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Tuesday, Sept. 27.

The Council met at ,5*25 p.m. The Speaker occupied the chair; and the other members present were Messrs. Rolleston, Ilall, Ross, Tancred, White, Clark, Maude, W. Wilson, Tosswill, Simms, Westenra, C. Wilson, Stoddart, Aynsley, Ollivier, Birch, Beswick, Rickuwn, Bowler, Shand, Cox; Turnbull, Hawkes, Aikman, and Peacock. Prayers were read by the Ven. Archdeacon Jacobs, and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed.


Mr. W. Wilson informed the House that a division had taken place amongst the members of the' Select Committee appointed to inquire into the legitimacy of the claim for compensation made by Mr. Thomas Hughes, of Akaroa. He would therefor ask for instructions in the matter.

Mr. Bkswick, as one of the Committee, stated that he hnd objected to going into any inquiry beyond that implied in the resolution moved by the hon. member for Kaiapoi a few nights ago. To inquire into the entire matter would occupy a period of not less than two or three weeks. Mr. Halt, said that as there was every probability of the session being brought to a termination on Thursday or Friday next, the committee, were they to continue their inquiry, would not be in a position to bring up their report by that time. It would consequently be better to defer the matter till next session; and he would move that the committee be discharged. Mr. W. Wilson said that the fact of the session being so near a close should not in any way interfere ■with the inquiry. If there was any likelihood of the session extending beyond the time mentioned by the hon. Secretary of Public Works, he would be one of a deputation to his Honor to apply for a delay of the prorogation. Mr. OLLitiEu strongly impressed upon the Council the desirability of continuing the inquiry, as Mr. Hughes had suffered great injustice at the hands of the late Government. The motion for the discharge of the Committee was then put. The House divided, and the numbers were For the motion—Messrs. Kolleston, Hall, Boss, Tancred, Beswick, Birch, Clark, Cox, Maude, Simms, Stoddart, Tosswill, Turnbull, Westenra—l4. Against the motion—Messrs. C. Wilson, Fyfe, Ollivier, Rickman, W. Wilson, Shand, Bowler, Aynsley, and Peacock—9. Mr. Ollivier said that as long as he occupied a seat in the House he would bring the matter forward every session until some settlement should be arrived at.

PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION.' Mr. W. Wilson moved that his Honor the Superintendent be respectfully requested to place on the estimates the sura of £100 to be destributed in prize* at the forthcoming Pastoral and Agricultural Association's Exhibition. It -was well known that this society had, during the past year, incurred an expenditure of eighteen or nineteen hundred pounds. The Government had given a sum of £100 on a previous occasion, and had promised to give another £100 at a future period. Mr. Shand seconded the motion. The Provincial Secretary was sorry the days of kindness had passed by. Throughout the session he had consistently opposed votes of this character ; and he considered the house would be doing an injustice to the country in giving away money for such purposes. Mr. Toss-will thought that the House should not hesitate in granting so small a sum to an institution so useful as the one for which the present vote was sought. Mr. Hawkes, Mr. Fyfe, Mr. Cox, and several other members supported the motion; which was afterwards put, and carried. ROADS BILL. On the motion of Mr. Hall the House went into committee on this bill. Some clauses were transposed, and the schedules amended. SUPPLY. The House went into Committee of Supply. On the sum of £1,500 being asked for the Geological Survey, Mr. Hall remarked that, although the Govern-ment-recommended provision for the payment of the expenses of the geological survey of the province during the present financial year, yet they disclaimed any liability to provide for any further payments on this account after the expiration of that period. The public had not had a fair opportunity of judging of the value of the services rendered to the province by Dr. Haast, as it was impossible to have his reports printed in time to lay them before the Council. Dr. Tcrnbixll thought that before the engagement of Dr. Haast as Provincial Geologist terminated, the Government would do well to record its sense of the services rendered by him. Mr. Ollivier. thought that Dr. Turnbull, if he wished to record his opinion of the value of the service of Dr. Haast, would do better to allow the sum he asked for to pass through the Committee sub sUentio. He thought, that it would be unwise to challenge the expression of the real opinion of the Council as to the efficiency of Dr. Haast, and the value of his services. The vote was passed. additional expenditure. On the motion of Mr. Hall, the following votes were passed:—Enlargement of Kaiapoi Courthouse, £350; Heathcote Bridge, extra charges, £600; clearing the Avon, Hagley Park, £10P; Improvement of the Zigzag, Sumner Road, £350; Alteration of Kaiapoi Bridge, £100; Repair of the Bridle Path Fountain, £75; Diversion of Roads, £1006; Removal of Buildings from the present site to the site of the new Supreme Courthouse, £130; Return of Public Works Expenditure, £105; Revision of Ratepayers Rolls, £500; Auditing of Road Boards' Accounts, £100; Bridge at Weka Pass, £125; Additions to Lunatic Asylum, £342; Drains in Hagley Park, £90. The House adjourned for a quarter of an hour, and on its re-assembling the following business was proceeded with:— The sum of £66.900 was voted under the head of Municipalities and Road Boards. . The sum of £4000 was Toted for General Contingencies. The Chairman having reported progress, the H«use resumed.

