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Total Abstinence. —An meeting" in connection with thi- i: > ' will be held this evening, at 7.'! ; Town Hall. Atkrs's Diorama. Li rv: i ; evening the proprietors will t\:: : " splendid scenes of the Ameru i:; At the close of the enttrra:::::u ' number of valuable gifts »••!! i, Thk CALIFORNIA* ClK>'ttended last night. Thi- .inern- t be a performance at 2 p in. which will he given ; ;:iui o:- M Foley takes his beiieti:. Thk Tueatkk. —We a:' icrcr Messrs. West, of the Shako*'.-re Darbv, of the Criterion, h;v. : " remainder of Mr Hall's church theatre. The sum ee..' 1 which includes the tittiucv p r , > r - "■ A Sailing Match.—We tin : ' match with open hoats wili tnst river Courtenay, about ! ;! Kaiapoi, to-day, at twelv-f ' ,x owners of the boats are Mr R. J. Greening, respectively. AGUICULTt'KAI. AM' l'v-1 tios. —The annual show of !.:■* appointed to take place _ m :;u :r ' N Colombo street south, on I k*i> ' , AH entries must be nun'e ur 'u' Sl Government Buildings ott or ! ; Lucrum:.—'The Kev. J. M i! ' ■' dertaken to deliver a ieyuttv • ! with the Young Men's Cli:.-' 1 ' ; on Monday next. The kvture.» on the subject ot'"Soent: ■ • ; . take place at the Wesleyuit >■' • v ham street. Fatal AccmtM t.v nu terday's issue we reported ' ' r ' own in the river Waiuiak'pr: t intelligence, by West - learn that the accident : river just above lioMyo - v;" , . man's name is Charles i. it -- ' ' widow and two children in * >• CwrfcKlil itV (.'[!•.- 1 in' ''I tional entries have been rov^-^ Air. C. K. Bird'* He--" I MUdleton; iUsh. Jenny _ Mr. H. Farm-rs Km. I'm I."-'" dam, Miss Kiwe . i Mr. T. b.ij. Otte. ( , 1 Mr. 0. Redwoiwl'* t'i'.v 1 " Middlet'in; d.t»>. I'-erv. THK TAIIOKTS IS H I , tt " have have been requited ?' ' . tion of the Volume.':- , passed at the meeting ot • ■ .• i mittee last night, with Il U i ' _ t posed alteration in the*;' ta | u ,'. v r gust as numerous an ;l11 ' n " ; \ : * on this day week, for the pm?'"" the work. ~,, P r.; VoLUSTKK't Bazaar--for this ba/aar are being j vl , *'• many promises of eontn! , '-' t!,> ; received from the ' ; , 1 , u ' - / i. ; ' A committee of the Vei" lK> V s ; ui v.' ingthe ladies in a room t-' ' tW purpose, with a view >■ '• armngements for the , . CIIHtSTOIHHiCIt (),i '' llA^. l " ( | (" 1,1 ing gentlemen have .. ( committee for the (.'iisuni'.. 'j, .> Messrs. .J. Anderson./V"*-. Gordon, and W. I». i tl , « nominated, but they <lei - | ,~r "1. r northern are requt sted t» f who Jiave agreed to ; l '' (;i •" names to the Hcv. , A College, on orbetore tut - jvsl!l , . , ST. Mic.AK.-s meeting of die menuH-rs be held on Wednesday 1 " j;,;,. : . ~i Hall, at 7.30 p.m. """ ■\ j.r-> '. i> Dtoe has kindly l " I h«8 undertaken to gi* L

