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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COHSUMI HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. TV- • • ~.,.. , , . j ri• 11 .„„„, c„ff», nrc fmm anv form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, f- ~-. Those who have taken tins medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence Suflerere from any lorm *. g . nvaluablei as u dlects a Complete Bain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those ulio aie suojec .■ fa Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice ana it «»" me diciue. No house should be without it, as, taken at to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated wnn the bcL-ianintr a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. DCMCMR .p THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, BEWARE OF COUGHS! REMEMB£R Z£ T oS£%.&,o* .. no excepts to th, s RU I E . I BRONCHITIS ~„ ASTHMA. I BRONCHITIS. | NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. I BRONCHITIS i MiMc SUFFERING. BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. i NINE MONTHb bUi i-um. j Hearne ' B Bronchitis An English I.ndv eo ill that the Doctor held As ,o„„ *—««-<*-«» A sassjissrKsr"•""?.:::.-« . --*-* c a , rears. ~ ~...,. ,- .... „„.,.,„ n.,, r «a;,. t wish to add my Was Etven Hearnes Bronchitis Cure, and it So bad he dnrcd not stir. Relieved In a few minutes by liearne's Bronchitis Cure. Would uive £SO for the same benefit rather sevtl ' c than suffer. advice liratitude and Appreciation of Hearne s ~...~, ...... „ Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,-I wish to add my Was given Hearne 1 s Bronchitis Cure, and it testimony to the wonderful effect of your Broil- effected a Complete Recovery, it Proved a Most Effective Remedy for a cu itU Cure. I suffered for nine months and the . .ij. tress i n „| v bad ;,t nights I v.-as Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Not long since I had Severe Attack of Bronchitis. ftas so '^^|^ ( [>y t , ie fi . e j liail occas!on t0 visit [lle oI(1 Colintryi aiui before leavm,. \v r. llrirnn Sir. —1 lately had a ,„ r ,n,..',i n ,i v ice. and tried other remedies, with- ing Melbourne purchased a bottle o Hearne's Mr. W. G. Ilcarnc. Dear Sir,—J lately had a |])c severe attack of Bronchitis, and, acting on the ou| advice of a friend, obtained a supply of your col Bronchitis Cure. I am pleased to inform von j , ie out avail. I tried y I tried yours, and nevei after taking the first dos. id but two bottles, I ieel I ly had at nights I v ' as | Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long since I had sit l>v the li:e. I had occasion to visit the old country, and betorc leavi other remedies, with-ling Melbourne purchased a bottle o Hearne's and never had a lit ol Broncuit s Cure, which I took with me. When • first dose, and though I arrived in Leeds, I found that my niece, Miss tlian suiter. advice of a friend, obtained a supp.y 01 youi cous .hing ,-ilirr tailing too ««. ■<■"" " " »' I ' " l :=" ,u u»o, i .™«i uai mj uiw.c, i".==. Broncbiti: Cure I am pleased to inform you , j, !la(1 imt lvvo bottles, I !eel 1 am a dillei- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe atMr. W. G. Hearne. . , ~,,,..-'1 ,' mn st pffective remedy, causing „,,. ~...., am i ,i lc comth has vanished Y"U may tack of Bronchitis in fact, she was so bad that Dear Frlend.-C hronic Bronchi Us I had from has fo you'for fun.lshing such a ££ e . 1 upon my Sing known the efficacy of the family doctor held out no hope for her vecovbirth, and lam now 66 yea lb em. some time , „./".,,.„„.,,,,),., „„|,lic May you meet ..,,,, ~.,,„, ~r tui remedy to anvoiic I see ailhco d.— cry. ahe was then given Hearne's Bronc.'ntis back I contracted Asthma, and for monhs 1 was v. ale 1 memo tot) 1 so bad that any remedy that had previously r, - th the . .ess on so».-'««?« j iai \our„ laitUJuu}. J „, Victoria, and lam very pleased to say that it effected a licved smothering was of no use to me. I was ""=> c »'"" ";''' " ' ./ CJinpletO cure. K.J.MATTHEWS, so bad that 1 dared not stir, and spent the worst Dear Sir, jours Kuintui.y, ~_,.M rH ,„ TUM . OK vp «pi; c/o Allan & Co., CoMns-st., Melbourne. ~:„i., T ~,...,- 1,3.