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'' FRUIT TREES, &c. \ PPLES, best sorts named, 1 and 2 years -a- grafted Pears, 1 best sorts named, 1 and 2 years, grafted Rums, Cherries, " Peaches, « " " budded Apricots, " " [' Nectarines " " " " Quinces, figs and grape vines Walnuts, filberts, and large cob nuts Gooseberries, currants, raspberries Kean's seedling and British. Queen strawberries All FRUIT TREES sent out—like those supplied during the past 8 years—are carefully grafted or budded on suitable stocks—true to their names and perfectly free from the destructive disease called "American Blight" so generally prevalent on the Fruit Trees of the Northern Settlements. W. WILSON, ■»• Nurseryman and Seedsman. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, Ac. 2 Tons Pacey's perennial ryegrass 10 cwt. Italian ryegrass 20 cwt. Timothy and cocksfoot 40 cwt. mixed permanent pasture grasses and clovers 5 cwt. fine English lawn grasses 40 cwt. white Dutch clover 20 cwt. red clover 20 cwt. perennial red clover or cowgrass 5 cwt. trifolium incarnatum or critnsou clover 20 cwt. broad leaved trefoil 10 cwt. lucerne 3 cwt. gorse seed 2 cwt. English broom 2 cwt. flax or linseed A large assortment of all kinds of new vegetable seeds. W. WILSON, Nursery and Seedsman. FOREST TREES, EVERGREEN AND ' DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, HEDGE PLANTS, &c. ELTJE gums', Lombardy and black I Italian poplars, English Elms, Cobbett's Acacia or American Locust Tree, sycamore, common and scarlet oaks,'Pineaster firs, English ash, pollard and weeping willows, maple, elder, English and Scotch laburnums, common berberries, English hollies, box trees, ossage orange, lilacs, honeysuckles, cytisiis, English, Spanish^ Cnpe and white flowering Portugal broom, leycesteriaformosa, laurels, larustinas, broad and narrow leaved St. John's1, worts, Cape tea-tree, deutzia scabra, spirea corymbosa, red Virginian cedars, evergreen cypress, alaternus, syringa or ' mock orange, scarlet and yellow flowering currants, scarlet blossomed thorns i grafted, pyrus japonica, dwarf and climbing roses, &c, &c. ALSO — Thorns, one, two, and three years transplanted, sweet briars, privets, seedling brooms, gorse plants, and thorn accacia for hedges. The above, which comprise by far the largest Nursery stock in New Zealand, are offered on the usual liberal terms, namely, three, six, or nine months approved acceptances on all orders over £25. Orders from the other settlements promptly executed as usual; and forwarded per steamer. Intending purchasers can have price lists on application. Business hours* from 8 a.m. to noon, and from 1 to 5 o'clock, afternoon. ' W. WILSON, Nursery and Seedsman. NOTICE. THE Undersigned, being appointed agent for PLIMMER & Sons, Steam Totara Saw Mills, Wellington, is prepared to receive orders for Timber of any description.—Orders supplied according to specifications, which will be promptly attended to. FREDERICK JENKINS. Christchurch, June 7th, 1869. FOR SALE, SEVERAL half-acres of Town Reserve. Also, quaiter-acre of Town Land, situated in Hereford Street. For further particulars, apply to GEORGE MALLINSON, \ Architect. Cathedral Square, Christchurch, May 11,1859. - ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS. ri^HE undersigned begs to inform his patJL rons, that a misconception having arisen in the mind of his English Agent, the * Illustrated News' and various other journals for the first two months of the year were not posted in London. The error has been rectified, and the whole of the back numbers are expected by the next mail, and will be promptly forwarded to subscribers. ALBERT T. BRADWELL. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to William HenderJl\. son, of Akaroa, Banks' Peninsula, Hotel Keeper, are requested forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to me, the undersigned, or to the said William Henderson, to prevent legal proceedings. JOHN DEAN BAMFORD, Solicitor, London Street, Lyttelton. May 31,1859. ~~ NOTICE. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY, TO WIT. TIMARU DISTRICT. WHEREAS a Writ under the hand of William Sefton Moorhouse, Esq.,' Superintendent of the said Province, bearing date 10th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, hath been directed to me, Belfield Woollcombe, Esq., as Returning Officer for the Timaru District, requiring and commanding me to cause to. be elected in manner and form by law prescribed, one person to serve as a Member of the Provincial Council'of the said Province, for the Timaru District, in the room of John Studholmp, Esquire, resigned. ' Now, therefore I, the said Belfield Woollcombe, Returning Officer for the Timaru District, do hereby, in pursuance of the said recited vvrit, give notice that a public meeting of the electors of the said Timaru'district will be holden'at the Resident Magistrate's Office, at Timaru, at noon, on MONDAY, the 20th day of Juno1 next,' for tlie purpose of nominating a person to serve as a member of the Provincial Council for the said Timaru District, and in the event of a poll beii.g demanded for the candidates or any of them; such polling shall take place on TUESDAY, the 21st day of-June next, at the following polling places, viz., at Mr. Macdonald*s station, at the residence of Mr John Hayhurst, and at the office of the Resident Magistrate, Timaru. The polling to commence at any time after nine o'clock, a.m., of the said 21st day of> June; and to close at four o'clock, p.m., of the same day^ BELFIELD WOOLLCOMBE, ' Returning Officer. Resident Magistrate's Office, Timaru, 17th May, 1859.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 690, 18 June 1859, Page 3