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The Synod re-assembled at 4 p.m. yesterday. THE FINANCIAL REUULATIONS, The Rev Canon Cotterill Baid he had much pleasure in rising to move that the resolutions on financial regulations passed in committee be adopted. He wished, if the Synod would allow him, to put the resolutions in two parts, the first seven together and the new clauses together. The first seven were in fact, he was glad to say, very much like the resolutions that he moved at the beginning of the discussion. It was a matierof satisfaction to think that after the committeehad drifted from one plan to another, they had come to very much the same plan as he had proposedio the first instance, and which was generally sanctioned by the Standing Committee. The first resolution adopted was the same; the second was.rejected,but the object aimed at had been secured by means of the sixth resolution. He wks glad to say that the third resolution was very much the same as the one he had proposed, only that the number of offertories for the mission work of the diocese had been decreased, but the same principle was embodied in the resolution as passed in commutes. The fourth resolution was withdrawn, and he did not think after all that had been said that that resolution was absolutely necessary. The fifth resolution was carried as he proposed it; the sixth was made even far more satisfactory than was the case when he proposed it in the first instance, for £2OO would be secured towards the maintenance of a missionary clergyman instead of £100; and the seventh was adopted exactly as he had proposed it with the exception of a little »xp anatory clause. Later on a resolution would be moved by Dr Donald that .two collections a year should take place in all churches in the diocese in aid of the Assisted Parishes Fund. He (Mr Cotterill) had proposed collections once a quarter, but he now thought it better tliis year to be satisfied with two, and he trusted that these two collections would return a larger amount than the four, and thus bear out the anticipations of many who had taken part in the discussion. He hud now to move the adoption of,the first seren resolutions.

Dr Donald said if the motion were agreed to, the Synod could not go into committee on the resolutions. It was necessary that they should be.embodied in the financial regulations, He would therefore move, as an amendment, that the Synod go into committee for the purpose of re-consiJering the regulations.

The Rev. C. Bowen seconded the amendment.

The Rev. Canon Comerill said that it would take some time to embody the resolutions in the existing regulations,.and he would withdraw his motion for their adoption until a later period of the evening. Leave was given as requested. STANDING OBDEHS. On the motion of the Rev. Canon Coirauiu, Standing Orders Nos. 14 and 28. were suspended to facilitate business. PARSONAGE HOUSES. The Ilev. J. G. Cholwndkkes moved "That the Standing Committee be instructed to confer with the Church, Property trustees on the question of the repairs o. the parsonage houses of the dLcese, with a view to the formation of a Fabric Eund, as indicated by the Standing Comniitte« in their report of 1864." He thought it was very desirable that there should he some legislation on this matter. The subject was under the consideration of the Synod in the session of 1863 : There was a very general feeling at the time that it was. a matter which re. quired settlement, but there was some difference of opinion as to the. source from which the money for repairs, should come The Synod resolved that the Standing Committee should take the matter into consideration and decide upon it. The Standing Committee in bringing up their report for 1864, stated that' they had considered the matter, and found it surrounded by many difficulties; and that they had asked the Church Property Trustees whether a fund cjuld not be established by them m conjunction with the parishes in which parsonages were required. ince then the subject had remained in abeyance and it was with a view of action being taken that he had tabled the motion.

1 he Kev C. Bwen seconded the resolution Mr George. Goudon coujidered that the general repairs of parsonage houses should ue left to the parishes themselves if ad diiions were required, the Church Pronertv lrustees might then be applied to ' TheUev J. o Baqsiuw did not think ha % repairs of parsonages should be left to the parishes, they were the property of the parishes, and t om u persons should be an. pointed to look after their condition. The resolution was agreed to. HIE CEMETERY HEGUWTIONS. «ev. J. O'B. Hoare, moved,« That the Synod o, oml7 lte f ula '» nNo - »• by the addltioii of the words, 'Jn outlying scattered onsfeesbe left to the discretion of curate and wardens in eaoh district *" The Synod went into committee, the Verv Rev. the Dean in the chair. • ' OnthemotionofMrC.R.BLA KtßT oN,the following vaiQßßicdiD lieu of the above.

