SAILED. April 24—Isabella, schooner, for Wellington. April 24—Canterbury, schooner, for Nelson. April 24—Emma Patterson, schooner, for Eaiapoi. April 24—Phoebe, s.s., 416 tons, Wheeler, for Dunedin. Passengers—Cabin : Messrs Gilchrist, Lee Cole, Berghoff, Mrs and Mrs Collins, Captain Hutchinson, Captain Tyrie, Messrs Webb, R. M. Morten, Melville, Hill, Jack, Mr and Mrs Gourlay, Master and Miss Gourlay, Mr Corbett ; 19 in steerage. April 25-H.M.S. Galatea, Captain Adeane, for Wellington. April 25 —H.M.S. Blanche, Captain Montgomerie, for Dunedin. Passengers—H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh and suite, his Excellency Sir G. F. Bowen. IMPORTS. In the Phoebe, J. D. Macpherson, agent. From Nelson, under bond : 2 halftierces tobacco, Morrison, Sclanders. From Wellington, 3 {-casks port, 3 J-chests tea, J. Dransfield. Free and duty paid from Nelson : 8 «hests tea, 4 {-chests tea, 14 kegs barley, 9 eases axes, 7 kegs nails, 1 cask putty, 1 ditto whitelead, 2 do, ironmongery, 2 cases ditto, 1 bdle bill hooks, Morrison, Sclanders. From Wellington : 15 bales wool, Miles and Co ; 76 bags bark, 1 parcel, Hirst; 1 truss, Fletcher ; 1 case Brass; 1 do,Pratt; 1 bale, Fuhrmann; 1 case, Newland; 1 case, Cudden; 1 case, 1 truss, West; 4 pkgs, 5 boxes, Telegraph Department; 10 boxes, Bird. For Timaru : I case, Tate ; ex Lord Ashley, 1 case, Heywood. In the Rangitoto, E. S. Dalgety and Co., agents: 4 steel mould boards, 14 ovens, 1 case glass, 1 bdl shovels, 30 cases, Morrow, Bessett and Co ; 1 case hardware, 3 kegs nails, 3 lengths chains, 5 pkgs rope, R. Forbes ; 175 bars iron, 6 bdls do, 8 do, sheet, 2 cases sundries, 3 do axes, 4 do ovens, 1 case castings, E. Reece, 32 bales sacks, Order; 2 cases, John Lewis ; 6 cases, Strange and Co ; 3 do, Order; 36 bales sacks, 77 bags sugar, Order ; 2 pkgs, Inwood and Bilton ; 1 pkge boots, 1 bale leather, Bridgeman ; 4 pkgs, Sands and McDougal; 5 cases,Hughes; 36 pkgs sugar, Morrison, Sclanders, & Co. ; 2 bales cotton waste, Miles and Co; 2 7 bags sugar, 1 {-tierce tobaacco, Watt and Co ; 2 cases, W. Neeve; 10 cases stout, 8 bales sacks, Order; 21 trunks boots, E. George ; 1 parcel, Bellfield, 1 do, Sandstein ; 2 pkgs, Spensely ; 1 parcel, Dalgety and Co ; 1 case, Stevens ; 2 cases, Raine ; 5 pkgs, Union Bank; 2 bales, Davenport ; 1 parcel, Curtis; 1 case roots, Swale. From Wellington—l box, Scandlon. Ex Omeo—l chest tea, 1 {-chest, 13 boxes soap, Dalgety and Co. EXPORTS. In the Phcebe, J. D. Macpherson, agent: 7 horses, Webb ; 80 sacks flour, 11 do wheat, 2 do tares, Dalgety & Co. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Rangitoto, s.s. Halycon, s.s. Coraerang, p.s. Matoaka, ship. Celoeno, ship. Collingwood, barque John Knox, barque. Southern Cross, barque. Crishna, barque. Annie Brown, brigantine. Swallow, schooner. Cleopatra, schoooner. E. U. Cameron, schooner. Mount McLaren, schooner. Aurora, schooner Jane Ann, schooner. Excelsior, schooner Jupiter, ketch. Margaret, ketch. Gipsy, ketch. Esse and Agnes, ketch. Annie, ketch. High Water—3.42 a.m., 4.09 p.m. The schooners Spray, Wild Wave, and Elizabeth, put back into harbour yesterday, owing to the strong N.E, winds. We notice that Messrs McMeckan, Blackwood and Company, in the Argus of April 15, advertise the Claud Hamilton to sail from Melbourne for the Fiji Islands, on May 1. According to the Argus of April 15, the Gothenburg was to leave Melbourne for New Zealand, via Bluff, on April 22. The Alhambra was to leave, via