HURCSUI BRIDGE. Mr. Hall moved, u 1. That in the opinion of this Council, the expense pf constructing a bridge across the river Hurnnui ought to be borne in eqnal proportions by the provinces of Nelson and Canterbury. 2. That this Council will indemnify his Honor the Superintendent in the expenditure of any sum of money not exceeding £3000, which his Honor may incur during the current financial year with a view of providing for the construction of the above work, in the event of the Provincial Government of Nelson agreeing to pay one-half of the cost thereof." The bridge being equally to the advantage of this province and that of Nelson, it had been proposed that the engineers of the reßpective provinces should meet and discuss the scheme. , ' After some observations from Mr. W. Wilson, and some other members, the motion was carried. BHEEP-BATING BILL. On the motion of Mr. Hall, this bill was read a third time and passed. PURCHASE OF LAND FOB, BAILWAY PURPOSES. Mr. Hall rose to move, " That this Council approves the payment to W. Thomson, Esq,, of the Bum of £250 for his services in connection with the purchase of land for the Great Southern Kailway." Mr. W. Wilson seconded the motion, which was carried. The House adjourned at 12.10 p.m., notices of motion having been given. Wednesday, Sept. 28. The House met shortly after five o'clock. The Speaker occupied the chair. The other members present were Messrs. Rolleston, Hall, Boss, Tancred, C. Wilson, Ilawkes, W. Wilson, Beswiek, Clarke, Tosswill, Maude, White, Fyfe, Aynsley, Turnbull, Bowler, Lance, Birch, Peacock, Simms, Ollivier, Cox, Stoddart, Hornbrook, Shand, ana Buckley. After prayers, the minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed. ASSENT. The Speaker announced the assent of. his Honor the Superintendent to the Sheep Rating Bill. PETITIONS. Mr. Clark presented a petition signed by upwards of 120 persons in Christchurch, setting forth the desirability of the construction of a road through the western end of Ilngley Park—from Dilloway s Plough Inn to Armagh street. , Mr. C. Wilson considered that the period of the session was too far advanced to receive any petitions. . The Speaker having ruled that there was provision in the Standing Orders by which the House could refuse to receive petitions,

The petition was read and received. HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BILL. The Provincial Secretary moved the re-com-mittal of this bill for the purpose of making one or two alterations which were rendered necessary. The House having resolved itself into committtee, The Provincial Secretary moved that in clause 10 the words " any such city or municipal council" bo substituted for the " Christchurch City Council and Lyttelton Municipal Council." , Mr. Ollivier said that by this clause the House were going to establish, in plain words, a poor rate and a poorhouse in the province. The eighth clause stated " that this institution is to bo used as an

