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mmm m THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. , • j r 1 ■ n,,„,-„ fmm anv form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Those who have taken this medicme are amazed at Us wonderful nfluence Su^erer■ £°^g t toColds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those «« are owm chronic, nor Consumption Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat an strength £^ 1C h °i s medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs have Dcen property ircaieu the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure, is certain. ocunrMRTR tuat FVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, BEWARE OF COUGHS! REMEME - R JSFoSSEZigSSi is no exception to this rule. NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. BRONCHITIS. ._ , _, . . ch . M R r „w Pr pvnrciiics Relieved by one dose of Hearne's Bronchitis An English Ladj- so ill that the Doctor held A Sydney Resident Suffered for Over Sixty * Curl and cured by two bottles. Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my Was given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and it So bad he dared not stir. testimony to the wonderful effect of your Broil- effected a Complete Recovery. It Proved a Moot Effective Remedy for a cu j t j s Cure. I suffered for nine months and the Relieved In a few minutes by Hearne*B Severe Attack of Bronchitis. cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long since I had Bronchitis Cure. Severe AttucK 01 uronc.ii fire _ j ]]ai , occas , on to visit the , d country, and before leayBronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my Was given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and it So bad he dared not stir. testimony to the wonderful effect of your Broil- effected a Complete Recovery. It Proved a IWoGt Effective Remedy for a cu j t j s Cure. I suffered for nine months and the Relieved In a few minutes by Hearne*B Severe Attack of Bronchitis. cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long since I had Bronchitis Cure. Severe amuck oi uronv.... obii?, e d to get up and sit by the fire. I had occasion to visit the o!d country, and before leayMr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-I lately had a n , r .,jj CP i advice, and tried other remedies, with- inc. Melbourne purchased a bottle o. Hearne s Would give JE-o for the same benefit rather s ., V( . r( , attack o! Bronchitis, and, acting on the out avai i j lr ; ei i yours, and never had a fit of Broncbit s Cure, which 1 took with me. When than suffer. advice of a friend, obtained a supp'y of your col] „|,j n „ a f te r taking the first dose, and though I arrived in Leeds, I found that my niece, Miss Mr wrs ii„m. Bronchitis Cure. lam pleased to inform you , ~£v e "] lall t)ut two bottles, I feel tam a differ- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe at-li.-u- 1'V,..,' Chronic Bronchitis I had from it has proved a mist effective remedy, causing ent „, an a nd the cough has vanished. You may tack of Bronchitis in fact, she was so bad that l.i l -,, ,1 am r™ M >•<■ is II Some tin" me to to you for furnishing such a d £ d • nl mak h jn g known t l io efficacy of the family doctor held out no hope for her recoyb ck' Ico ntracted Asthma and for mo nil sI \ "as valuable medicine to the public. May you meet p r won( | er ful remedy to anyone I see afflicted.- cry She was then given Hearne s Branch rtn back 1 c lit.acted a, ' ™ ,-' -. v irh the success you so well deserve. 1 place Yours faithfully, JAMES ASTBURY, Cure according to the direction on the label, so bad that any remedy that had prcvious.v wiui ."'- > H,. r „ lr .n and remain. iou s unh ' J rw,.hnlm Victoria. ~„! lam verv Dleased to say that it effected a night I ever had. When in a conversation, Mr. March, J.P., of Ualmain, Sydney, kindly told me •hat a friend of his war, using your Bronchitis JAMES ASTBURY, Dei'ghulm, Victoria. ing the (irst dose 1 could breathe a little. The next day 1 wis better, and kept getting better every day. To-day I am belter than I have been for the last seven years. 