" In outlying districts, fees payable for burials may be increased by the standing committee on the representations of the curates and wardens in such districts."

The amended regulation was reported to the Synod. Mr March moved, " That the amendments on the rules and regulations for the management of the Church of England Cemeteries be adopted by the Synod." The Hev. 15, A, Linoahd seconded the resolution, which was agreed to. ERECTION OF CIIURCIIE9. Mr March moved—" That in the opinion of this Synod an application Bbould be made to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for a grant in aid of the erection of Churches." He gathered from the Census of 1867 that the total number of members of the Church of England in Canterbury—east and west-was over 28,000. Of this number, 22,000 odd were in JEast Canterbury; and from ua[ era laid on the table he gathered that the total uhurph accommodation inEastCanterbury was to the extent of SGOO persons. It wbb said that a great many of the 22,000 persons were children, but lie would ask in all sincerity whether the lambs of the flock were not to be looked after. He thought ,that increased church accommodation was required in this dioceße. If any one could assure him that without foreign assistance they could provide sufficient church accommodation in this diocese, he would not press his resolution. lie had been told that his Lordship had put himself in communication with the Society while in England, and if so, he the Synod would be furnished with some information on the subject. His Lordship stated that while in England he had two memorials presented to the society, requesting grants. On enquiry, he found that the funds of the society were at a very low ebb. He made the request for one grant only under these oircumstancss, and received an answer that no assistance could be afforded. That request was for the rebuilding of the Head Master's house at the College, after it was burnt down. Shortly before leaving England, he found from the newspapers that a considerable legacy bad been left to the society, and be renewed his request, and received an answer to the effect that probably some assistance would be given. He subsequently wrote to the society, but had not yet received a reply; he expected one, however, in a month or two. If the money should be granted by the society, it would be on certain conditions—that a certain mm should be raised to meet their grant. The very Rev. the Dean.—Was a memorial for a grant for rebuilding St, Michael's not presented J His Lordship replied in the negative. After considerable discussion, the Rev. E. A. Lingard moved " That the Synod proceed to the next order of the day." The amendment was carried on the voices. CLASSIFICATION OF PARIBHES-,' On the motion of Dr Donald, the regulations founded on the committee's report were read a fmt time. The following are the regulations as amended in committee, reported to the Synod and adopted :-«l. That £SO be allotted from the revenues of the Church Property Trust annually to the following cures :-St Michael's, bt John the Baptist's, St Luke's, Lyttelton, Heathcote, Papanui, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Governor's Bay, Akaroa, Uiccartonwith Halswell, Avonside.Prcbbleton with Templeton parishes; and of Leithfield, Oxford, Ellesmere, and one other not yet defined, parochial districts, and to the Chaplain of the Lunatic Asylum, with or without the Gaol or Hospital." 1. Agreed to on the motion of the Rev. E. A. Lingard : —"That a further sum of £25 be allotted to the Cliap lain of_ the Lyttelton gaol, until a permanent chaplain to the above-named institutions be appointed." 2. That an annual sum of £l6 be allotted to those cures which have no parsonage houses, provided the incumbents of such cures are wholly occupied in the work of the Ministry. 3. That the sums reciived fo; the Assisted Parishes Fund be divided equally among the incumbents of the parishes of Akaroa, Prebbleton with Templeton, Rangiora, Timarti, Geraldine, Governor's Bay, and of the parochial district of Leithfield. 4. That the Curates and Church officers throughout that part of the diocese included within the province of Canterbury be called upon to cauie offertories and collections to be raised in aid of the Assisted ■ Parishes Fund on one Sunday at least in .each half of the financial year. 5. That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee , at the close of each half-year, viz,, March 31, and September 30, to withhold any further payment from this fund to parishes and districts who have failed to remit their contributions. 6. Withdrawn. 7. That for the guidance of the Sym.d in future sessions, and to enable the members more thoroughly to understand the real conditions of each parish and district, its ability or inability to assist other parishes and districts, or its need of assistance, the Incumbents and Churchwardens be requested to make, as far as may be possible, an accurate return of the Church Members resident in their respective parishes and districts, specifying their names and the number in each family." FINANCIAL REGULATIONS, On the motion of the Rev. Canon Cotterill, the Synod went into Committee on the financial regulations, the- Very Rev. the Dean in the chair.