hospital or almshouse," and to maintain it, a rate of sixpence in the pound was to be levied on the inhabitants of Christthurch—thus casting upon thein the entire responsibility. A rate of sixpence in the pound would realise in Christchurch a sum approaching £2250, and in Lyttelton, £1200. He objected on principle to. taxing municipalities to the proposed extent. The whole measure was changed from what it was originally intended to be. The Provincial Secretary denied that the Government were importing a new system into the original bill. By that bill Christchurch and Lyttelton were the only places that could be taxed. After a few lively remarks between the Provincial Secretary and Mr. Ollivier, The clause, as amended, was put and adopted, and the House resumed. PASTURAGE RENTS. Mr. Hall moved that the report of the Select Committee, appointed to consider and report upon the practicability of increasing the revenue derived from pasturage rents within the province, be adopted. He was sure the House would admit that the decision involved, in this question was a very important one, because it was one which had a bearing on the condition of the province at large. So much had been said with regard to it on a previous occasion that it was altogether unnecessary for him to detain the House by making any lengthened observations. For every hundred acres of runs less than one thousand acres, the rate would be 20s per annum. The larger runs would pay a uniform rate of £d per acre for the first and second year, for the third, and for fourth, fd, and so on. He pointed out the iucrease in the revenue which would occur if the Council would come to a speedy decision in the matter. Mr. Cox seconded the resolution. Mr. Clark dissented from the resolution, considering that it was unadvisable at the present period to enter into the question. Mr. Tosswill thought that by the immediate decision of the question a great increase would be effected in t the revenue of the province. Mr. Fyfe supported the resolution, and suggested that perhaps it would be as well for the House to go into committee to consider the report of the Pasturage Eental committee.

Mr. Lance opposed the motion. Mr. Beswick differed from the. suggestion of Mr. Clarke to the effect that the question should be any longer deferred. Mr, Ollivieu did not see any reason why the House shonld proceed to legislate at once in this matter; nevertheless, he thought that the hon. Secretary of Public Works should withdraw his resolution with a view to ascertaining what is the opinion of his Excellency the Governor and the General Assembly. Dr. Tubnbull supported the resolution, as the immediate settlement of the question was sure to contribute very materially to the finances of the province. He agreed, however, with the lion, member for Christchurch that the matter should be delayed

till 1866, because the present Council were not the persons to decide upon it: the members elected at the general election in 1866 were the persons to legislate in the matter, not the present Council. The motion was carried. Mr. Hall then moved, "That his Honor the Superintendent be respectfully requested to take such steps as may be necessary for the purpose of obtaining the sanction of an act of the General Assembly to the recommendations contained in that report." This motion was also adopted. Mr. Hall moved that his Honor the Superintendent be authorised to appropriate, during the present financial year, 2000 acres of Waste lands for the execution of drainage works. The motion was also carried. Mr. Hall carried the following resolutions:— " That in the opinion of this Council, it is desirable that she payment of any contribution from the public Treasury for the services of any Road District should be withheld, if, in the opinion of the Executive Government, the preparation of the Ratepayers' Roll for the District is unreasonably delayed. He also obtained the recommendation of the Council to the Superintendent, to make certain reserves in the Mandeville District for gra"el pits. geological survey. Mr. Hall moved—l. " That while this Council has made provision for the payment of the expenses of the geological survey of the province during the present financial year, it disclaims any liability to provide for any further payments on this account after the expiration of that period. 2. That, in the opinion of this Council, it is unadvisable, in the event of the geological department being continued after the expiration of the present financial year, that the payment of the expenses of the department should be placed on the same footing as hitherto." He would not enter ino the question as to whether or not there existed between the late Superintendent and Dr. Haast a contract of a particular kind, but would proceed to state that the Council had never authorised the making any contract with the Provincial Geologist, which entailed upon it any obligation to provide the payment of any sum of money claimed by Dr. Haast beyond the end of the financial year. He. would say that the contract entered into by the late Superintendent was exceedingly irregular and unbusinesslike, and one which could uot fail to entail both trouble and embarrassment.

Mr. W. Wilson seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion was crrried, and the House proceeded with the consideration of cfther business till a late hour.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1297, 29 September 1864, Page 5

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PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1297, 29 September 1864, Page 5

PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1297, 29 September 1864, Page 5