1 took the medicine 1 as directed, six and it co?t me lots than _ £i. 1 would give £SO for the same bune'tt - rather than suilcr as 1 did. Please make what use of this letter you think fit. If by so doing it would only cause one to get rid of tins Icailul j complaint.—Yours faithfully, | 1:l HENRY FRENCH, J Stock and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st., Sydney. | ASTHMA 25 YEARS. re according to the direction on the label, 1 I am very pleased to say that it effected a npletecure E J. MATTHEWS, c,o Allan & Co., Collins-st., Melbourne. letiiatcly relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure - ASTHMA. ASTHMA. Ml .. w. G. Hearne Dear Sir.-I have been a Su f ferer 73 Years of A-e Cured by a n,.„ v.— ,- -• r-.«.» ir.Trivr to Asthma or about 25 years and have tried ™ ou " lrcr '•* ■"="■» •» A Five Yea,* Case. "ifnost a l° known r C , lle dies forthccompl dot and have Ilearn.> Bronchitis Cure. At times very bad indeed. been under the treatment oi leading physicians ~„.,,., - . throughout the Australian States. I ciete.mnied to Air. near. ckly and completely Cured by Hearne a £ , , , l)ature take its course. Two Sir,—l . , ~., Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. rJFJTASZ tue VaSJSSf^T. i r. Hearne. Dear Sir.-For five or Mx years •as troubled with asthma, at times, very bad •', 're-,T,nent immediately I wishes for your future success I myself cause one to get rid of this le.ulul ; ble( , with astlim;ii at Umes very bad ' urs faithfully, , :uirf ,i. I W as very ill just after Christmas, so bo tic of }.ur Uc. 1/ie" • by not taking ,the- wl.l, lor the benefit of others, make it known WILLIAM CANHAM. sent to the local chemist, for a bottle 01 your °;> mi ' ; XuYi,ait-w.,v through the second all 1 know. lam 73 years of age--You, st. my. HMARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. t».: in i.hcst Coranlaints Testified to dose on going to bed, and was not rouble,! Ida -",.-..„..,: of s ,. ndin g this testimonial a OUg for y,u nignt. I finished the medicine, and have not had o»-i w -, liltcver u £ you „ lil} . think fit. I iotend a touch of the asthma since. I tell «iv«.rj.n. linui , ur treatment, and I trust that before I about it. M. JILKKAV finisb.-.i the L.ird bottle 1 shall be able to write I'ostuustress, Pampoolali, Manning River, N.b.\>. > -\- " „.. v ( LCl [\ cur,<l. lam pleased to E.RONCHO-PNEUMONIA. 10 you that lam perfectly cured, lam pleased to < say the effect has been wonderful. Two Severe Cases cured b Yours very gratefully. PHIL. HANN, Hearne's Bronchiti v>> Camden St., Balaclava, Victoria. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,-- I have much " ' , **- «' f- "- r»-«- <='•• —trinJi. *Xr^»arH pleasure in adding my testimony in praise of a Severe Attack Relieved in Ten Minutes | ___. your invaluable Bronchitis due. I have used it b Hearne's IJroiJChitk C for the last three, or four years, and its e:hca::y I have fully proved in common colds, severe cods, The tffect was wonderful. faueni wi»ica» n . without it in the house. I have also recommendcronpy coughs, and other similar chest com H„, r ne Dear Sir-About three Mr W. C. Hearne. Dear Bir.-We purchased ed it to try, friends. 