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LYTTELTiJN. ARRIVED. June 20—Wellington, s.s., 262 tons, Holmes, from Dunedin. Passengers—Mr Scrimshaw, two steerage, 9 for North. June 20—Otngo, s.s., 457 tons, Symons, from Melbourne, via Bluff and Dunedin. Passengerscabin: Messrs M'lniosh, Johnson, Jamieson, White; 12 for North; Mersrs Jackson, Moore, Sogers; 62 for North, June 20—Taranaki,s.s., 290 tons, Francis, from Wellington. Passenger—Mr Paton; 3in steerage, June 20—Beautiful Star, 125 tons, Chrisp, from Picton. June 21—Speedwell, ketcb, from Auckland, with cargo of timber. June 21—Dove, schooner, from Little Akaloa. Jtne 21—W&i.uvi, ss, Bain, from Dniedin. CIEAEBD. June 20—Wellington, s.s,, 262 tons, Holmes, for Wellington. June 20—Olago, s.s., 457 tons. Symons, for Wellington. Passengers—74 original. June 20—Taranaki, s.s., 290 tons, Francis, for Dunedin. June 20—Eeauliful Star, s.s., 125 tons, Chrisp, for Duuedm. SAILED. Juno 20-We!liugton, ss, for Wellington. Passengers, cabin: Mr Travers, Mr Hadley—s original. Steivagc; Messrs J. Bowler, J. S. Campbeli, L. Phillips, Mr and Mrs Thompson, Mr and Mrs J. Dew, and 3 children, Mr Salt, Annie Swift, Mr J. Brown—9 original. June 20—Ta 'anaki. ss, for Djnediu. June 20—Bcaut : ful S:ar, s s, for Dunedin, Juno 20—Otago, ss, for Wellington, Nelson, and Melbourne IMPOSTS, In the Taraoaki. Ma'boson's Agency, agents: 1 caso, Matheson's Agency; 1 case, Commissioner Stamps; 1 do, Jones and Bent.

In the Wellington, Matheson's Agency, agents: 1 cask shot, C kegs gunpowder, Collector of Customs; 2 drums soda, E. S. Dalgety; 160 sheets metal, 1 bag noi's, Hawkins; 2 bales leathor, Coombes; 2co.esdrugs, Cook and Son; leases chairs, 1 tralo hardware, Walters; 3 cases chairs, Scrimshaw.

In tho Coquette, Master, agent: 40,000 feet timber, Patterson.

In th • Otago, M'les nnd Co., agents: 2 tees luggage, Jlrj Hc'r; 2 Cfses hardware, 3 bdls spades, Ilawkes and Ca; 1 caso saddlery, Wood; 10 cases kerosine, 1 case, E. W. Eopcr; 6 pkgs, Efl'sdea; 3 cises innchinery, Hawkes; 2 bales bags, Order; 5 casks alum, T. Biggs; 3 bales, 1 pkg, Older; 2 case* vestas, Nathan; 1 bale, FitzGerald; 1 caie, Grecnaway; 2 halt-tierces tobacco, A.Louisson; 2 bales, Order; 1 picl, Dalgety and Co; 1 bag, Eall; 50 balf-ckests tea, Wall on, Warner, and Co; 1 iron safe, H'arman; 6 kegSDails, Ejghnd Brothers. EXPOJLTS, In the Wellington, Matheson's Agency, agents. For Welligton: i horse, Campbell; 76 bags bark, Hargreaves and Co; 6 crates, G. Tayler; I trass, McClatcUie; 8 pkg 3 , Matheson's Agency. For Nelson: 20 kegs butter, 1 truss, D. Davis; 1 bag seeds, J. M. fleywooc! and Co; 20 kegs butter, Eeed and Sons. For Alanukau: 1 pirtmanteau, Matheson's Agency. In the Taraniki, Matheson's Agency, agentß • i pcl,Poulsrm. In the Beautiful Star, J. M. Heywood and Co agents: 200 bags wheat, C. W. Turner. In the- Otago, 11 ib and Co agents: 250 tacks barley, A. Canns; 350 sacks wheat, Walton Warner and Co; 2(1 kegs butler,'J. M. E'cynood MdCo; 1 parce' M'los ircd Co. EXPBCTED ABBIVAM. Jvno 22—Auckland, s s, from Wellington. June 22—Comeruug, as, from Dunedin, via intermediate poits. June 21—Auedalc, as, from Wellington. June 24—Lord Ashley, as, from Dunedin. Colemon, ship, from London, Bailed Mar. 26. Light Brigade, ship, from Loudon.