Hokitika, on April 29. H.M. Ship Blanche, with his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and his Excellency Sir G. F. Bowen on board, got under weigh yesterday morning, and sailed for Dunedin, at 12.15 p.m. H.M. Ship Galatea, Captain Adeane, sailed for Wellington yesterday morning, at 8 o’clock. The Galatea will coal at Wellington, and proceed to Auckland. An immensenumber of persons visited the ship on Saturday. It is stated that not le« than sooo persons inspected her during the two days she was thrown open to the public. The Jane Ann, schooner, arrived in harbonr yesterday from Dunedin, en route for Napier ; left Dunedin on the 17th, called at Oaraaru for the remainder of cargo ; experiences! easterly weather until reaching Kaikonra, when owing to the very heavy sea, and haring a Large deck cargo, was compelled to run in here for shelter. The s.s. Rangitoto Captain Mackie.arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Wellington, and .Melbourne ; left Hobson’s Bay Railway Bier at 4 20 p.m, on the 15th, passed through the Heads at 7.10 p.m., and arrived at Hokitika at 7.30 p rn. on the 20th ; left for Wellington on the 2i-t at 5 p.m.’, and arrived at 9 p.m. next day; left again at 3 p.rn. on April 24, and arrived as above ; experienced fine weather during the passaw. We are indebted to Mr Longfield for files. Tli'.- Rangitoto brings 65 tons cargo for this port. Tut; s.s. Pho.-be, Captain Wheeler, arrived in harbour on Saturday morning, at /), bringing the English Suez mail ; left Onehunga at 2 p.m.on Sunday, April iwfi. with a light head wind ; made Taranaki road-lead at 6 30 next morning, leaving again at o.;;, am with a fair wind for Nelson, arriving off thereat 11.30 -auie evening; left again at 2,40 next morning, arriving at Picton at 11.10 a.tu. ; left at 12 noon and arrivi-d in Wellington at G. 30 p.m, same day ; left W<-|-lingUm at 5 p.m. on tne g.3rd, and arrived aabove. We are indebted to the purser f„ r full files The Phoebe sailed for Dunedin on Saturday, at 8 p m.

I he schooner Lady Jfon. aider a protracted passage of thirty-one days from Lyttelton, crossed the bar astern of the Lioness ve-ter-day afternoon, April 20. Captain S S. Morton, R.N.R., reports that he left Lvttelton on Thursday, March is. at 8 a.m„ with a light N.W. wind ; at 9 p.m. was abreast of (lie Aruuri ; were off Lookout Point at 3 p in. next ay. On Saturday, the -oth, at 3 p m.' the wind, which had been light from (he N.E, chopped into NAY., blowing hard ; barometer 29.40. Close reefed at 3 a.m. on Sunday, a perfect gale blowing, with heavy sea running. Was abreast of the Brothers, at C a m., on Monday 22. ()n Tuesday, 23rd, 1 a.m., the wind blew hard from W.N.W. ; had to close reef. At 4 p.m. it was blowing a gale ; split mainsail and carried away jibgnys and backropes. At noon, on Wednesday 24th, sighted Capoti, bearing E., distant ten miles. Ran for it, and brought up at 5 p.m. Overhauled and found all the throat