On the motion of the Rev J. O'B. Hoare, the three new clauses on the notice paper were struck out. _ It was resolved that Dr Donald's resolutions respecting the classification of parishes and districts should he in forcefrom October 1,1868 to April 1,1870. The resolutions passed in committee were embodied in the {financial Regulations of 1866, and adopted on the Synod resuming. Mr W. J. W. Hamilton moved and it was agreed to—"That the standing Committee be empowered to revise, re-arrange, and make verbal alterations- in. the foregoing combination of the financial resolutions with those of 1866, providedino alteration in principle be made." ! KDIICATION OF,; OIjER&TMEN'S SONS. Mr C. \\. Blakjsxos. moved that the Standing Committee be- requested to ascertain previously, to the- next session of the Synod what further provision can be made for the education of the sons of the clergy, and to take whatever steps for that purpose; they consider desirable * The motion was agreed to. CLEBQ)? JENSION FDND. The Rev. F. Knowlbb moved:—" 1, T!»t the scale of Superannuation and other allowances from the Clergy Pension Fund, adopted by the. Diocesan Synod of 1866, shall bain force until December 31, 1869, or until altered by the Synod of that year. 2. That the Standing. Committee be instructed to investigate the condition and prospects of the Fund, with a view to the revision of the said scale, before the meeting of Synod in 1869j

The first resolution was carried, after being amended by the changing of Ml Dec' 'IS69» to «3l March, 1871." The second resolution was withdrawn, the Standing Committee being instructed to revise the Scale before the meeting of Synod in 1870.

MOCESAN CLERICAL PENSION FUND, On the motion of the Rem Canon Cottewh, the synod went into Committee on the following proposition-' That the following wovds be added in Clause 3 of the Resolutions on "Diocesan Clerical Pension Fuud"after the words •' into the same fund," insert "■provided that £2 be th?. minimum amount payable annually." Also in Clause 7 for M 868" read "1871."- Also in general clause I for « 1868" read « 1871." The resolutions as amended were reported to the Synod, and adopted.


The Rev. O.'iion Cotterill moved, " That in the event of the constitution of the Diocese of Bwicdia and of its Diocesan bynod, the electoral Districts of Dunedin, Wttikouaiti, Molyneux and Southland be removedif torn Schedule fi of statute No. a. Provided that any members from those electoral districts appointed to serve aaofu> J 0 ? o ,V n ° D '">?ese of Chrißtchurch oontinue to hold office until the n«t annual session,

After some discussion, MrCotterill «ut • leave to withdraw hi, r'esolutS taiDed

CATHEDRAL COMMISSION. Mr Hamilton moved-" That the S . do proceed to the election of two member? , the Cathedral Commission, i„ li eU of , of who retire for the year." ' 6U 0f tho, « _ The rery Rev. the Dean moved the re «i„ n tion of the Rev. Cauon Wilson, and H tT Harman, ' • b '

The motion was unanimously carried The election of two other members will i made by the subscribers at a meetinetn k convened by his Lordship *tj« *ul y dj

CUBICAL SEPnUBENTATIVES, The Very Rev. the Dean moved '"iw whereas it is provided in clause 2, of Btatm 11., of the General Synod, for organising thf Genera Synoj, that every clergyman, w| o name shall have been certified in a list to I kept for that purpose by the Synod of tl! Diocese in which he resides, shall be eniitui to vote at the election of Clerical Renrtuci , lives for that Diocese, the Bishop bereq Ue Xi to issue such a certified list before the SvnVJ separate*." '' oa

