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English and Foreign.

fig IrMnqHcfoaiitown^iandi the ; sara«akMpjnr.Sydn^ *c haye^frafcmesgi 'ffiSawmm wteilligeMce siip'ito&th'ei tim^i <^iothov?twpw!*Mieirol:n .rthayS October.; masrsvtf&vW hftftaHfttlfjijnet; coiiie'itofhanfch The i >§)wi&surftl;gkipi argive&ratiMetbonrnes onjthftgljfr Meeepjfoei^d liairih^ Imadrethse;/ pasffjgejig-opjjjipfldonriin; 66 jdagwo SBhe--neYfs#escjae4 iC » leCia^r^ans -ofvtlM f<i|plittrt6wwi Mejecuigrf of.4Uafe(date>liswoi!eafchediflttst'l}y - pri^tsuhqs& oj l^.-And <v;i-.rp£ is-ijad^; ijTaranalcif brib jrs >oSydriey datteß> tai the x§l^t ivuJt.j;; C 3!hiav ■J^ B-r^6rai arrivedv fram s San<JPranci*co i©h ttl^fc day^;; brigmng) ,JJftWioYc«fk:>:papers^to;;±liq ii7]th. OctjDfbg,^^hi(ili-iCQntaintlEii^lish;i!Dews,by': tviteg-jfapji) SepteiirbißiJ/iiiand^ detailstitp, t^R^edj ofsitfo'&lm&nthjatiWe; comme^qeiWith these.: ;i n--::;?,'! s£\.t —j Lir. (ByiMticv. TtU^^Kif^mvS^cmifNM met tftfSiutgaVdiontK^^Stlil^ltihioJ'j;' j Mexico lias announced l^lijftb^tan^e b^ the-inedifttioTijafpJH-an^pßndw^!if^lan^iin her/difficulty wiifcblSfiaiii. ;; ;^i i^*o! t; Tiift r JEmjierOTfe irfeßussia %iMI i^i^fia will! )meet' at.l*teyla Gt^wMidf 'BMsSiari#j6-: landJonitheol»<?ofcObto%er/«^ 1o i v; itboff; on r Wednes<iav., <tlie ; Se»^exa- ; halt-past nine ; o clock, yestema.^ guMJning^.. r The_ United; ton^Ca^^WCqUon^y^iQh. left, Havre on the 22nd, and^SdutHa&ptbh'' three o'clock on ,the aftern.ppn* of the 23rd -of SefitgnYb|^!ap eveipgv!;.^ie MM o^r^^iobek 1, att^alfj^st l 7X^/p,ni.,T^^^ CapertßajftefjeaWidor^^fishingismaekfltlie repi6rW l VOT4^t^Hdi.;tfewß,-which' ftke^ap-i;';j tain> agrefed W'- tkke tti Sti i/dhn'^W ot|ie^ nearest da^itiormnf $$^$o^^!: box|f Igecie^lOlJWf; ;X rJ; Vaij^^q^'aa'.iwa"(D9. t > Vani|-;^.t\v'Q hundred passeng^eys*- •;;,>■/! L.jfi-i^i-^ ,'^t-' '■ ■^■'■- -■■ The vad«iceS'£3ia.TO*.rbe'to %riticijmt€& by :' the arrival >of the !