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Tuesday, Decembeb 18. The Speaker took the chair at 5 p.m. Present—all the members except Messrs. Alport, Cookson, Packer and Templer. Prayers were read by the, Chaplain, and the minutes of the last meeting1 "were read and confirmed. : , ■ A motion by' Mr. Ollivier,' ' That in the opinion of this council it is expedient to vide a hostelry for the Maori population on > the site set apart for their use in Ha°ley ,Park,' was put and lost on division • the numbers being* 9 to 7. Mr. Blakiston moved the house into committee of supply, when the following,sums were voted for the service of the current year:— i Permanent Charges— „ jGrant in aid of Schools ..-. ... " „-2500 0 'Interest on Loan, £30,000 ... .'.'.' 2doo 0 Sinking Fund, 2 per cent. ... '" 600 0 ; Executive— Secretary ... „ aaa f> .;Chief Cleric ..... 2 50 0 ; Assistant Clerk 275 q, Provincial Treasurer onn a ■®n]F. ■ ... 180 0 Auditor ... >( 250 • Q iProvincial Solicitor ..." 200 ' 0 Messengev [" '" 10Q Q a^uel ... ... ... ( *5O 0 .Insurance and Miscellaneous ..., ..'.' 200 0 Legislative—■ Speaker of Provincial Council 150 0 Clerk of Council '" 15Q q ■Chaplain '.'.'. '." 50 0 :JJ? sse"S er 100 0 Miscellaneous 20 0 Administration of Justice,— ■Supreme Court—Crown Prosecutor (also ' Provincial Solicitor) ... 100 o Expenses of Sessions ... ... .'.' iqo 0 Gaol Department— '•Chaplain 60 0 .waoler 150 Q Additional gratuity for charge of Lunatics 15 0 ilhree Warders at 6s. per diem 328 10 lwo ditto in charge of Lunatics, one at 65., and one at 5s 200 15 Matron 2g n Prisoner's Rations, Clothing, &c.,' '" 550 0 Puel 30 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... '" iqo o > .Registration DepartmentRegistrar ... 200 0 Chief Clerk and Draughtsman ..'.' .'" 200 0 Assistant Clerk ... „. iit ti igQ a Contingencies ... '" jqq q Fuei .".'.' ::: 10 o Police— Sub-Inspector, Christcliurch and Lyttelton also ■ABsistant-Immigmtion Officer 170 0 ;I ravelling Expenses ... ... X. 30 0 bub-In S pectoiv Kaiapoi, also Clerk to r , Magistrate's Court, salary, forage allow-- : ,ai»ce, and travelling expenses ■„;■ ... 175 0

I Two Sergeants, at 7s. per diem 255 10 One Corporal, at o*. 3d. ... ... ... 114 1 Fourteen Constable*, at 6». „; ... 1533 0 Two Constables, Akaroa and tho Peninsula 219 0 Two Constables afcTimaru, ako acting a» Boach-iVlaster's Boatj Crew ; ... ... 219 0 Clothing and Fuel ... ... ... 04, 16 Contingencies ..,"... ...... 200 0 Inspectors of Sheep— , Salary, Chiof Inspector, Forage and Travelling Allowance,, Assistant Inspection ;.-.,-,. ...... i „...•, ■.., 750 0 Occasional Inspection, Sheep introduced ■_■ bysoa vi. ;' ..; ; :'.;;;'';' .;.;/• ::;...- 50 0 InHpector of Weiglits and Measures— Salary and Contingencies , ... , ... 200 0 \ Provincia 1 Gardener— : Salary, ... ,|. .;. ... „, 150 0 ;One Assistant ... ; ... ... ... 94 6 Harbour— ' Harbour Master (and Outward Pilot, in : addition to fees up to £100) ... ... 100 0 One Boatman, at ss. 6d. per diem ... 100 7 Contingencies for extra service, Ac. .... 100 0 Pilot Service—Pilot in addition to fees up to £75..,,;.'.;■• ..;;..; ...;... lob o Two Boatmen, at 7s. 6d. per diem ... 276 15 CharitableProvincial, Surgeon, Lyttelton . 200 0 Provincial Surgeon, Christchurch .... 200 0 Nurse for Hospital ... ... ... 95 0 F»el ... •■-.... :■.■■',>:■;. ... ... 75 o Rations for Hospital Patients and Out- . door Sick ... „ ... 300. 0 Washing ... ... ... : ... ... 50 0 Charitable Aid to Lunatics and Destitute 800 0 Akaroa—Contingencies ... ... ... 110 0 : ; ■ ' Timaru—- .. .., " ■'.'...'.','',""■■' ; Commissioner of Police and Beach Mas-ter—-Duties performed by Resident Ma- ■ I. gistrate and Sub-Treasurer 50 0 ) Forage.,.,, ...; ;^: ::.:.; ;;:,,.,., ;:■;.■.;•. rfii ,—,50 0 • Contingencies ... ;u.,..•■:, ... ... 