His Lordship read out the list. n e ha ,, omitted the names of Archdeacon IJ a „, and Mr Beaumont, both of who* 3 licensed. ere RESOLUTIONS OF SYNOD; The Very Rev the Dean moved, and it »». agreed to-" That the secretaries b, re l2 to supply theßishop and the 3'a of this Diocese i n , h General Synod, with copies of the resolution, adopted by this Synod at its present s <2 having reference to questions to be br2 before the General Synod. CODebrou^

EXPANSES OF MEMBERS. The following motion lapsed in consequence of the absence of Mr March.-" Thar inM opinion of this Synod, some provision £oSd be made to meet Ihe necessary expen eJnf the Diocesan Synod." ' Vl P«isea 0{

GENERAL BYHOD. Mr Gfigg moved-" That in acr n r,i„n„ Q with the resolution of the Sy d r« t making pron, on for the expenses ot raembVt of the General Synod, it is resolred tK sura of £SO be appropriated to th pur' e and that the Standing powered to make an equitable assessmentof the several parishes and cures of the di „/ and to nmke application forthwith ? r 8 S payment of the same." e

Some discussion ensued R™7oX rr the eition °f the tuereof :-«That the Standing Committee be instructed to endeavour to provide fo the expenees of the representative? of the d"^ n *f Ge 7 al Synod, aad that iafutuSt mal yearly subscription for that purpojehe asked from each parish."' The motion was agreed to. THE OBPHAH- ASTLUM. Dr Donald moved, and it was unanimously agreed to:-" That the Synod desires to express the gratification it has felt in notioine the munificent contribution made to the Orphan Asylum by the workmen of tin Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway. The .secretaries are requested to communicate a letter of thanks to the donors." THE SECREIABIEg. The Rev C. Bowe.v moved, and it was agreed to-" That the thanks of this Synod are due and ire hereby tendered to the secretaries for their arduous and very efficient services duriDg the present session." PRINTING.' Mr C. 1?. Blakiston- moved, and it wai agreed to-" That this Synod records its appreciation of the liberality shewn by the proprietor of the Press newspaper in printing the order papers during this session it a nominal price." TIMASU. The Rev Canon Coherilt, moved, and it waß agreed to-" That the Synod hating been informed by the standing committee that the churchwardens and vestry of Timarn are anxious no longer to pay their clergyman through the Diocesan Treasurer, but to have the direct application of all local contributions, on the- understanding that accounts of receipts and expenditure be sent to the Stauding Committee, are of opinion that such an arrangement would be inconsistent with the regulations of Synod. THE NEWSPAPER BBPORTI. The Very Ret. the Dam moved, and it was carried, "That the thanks of the Synod are due and are hereby given to the Reporters of the Lyttelton Times and the Press, for the care and general accuracy with which they have reported the proceedings-of the Synod durinir the present session." GOVERNING BODY, CHBIST'S COLLEGE. The Rev. F. Kxowles moved, and it was agreed to " That the thanks of the Synod be given to the Governing Body of Christ's College for the provision made by them during the past year towards the education of sons of clergy." THE MASOSIO BODY. The Very Rev. the Dkak moved, and it was agreed to-" That the thanks of the Synod be given to the Worshipful the Master and members of the St. Augustine Lodge of Freemasons, for their kindness in granting the use of the Hall of their Lodge for the sittings of the Synod during the present session." ADJOURNMENT. His LoßDsmp delivered a short address, in the courseof which lie testified to the earnestness wkli which.the various subjects had been considered during the session. The benediction was.then pronounced, and theSynod*adjourned sue die, at 12,15 p.m.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2416, 19 September 1868, Page 2

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DIOCESAN SYNOD. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2416, 19 September 1868, Page 2

DIOCESAN SYNOD. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2416, 19 September 1868, Page 2