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i j WHAT TMK GIGANTIC SOLAR i»jsrrmiANci'; mioans to TMK KAKTU. When ;ni ordinal •.•■. Kniisti. 'I \\ istor," as (lii'.v tall c\ < loncs in I he West . St I'ikcS I his romillollplill'i sphere ami wipes mil .1 feu t.i 1 miiifj counimuil it's. wo 11I' 1 ho earl ii at r prone Id raise mil' hands in horroi ;,1 1 he sickening (iel a ils of I he deal hj ini i| disaster lefl in its truck, an. tnnt'\'i'l ai the wonders of im t uc< Svliil'll allow a wim! stoi'lll In giltliei such -I l-flltr' hj I ha I : he groalo ,| ~| our earl til \ reared limits are a: st raws in ils v\ n,\ . I! \ oil I old 1 he ma 11 "i w < miaii w li' luis seen the fa I'm houses and rallh ' sailing 1 hrmigh 1 he air in 1 he gri| ol a rvrloiic, the Oriental who ha: Soon I lie u hole sea rolled up in 0111 great massive wave thai has enveloped e\ er,\ t hing in ils pat ll by I In I rage of the elements, Ol tile West 1 ii<l in ii w ho has seen 1 he t\ phoou ol Ins zone rip up the land and forest for miles, 1 ha 1 all of 1 disturb- . anros are mere zephyrs beside a 1 storm that lias been raging on tie sun lately,.he would be api to si| up anil sny thing's not in the least ciiiuj I linientarv to jour mental equipj men t . I le might 1 ake a different \ iew ol it however, if \ oil proved to him l>.\ (he authority of men whose names are gospel in science that I his great snliir cyclone. 7<H>.<>n iles ill diaj met it and f>,OOfl,l Kill,(KM 1 miles in I area when first discovered, reached I he ama7ing proport ions ~f 1 miles in diameter ami lii.niin.iinti 111 in , miles in area by I he t iiue ii renehed I the sun's western disr and passed out, in' sight, following the revolution ol t he sun on il s a.\is. j |f it was possible for som.' inons- ; ter to •..•top out of I lie sun. pick mil' i eai t It up in bis arms and drop it iutn 1 lie storm which the scientists are HOW IrllitiL'. us about, we would lasl 1 about as long as a puff-hall in the worst Kansas' cyclones Our earth, ; winch wo are fond of regarding as , something mnstnnir. would gel one hump from this solar cyclone Find : t i,;,| would 1"' th" end ( 'Olllplele ihsint egrnt ion would follow and i' ; is doubt ful d I 'Hi >■ v\ ould Ii" mi; I I "•' l"f It isn't ens;,' for the l;i\ mind to ! 1 hoi nughly itaiM 1 a sit u;ii ion like t Ins I' is even riiflirult for 1 in- assin hj gigunt ir phenomena f.u ■ eai s i t ,1 gui : h"ir mind:- in .■ ■ 1 • 11 slin pe thai they i-jin adet(Uiiie|i crasp Ihts j slot 111 and eredii ii u ith t he propor t mm. and marvel ions pow ei wtnrli I 1 hi-11 ow 11 fie,un s ■ hoi.v 11 to have I 1,, •■ have seen it in its travels 11 1 riiss t he sun's faee. t hex have made j pji-t ure;, of il ami ! lie\ ha \ e ineasm ,1! it w nil 1 he in •-( runieiit s aci epled |,y si lein e, to Inn! 1 hai il has (iiKiiih il in us si/.- m ten din s I'hox ■ i< \\ 11 uwa.v v, 0 Ii regret and now t In \ ii,-.' ,m\ ?:-. \>. ail im: in." 1 ••■ • h;ii .1 « 'II I. ■ on \ iew again miles . it i,,1 .;ni si.l.'i racked soni" how and • ~,■ ~. I he w 1 nils .Use ..I I he monster orli ..I lire \lt. . il. scribing ii storm lull ■■ of im!.'