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THOMAS HESTER, CARPENTER, JOINER, BUILDER AND UNDERTAKER, OXFORD STREET, LYTTELTON. FUNERALS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. CARL ASMUSSEN, ' JEWELLER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, 20, CASHEL-STREET, (Corner of Colombo-street,) CHRISTCHURCHLOST, A BOUT the end of December last, from the _--__. Walca Creek, two Young BULLOCKS, branded P. on the rump; one all red, and the other dark red and white. Whoever will give such information as will lead to their recovery to MR. LEITH, at the Kowai; or to Messrs. CAMERON, Saltwater Creek; or will deliver them at MR. RAVEN'S PADDOCKS, will receive THREE POUNDS REWARD. WELLINGTON FOUNDRY AND ENGINE WORKS, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. MR. W. F. MASON having now completed his arrangements, begs to inform the public that he is now enabled to execute castings of any weight and size, either in iron or brass, on the shortest notice. . All kinds of engine turning, planing and engine fitting in all its branches done on the premises. Chaff cutting machines Pumps and bells for ships Winches Malt crushers, &c, &c, on hand and made to order. FOR SALE, TERMS LIBERAL, 39 VALUABLE SECTIONS OF LAND, AT KAIAPOI, ERONTING the Waimakariri and Cam Rivers, the North Road, and Cridland and Walker Streets. Mr. Jones, Carpenter, will show the allotments to intending purchasers. A. J. ALPORT, Agent, Lyttelton. _ FOR SALE, TN small allotments, about 20 acres of land, situated on the Papanui road, about a mile and a-half from. Christchurch. Full particulars may be obtained on application to MR. DANN, Christchurch; or MR. LONGDEN, Springfield, Papanui Road. May 23, 1859. _____ FOR SALE, SEVERAL valuable sections, of land in and about the town of Kaiapoi. Apply to MR. HODGSON, Solicitor, Kaiapoi. FRUIT TREES, &c. . A PPLES, best sorts named, 1 and 2 years ----- grafted Pears, best sorts named, 1 and 2 years, grafted Plums, " " " Cherries, " ■ "' " Peaches, " " " budded Apricots,, " • " I' Nectarines " " Quinces, figs, and grape vines Walnuts, filberts, and large cob nuts Gooseberries, currants, raspberries Kean's seedling and British Queen strawberries All FRUIT TREES sent out—like thosesupplied during the past 8 years—are carefully grafted or budded on suitable stocks —true to their names and perfectly free from the destructive disease called "American Blight" so generally prevalent on the Fruit Trees of the Northern SettL merits. W. WILSON, Nurseryman and Seedsman. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, &c. 2 Tons Pacey's perennial ryegrass 10 cwt. Italian ryegrass 20 cwt. Timothy and cocksfoot 40 cwt. mixed permanent pasture grasses and clovers * 5 cwt. fine English lawn grasses 40 cwt. white Dutch clover 20 cwt. red clover 20 cwt. perennial red clover or cowgrass 5 cwt. trifolium incarnatum or crimson clover 20 cwt. broad leaved trefoil 10 cwt. lucerne 3 cwt. gorse seed 2 cwt. English broom 2 cwt. flax or linseed A large assortment of all kinds of new vegetable seeds. W. WILSON, Nursery and Seedsman. FOREST TREES, EVERGREEN AND DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, HEDGE PLANTS, &c. BLUE gums, Lomhmdy and black Italian poplars, English Elms, Cobbett's Acacia or American Locust Tree, .sycamore, common and scarlet oaks, Pineaster firs, English ash, pollard arid weeping willows, maple, elder, English and Scotch laburnums, common berberries, English hollies, box trees, ossage orange, lilacs, honeysuckles, cytisus, English, Spanish, Cape and white flowering Portugal broom, leyeesterin formosa, laurels, larustinas, broad and narrow leaved St. John's worts, Cape tea-tree, deutzia seabni, spirea orymbosa, red Virginian cedars, evergreen cypress, ala*;ernus, syringa or mock orange, scarlet, and yellow .flowerino- currants, scarlet blossomed thorns grafted, pyrus japomca, dwarf and climbing roses, &c, &c. ALSO — - Thorns, one, two, and three years transplanted, sweet briars, privets, seedling brooms, gorse plauts, and thorn accacia, for hedges. The above, which comprise by far the largest Nursery stock in New Zealand, are offered on the usual liberal terms, namely, three, six, or nine months approved acceptances on all orders over £25. Orders from the other settlements promptly executed as usual; and forwarded per steamer. Intending purchasers can have price lists on application. Business hours fi\.m 8 a.m. to noon, and from 1 to 5 o'clock, afternoon. W. WILSON, Nursery and Seedsman. FOR SALE, ~~~" SEVERAL half-acres of Town Reserve. Also, patter-acre of Town Land, situated in Hereford Street.' For further particulars, apply to GEORGE MALLINSON, Architect. Cathedral Square. Christchurch, May 11, 1359.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 683, 25 May 1859, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 683, 25 May 1859, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XI, Issue 683, 25 May 1859, Page 5