1 lost a fine little girl, nliinti 1 have g veil tto infants a few weeks Mr W. U. Hearne. ucar air, ftooui 11. e. Mr - " "• h,,-,|r~ of vour Bronchitis Cine thr-e yeais ol a :e. from Influenza and Bronchol ' "vlmuVchhdm. and adult, of all ages, and weeks ago white « ffi^°u ; , « ,, }^^ ,nu »fl' u^hlsltating ,y%.y t.Lt it haTf "en great Pueumoma. I really believe that ii I had had your luve'nevef known it "... fail in relieving at once gradually■ felt »«»£'-•■ '•} ' bom he itoler.bic throat irritation that my mod cine my child would not have died, lor the nml rapidly effecting a cure with a few .loses. beeau to ru 1, andl to al a ppeara ces I «aside rc.i.l oiu Previous to using the Brim- other two, a boy five years old and a baby tight have recommended it to-many ol my fneiuls and vefopnir a severe a tack of "~^ nte . o ' h(^ l ':,' ;c u ' s '«,,, ,1 have two or three attacks months old, were sufl ring exactly in the same thev have fully proved its wonderful curative pro- At last I cull stand it no 10. I the . t.s ouie - : ;> , through the: ni -hi and wav, and it acted like magic on them ;in fact. pei ties. I fc crv graielul to ',,.".i f'.r a die able, and chap enough to i le. Trusting Its present pop ill be doubled, 1 am. yours ve, KinVAKI) JONES, o, Mokoan, via Glcnrowan. Vic, nl. In les-s t.ian !■ ii I ,ct r « > «en htv but now she can sleep through the, light and way, and it acted like magic on them ;in fact, • v.'s \ r -hi 01' "uV I'l-'lmply ctea.s her throat from phlegm, a small bottleml cured boih of them; so trust--Iso quick as'oundl s he had a s'ight 'attack of Consumption, but seens ing you will forward it without delay.-I am. don, I am'pleased to to be recovering, though ofcourse slow.y. Yours yours, most gratefully, S. H. MAYO J.P., gratefully, „G_.MACKIB. „_,„,„„ raqfi|lifi v , a J^^ek TbiD^ralid. Vio. Meredith, Victoria. Small Siza, 2/6 ; Large Gize, 5/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Yendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTC FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH OFFICE: HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET. WELLINGTON.

If you want a Stylish, Well-fittin; orders to w. e. r Tq MI3RCHANT TAI LOR, Tav Street, jnvercargill I keep the Largest and most Up-to-Dato Stock in Southland. Ap'MiESS—TAY STREET. COT TE R BROS. (AUCTIONEER, MR R. J. COTTER), Auctioneers, Valuators, Grain, Mining, and (General Commission Agents, TIMBER MERCHANTS,',!!:GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, ARROWTOWN. Cash Advance.-? madu against any Grain, Wool. Live Stock, or Furniture placed in our hands for positive sale. Special quotations for Cornsacks, Woolpacks, Reaper and Binder Twine, and Sheep Dip, Potato and Turnip -Manures. SOLE DISTRICT AGENTS for MASSEY HARRIS GO'S BINDERS, MOWERS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, PLOWS, MARROWS, Etc. Agents for the North British Fire Insurance Co., and Oceanic Accident and Guarantee Corporation Association, Ltd. Samples of Wheat and Barley wanted this season. FREEHOLD TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE :- r Yards and Office Closed nt 1 o'clock Every Wednesday. 4U )HTIiAITU" place to hwve your Photograph Taken is the fA DUN DAS STREET (Near George Street). DIRECT PORTRAITS FROM LOCKET TO LIFE SIZE, Prints in Silver, Ca.bon, Biomide, or Platinum. SPECIALTY—to any size Beautifully Finished in MonochromeThe most Up-to-date StudioThe most Up-to-date Instruments. The Smartest Man behind the CameraAnd the Most Popular with Country ClientsCABINETS FROM 12/(3 PER DOZEN. KAIPAI STUDIO, 2G Dundas Street, Dunedin. T. K. GJKVAN, l'l,otfgrnrl-.«r ] [Miss l\ M. SIUBGI-OK, Art! The "REID & GRAY" Plough STILL AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. Results of the Drummond Ploughing Match,' hold at Drummond, Southland, on July 5, 1906 : Class A--Champion Ploughs ... ] A.LL the Prizes Won by REID & Class B—Champion Ploughs ••• Class C-Junior Entries ... ... j <(JRATS well-known Ploughs. Class D —Single Furrow ) k You cannot disprove FACTS ! The results of Ploughing Matches all over the Colony and for general purpose work simply confirm the lact that KGI.D & GRAY'S PLOUGHS, though imitated, cannot be excelled, or even equalled. >-tjt i "O DUNEDIN, GORE, INVERCARGILL, OAMARU, & TIMARU

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Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 6