I'koJKCTBD DBPiMOBBfI. June 22-Accklaud, for Dunedin. Jure 22-Couimmg, for Dunedin, via intermediate ports. June 23—Wainui, for Dunedin, via intermediate ports. June 21—Airedale for Dunedin, June 21—Lord Ashler, for Dunedin. Southern Cross, for Sydney. Fawn, for Sydney, Mary Ann Cbristioa, for Fiji Islands, Success, for Auckland.

VKB3BLB IN HiEDOUB. Wiwuii.s s, for Duncdm. Gainsborough, ship, from London, Southern Cross, barque, from Hobart Town. Fury, barque (cleared). P. C. E., barque, fiom Newcastle. Fawn, brig, from Newcastle. Mary Aim Christina, schooner, from Fiji. Wild Wavo, schooner, from Groymouth. Nora, echooner, from Hafclock. Spray, schooner, from Groymouth. William and Mary, schooner, from tho Grey. Bee, schooner, from Amuri, Elfin, schooner, from the Grey. Success, schooner, from Groymouth. Isabella Jackson, schooner, iiom Knikouru Excelsior, scliconer, from Dunedin Coquette, schooner, from Auckland, Antelope, cutter, from Akaroa. Hioii Watbb Tuia Day at tkk <SOVKaKMRHT WIIABF, 3.51,, i2l p.m. _ The Eifin kelcn is at tho Eaiiway Wharf, loading for tho Grey. Tbe Excelsior, schooner, discharging her inwa T « cargo at the lVttway Wn ,rf, -will load for AuckJiod. Tn.£ Swallow, rcbooner, is taking in her ballast at the screw pile jelty, prior to shipping her cawo for the Fiji Wands. Tae ketih Speedwell arrived yesterday from Auckland, with a ru'-go of timber.

The barque P. C. E. is discharging her cargo of coals fit tliu screw pile jetty. The Spray, schomer, sailed on Saturday night for Hokitika, with a full cargo of colonial produce.

Tpe brig Derwent sailed on Saturday morning for Melbourne with a cargo of grain. Owing (o O. wind, the Fury had not sailed when our repress loft last night. TnE ss Wellington, Captain Holmes, arrived in harbour on Saturday morning from Dunedin, with the English Suez Had. The Wellington sailed for TPelli'igiou ilie same day, at 4.30 p rn, We have been m t uw'.ed by CapLiin Cli'isp, of the Beautiful fin', 10 state that there is no truth in the statement ■that lie had to throw overboard port of his cargo, he bad good weather; tho vessel was under easy steam all the passage. The s.s. Turanaki, Capt. Francis, left the Manakauatlpm on the 14th, and arrived at Tarauakißam on the 15ih; left same day at 4 p m, and arrived at Nelson 3 pm on the 16th; left Nelson o anion the 17th, and anchored in Guards Bay till 8 am on tho 18th, arriving at Picton 11am; .'eft again at noon, and arrived at Wellington 5 p in; left Wellington at 4pm on the 39th, and arrived here 8 am on tho 20th, after a fine passage of 16 hours, We are obliged to Mr Eebble for liles. The Taranaki sailed for Duiedin the same day, at 2.30 p m. Thk s s l ieautifu! Star, Captain Chrisp, arrived in harbour on Saturday morning at 7 am. We are obliged to Captain Chrisp for the following report of tho Toyagc:— : el't Lyttclton on Tuesday, June 2 at 4 pm, experienced line weather up to midnight, wind then came to If.W.; at 9am on the 3rd, the wind choppeil round to the S.E., with heavy sea. snow squalls, and heavy rain; roofed foresotl and topsail; arrived nff CapeKapitinext morning. On the 4th at noon, weai her thick; passed Capo Terawitia; 3 pin, and anchored in Olmu Bay; got under weigh at 8 pm, and proceeded to Wanganui. Crossed the bur at 10 am on Thursday. Sailed at 11 pm on the 6th, had fine weather; arrived at the Ikllev on the Bth at 4 am; detained 3 days by slvng X.E. gale and heavy fresh; left on Salurdiy the '.3 th at 4 am. On tho 16th,ran through tho French Pass, but finding the weather bad, ran to I'cton; left Picton on Friday morning, and arrive! us above,experiencingfine weather. Tho Beautiful Star sailed fur Dunedin on Saturday afte:ii'«'n.