.. 01 ;n ea. beside "i\ hi' hj I he w 01 si iiier In • ./." . it .seems ii hi 1 ';•' rnil.'u ' jo .e. to refer I " il as a sun : p->' , rii,,t li.iM'H'i' is 1 ii" de>i'.:nai !.>s ol _,,■■„■ ~ ~ f,., .til sin '1 sol.ll ol' i [ I in . 1 ,-,i 1' sun sj.oi Mil', l.rsl ~|,...-r-.e'l .il ' he i I'il . I His r\ iit.ii'. . ..n SMiuda; . < iel 1 .">. by I'm.i I :du,g. who was -no ■■) in making nl's-ri ;il nuts 1..\ I 'r .1 ohn \ It, ;,. hear 1 he lot-met 011.-'tor. ami , I ... i ' .-.chie-imp" . t i,e present lie j I','Cl ,:, ~| 1 he 11b -.-r\ ati" \ . II 111111 l I lake li;,".' .-11 l I 1 1 eelll lens .. milt '. minutes ~, uppri ciaie t ■ I he\ «... ere W .1 ("I ! i ■ e ' lllllel ll'M" \ e| \ |, ; ' I'li.-v rmide\ ai iom. I lirom.'li : m,,! , .1 "I s .1 00k ■ nine rapid meas- '. ineinetn ... iii d began '.' serai 1 " 1 heir Lends. I In-ii 1 iiry (put to talk it 0\ i'l i.rsi ~-i 1 r.i: i> out . ItOWeS IT, II:;, 1 , : l.ii e be: »;is .Sum: mi I he ..... ~. ,| 11 w ,ed<l he u idl 10l 1 hose \ j I I he i'l 111 I U' 'lllll' COlllll '" "Ol ■mil.. 1! : his' and w a idled t he si 01 in j',' t ■ I. 'II •; mad- ils /.bs.-:'-. atiollS phere What Hi. Is'. oliserv et s s'il w ; „ ;l . ~;,!, ;, ■ ;w,| 01, the Mill ilfll't' ~1!. SiUelll I lie lie; i:.' mi t ion. The following aft'-ni I hj" storm had i nit ell. d well into I he . astern i dise ol di.< sun and the AI locjieiiy j ~|,S"l".ers 1 imk atiol her look I'lley w ei .- silt prised I o find i lull l he reI j.i.,11 ol r,'. clonic in! i \ 11;,, bad vn it l.\ ' ,n." ea-ed It w as I hen I hat tiie\ ' measured il ami in and found hj s dia- ■ meter Til. dies, and it-, area :">, 1 j,,, eer than i he famous : un spot ol : (let ober, 1 '.Mi I .1 ust mi" \\ eek la i <■■: j n was measured again by ' "ill her I'i i a ; d .it tii" Santa t 'lilia . 'll oil ' : ei \ alor.r and found to ha\ übled ' in so. I I Wiis I hen well ill I lie west ern di" of the sun. 1: (tikes the sun (wciit.v fix c diis s to on i! •■ n\ is, a ml i in ' let . •'/, I lie I'm, r;, clone passed nil' "t sml.t (>iil' friend. I he big c\chme. is the jari;.-.' I of a number of t hose solar which have been cut ting up mi i he sun ■ jure i '.li » '. a ml u 111 |U'i ibti bl\ keep ii ! i I Willi re or less \ I. deuce i,i,i 11 I'M" !>r. lb it:-hear : ,a\ s i li.u 11,.-.. opeiiile m periods ol eleven \ ear... st art ing mildl; enough, re.n hj ji,M ,-, I'e.n nil m.i Milium, and I hen pus | |, ~ : [i-asl , • .1 feme Dm ing t Im; i Hue t here will not !»■ a sun > put m sight ,\s a mat i'i' "f fad no a: i roiinnicT : j,, its e,o ,iet> V\ hut is • ii t hi-.-iiigh i 1,,- hiises. and w hal is phol ngraphed (,\ I lie aid nl that wonderful instrument, i he sped i o-lie] mgi a I'll , i' sim|iI'. a huge rent in t he geseoilS curl a ill j t'h.'ii envelopes t he sum I'bis great i gash H is I hat looms mil black a ; gainst I he bt iilianl bod.v o| i hj lal i orb. ami i ha* has come lo be know n : as t he sun spot 11 i: iinderi.eii i Ii j I his curl ain t hill I he mon: I -i -> chme is performing its appalling g.vra i ions. The rent in I he incaii- | descent , gaseous flivolope is simply | ;i moiil hj to t he huge filimol 1 \\ hose ; lower extremity is forever hidden from human eves. i S'robably no phenomena in aslrono- ■ my, .says I>r. Schlesinger, are more signilicant. .ii-; rt'gards lerresl rial ai fairs than t Int sun <-\ clones. 