10 0 Collector of Immigranis' Bills, including , „ ; ;;Fbrage-^ !;^;;^;;; ; ... .^2OO 0 : ! . : .:, Education-—.-., ..: „ ;' .[.., -• '.', .<... '..'.''. .';'' : Forage Jor ; Inspector of'Schoois.^. T •■„..'. 50 0 ■ Miscellaneous— ;-! ■ ■•/.;,•.■;. :■,. : Printing, Advertising,^Stationery, &c... 600 0 Planting Hag|ey : Park.and Domain, Ac. 300 C : Painting, Sweeping Chimneys, &c. „'. 100 C Queen's Plate ...;. „..-, ... „...: 100 C : Fire Engine for Government Buildings, ,'*o« ••■ , ... ; : ... ■'.. 250 , C Additional Furniture for Government ,' Buildings, inclnding Library Shelves, ' ; :.' &c'- '•■;■; ■'•i.';'"".:..i":' -.'■.':::: •'.'..;'!'...' ;200 (. ; - ; -Public Works--: .. •; '■'■■',',..'''':,''. ':.'.- '.".'■' ; Provincial Engineer's Salary ''.„' 450 ( Travelling Expenses ;... >........' 50 ( Forage ... , , ... ...■,.. '„ '■ 50 ( ■Clerk of,the Works ... -...<.' 200 ( ;:.,}. ..r ; • v , v ;. '".;:■: ;:;'^: 60 ;! ( Draughtsman,,with,an^allowance 0f,551, ; *.: ; ,pe.r;dierh when on field wprk....; ;.. 150 '.'( ■'Storekeeper ....,,.•„:. ... : ... 130 ( Coiitingencies—OfficeExpenses, Contract^ ; I Roads and Drainage: Survey, and Occa- ■'■- ' ; .. . sional Assistance . ..." ... ... 820 ( :■, The vote of £700 for the Superintendent' salary was postponed, Mr. Olliviek sug-g-e'stirig1 that, unless it was proposed to pro vide his Honor with an official residence, th< sum proposed was insufficsienti, ' V On the consideration of the; item of £2o( for the Chief Clerk in the Secretary's Office Mr. Wyatt objected to so much of tha officer's time being taken up with the duties of Sheriff. Mr. BlAkiston said that k change in; this respect \vould,; he believed ; soon be made. . v : Mr. Wyatt, also opposed the vote of £175 ■ for the Assistant Clerk,: saying that«if the (duties of the Chief Clerk were properly ; perjformed, those of his assistant would consist ]of mere copying. iMr. Ward thought this department considerably oveir-hancled, as; was jproved by the long absence:at Auckland pi the/Secretary not r , Hayiiig 'apparently., been ;prpductive of any inconyenience to the office. ;He j the ; Government might get ■ more work out of "their; officers.^ lipnger I hours and- higher salaries would be r more iß^'B^ s*'o^ to f^plpyer' and: employed, sis iwell as/ to the public generaNy." The jyote |was finally carried to a division and: passed. ;Ayes,jl4: jil%esj 6.y , ; ;.; ; J..^'^, ■;■; '„;.■ :.')..\'.'.li .{;;, I I Considerable discussion arose on the.item iof £200 for the salary ?of-the Provincial Treasurer j; Mr.; Ward 'animadverting strongly ;oiithat' offi^cer's remissness' duringf the'past iJear^-a circumstance which had, : he'belieyed, i^S^" ?gr^^^6a^reinstrumentalinbring:ing: abput the latej. unpleasant ,state of affairs ;in connection with?uthe Waste; Lands Board. iMr. Blakiston said-that^a portion of the Treasurervs absence hadbeen caused! by illness J^d remainder;^as'b^ the;express sanci tibn of the Government'for a:spebific purpose. ;A- motion byjVMr.OiLiyiEß/tharthe con r / sideratipn of, the vqt& be ppstponeo!, wasl lost !ion^ivision,.and^the was^ finally^passed iasit Stoodi' v:v-v-.. >-■■■; ,i ; ! ; .. sv:v '/-.•:•;'■■,••- i /:-v^ ■.■.:.':^ - 1_ On the motion of Mr. HiaofNS, supported ; by Mr. Ross;'theiitem of £150 for expenses of io^^! members was^struck;bn° the estiniates. ; ; Mi\ Wyatt strongly, ppppsed any addition ;to the salaries of the officers in the Registration Office,' which he stigmatised as a * most ; useless encumbrance. JSe instanced the-fact of one gentlfinianj Mn Sewell, having paid % sum pf £18 m selling fees for searching the records ;pf (; this: office for the piirpiose of gaining some information relative to only two ; sections, of land,viz., Nos. ,32!) and 321 at Kaiapoi.