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From this province we have papers by the' Henry to the 10th instant. The principle information contained in them is that the General Assembly is summoned to'meet on the 31st of March.

We take from the papers now and last received a few pai'agraphs of interest. The loug-looked-for barque Eastfield, Captain Copland, came into port on Saturday afternoon, after a weary, (bur, according to general testimony, most agreeable) passage of.i 128 days from Gravesend.- In the Channel-—in the* Northern,tropic—to .the- equator, which,-. Bhe was fifty-one days in reaching, and which , she crossed, on tlie 29th September, in twentythree degrees fifty minutes west longitude, she experienced a succession of light and 'baffling winds ; indeed, it was not until she reached the Southern hemisphere that she commenced to . run her distance with any degree of luck. She met with smart, steady south east Trades, and carried strong and favourable winds* with her from the meridian of .the Cape,' maM'tig;:her Easting between the parallels of forty-five de--grees and fifty degree* South, and sighting the South West Coast of Van Dienien's Land on the 29th of November, passing inside the Ruprick, Bock, and shaping her course thence for the Three Kings which she sighted on the. 9th instant at 7 p.m. Three deaths occurred on board! the Eastfield; namely,—Mr. Barnes, who died. August 24th; an infant child on the 29th Sep-w tember ; and Susan EdmistoiU on-the.4thOcto-ber, after a constant illness from the date of the sailing of the ship. The Eastfield touched' at no port; and -she exchanged colours, (put s of many vessels she fell in with) ? but with qne ship,, connected with those colonies j—the Cplerose, on* the Btli September, in latitude 15 degrees North/ twenty days out from London bound for-'Mel-' bourne. On the 3rd November,: she passed^ a large, ship-rigged steamer, steering to the south' eastward, in latitude .thirty-nine degrees thirtyfive minutes south, longitude thirty-six degrees twenty minutes east. „ „ „,<■ .'-'■■ ■„* Auckland ; Ageicultubai,'.,- ShOw^Tlus,; show of horses, cattle, she! epi pigs; and agricul^ : tural implements'washeidih' M'r.£T'?-Bucklan<]?s r Sale -yards and; tlie- adjoining padSock.atf New*-! market,, on-Thursday; the 3rd /JEhe j weather-on the r Wednesday jia i d i b ; fi*eft.inpst l unj, ; promising., but on.? Thursday,, despite,. a. few f oininqiis clpuds, it was as favourable .its could be' i desifeir for such a .purpose. The attendance' of j speciaibra Was/cbnseq^up'ntly very- large"j >Snd-'as ■ the-major part of; tfie' shops attdcstoiJeslin! the ; city, and' (after !12; o'clock) the Banks ["were closed, tliß town portion of ijhe assemblage was as numerous, we should think, as,that portion morelcaihediately agricultural in icharactei:. The price, charged for admission.before tvvelVp o'clock was 55., being'fixed thus high we"presume, to prevent |he Jtfdgfiß from'b'eirig interrupted in their inspeotibn of the several departments by a large concourse. Aftor , twelve o'clock the charge was Is., and the amount