'I hei " is evidence that the increasing ael i\ it \ ol t he sun, as .shown by such storms as the one now raging, is having an influence on almost e'ery phase of t I art hj life, k'nr iiisl aii'.'e. : n\ - Hr .-mhl.''r. it is not be.\ olid i he bounds ol possitjilil ,\ I hut m ' ive st ml-, of .sun spots ma., had lo longdis< a in e prrKlictions coneeriiing the weather and crops. It m,v.\ even l>erntiii! from such stmb, lo predict til'' price ol wheat \ ea is iihend, as, ind.<-<!. one astronomer already claims to be able to do Thv fuel which pt;v*i, subHtaJicv to t)Oti ixjHaibiJitv. JUi . Schlosuu'.cr su^'s.

is I hal whon a sun oyr.lon« < rosm , the sun's niondian and w-nds itsolei 'l.rical radiations squarely down n Ihe earth's surfari! lerrcstrinl '-If I rical storms are certain to follov 'l'll.'s<' may lake the form of earthl, Of ' loudhursls or of to ivntial rains, or. if tin- sun spot 1 smaller, of i-nrili storms Ix-m-firis in character, instead of dcslrurtiv 111.' m'l'iit sun r\ clone which lu i l just passed '"it of sighl has ni •j I n followed by an.v elect rical di > I t urhaiice here. Lan i his, in ihe opii • ion of 11|-. Schhsiiiecr, is due to 11 r | fael I hat at the t iinc the sun si" i J reached it s inei iiiian it must ha i I j sent iis . hctriral radiations alms ■ I or In-low the ran It's orbit al posit ioi r | .1 w- 1 as the big r\ clone was hurr; I I in;.' out ol view, and uus hei lie , s j |\ watched b.\ Mr. I'.ras-hear and M j t ,ihlh \:;. t hey not iced anot Iht iii<-i i ! sun s| ni i>ii) erinr, on t he east ecu nh eI oi ihe solar disc. I >r. I'>i ashoa r s;v\ i j t hai all hough no measurements lur s I\ ei been i a ken of this new -comer, e i must cos it at least an area of '2< >< i inn i.iiiki si|iia re mi |es. 'l'll is spot ■ ' now follow inn 'lose on the heels i i mis L'iant predecessor, lint after a I" I ii is only a piker. t ; Wlitil may happen in the way t - ; ierri'si rial si onus when these t w ! I solar c\ clones attain reach ihe sun • i meridian can onl\ be conjcel urcd. i | t !i"ir e!ed rical radial ions t his till - !si ri!<e t lie earl h's surface, it is r>n I bable t hal we shall g»d an uniisui I brand of November weather. f j Special ills 1 rumen' s, a inong tl ,' most cost |\ and elaborate in tl s | world. ha\e been put in |dace in \ I I !.'i'hen\ Obsrrvat or> . and in\ est - j jial ions, far more searching; in 'ha i | aider I han an.\ previously undo I j lake., t here, will be made in sol; i | ph\ sirs b\ Mrs. Schlesilißcr Hit l | (•,,',•! j s ~,, | |,e reappearance of t I 1 'big storm to- row.— "N. Y. World

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Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 7

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SUN'S TERRIBLE CYCLONE. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 7

SUN'S TERRIBLE CYCLONE. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 7