-^The officers were defended by Mr. Beakiston and other hon. members/ and the votes were finally passed as given above on'division by 10; to 7. '"• vy ■ ; On the : consideration of a vote of £150 for the Provincial Gardener, Mr. Blakiston stated that a nursery of three acres had lately been constructed in the Government Domain, vyhich contained;• a great variety of fruit and forest trees for general propagation.; The votes for the Waste Lands and Survey Departments were postponed until the rendering, of the report of Mr. Oilivier's Select Committee; as was also the immigration vote #15,000 pending the report of the Select Committee on; ImmigTatipri. : £200 was voted, for a Provincial Surgeon at Christchurch, Mr. Blakiston stating that this officer's dutieswould extend to a distance of eight miles nround the town, and would comprise attendiince on immigmnts, bri the pplice force, and on [ prisoners in the lock-up besides various other services. ■ , / The vote for thb planting of Haolev Park was out down from £600 to £300. °

Ihe .vote,of £100 for a. .Queen's Pl ttfl «T strongly opposed by Mr.' Miln, Mr. H™ and other lion, members. It was gu * T\ by Mr. Thomson, and was iiltiiJteßffi 8? on a division. Ayes—Messrs. Bishop, Bliiton, Davis, Dpbbs, Higgins, Latter Fi . Thomson, Wilkin/nnd Wyatt-io ' N^' Messrs. Bowen, Fyfe, Harman,' iw"""" Miln, Ross, and White.—7. °n ' The house having resumed. Mr. Hakstox asked whether it was tl intention of the Government to introduce •» measure for the amendment of the F erif .; y Ordinance at present in force 1 ° Mr. Blakiston replied in.the ner> at ; VP In the first place he could not perceive v immediate necessity for an alteration, and the next, the session being necßssarily' a slmi! one, no time would be available for this obiJj Mr. Haiiman, in asking whether the G ft vernment were satisfied that a safe and com* modious cart bridge had been erected hv M r D. Inwood, in accordance with the terms of the Inwood Mill Ordinance, said that } • object was Really to know whether Mr. Inwood had fulfilled the conditions imposed upon him as it seemed'to him (Mr. H.) that the hid"-' was in fact one to the mill and nothing more He had seen drays on the bridge dischWin* corn at the mill and blocking it up w |jj s ° fc others were waiting to cross. Mr. Blaktston said that the Government :did not think the bridge a satisfactory one ■ and instructions had been issued to the Pro' vincial: Engineer to enquire into the matter" .No doubt Mr. Inwood would be compelled to = fulfil theconditions;laid down in the ordinance Notices of motion .were then given, and the house adjourned at half-past 10 to to-morrow ;(Wednesday) at the usual hour, Wednesday, Decembeb 19. ; The Council:'met' at half past five! i Present—All the Members except Messrs. AlnorfCookson, Packer, and Ward. ' ' Prayers having been read, notices of motion were . g>ven by, several,members. The Provincial Secretary tli en obtained leave to introduce a bill for the repeal of the English. .Agent Ordinance, which : was read the,first time. } 'The motion'of Mr. Latter—' That the Superini tendent be requested to place £200 on the estimates , for metalling Antigua Street South, from the Scotch . : Church .to the Town Belt was carried. !, ; ■ THE GOBSE BILL. i Mr. Haeston moved that the Gorse Bill be , ; read a second time. Carried ; -and the Council went ; into committee upon it. After various alterations ; liad been made in the preamble and the first two ! clauses of the bill, a series of difficulties arose durin» ': ;the discussion of the third clause which proved to 1 ibe insurmountable. .... ,", "..,.' ' On the motiori of Mr. Haeman, the Chairman ■ reported progress. ■.'. -■ :. 1 The Speaker having resumed the chair, Mr. j Habman obtained leave to bring up the Report of , the Immigration Committee, which was read and received as follows:— i- '■ '•.' '■•'.'< :''"". '::['.