taken at the gate showed that .there must hava" been about 700 visitors: Vifah'*t with such t* concourse, and the number of horses and equipages Moving to and' fro, rNTewmarket irtditKe ' Show yardvpi'eseufeßd-a % very f aniinate,d appearance; while the fine, band of the StftK."; by peri m|ssion of Colonel"' Wynyard, • enlivened' the "gathering by 1 the $'erformance''df *«umJ6er of jpdpular pieces of music. esAs we stated in ,oujr last, the envies wererr-horses, 65 • ,shjeep, 120 r ;. ; horned f cattle, '70; pigs, .B*. There. were also?*! about.' twelve ,!, rfo)r'. vgvi^V'cultural implements. '] The horses^epi iiilf our opinion, and tho latter 4 wjre.thpr most interesting feature of..the show,,: in. both-,) ithe great improvement which, has taken place within the* last-twoc;of. three y-earslwas markedly? . manifest. There were some fine animals among' the cattle';'but{here;;theC£>reedshave,thusjfar oeentoo indiscriminatelymixed to allow p,f'that ■'%- stricter w.e, hop^jbo 3,ee carried, out , year pjr r a^. jtKe^neit show, as to the eiact* f - combinijtion'of imp'orteajbreeds or animalsi iflred:^'.inj the cjblons% wfciich' Will forin1 the 5 breeds 'Best! ' X •suited to!this pYOvihpe.^iTbidpDdii.'B: • ' ;•' ±>>t 'i i '' - l , •THE'COMIN'^ SE^IOK,"-*^: >■'■* :'i" ; (From the' Ne'wiZealaiider,'Dec. 16.) h: ; 0 ; It will be seen tVatj irrespective of the altered't positioaof GdloniaV'iiifaii:s > there ;are many cp-- j r : gent reasons,why,the General Ministry, .shpulil''.,., J appeal to the colony |br,ltß Verdict' 6i\ the policy J * which may how, have to be pursued, bcith 'with respect to Colonial Finance; arid ;th*e;. revision of ] the Provincial Gonstitution; On the f)-othe'r-- ; .hand;it'may be said that -the successful:-nego^ 1 . tiation- of the "Loan(.calls for< early if-noti invr.i'i mediate. aotion,-f~but the revision of the Prpyin*, < cial Constitiition may .be made a remapet .for., a r subsequent session, or anew,. Assembly." ,','*. *■ f On this distinct uriderst'ari'dirigV w%|inju]d iibt so object to a'short sessibn • * hut uidnn'b other vt nndierstariding, in jour bpinioii/^will^thel legfitU v/ ,f matie represeh<atives of the ! varidus 'Pi-ovinceß'-'r be justifiedsihVenteringJupon.'the' duties !of an>; /! ..other session. The question offour^Oplpjiial:^ 'KnajQce;.andjtlvfr,appropriation i Qf; tHe Loan, has . already been amply discussed, thrpu^ght'the ciqU,... ; ony, and, defined,with, tolerable'accuracy7Tand"^ with tlaVpreseht*Ministry in power,' we have no ■•• Ife'ar of any infraction of the decisionsfof the» -- .Assembly in its last sessidri". rcThiß"Tieviiiibtta'nd amendment :of :the hbweveivisaitogether^anotheraffair. ,JTpoit this subject,-^-yiewed, particularly;, .through tjhe me-. •dium of the recent Act of the rmpenal;.legigr.',.' 'lature—the,colony has not yet been .consulted,; ''" and but few of.the, existing ■representatives—especially none of those: whom' therJaWPrbvin-'; * cial elections hay c proved to' be in a most decided .minority^—have any right to speak in the name -: of their constituent»,^rLo^now that t|ie Gen-, era'l Assembly is empoxyered to: ; alter an]a - the Provincial Constitution--?-haye a^^, tight to, cje-,, mand that their opinion "'bV; first* taken liefefe'"' - mand that their opinion be ; first'takieif 1 befoW ' : the work-of alteration 1 ■ and eMendatioh' is" for- - mally entered upon. ..;■:.; •••a

T^at opinion .can =ionly; fairly b« 'tested; by means of a general-dissolution and ejections.- s •■;">

'(From the "Southern Cross ".BecilS.) ] jVr :\

, The first passage at arms wiU probably settle ; the state, of parties in the.;ffpuse. :If they-be at, f all. evenly^balaiiced, janother long Session may ,ba expected., Jf, there; be. ..a decidedministerial majority, a couple of mqntlis may suffice to "g:et. :r through* the necessary business/ * For although; niuch work to 36,-' we apprehend' ibdi- ■ the Assembly will make short woik: of "it.' For it is the party fighting, in the contest for powder j —not .the real business, that absorbsths.time. Experience has shewn that comparatively few., of the Members take, much interest, in the bills, *' unless when seeking1 fojr assailable pojuts.1 ; . „ Another reason for lioldihg out expectations of* a short Session; is :—that for' the first time, the': business will have been prepared; and matured, during the recess > at leisure, 'and; with'time for:. consideration,-rnot ; -hurriedly,., as hitherto,« during;the intervals of ;hpt debate. ;:.The. ißes-" ponsible Ministry have Already .done'"the duty which, prior ; to four 'Sepsions^resiiectiTely,^ ;tlie" old officials ti§glected, or .weup* unabld to "talkl.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 539, 2 January 1858, Page 4

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AUCKLAND. Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 539, 2 January 1858, Page 4

AUCKLAND. Lyttelton Times, Volume IX, Issue 539, 2 January 1858, Page 4