—^T to the West Coast goldflelds. f cc« lt u ,; nirs have also been promised, and gome will execute some pieces of <b f ' ~lpra niitfK'- . ftt the Resident Magistrates' Tllß i rinir the last few days have been Co» rt '" i( | of public interest. On Thursi dourer, named Collins, was comd»y. ;7' r(r j.,l at the Supreme Court for a n 1 ' 11 • nifciiee. A case Wftß hcwrdwhicll ( ,| mr gcrt with having committed s tv house where she waa employed (jpiMHTJ r p| )C prisoner was brought up $s ?t>r r'! mid was sentenced to fourteen mif.kt Aid Society.—-The usual meeting of the committee was hold \ v The members present were—The v^ r »,;, c { | ie Archdeacon of Christchurch, Vcn** j{ r , Justice Grcsson, Messrs. Luck 1' The minutes of the previous ftiul road and confirmed. The Arch.ind the Revds. E. A. Lingard, J. n ft h enß attended with appuHrr. • ,pj 1 j rt(ien of these were considered, to the amount of JEB 15s, clothing, >n ' Inw to thftt of *5 IT*, 25 cwt. of coals, ™ir of blankets were given. The 't.'rv mentioned that he had afforded ffrri f 'n the &dj ourno< * for inquiry n . meeting. The committee ad.l' ~u7 ;; t four p.m. j' 1 "" 111 '' f ToN.—Tlie annual meeting of the Ln« r« of this district, for the purpose k'T rini: state of the Rchool &n <* of p *- pf lu t • J0 (ho accounts, was held on Tucsinst. Mr. F. Stedman waa in the sV : hc m<u i the accounts, which were f :i 'v The meeting then proi i tii iiinoint the committee for the » year, and Messrs. Tosswill, Stedman, ifUhNlawkins. Dellow, Bailey, Lane, Grey, n'.'rkf were declared duly elected. It is S1 J> that on an occasion of this {0 i o few inhabitants should avail themi -of their right to elect the governing "V tbe school, especially as the power of vested in the committee. Those ra,in^ l on Tiiesdsv night were almost unanirn>' 'n tlieir desire that a rate should be ! r,OU nn ,i M they were able to elect whom 'wWose as members, it is very probable w before this vear is out an educational te fiU I* t0 tbose alread y in exist " in ihii district. K\iAroi Mkohanics* Inswtutb. — The r u siou class in connection with this ini, making evident progress. At the w ni ttinii Mr. C. Dudley was elected i.hnt Since its formation the class has Frld mcvtincs evorv alternate Thursday, subr f(ir aiseussion having been brought for\\T\ j, v Hall, Wilson. Ellis, Thompson, T,i %Mrn. On Thursday last, the question was. "Whether the use of tobacco, fithc-r"in the form of smoking or snuff tak,V w.-:s injurious to the well-being of so- " Tl'i 1 meeting was held in the readof the Institute. The president orra'pied the chair, about twenty members | , Vl r present. Mr. Tanner opened the disin the negative. Some of the members twk an opposite view of the subject. The president having summed up, the question ( k<M.k-l in the affirmative by a majority

<i twelve. Ovkrunh Traffic to the West Coast. _W- are dad to see that the Government las commenced to publish returns of the ■B-tekiv traffic passing by the Bealey. For the vivk ending Oct. 7th, the number of'digcr; tr.iveliinix by road to the West Coast is stated to be 500. The Lyttdton Times corat Hokitika, usually well-informed on all m iners connected with the diggings, trident lv has no idea of the numbers creeping ore: the bills. He guesses those arriving oTrrb.r.i during the week, ending Oct. 7th at 100, a fifth only of what actually passed over. U = C(s g 5 ill- %-a io-2-sl* & jS ■=. P 3 O M 3 30 M jo- 61 — 50 60 220 24 100 0 C : ; .7 ' 1I 5t -1 90 -*9 «15 130 Legal.—Yesterday, at 11 a.m., his Honor Mr Justice Gresson sat in Chambers. The follow;:) e was the business disposed of Lanci'-iw-n v. Rees—Mr. Wvnn Williams, for the defendant, obtained an order to set aside judgment, and obtained leave to plead. In ?v C. Murray, deceased, probate of the will *£> refused, an additional affidavit being require! In re L. Baker, deceased, the same eour.-e was pursued. J. Barker, a debtor ; the d;tv of hearing was fixed for Dec. 18, an oi inu'rin order for sequestration and protection beinr Granted. Mr. Travers, on behalf of the Sheriff, obtained an order with reference to the allowance to bailiffs at Hokitika ; the rate vras fired at 12s per day in the town, £n<i at 2'.<> per day out of the town limits. The ca=t of A. Lean, a debtor, was postponed until the next pitting-day. The final order in t" 11 Whiting (Mr. Macfarlan), was Srr&ntt-i. The case of W. H. Percival was adjourned. in order that a meeting of creditors mil'!it he called. His Honor gave judgment in the tame of Gebbie v. Hargreaves ; The rule ni*< was discharged with costs, the damages being reduced, by consent, to £72.

Th;; uti: Mn. Birdset. —A meeting of the friends of this gentleman was held v<-Ur l :y, at Mr. Barnard's Repository. The foht-wh.L.' were present —Messrs. Barnard I',. N. Jones, J. Grant, Morton, Milne, Mundv, Ross, and M'Lean. Kev(>h;:io»s were proposed and carried to the follow]:;;'(-ffeet:—That it i» desirable that a fUM of money be raised for the rnainteD'-': r, e and education of the children of tl e i .!t Mr. Birdsey ; that a subscription i'-t be opened, and a committee i>e ariyiin'ed to receive subscriptions, such C'tiiinittce to consist of Messrs. Barnard, B.