[ : "Your committee have .the honor to report that f after a careful considerationof the subject of cmiI gratiori generally, and"a' conference with the late t Emigration Agent,1 Mr: FitzGerald; with a view to i obtain the benefit of his advice and information, ' ; " they think it desirable to. offer the following '. | suggestions:— •■ '■ -^ 1; ;. 1. That a sum of not less than ten thousand » „;; pounds should, be devoted annually for the next three years -towards* defraying the ; i expenses of immigrants from England. , 2..That it is; retain the agency in England, and that the agent shall be,a ' l person well qualified for the office by^educa-. i. 'tion and/knowledge of the; province, and 5 . holding his office for a term of,not less than . r: - :three years: "" ■;; >■. ..\ .; ■. . _ f ■ 3. That the shipping agency in London shall be carried on as heretofore by some private house of .good standing. ■ : 4., That in the selection of immigrants the relative ';' ; numbers of both sexes shall be kept as nearly >: ' - as. possible equal. . !, 5. That the surgeons of vessels-carrying immii grants shall . not be entitled to gratuities ,:• unless their, appointment shall have been ; approved of by the Emigration Agent of the . ... province,in -London. , : . - * ' 6., That any breach, or non-observance: by the . master or officers of the rulesiaid down by the Government. Emigration Commissioners ; ! or the Emigration Agent of the province for the preservation of order on board ship should •'•'■'■■ be treated here as a breach of the charter , ■■ - party, r •'•">; -:-.-\.-'■.;■, '■•■• :.:■ ..■ •,.■.■•.. : Your committee find that tnere are many other matters of great importance',1-' though of minor : detail, but; are of opinion; that these will more properly left to .the, '■... consideration ...of the executive...-. - : ; ■ ■■/ _ --'-, .■. ; ;. ; - , ■ ■ ..! : R. J. S. Habman,.Chairman.- . )THE STTPEBINTENDENT'S SALABY. ; Mr. Habston rose to move that his Honor the Superintendent be. .respectfully requested to place on.the estimates tHin.sum of £195, towards defraying the expenses incurred by his Honor, during his late visit'to Auckland while/engaged in promoting the Railway scheme. Hehad originally intended to have asked for the sum of £500, but it had been intimated to him that the Superintendent would accept nothing more than what would cover the expenses incurred, and these were calculated at the former amount.'." The motion having been seconded by Mr. Latter,; Mr. Ollivier rose and observed that he should be glad to learn from what data Mr. Harston had arrived at the conclusion that the sum of £195 was sufficient to cover the expenses incurred by his Honor. As far; as he was acquainted with the circumstances, this certainly was not the case. It was.his opinion that the Council should vote a sufficient sum or nothing^ at all. The sum mentioned was not half enough to meet the exigencies of the case. It ought to be known generally that when the Superintendent is absent from the province, half of his salary is held back. Now the question for the house to consider was this:—Had tne Superintendent been absent on. the prosecution of works for the public benefit or.not? It was proper that the council should bear in mind the sacrifices he had made in Ihe cause of the public. He should be glad to see proper provision made for the maintenance'of-the office during the absence of the Superintendent. It was a niggardly act to deduct the half of hissalaryi especially when he was absent for the purpose of promoting the public good. He was certain, from his own personal knowledge, that tho sum named would nothing like meet the case. Tho house should either voto £500 or allow his Honor to draw his full salary. Mr. Thomson thought the motion was founded on a wrong principle. It would be better to vote a sum sufficient to maintain the dignity of' the office, than that demands of this kind should be made. No sum could bo considered adequate which would not enable the head of the Government to devote hhnsolf freely to the public work wherover it might ■call him. He would suggest that the motion be withdrawn and the subject would come on for consideration under the question of salary.

