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A Safe Kemecly FOR ALL SKiri AKD BLOOD DISEASES, If you suffer from any disease duo to an impure state of the. Blood, from whatkvek CAUSE arising, you should test, the value ol Clarke's Blood Mixture, the world-fumed Blood Purifier and Restorer. This medicine Ji«s 40 years' reputation, and is today more ptpular than ever, the reason of this being undoubtedly because ibis wouderful reined;, does it prrfe sa sto do—IT CUKES SKIN AND BLOOD IH MHIS I'k'RMASKNTIA'. THE FINEST BLOOD PURIFIER EVER DISCOVERED It is warranted tocleinse the blood from all mpuritics, from whatever cause arising. Fur BLACKHEADS, fCROFCLA, BAD t/EGS, SOCKVY, BLOTOIIKS, ECZEMA, SPOTS, BLOOD POISON, BLACKHEADS, CLCEH3, PIMPLES, SKIN & BLOOD AND DISI'ASI.S, SOKES OF ALL KINDS it is a safe and Peimanent R n.edy. It ; s the ouly red specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes tlie cause from the Blood and Bones. This m'xture is pleasant to the NOTE- taste AND WARRANTED FREE FROM ANYTHING INJURIOUS TO THE MOST DELICATE constitution of either sex. from n fancy to old age, and the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. TiiTV.n MANY THINGS WITHOUT 1 [JNIIL I TOOK CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. Mr F. E. Lewis, 4S, Bridge Street Row. Chester, writes :—"Just a line in favor of 4 CI uke's Blood Mixtnro.' I had eczema for seven months, and tried many things without benefit until I took your remedy. A fter the eighth DOWie J. was H u« c < fi .•—>- accept this letter as a token of gratitude to your wonderful ' Clarke's Blood Mixture. -Juno 13, 1003 ECZEMA AND IRRITATING SKIN TROUBLE CURED. Mr W. G. Weston, eare of Messrs. KimM,, of 40 Essex street, Kingslaud-road, N.E , writes: " Gentlemen—l feel it my duty to inform you of the great benefit in health I have received through taking your famous •Clarke's Blood Mixture.' I have been a sufferer from Eczema and a irritating skm trouble since the age of thirteen. \\ liilc an out-patient at one of th'J big London Hospitals a doctor informed me that my disease was the result of poking after foreign horses. 1 have had as many as thiity under my cure, my father being a hor.-o dealer ami •obmaater. He (my father) was speaking one day to a friend of mine woo mentioned that he was cured of on nleeinUid 1.-g, due to a horse-kick, by ' Clarke s Blood Mixture.' I continued, however, to setter until April 4 last, when my fneud tohl mo he was couiplo'ely cured, alter suffering and beim- disfigured for several y<ars. I am able to follow my employment, tun! am very pleas-. (1 to think there is *u-.h a valuable remedv obtainable for such a small sum. _ 1 should bo pleased to wither any concerning my case.'— J idy 1/, UIM A WELL-KNOWS JOCKEY GIVES EXCELLENT ADVICE. Mr Hubert S. Millar, Turf correajorient, of lit, Cornwall-road, S.E., writes: «*Gentlemen —Some time ago I contracted a very serious attack of KcSS'.-ma, which, despite every preparation, became worse and worse. Docker after doctor I consulted until my funds were practically exhausted, and Still I WHS na bad as ever, if not a degree worse. My occupation entails a deal ol ravelling and running about, : nd the pam suffered is absolutely Ivyon.i description, t was at Newmarket races, when L was acting ir..f.ssionnlly, that a well-known ockey, seeing the pain 1 was in, asked me What was the matter. 'Oh,' he said, 4 JfouV. been wastii gyourmoneyondoctors. Just tiy '-Clarke's Blood Mixture.'..' I lammed, and had to admit I was sceptical, but a day or two later thought I would nave iust'one more shot. I sen for a bottle, and within two necks! km w 1 wMgcttiiigbetter /s a consequence 1 continued taking •Clarke's Bkod Mixture,'and at. the present. time I am pleased to say my he.dtU is completely restored, an.l the dwfi^uretnetitfi; on my face and legs have vanished. lh:s testimonial is quite unsolicited, and is written by a thankful one-time sufferer to testily to the wonderful qualities of 'CLrke's Leo.. Mixture.'"—Ost. H, 1003. Impoextiks -in TiiK Blood.—" We have seen hosts of letter, from all sorts and eott ditions of people, in which the writers ae knowledge the bene tit they have received from Claike'a Blood Mixture, which as hj curative agent cannot be too highly estimated, it chaoses aud clears the blood fiom all impurities, and restores it to its normal condition." This is a good testimonial from the family Doctor, the popular medical weekly, which goes on further to say • "It is certainly the finest blood purifier that science and skill have brought to light, ai.d we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers auti the public generally." Sold l'j nil Chemists and Vatcv? Mulhine Voendn throughout the World. Af-K FOR . . CLABFE'S BLtOD and beware 'A worth It substitutes Arrow Shoeing Forge, Buckingham Strpet, ARROW T O W N. JOSEPH REID ... Pkowiibtok. J.R. takes this opportunity of thanking ho public for their past liberal support, and crusts that by stiiet attention to business, Moderate Charges, aud Good Work' manship, that he will continue to receive the same liberal support as in the past. Ho wishes to intimate to farmers and others that he has secured the s< rvicoa of & First-class WHEELWRIGHT. I'ne charges for all Wheelwright woi k will on moderate, and all Work Guaranteed. 1/jTOKO— the Great Cough Gore. _ Hah .VL the largest sale of any othei Cough "euifdy acta likes magic—ls Ucl

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Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 3