Hcthtrington, Grant, Ross, and i- V' r;;,, . that Mr. Hawkins, of the Bank ''i Ai:-tr.;i:isi;i, be requested .to act as !ra-ur<and that Mr. M'Lean he appointed 1r: tary. The chairman mentioned that Mr. J!:-r-!Iu<r and Miss Rosa Cooper had iiy uii h rtaktn to give an entertainment 1..-ntiit of the fund. A unanimous v '»'' of thank.*; was passed to tliat laxly and n. mid their offer was gratefully i. Several donations were made,and f'-'T :i vf)te of thanks to Mr. Barnard for i'iivJiiy presided, the meeting adjourned until • I' '; iay iK-xt, at tliree p.m. I'iiK/Aiiv Sociktv.— night this eo-<:jf.-ty its weekly debate. The proposiwThat mesmerism should a - a recognised science in New /ealarni." 'i jie opener *aid he did not mean to K \ v thfit helief in this science should be conlin <i 1., Sew Zealaad, but he thought it was 1 '-"-'ly It; iieved in Europe. He considered t.iat Hiesiiierism was a real power, and had known j-inee the days of Solon. He refor the evidence of its effects in modern lilies I'hiefly on the testimony of eminent 1:1 !i. The greatest of these wa» Dr. Elliotson,

iiM'l adopted the practice of mesmerism, ai|, l i'.ilhr-rcd to it through good and evil relie had lost his practice through his of it, but still had persevered, and ultimately established the science and rehi. practice. Mr. William Hamilton • ; 'i l I Jr. Keasie had also become converts to | !I '' hi; risin. This power had been long used a means of preventing pain during • "r-ical <iji. rations. To these considerations ! l w a:- rr jilied, that if it were so good a tm"£ ,l «(,;;M |„, universally used ; that its effects

vtre i : , i: iy those of imagination; that many ? r :;! i!n a had a weak point, and so,probably. !!:i 'U)r. K'lioison; that a clairvoyant had said, <:s "- John Franklin was alive when he was " i'jion the question being put to t e ihere was a majority of two in favour ,j! view taken by the opener.

'I'm: Voixntkers.—A meeting of the '-'""al Committee of the Volunteers was '"■l'i niirlit at the Criterion hotel, weu-U-nstMt C(,ok in the chair. The annexed reunions were adopted ' "That Captains iuui Moore, Lieutenant Cook, ana Hurries and ttlakiston, be appoint u to wait upon the Governto ask if any and what sums they Wi upon tlie Estimaten towards the exl"'"s: s of the encampment." '' That th ( - ( »umiiiiee considers it to be the duty ot tnt i-'ih-coininitteertto report upon what sites neai there may be which are ehgi < tor ;i range, with their advantages and aisaa; v » That the secretary be requestec (,( >!numnicate with the officers commanding '""'"lollies, asking them to make "iwits for non-commissioned officers attendi J Ul Hugiey l'ark in the mornings from b t<

8." M That the secretary be also requested to communicate with Mr. Ballard, stating that the committee has made arrangements with the non-commissioned officers to attend in the mornings, and that they are not in funds to entertain his offer for a marker, and thanking him for the same." "That the targets in Hagley Park be removed to the north side f the butt on Saturday week." " That tho officers of cavalry, engineers, and rifles hc a bazaar committe, w Ith power to add to their number. "That an odvertisement bo inserted in the local journals, stating that the bazaar will be held in the drill-shed early in December, and giving tho names of the ladies who have already consented to take part in it, and of those who have promised their assistance ; and that, communications will be received by the ladies acting on the committee." That a deputation, consisting of Captains Moorhousc, Moore, Steward, and Lieutenants Cook, Harman, and Hilton, wait upon the shopkeepers of Christchurch, requesting them to close thoir establishments at 6 p.m. on the nights of the Adjutant's drill." " That Lieutenant Cook and Privates Barnes and Blakiston be appointed a committee to settle the conditions, days, &c., for the fortnightly shooting matches, upon the basis of the suggestions brought up by Lieut. Cook." "That this committee consider it advisable that rules should he drawn up for the guidance of the different companies, embodying the regulations for the working of the same, class-firing, &c." After some routine business, the meeting adjourned until this day week.

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Lyttelton Times, Issue 1510, 14 October 1865, Page 4

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TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Issue 1510, 14 October 1865, Page 4

TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Issue 1510, 14 October 1865, Page 4