Mr. BiiAirisTON explained that his Honor had) become aware of the motion and had expressed his' unwillingness to aocopt anything move than an equivalent for his expenses. Ho also stated that on two former occasions the expenses of his Honor had been defrayed. After a long discussion, in which Messrs. Milne, Harston, Thomson, and Olliyier, took part; Mr! Harston stated that it iho house were to bo divided on the question ho would withdraw it altogether. The motion was accordingly withdrawn. On the Motion of Mr. Harstox, an address requesting £150 to be placed on^ the estimates, for the forming of a road from the fifth mile peg to the Springs Track, was carried. The Motion of Mr. Hakston, that'£lso be voted for the Purchase of Land to form a Road from the Heathcote bridge, to communicate with the Riccarton road was lost, Mr. Rhodes and other Members objecting to the extravagant sura asked for the piece of land required. A Motion by Mr. Habston for a sum sufficient; for metalling a street from the corner of Colombo street to the east town belt, was carried. A Motion by Mr. Bishop for £100, to fence in the banks of the Avon, between In wood Mill and the Royal Oak, was carried. -%- ' Mr. Rhodes (for Mr. Ward) proposed that the sum of £1000 be placed on the estimates, for the purpose of encouraging - the opening up of the navigation of the southern rivers by steam. The hon. member, after alluding to what had been done at Saltwater Creek, stated that it had come to his knowledge that the Otago Government intended to encourage the running of steam-boats on the Waitangi. He had no doubt that several ;of,the rivers south of Akaroa would be found practicable, and that great advantages would result to the province from encouraging the owners of steam boats to make the attempt. ... On the suggestion of the Provincial Secretary, it was decided to vote the sum and leave the special application of it open to the Government. A motion by Mr. Ross for a sum sufficient to level the gulleys between the'4tb.'andßth mile pegs on the Riccarton road was carried. The house having resolved itself into a committee of supply, Mr. Blakiston" rose to move that the Superintendent's salary should be-fixed at £700/After a considerable discussion whether the -proposed increase of £250 should. be voted- as house rent, and date from Ist April last,.it. was decided. that the salary for the current year, commencing Ist October last, should be fixed at £1000. The votes for the service of the.Waste Lands Department were postponed till the committee now sitting to enquire into that subject should have reported. The Provincial Secretary, rose to. propose a vote of £15,000 for immigration purposes. The house objected to the vote on the ground that it did not carry out the recommendations contained in the report of the Immigration Committee just read. Motion withdrawn. The sum of. £820 was voted under. the head of contingencies. £600 was voted for the repairs of the Suraner road. The sum of £1200 which Istood on the estimates for the repairs of the Ferry. road was ,cut down to £800. . ".!-.-■ ■..-, £2000 was voted for repairs on the North road 300 " ' « •■«- ; Bangiora' road 200 '" - " " " '.Direct' road 600 " South road to Rangitata' river 300 " Lincoln road instead of £600 200' '" " Heathcote :Valley "road 300 " " ■* ' : Bridle path The Council then adjourned at % past' 11, till Thursday evening at the ,usual time. • ■ ■ , Thursday, December. In the absence of the Speaker Mr. Cookson took the chair. ■ "• • ' - Present: Messrs. Bishop, Blakiston, Cookson, Harston, Ollivier, Potts, Rhodes,1 Westenra, White, and Wilkin. ■ The following - Message from His Honor the Superintendent ,was received and read*^to - the Council:— ... Me. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Council,— I have paid to my Deputy the aum of £194: for the performance of my duties duringMny. absence from the province as a Representative in the General Assembly. - It will not be necessary -for me;to give detailed proofs that the above amount, .unless repaid, will be a positive loss incurred by me in the discharge of duties properly attaching to my official position. I have not asked you to make any increase to the salary of Superintendent. I think, under any circumstances, it would have been better to have left the question of a future Superintendent's salary to the next Council. ; .' ' ' '•' My successor will find ample employment for the salary voted. The Council will, however, understand that an increased income to my successor will not have the effect of liquidating the loss I shall have to sustain if you fail to recognize the propriety of granting me the sum I have disbursed in favor of my Deputy in the discharge of a public duty. . ~VvT.,S. Moorhodse, Superintendent of Canterbury. Mr. Harman moved that the following' address be adopted and presented to His Excellency the Governor. '...'. , ', j Thb: Provincial Council beg respectfully -to call ' the attention of your Excellency to the question ■which they regret should be'.still'at issue between this province and that of Otago, relating to their common boundary. • •• . " ■ - -.;■<- They cannot refrain from bringing, under your Excellency's notice the facts:— That no less a period than five years has elapsed since the comencement of the dispute. That no less than 12 months have elapsed since the appointment of a Commissioner to ascertain and report upon the boundary in question. But that no solution of the difficulty has been arrived at up to the present time. They cannot refrain from suggesting to your Excellency that serious complications in the administration of the laws of .the respective provinces have already arisen, and are likely to be greatly .increased by a continuation of the present state of uncertainty. . - -. ' For the considerations above mentioned, they .most earnestly but respectfully solicit your Excellency's renewed attention to a question of such vital importance to the two provinces, in the hope that your Excellency will be pleased to\direct the' adoption of such measures as may have been found to be necessary, in order to bring the question at .issue to a speedy and,satisfactory conclusion. Put, and agreed to. BDRVEV OP THE POUT HILLS. Mr. Blakiston laid on the table a copyof a letter to His Honor from Mr. Julius-Haast, as follows: Lyttelton, 19th December; 1860. Sir, —I have the honor to forward to you enclosed the Report of my Geological Survey of Mount Pleasant, accompanied by a geological vertical Bection and specimens of the different rocks, which will be found to compose,the beds through'which the tunnel of the Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway will lead. " Fully aware of the high importance of the mission which you entrusted to me, it lias been my endeavour to work as conscientiously as possible, and I hope that the favorable practical results which I obtained will facilitate the execution of the great work which is of the highest geological interest, and of which, when once finished, the Province of Canterbury will have every reason to be proud. - ■ ■ May it be also allowed to me to acknowledge the zeal and exertions'of Mr. Alfred "Dobson, who assisted me during my surveys, which alone has enabled me to finish this task in comparatively so short a time. I have, &c, &c, Janus Haast.