^3i^lpr Saxt^h' 7ab * Quebec, 0 butP?;shß' libnngS; !lfirtl "^l^? of B f Efo|>te; pajs^rsy c^xtainin^^He. Retails 'I d|^ejQeHysJ teldff&iffUe'd1" after the 'JLngtb^Maxcin-lliacL sailed....; b :,,,. /xy ,;r > /: ,^ v^ti «^iw £■ I!hp f ;§3tpprtsj otfr;goloViatida.sil\&BK from England reiaMeded^theiaTrivals-frcfm^tisi traliarumd^the'jEast; 'i--; J"5 -■\ ;; iC- ■ ; Iri' Hollan^j; ty j ges^bri I;^s^ States Genei%V: was"bpelred lib ivf ,tlie~ Kfii^ m'per-" his*sjjqecli Teieryj^^aJi^^e^^^l&tipns.! existing \ betweeno T ,his>i i -govefnirient 6 and; foreia-n; Bowers ;sthesatisfacJtory^conditionof jau^the-Dutich dbminfensypolitical}v andfinancially;' a JthW ! df : slavery 1 tH| te|f|| sAg|chj|' again '^^Iw^gto^jier t}}§. ;ft|enj|pn^jpf. the^hktQber^ioan^^rami^e'44 t^erf siippprt. oi jne^gq^^rnmentjipr UieiCleveljopmentnor railroaiirand (Other commewial/ienlterprizes'; The <■; latesfct advices- ,by/stele^apn^frpni< MadTid(indieat!ed ;that the 'mmistefla^cHsis; would :.Ireni&in n uheh|a)[ig^d^ ( ' ■ *Jlsq of 9 i rCßri||baJ >^r iV^'..;tpi'^ sai^^ ( ¥4ve4?ad r npt^i^;?tQ,dor'Wiithfthe; crisis^andiiJi w^S;(belieyed thatvalbidea-i-of the'jsvisitiMdibeeiiisabaAdPnediG;! j. .Ja .. FromiAustria w6<»afe: vtbld 5 vei^nmttepihli'd''^e^lveii^d"ittipirdve the'tfert of %i|eJ?Wi%K«a| fales-' to A^^fffikfOni^^mi^e Evab^efoali AlUaticey; jifcdsessioniiiai --Berliri,^ra- which they ."solicit th? reiiioval of the prohtbjtfoii toprin^the°-^lptu^^W'nio^Wli^sia!nJ tn^«WMi o| o S?pt€g«!jex«fr7'Pr^-BaUoiVof New York, was one of the speaker»R'«fcJ the. ]«6t4a^;of jtta'Beferiofca « ,y - fnaaT n«■> 1%4 .-patriotic dietfttw^df VraicS, M4m«^ r wKßw^^gt Wiwff^ifb^iftSAiis^^ an*>Pre^to"om^Wn^tmWifßm 3 uf! 1848^fefl%^pM of 'aise&o' *n{wia P\ibft(?s}pt.ioa..,-int l fftroU^nof oUhe} lish: famaiqs v i*tdtim& 66 4iheiflndiariißislir^! i'ectioriy i hasrbomi>6}^i(^'«ffdeV'tb Ja< iaMjib^r j of the Pveteat of the Seine, tj; -