The I'.X.Z. and AR.H. Co'sss Otajo, arrived at Lyttidtun. lii.v.n ins. Ira Saturday morning, from Melbourne, via Bluff Harbour and Dunodra. She lolt the Samlriilge Railway Pier at 3 pin on the 12th, aiidcli'iUL-.l the Heads at 6 pm, Fresh westerly wind- w.-:v eximricnvcil until passing Swan Island, at 1.1 ."> pin, on the J3th. Tho following three days she encountered strong breezes from whli high cross saa; on the 10th the hauled lound to the southwnrd, an! blew fining; passed the Solnndcr at. n nm ..u ;h.' 17th, and arrived in Bluff Hail on; at i.W p.m.; discharged a few tons of mid ii'l'i aga : n at 5 p.m., and experienced stpm: ii-m-iij.-rlv winds to arrival; and avrived at Port Cluiliik f «t (I ii.iu. on the 18th; left again at 4 p.m. on i|i,. 00-. h, arrrivod as nhove. Tho Otngn, mi Iht last voyage, arrived at Melbourne on the 2n-i. having only been 17£ dajs on the round nil.. Wear.-'obliged to Mr Jleaton, purser, for -Mediouneinui iluneilinpupers. TheOtago sailed tor Wellington the same dny, at S p m. KAIAPOI. SAILED. June 20-Crizelle, ss, McLellan, for Lyttelton, with. 620 sacks barley, Grigg.

AKAKOA. ABRIVBD. ■June 19—Keera, sb, from Ljttelton, with passengers and cargo. BAILED. June 20—Keera. ss. for Dunedin and intermediate ports, with port original cargo, and 12 crates cheese, 3 kejs, 1 pkg butter, J. D, Garwood; 700 posts,"J. Daly; 1 bdl trees, S. Watkins. PaS6engors: M'ssos flewlingi (3), M»stcr Howlingß, Master Beswie'-. TELEGEAMS. Pom CniiMEus.—June 20, ]2 noon, loid Ashley,fromLyttelton; 2i, 10.6 am, Taranaki, from Lyttelton; 2 p m, E. P. Eouverie (ship), for London. Wblmnpion.—Juno 20, 8 am.' Egmont, from Grcymouth; 10 pm, Storm Bird, from Wanganui; 21s;, 9.30 am, Stutt,from Napier, his Excellency the Governor: 11.15 am, Wellington, from Lyttelton; 2.15 pm, Otago, from lyttelton; E'eanor, for Guam.

Br the Magellan Cloud, which left Fiji on the 21st May, news has arrived at Sydney that Thakambau has been defeated by the rebels. With respect to tho nal'.vo war, therefore, some error has apparently occurred. The intelligence received by the schooner Jeann'o Duncan, via Lyttelton, was to tiie effect that King Thakambau had been victorious over tbe mountain natives: but Mr Thurston, the acting English Consul, Wi'o was direct from tho spot, was on board the Magellan Cloud as she was getting under wei"h, and slated that Thakambau had been beaten back, tho rebels having gained the advantage,— Argus, June 12. ENGLISH SHIPPING. Arrivals.—April 6, Siam, at Plymouth, from New Zealand; April 11, Asterope, at Graves™), from Wellington; Apiil 21, Blue Jacket, from Canterbury, at Gravesend. Depabtuseb. March 27, Coleroon, from Grarescnd, for Canterbury; March 28, Constance, from Gravcsend, for Auckland; Aprils, Henrv Adderley, from Gravesend, for Wellington; April 18, Balla'at, from Gravesecd, for Nelson; April 18, Elmsrooe, from Graveßend, for Otagc-left tho Downs on April 23. Loading.—For Auckland Excelsior, Siam, For Canterbury—light Brigade. For NapierHenry Miller. For Nelson—Polar Star. For Otago—Salamander, Caller Ou. For Wellington —Eicelsior, Aaterope. Tbe Blue Jacket, it appears, was not so fortunate on her homeward as on her outward passage, She made the run home in about 90 days.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2339, 22 June 1868, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2339, 22 June 1868, Page 2

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2339, 22 June 1868, Page 2