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—oc. ]). (iibbs. disappointed in lovo, suspended it package of dynami'e around his neck in the main street of Wellington, Kan-s-us, mi a recent Tuesday, and lighted the fuse, fit- was blown to pieces. Just think it over! A 'is I) .ttle makes 12 gallons of powoifnl germicide, will savo you perhaps pounds by saving your potato crop next sen; on. Don't fail to use it on all seed potatoes. All store sell it. Lisbon is suffering from a pla-.'iie of mad dogs mid cat-, i' l uon--c(j'icnco of the terrible bc'.it and luck of water. Many persms have I)-:,.ii I) tten, and the Pasteur Institute is filli d with patient-?. Tanzii -Dm'l fail to use it. It kills the potato blight, kills the spores thai causes it. \ perfect n m 'dy. Only one dressing required before sowing A2s b ittle makes 12 ga lons. All stores have it. The foiv ,nt probLm (s-iys the London hxpivss) is bk ly to bo srl.-eci bj tho foiniation of a b.ut-dio.i of hoys, who mid t the care o! a'mo herly cook, will ho hii\d out dady at a mallehage. . ]) -,nt have smut or rust in yourcvop3. l rovi,til by dressing all fed, wlvat or oats, with Ta'nzi a powerful trerm killing nonpoisonoiis li(|uid. A2s bottle makes 12 gallons. All More s have it in stock. A henvv thnii I -rslorm visit d the north ~f Ku.'liui'd and Se Three men were killed by lightning in Yorkshire, and s.'veral bouses were set on lire. I'top ire for Croup. The time w.\ ec I in sum ing for n phy?iei:m or for medicine., when a eh Id show.-, symptoms of ci'oiiu. often proves fatal. A reliable medicine, and one rh mid always b • k. pi in i. i,. house lor immediate use, is Cnamh tlain's Con hj lleuiedy. It will prevent ll) attack, it' | ivui as soon a \ the child Income hoars-, or even after the crotipy eoug.i up n.-ars. It i■••■ also the safest, as it contains no narcotics, for sale by nil de.Jers. Pearl nierch mts are rushing to Mississippi on account of the recent Ii ids of valuable pearls from muse! hj sis List week in Ma den I a so, the j wc.lerycei k , £3OOO was askeil for one pearl that, was bnigut in Win cousin, on the banks of the Mississippi, for 3s and L'IOOU is asked for another, puvcins.-d at lowa, which cost £1 ."is. Sweeten the Breath. Chamberlain's Stoma- hj and L ver Tablets will clear tho sour Stomach, sweeten the breath, and create n healthy appetite. They create the How of g.Wi'ie juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Foisa'eb, all ealirs. b'lHii Uloeiners, of Dci'endoi i', Germany, who recently gave birth to a son in a pr.s >n cell while awaiting ex etttion of her death sentence for complicity in the murder of a military ollicer in Gkdbaeh, has been refused pardon. The courts have decreed that she shall nurse her child for 8 weeks. Toe baby will then bo placed in an orphan asylum and the mother tborpitated. Aches and Pains. When you have an ache or pain, it is it sure sign'that the nerves in that part of your body need attention. By applying Chamberlains Pain Balm you soothe the irritation, stimulate the healthy nerve activity, and reduce the inflammatory prison that is causing the nerve to ache. For all pain Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a perfect cure. For sale by all dealers. According to a report received by tho Life Saving Society of New York, a man who fell from a boat that capsized off Rhode Island was under water for 23 minutes, and was resuscitated by arlilieiul respiration alter 108 minutes' work upon him. Jar of Constant Couching.