j lti.^enmftrk Jtlie.gcrverritnenf is;'said; tp p !ar\to t(t]ie:po^erfftidt? Jsigftya ttte^reaty sf Lbnaptipn' the1! ev#ifc 'off '■ & Veferenee''■ "to■ the: oe!r^atac jDiist beinjf thr^teriedr?.;' | A^rc^^m'^/'PytCTslmr^ 11 Report' a sfc&rnr attli 'fire: on "tlie 1 Ladoga }paiial ~-2p9' JcbanttJy fcra; ft rfladeri with f>p'i<O(luce, &cV,^ereHwr£cK&ft. ; 5;;';''" ;i:";' !;rS;;;'" ;-"- niotisl^r ;adbpted 'p^o^olitton- of -the gJDVettiffiehl!-ipr1' 'tfttf M'npointitfeht- -bf ''tHe Srin^^o^'a^^n^of-S^edeift^ ',' ' I The^cbirinTi^ the serfs of Jlii^ia tiaCs just dra^rii lip reso- 1 hitions 'favonfabiel to 'the- safe progress of i Thw a fMad)-id' democratic fpapeiv^ has befeii *'doiwiemiied to - rai fine, of ID,OOO rftalsjiW the^thh'd';time dufiqg" thb f4w f since'thfe r law on':the'? press was ■ekdcted'. : v i .- :-;-: !; m.-.: .■!■.. ] I A'; government order: j>ermits tlie Ifree jentvancfe of coynintd'Spain «ntil th&mohth Juljt:next. r « •■?-; •■■'••;-.-: _:■...- ;.;:,- ---• The f Hojas' announces that the operiirigl of the Spanish Courts is to take place in -:-'■. ■....', :..., -. „;; /.■;•..:-/ { . -! ' I Tb:e; British Gommander-irirChief ■ has, cdnferv^d; a good! serviiceipeiisipniOf ,£IG'J ajyearron Brig-adier-General Havelock> jn recognition ?of his' brilliant- -services, in £ '-; .: „:/.[ :..-:..y^^-,r:.. ■ .'. ■ . j In.Piaris there was; a report that Gholab .Hj'der, Khan, the son of- I) ost Motiaxnmed, W;as maVching fi-om Ganhahar to seize on Herrati.Jt^as feared;tliatthisiw6nld,bring-;tl)e Persians back; ag-ain", as they are decidedly opposed to the.-placejfalling'; into fthe;hands of Dost Mohammed. ' .; j % ; ;-.;-;.,;, =;j". ; a The,,' Calcutta Eng-lishm^n' ;mentiqns:a cTuniour t ]that the ; Khari,of jß had xc.certain . Persian,letters- 0811^^+ upon - him, to \ aid the mutineers r against .'the ,-Biur, tiph : fpowei'; in India, he [forwarded to the .Bombay government. „; .r ; The London -Times' says that tw;o, great (objects; must, tie obtained if >ve;would: gi^a security; ;to : the Empire : Wje mustpopula:rize, the army and martialize jfche popula- ( ftipn.,,:-;.,;....'.,,- .. i „.,.. ,'■ - :-.Y,iV '.■:,■.':•':■',':, • 'It iSjStatedpn good; authority^thather .Hajesty .and... the; Prince Consort are, ex-: ipected;, to,. .be' v present-,aib, th;e clpsing o ol:',tlie j^rt vTreasures-, Exhibition, and.^rill-prp-yceecl.thence to Went>yorth; House on : the same.evejning* ... -■„.:.-'■"' ■-;.;: : i.■■;-;..-^ •-,■■ ' Cardinal Wiseman has again,addressed "t!ie XTimes.' He wants to know whether itj still maintains its criticism on.his sermon !.of July 216. The < Times' replies:; '?. We rigret; to say that/,we see. no •reason for altering" our opinion." : . > ; • . ■ Rev. ■•William H. Milburh,:the American blind preacher,, has been lecturing in Liverpool with much success. ;, ; ..:••. ; a Judge, Halliburton vyas at "Lisbon.on,the. l^th ultimo, .in-, companjl- with: Mr. Lind;!say K M"P.,:,:';.. ;, „;-,-■: - "r, ■.. .. ■■/■■■. ,-- fAt; Tattersall's, [London, on- Monday, during the- betting on ;the Caesaj-eivjtch ,stakes, ; the, following weife ; '' imade :-^4O, to 1 against. Mr. X. : Ten I^roeck's Pfypr, 5 years, ; 7st. 121b. (taken); 1 again&tPrypr, s;years y .7st. 121b. 4ind;Brioress, 4 years,, 6st. 9lb. (coupled) .-(taken),; .. '. ■.. 1; ; -. '■■ At anieeting just held of the .Manchester .Foreign; Warehouse Company, a ; reso-: :.lution ;was agreed to s to vyind up. j The Jcbmpany' was formed; afc the >; bep^inning, of with a .capital- f ,pf -£50,000, in 7 4l0sbares r pa which '£$. had .been, paid., ,-^Nearfy they whole has- been,loss; v A public _ : 'leippsitipn. of jthe,, nature > otijjth^ manags'Yrjent wiilimostiprobaib^y b,e evaded. „..,,; ; ? ; Thqvdepqsits. in. the.,say ings, .banks; of ,'^arfs r have, .during, three weeks, presented, ]&h .inqrea^e, !as haver also,those an.theoffiqe :foir >i securing.ypensions,'to thejaged,pf. both ; «exe§V- -3|he, said,, .that the j'wioriang.class^Sj ai-e^beginning, to abandon ■r., U{ i i - ri •.)-.'(■,_■, v-s v" I AtjpV-SS'^virg', pntSajturdayjtallpw. \fa. I^2 .on; the '^o^ P Ex<shange l pn a Lon4pn.,l.?i'.v rue ■>•■ 1 T|§i sc^w^teaaiship ] „]^ew! . -¥qrk [arri-. ;j j v^.^' *THE. B^I^piRAX'lTrES,,; c-iii.^h •= Yifinna;.;Ti^s4aj f7T fP H t ; p^eight^seMa^, ''fctions, "sixty-six iMjfe, doplarqa ; «*he ; 'uiioft •aiM^nßuti&ij >aa4isix oiily.ajjq1

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Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 3

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English and Foreign. Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 3

English and Foreign. Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 3