seizings of the lower rigging gone. Got underweigh at 4 a.m, on Friday, the 26th, wind being W.N.W. On the 27th sighted a barque under close-reefed mainsail and foresail. At 5 p.m. sighted Stevens’ Island, bearing W., distant twenty-five miles. Tried to stay the ship, but could not, on account of the heavy sea running. Wore ship, and whilst doing so, a heavy sea struck her under the stern, splitting the rudder-head. Bore away for Guard’s Bay to repair it, and brought up in 8 fathoms, at 6.30. Found the barque Free Trader, for Hobart Town, and the schooner Banshee at anchor, having put in through stress of weather. At 7.30 the brig Ben Nevis brought up alongside. At midnight it was blowing a perfect hurricane, and had to let go the second anchor. The weather haring moderated, got underweigh at 4.30, on Tuesday, the 28th, and was abreast Stevens’ Island, at 7 p.m. Sighted Cape Farewell at 6 a.m., on the 29th, hearing S. half E., distant 12 miles. At 6 p.m. on Friday, the 2nd, sighted Hokitika, bearing S.E. distant four miles. As it was blowing a gale at the time, the captain thought it prudent to put to sea. Had light airs and calms till 4 p.m. on the sth, when a gale came on from the N.E., which caused the schooner to be put under close-reefed canvas At 11 p.m., split mainsail, topsail and jib, and had to keep away before the sea to effect repairs. On the 6th the weather moderated. At 11 a.m., sighted Mount Cook, bearing E., distant twenty-one miles. From there, until arrival, had light N.E. winds and calms. The cargo of the Lady Don is turning out in first-class condition, notwithstanding its perishable nature, and her protracted and tempestuous voyage. She will ballast during the day (April 23), and be despatched to Picton. — West Coast Times. ENGLISH SHIPPING. Ships Loading.— For Auckland.—Coulnakyle, Morrison. For Canterbury.—Challenger, Brown. For Nelson and New Plymouth.—Joliba, Simpson. For (itago.— Undaunted, Griersen. For Wellington.— Veritas, Spolander. At Liverpool.—For Otago. —Robert Ritson, Baskflll. The ship Pampero, Mortice, 911 tons, left Gravesend for Otago on the 15th February. The Icon, Brewer, 353 tons, left Deal the same day for Auckland. The Peter Denny, Adams, 997 tons, left the Clyde for Port Chalmers also on the same day. TELEGRAMS. Port Chalmers. April 25, 3.30 p.m. Phoebe, from Lyttelton, Gretmouth.— April 24, 6 a.m. Bruce> from Westport. Westport. —April 24, early. Wallaby, from Greymouth 1 ; Murray, from Nelson. Charleston;— April 24, early, Waipara, from Greymouth; 8 a.m., Waipara, for Westport. Nelson.— April 24, 4 p.m., Airedale, from Picton. Picton. —April 24th, 6 p.m., Storm Biid, from Wellington ; 7.30 p.m., Storm Bird, for Nelson. Napier. —April 24, 12.15 p.m., Lord Ashley, from Wellington; 3.45 p.m., St. Kilda, from Poverty Bay. BOAT HIRE. The Provincial Gazette of Sept. 2, states that the following Tariff of charges at the port of Lyttelton is now in operation : s. d From any wharf or jetty to the steamers, single fare to or from ... 1 0 From any wharf or jetty to any place or to any vessel other than steamers lying within a space bounded on the east by a line drawn from Stoddart’s to Sticking Point, and on the west by a line drawn from Naval Point to the eastern point of Church Bay... 1 6 From any wharf or jetty to any vessel lying to the eastward of Sticking and Stoddart’s Points, and to the westward of Battery Point and the buoy on Parsons’ Rock ... 2 6 From any wharf or jetty to Church Bay 4 6 From any wharf or jetty to Gollau’s Bay 2 0 From any wharf or jetty to Rhodes BayOne passenger 3 6 Two or more, each 2 6 From any wharf or jetty to the Quarantine station— One passenger 10 0 Two or more, each 7 0 To the Heads or head of the Bay as per agreement.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2591, 26 April 1869, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2591, 26 April 1869, Page 2

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2591, 26 April 1869, Page 2