-1 When n a conversation, Mr, HKNKY 1-RhNCH, ASTHMA 25 YEAHo. ' "night I ever had. When in a conversation, Mi March, 1.P., of Ralmain, Sydney, kindly told m that a Iriend of bis was using your Bronchi 11 Cure, and that it was good. So my sister bough me a bottle of it, and ill a few minutes after taf ing the first dose I could breathe a little. In next day I was better, and kept getting betti every day To-day I am better than 1 have bee for the last seven years. 1 took the median ns directed, six bottles, and it cost me less tha ft. 1 would give £SO for the same bcncl rather than sutler as 1 did. Please make will use of this letter you think fit. If by so don it would only cause one to get rid of this teaii complaint.—Yours faithfully, WILLIAM CAN'HAM, 108 Curtis Road, Bahrain, Sydney. HENRY FRENCH, Stock and Share Broker, 93 l'itt-st,, Sydney. ASTHMA. A Five Years' Case. At times very bad Indeed. Quickly and completely Cured by Hearne'n Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—For five or six years I was troubled with asthma, at times very bad indeed. 1 was very ill just alter Christinas, ! ' sent to the local chemist for a bottie. of yoi ASTHMA 25 YEARS. Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchit Cure. Cu,c - ASTHMA. Mr. W G..Hearne Dear Sir-1 been a Su(fcrer Yeilrß of Ago Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. beet, under the Mr. Hearne, Chemist, ie .,. throughout the Australian ~ l ' Two Sir.-I am thankful to say th it the medirina try no more, In.t let nature ■> ■•„',.» 1,,,, von sent ior Asthma has had a wonderful eflect. yearsagolwas askedtotry 1 a me ou Bronchitis Cure, as I „.,,.,, laughed at the idea. Hjwjvoi. I>) the pel suasion 01 :1 _ ~_ #1 r __ , _ !._„»»„ bad = l very old friend. 3 weeks ago 1 comnieuc ;et rid of tins fearful , was troubJell with asthma, at times very bad > f , u ; at ment. Almost imi indeed. I was very ill just alter Cnr.stinas, so bo'Ue >° , , ( . ;i miMkli b y not taking it beM CANHAM. sent to the local chemist lor a bottle of your \° about half-way through the second d, fiahnain, Sydney. night. I finished the medicine, and have not had whatever use you may think (it. i intend ■ a touch of the asthma since I tell everyone your treat, HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. ab ™ 5 Y imstre ss, Pampoolah. Manniilg River,*N.S.W. "mpcrl Its Efficacy in Chest Complaints Testified to say the effect has been by a Qruteful Victorian. Vours very grate Dear Sir,- I hj your invaluable Bronchitis Uin l>r the last three or four your 1 have fully proved in common < croupy coughs, and other si plaints. 1 have given it 10 ml ,\i i innm. r-hildren and adult. HAY ASTHMA. A Severe Attack Relieved in Ten Minutl by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Tiie effect was wonderful. they have f peities. I laiity and gratefully, and other similar chest con- Hearne. Dear Slr.-About three Mr. W. G, Hearne Dear hir -We pur given it to infants a few weeks Mr. W. «earn , time ago iz.bottles of your Bronchitis Iron and adults ol all ages, and weeks a n »«- ~.-,. . breathe My nose and can unhesitatingly say that it has g vim wn it to fail in relieving at once, gradually felt .1 dilt u lt> I re. iw> nse n i„toleial.:e throat iirhationt eting a erne with a few doses I *™™P* ™w? u ck' of* l irolrchittor Asthma, daughter experienced, lousing th, led it to many of mv friends, an-i velo .1 „a s- - ri , , , [ri ,. (l ..,, itis Cmo sllo would have two or three proved its wonderful curative pro- At last I co a stanu ■ » wonder- night y. but now she can sleep through the nig 'vory grateful to yon for a chest your 1 ... s Cure a„d » Ul«.t «u. c , , lhr , |r , doable, ami cheap enough to be fill. In lt» «M at. 11 astounded She had a sight attack of Consumption, but ,-oue. Trusting its present popu- ;»!;»"•• ,c . eia-'gelation. Inm pleaded to to be recovering, though of Course slow y. will be aoubled. R l D a,n. very -_* & sratef uUy. K| t, New 2ea Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via Gleurowan, Vic, | tile, and so much <Io l lee. reoev. .1 nai 11. n. is Alliance-street, Clones, Victoria, iportunity of sending this le.