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By His Cq\onel. Thoma§ Gore Brown^'Compknioaro'rjth^ "MostHon^ ; -oinrable^OraeT'of the Bath' Governor of the Goloiiy of ST*w Zealand, <tc, &c, &c: Yjn~REftEks \%y an.Ordihance enacted, /-T L by AheJGrpvernor of New Zeajagd with tl>« adyioet^nd consent ,«f Legi>l«ti^«CouTicTl/Ses'non 3, No.l,Jntitulad ',' An Ordin-,' «n£e^fo£ (J Establifchiag a Supreme Court," the of. New Zealand is empowered,; with tlie ad vie© of the Executive Council, by v Pro* >«htniation from time to time, to.divjde the Colony" into iDi'stij^ts for,the purposes of the said recited Ordinance, and the lioiits of .such I^istpct? from time to time to alter, as occasion may require. ' , . Aad whereas s the said Colony is, now divided 1 into ' two Districts, called respectively the.. Northern Djstrict and the Southern J^istiict. And whereas by, the lecited Ordinance the Governor is ah»(£ r einpoweie& to assign- to of sjacli^jstrjcis^i jjdge. or-Jjadges,JKh«wAali--have within the same; all the t powers and jurisdiction thereby, given tothe Supreme Coui-t. Now th'eVerore, I, the Gov£rnor,\in pursuance of such autbuiif}', do Thereby proclaim and" declare that on and after the Ist day of January, 1858, I have assigned to' the' Southern District HENRY BARNES GRESSON, ESQ., a Judge of the said Court. And whereas it' is provided' by the said recited Ordinance that there shall -be 'hofden' Circuit Courts for the despatch of Civil and Criminal business of the Couit, befoie one of the Judges thereof, at such places and at such times as the Governor sh'au, witli the advice of the Executive Council, by Proclamation From time to time appoint. Now therefore, I,,the; Governor, with the advice rof the' Executive Council, do hereby proclaim and'appoint that Circuit: Courts shail b%.holden „belbre. jthe said Henry Barnes Gresaon, E^q., at the several places next hereinaftermantioned^on the several days also next herein.-: after mentioned, in that behalf, iihat is .to say,— At the.Town of Wellington^on the 11th-; day of January next. ; At the Town, of Nelson, pn the 20th day of January ji&xt. A.t the Town of LytteSfcon, pn the Bfch day\ o£ February next j aad '■■- > At the Town <$ Dtmedin, oa the: Bth day: of March next; Or at each of the said places so soon after each of the said respective days 'as conveniently maybe.. Given'under my hand, and issued1 under - "the Public TSealof "theX'olony of New" Zealand, at - Government House, at Auckland, this eighth day of Decem-^ ber, jn the year of our Lord One. thousand eight hundred and fifty-" beven. <t t THOMAS GORE BROWNE. By His Excellency's cbmmandj E. W. STAFFORD* PROCLAMATION. ,By His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, Companion of the Most Hon-r ourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and overt Her Majesty's Colony of, "New Zealand*"' „««dyijce-Admiral of the same, &c., &c.' WHEREAS by Letters Patent under^ the Great Seal of the High Court.} of Admiralty, Her Majesty has been graciously ! pleased to ordaiq, constitute, and appoint me, j •Colonel Thomas pore Browne, Companion of 'the Bath, to be Her Majesty's, Vice-Admiral ' Commissary, and Deputyin. theoffice of .¥ice- I -&dmiralf,y in the said Colony of ; New-..-Zealand soft territories thereon!- depending,-,- to stake cogn^izunce of and proceed in all; cases,\ civil anfl maritime, and inK&coimplaints,-,contracts, offences, or suspected offences,- crimes, pleas, debts, &c, within the maritime:'jurisdiction -of , the Vice-Admiralty of the said^.Oolony of New , Zealand aud territories .-defending on the same, ' —to hear«^nd de^rruigie the same according to ! the right?, sta.tufcesi ) laT¥s,.-arid:.;'or.ainances and1 custonw-ancrently.-obsenfed?-- witij— power-- of-r deputing andisuirogatiiigJiit'Eanjrl plaice for the premise^ qx>e[or mor.e^ep.nty^rciDepii.tiesi' il i Now lather Governor, in. and^jra^rithe; Colony | of «f'l^anthowljf' j in-ine^ested in tha^b|ehalf^:do' hef;eoy appoint \ -mmrni!mmofiEsss<&,, esq f ' - ;a Judg i e.p|.pe^^^ :^^'^f bj;pu*y,i n \ and for^to Sduthep^T>kjkV^C<ofi^^v 2e4apd, • -as no\v conStrtttt^'undef;anH'.:Y6V,the 'puxposea ' -of an Oi'dinance^aaktujejl; QrAimncv ,tbr ) .establishing a.Slaprewe;tJpbr^7''wijth;'^ff,pQ^«V ■ t and w hear and.uetermineith^ i ,pw».cribe(}% the said^lleiJ^qej^^^te^;: , .Given .nnjlM■ my^'ana^ndn i of e^vl^O4 i 9 l thp:tisMQ3.«iht : ■■■ ■■-.- . ■ %w?l*#fqrE: iV v i GOT) SAVE.^PeBS^" I '-"' iU 1;:; / MMW^^^Tl $TIIHJS ID4ideri3g*e^*a^e Cs^ti -bwyera^qf^Woo.l a 'j I or ss^other Siiipping jglacea pn the coast.- 5 v '■■'■ f ■■■ - .urn ,vm^hm^miMm^% ic6:^

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Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 541, 9 January 1858, Page 6