Hammer Mow.;, steadily appliel, break the hardest rock. Coughing day after day jars and tear.-) tin: I'iroat and lun»s until the hoalthv tissuei give way. Chamberlain's Cough* Remedy slop 3 the coughing and assists Nature to repair tho'damage. For sale by all rs. ' one. of the paris hotels in tho Place Vendome has arranged to supply its guests with a shower of rain lo ordor. By an arrangement of pipes, placed high in the air over the eourtyaid, a shower is obtained whenever require.l. The guests may sit under a immense umbrella., 2o feet in diameter, enjoying lite cool rainfall on a hot summer day. Natural Modesty. Tho natural mod jsty of many people who have und Chi.iu'ie lain's Co'.ic, Cholera and |)i u-i'hoaa lenndy lor Diurrho a, Dysentery, etc , with splendid results, make them hesitate ab)Ut giving their opinion for publicity. Still, these same people have done much to make Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 1! aiudy a household word, for they have by woid of mouth informed their friend.-; what a. good medicine it i; to have in the house. For sale by nil dealers. UiIUUMATIHM AND GOUT CAN BR CURED. (lout is a form of rheumatism, and springs from the same -excess uric acid in tho blood. This excess is in the form of indissoluble paitieles, an I these settle at the toes, ankle;, lingers, or joims, wh re the blood run; most si iwly. liiiuments and plasters may give relief, but they cannot touch the uric acid accumulation!), which are the real cause of the trouble, an I thus they can never cur >. Why w:o;s; yo ir money on them when lima:.wo, the r ntedy which has cured hundreds of others, will lapidly and effectively cure you'.' A: k your enemist or storekeeper for RIIKUMo; 2s'lid and -Is lid a bottle. |<*or Bronchial Coughs and Colds. Woo,is' Oval IVpncrmiul Cure, I/O and' 2/0 per lloll.lf.