-timonial aougloi >■. 1 make whatever use you may ihink bt. I intend .ntinuing your treatment, and I tru it that before 1 ,ve finished the taird bottle 1 shall be able to tvrue BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. von that I am perfectly cur.-d. 1 am pleased to y the effect has been wontlerftil. _ Two Severe Cases cured by One Bottle ol Yours very gratefully. PHIL. lIAN\\ Hearne's itronchitis Cure. 33 Camden St., Bataclava, \ ictoria. Mr. \V, G. Hearne. Dear Sir, -Kindly forward . _., without delay small bottle of your BronCONSUTvIPTION. chitis ,-„ re The bottle I had you has .. .• . i>.^ n ..«ri„o. cured two of mv children, out Ido not feel safe Patient Kecov crl.ijr. without it in the house. I have also recom.ncodMr W G Hearne Heir Sir—We purchased ed it to my friends. I lost a hue. little girl, iine" time ago v> bottles ol '.our Bronchitis Cure, three years of age from Influenza and Bronchotd ran unhe-itaiimily sav it has g von great Pneumonia. I n ally believe than; 1 had had your duf from the intolerable'throat irritation that mv medicine my child would not have died, for the urduer experienced, iievious to using the Bron- other two a boy five years old. and a baby eight it?- Clio sk would have two or three attacks months old, were sufl. ring exactly in the same ht vbu' ikvvslw riu sleep throiigiiii-.c night, and way, and it acted like magic on them; in tact, r ' id-as iier ihr.atlrcui pl.leg.n. a small bottl.dul cured both of them; so trust|,e had a s Hit attack of Consumption, but seems ing you will forward it without delay.—l am, :be rocovedng, though of Course slow y. Yours yours, uiost gratefully, ) e Cassilis, via Swdt ek, Gipp* and, Vic Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Mediome Venders, and by the Proprietor, '. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEE._.. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH OFFICE: HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON.

If you want a Stylish, Well-fitting Suit, wh orders to itJL-LJ. ..NT TAILOR, Tat Street, INVEIICARGILL I keep the Largest and most Up-to-Date Stock in Southland. Adhress—TAY STREET. CUT 1 (AUCTIONEER, MR R. J. COTTER), Auctioneers, Valuators, Grain, Mining, and General Commission Agents, TIMBER MERCHANTS,!& GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, A"RKO'W'TO^V r lSr. Cash Advance, made against any Li vo Stock, or Furniture placed in our hands fur positive sale. Special quotations for Consoles, Woolpacks, Reaper and Hinder Twine, and Sliccp Dip, Potato and Turnip Manures. SOLE DISTRICT AGENTS for MASSEY HARRIS CO 'S BIN D E RS, M 0 W E MS, DIIILLS, 0 U LTI V ATOJIS, FLOWS, HARROWS, Etc. Agents for the North British Piro Insurance Co., and Oceanic Accident and Guarantee Corporation Association, Jild. Samples of Wheat and Barley wanted this seas FREEHOLD TOWN AND C FOR SALE. Q3- Yards and Office Closed at 1 o'clock Every Wednesday. J-$ HIGH - CLASS PORTRAITURE, Undoubtedly the'eorrect place to have your Photograph Taken is the "I DUNDAS STREET {Near George Street). DIRECT PORTRAITS FROM LOCKET TO LIFE SIZE. Prints in Silver, Caibon, Bromide, SPEOIALTY-Enlargemont to any si/o Beautifully Finished in R f Monochrome. The most Up-to-date StudioThe most Up-to-date Instruments. The Smartest Man behind the CameraAnd the Most Popular with Country Clients. CABINETS FK< PER DOZEN. KAIPAI STUDIO, 2(5 Dundas Street, Duxkdin. , F. OIRVAN, Photographer.] [Mi« D. M. SIUKGKON.^ri The "RE!D & GRAY" Plough STILL AHEAD OF ALL "OTHERS. Results ol the Dmmmond Ploughing at Drummond, Southland, on July 5, 11J0G : Class A-Cbiimpion Ploughs ... j AXlTthe Prizes Won by EEID & Class B— Champion Ploughs Class D— Single Furrow J GKATS well-known Ploughs. L'lie rcsultsgof Ploughing Matches all over • " ,• i r.-i i 1... 1. I.H.'lh You cannot disprove J< AUio i rosuissgoi rujiigiiiny iuawuuo """t,' the Colony and for general purpose work simply confirm the fact that lihlD & GRAY'S PLOUGHS, though imitated, cannot be excelled, or even equalled. nr fri » f-\ Y

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Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 6