•;; j , n movo<l the Jlouse >nto comimtteo, and obtained leave'to introduce Mr. Haast, who proceeded to read the geological report given mi another column. - ' ' • , Mr. Haast laid before the Wusp, in illustration ot his subject, a set of specimen's thirty-six in number, ol" tlu> various strata of rock mot witii by mm in the course'of his investigation, 'together | W-u lan ex»il>iting, a.vertical section of the lir it ie?° am Ple cxphmations were afforded by Mr. Haast after the rending, and various question's pf honorable members were satisfactorily answered by him. '. '• Notices of motion for this evening were on the motion of Mr. Blukieton postponed to the next sitting, in consequence of the meagre attendance of ' members on the present occasion; after which the House roso shortly after seven o'clock aud adjourned 1 to 1 riday at the usual hour. N. Friday, December 21. ! Friday night's sitting was,a late one, the house not rising very much before half-past 11 o'clock. 1 here were-19 members present. ' " ■ \' . . We enumerate- below the -principal subjects brought forward for their consideration. '. , A motion by Mr. White :—" That Akaroa be made a port of call with the Melbourne or any other lino, of Steam, Communication, provided the cost .does not exceed-the sum of £1000 per annum," was agreed to.' Another motion by Mr. White for some returns connected with the expenditure of monies under the immigration vote, was postponed for consideration in Committee of Supply. Mr. Davis's motion, brought forward in his absence by Mr. Riiodes, asking for a,vote to fill up the large gap in London sereet, .Lyttelton, was .withdrawn on the faith of a guarantee from the Government that this.should be ,seen to. A sum of £5000 was after considerable discussion voted to the Superintendent to be expended by him with the'adviceof his' Executive in unforeseen .works.., . , • , „.,.,, ' Mr. Potts obtained a'vote of £100 for the construction of ,a jetty at Governors bay, and Mr. Ollivxer a"' 1 sufficient "sum 1 for a cart bridge over the Avon in Antigua street. The same ;gentleman 'further obtained a" vote' of £50, contin* : gent on the raising of a similar sum among the local inhabitants,-for the removal pf the snags in Saltwater Creek. • ,■ , '.- ' • In answer to a question by Mr. Ollivier, Mr. Blakiston said that the Government intended to see that provision was made for forming the road .across the swamp by the Ohoka bush leading to Qxford. ; „ , , ; : .A gratuity of £50 was voted to the Clerk of, the Works,, to cover his heavy expenses in the article of horseflesh. . „ . • . Mr. Templeu obtained an. order for a return- of land granted in compensation, for roadways taken ■ out pf private property during the last three years. The .English Agent Ordinance' Repeal Bill, on the motion v of Mr. BlakistoNj.wjis read-a, second 'time and passed through "committee. -The following reply to the Superintendent's message No. 3,1 moved by Mr. -Habston, was con.sidered in committee,and adopted:— -.■ . 1. The Provincial Council are fully alive to the '.losses which your Honor has sustained in the promotion of-the Lyttelton and Christclmrch Railway. . 2. They consider that they would not be fulfilling their duty if they were,to neglect in some measure recompensing your Honor for those' losses. 3. Being aware that the payment of one-half of your salary to the Deputy Superintendent during your'absence from' the province, is only a small portion of the loss and expense you have been put to on this matter; the Council respectfully pray your Honor to place on the. estimates the sum of £194 17s. 4d to be .paid to your Honor as being the smallest amount, which they feel .can at all recompense your Honor for the,expenses incurred by you in carrying out the resolutions of the Council. Resolutions on immigration brought in by Mr. ■ Blakiston were passed, by the Council.., 1 ■ In committee of supply the immigration vote of £15,000, with "£SOO for fuel and rations, was •passed. ' , ■ The vote of £300 for Papanui arterial drainage was altered on Mr. Thomson's motion to £650. 1 The House having resumed, Mr. Blakiston obtained leave to place on the estimates the sum of £250 as salary for an assistant engineer. , ,A- motion by Mr. Blakiston that the Superintendent be authorized to reserve 3,000 acres of rural land, to be given in payment for public works, was thrown out on division by the casting-vote=of ■the Speaker. The house then rose and adjourned to Wednesday, January 2nd, 1861.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XIV, Issue 848, 26 December 1860, Page 4

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PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XIV, Issue 848, 26 December 1860, Page 4

PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XIV, Issue 848, 26 December 1860, Page 4