Tftir/a,—The Ln.',-f< It want supplid, a perf ii, ;,:v..i.i'.:'!i.v of the dreaded potato blight. On* dr. > ;in.: k.11.i the spores and prevents the genus ol disease acting. '2s bottles makes gallons. All stores sell P. Don't Diet. It needs all lands of food to supply tho numerous demands of the body. That's why nature give-; us such fi generous variety. Eil all your sippe'.i e calls fir. That's what your ip|i:V.i'.. i;. for. to let you know what elemems .if n lirition you really need. Eat all you ..v.,.t. Dr Sheldon's Digestive T-ibales will liijoit it aii'l nv;ke a new person of yo Tney will give you strength, now life, ne . ainoitim, an 1 enable you to enjoy living a\ou never have enjoyed it before. For sale by Cotter .15.'. -s., Arrovi'town, " The meat packers of South Omaha now cmi pel ih.-ir 7000 emidoyeaH io wear* woikmg while liuei: suit-. .vhich are washed dailv the p'ekers payi-g the co t. Wi.y s'll'f.'i' the torments of Hell with -iilicu'iiatism o. Lumbago when DrShelloi's M :<; ic-.ic Liniment will < use the pun at once. a-..1 eo tinu-'.i r-.p dieaums iffec. ape-mancnt by Cutter ]'. <>-~ \rrjwtr.wii. Myri <1- of 1 '.'■'! :s have eaten up the entire crop*, i:ovf!.-inyj <»t),00 : .) aa e.s, in tiie a rh -o-l oi' Dob eezin, !fnugiry. When Vou Catah ! old. Do not take any chances of weirin; it away, or experiment with sjdi s ibubt:ul prepar.V'on which will only half cure it at. the irst, aid I ave the bronchial tubes weakened and susceptible to attack from the gemi3 of consumption. D: Sneddon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lung-;, and prevents serious ciTeats from a cold. Small dose. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by Cotter 8r03., Arrowtov.m. Science has achieved a triumph in Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. Absolutely guaranteed. For sale by (iott >r Bros., Arrowtown. CUYLKII HASTINGS, the Popular American Dramatic Actor, formerly touring Australia with the J. C. Willi unson Dramatic Company, writes as follows : For several days 1 have suffered from a s vere cold, contracted on the stage through exposure, when a friend of mine recommenced me to try a bottle of Dr S icldon's New Discovery. He said it had cured him of a bad cold contracted a week I obtained a bottle, and am pleaded to say that I obtained relief after taking the first dose, and in a couplo of days was completely cured. Can heartily recommend Dr Sheldon's New Discovery to anyone Buffering from a bad cough or cold. Fount it pleasant to take, and am convinc d it is a preparation of giva 1 . merit. For sal >, by Cotter Bros., Arrowtown. FijOKiiiixK !-•-Fon tuk Tekth axd Bivkatit. A lew drops of the iiij id '• Florin" :e" spinkled on a wet to th bra-b produe s a pleasant lather, which thoroughly elean-e-i the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives the l-eth a peculiar peirly-vhiieness, nod a deMghtful fragrance to the breath. I'; removes a 1! unpleasant plour arising from deeay< d teeth or tobacco smoke. " The f agrant Florilinc," being composed in parts of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet discovery of the age. Of all Chemists and Perfumer;-. Wholesale depot, ii;S, Farvingdon ft >ad, Lo idon, li 'ghtad. Anvicic to Motueiis ! —Ave you broken in yoi.'r rest by a sick chili Eaiueri'ig with the uein of cutting teeth? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mas Wi.wj.ow's SooTinxei rivi.ri'. It will relieve th • poor sufferer immediately. Is is perfectly na mloss and plea-ant to taste, it produces na', (juiet by relieving the c ild from pain and the little cherub awakes " as bright a-- a hj itton." It soothes the child, softens the gum?, all ;ys all piin, r-diews >vind. legulat.-s the b iweis, are! is th i lies', known run • 'y for dysentry and diarrhoea, \vh feci' arising from teet'iing or other eau-cs. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers every v here. YAMwev: Disrovmiv eo,; tuk Hah: ! --If your hair H turning grey or white, or fallin; off, use -'The Mexican Hair Itenewer," for it, „•;// ),(,.<ilirrl;t i-iMurt in < r-rif aw. Orri/ or lIV/,7, /,</'/ to its original color, without 1 av.-ing the d.Sjgro aide snie'l of most " llcPtomvs'." It mike; the hair charmingly beautiful, as w 11 as promoth g the growth of the hair on bald -pots, where tho glands are. no! dee.'.ved Ask your Chem'st f r "Tin: .SlKxrcvN-'llATis liHXßwrm," sold by all chemist i and perfumers t -vi-n where. Wholesale depot :;;;. Farrin-don Bond, London, England. Thiio.vt \!-ri:cnoxs .vxn Hoakskvuks. - All suffering fr m irntttion of ihe throat and lioarsoiKS'; will be agreeably surprised at the almost imncdi;ife relief ~l'lovdd by the use of "JS.own's Bronchitis Troches." These famous "loz n;;cs" are now sold by most respectah'e (dioin's sin th-? country. People troubl'd with a ''hacking cough," a "slight c ild," or liro'ichial affecions, can iot try them mo sieii, as simin.r troubles, ii allow-d to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic aff eiions. S n that the signature of John 1 Brown and Son is on every wrapper. . Prepared by Joins'l Buowx A Son, Boslm, U.S.A. Rui'iip an depot,is3 Farringdoa Road, London, England. TO I He', DKAF. A rich ladv, cured of 1,,., „,,u i; ,,s ;„„] Noises in the Head by Dr Xicbolsnii's Artificial Far Drums, has sect 11,000 i" his Institute, so Dial leaf p amic uiiihic to ;o ; ore the Kir Drums may h.ive 1,1,,'.,,, ~-,:,., \,,i,| v lo Dc)iarrmeutC.W, The l-.stitiite " L >:i r .:or.t," tiuuiu-rstiurv, Loudon, W.,' Kegland. UIV.TISC'.s I'DWDKIi" destroys IVJUS, I'I.KAS \]i>'l'!l-, ISIWn.I-X, iuhl all other insofts, wnust ~,,:;,. i, ivmi ..-Med leie.-lie anii.iaK la L-xlerniina fir.;- l!oei,le< ne Mimuss <>l this yow icr ii e\t,r oil iliiiiil'V lti-I'V'i' •i.lyeliMiiiiiapplieatiiii. sec the iir„ick sea ]>nr in- is "KK \TIN.S ti, i.e., W r.i Hits ■iKitiiV.i TIIOM \ ■ Ki:.VI IX;: ■>! !' tin, us lii-l t.ti in- ii n >\"\l ii- 'eel in ••V.-utual. Mold in tins Id a ..I ls.ii" i, l\ .11 eli.-.nins.

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Lake County Press, Issue 2137, 27 September 1906, Page 5

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NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2137, 27 September 1906, Page 5

NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2137, 27 September 1906, Page 5