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Tn Iho recent t!oii«-nil . : lci;tion in Great iirt t :tin , the total Labor vote exeeede-d Ualfa- million. W<: may now Hay ;_'ooi!-hye To Ll.o 'long doeloi'.-, mil-, To llse <:oii;;lis and tin-. colds Ami tin.' various chill--. |'\u- the high si is* I l.i»i low, rim rich a. il the powill .\'(! found nil lln.'.V need— Wood's IVpißTlHllit. Cine. " There ia an »»1«1 proverb thai a m.'.n bemiii'i what no istiir..-" "Then 1 all the cannibals will he missionaries in tiini.-. - ' 1 Imri'-bi c.iiify thai if suil'erois from uuustip.trion, i.nliijestii'ii, iivui- and mom-acli complaints, will lake niy itioii ISUS7B. known a-. No.vnl, ae.c'irdiiij.' 1,0 the d ;reeilon.s CL the hottlo, it v/ill care I Din —Signed, j. (Jroa-il aid, M.I), vJohl ev i) a aero hy all r.alei.t mcdicii.o vumio s at '2a p .t bottle. Nearly nil tiio troubles winch vex humanity, Hays u contemporary, cui he traced lo yellow metal, yellow- labor, o.- y.liow iiair. What's Lho matter, old boy? Why, you are a:; cross as u bear. Liver out of order '! Well, |/,Ct .-Olil.: of Ur CroiisUuill'M NoXOI, It will fix you ; it is a gieai medicine audit cure..", Via, at chemist; and stores. A Drunr.noinl ('.inner ohtai.niM Is 1 Oil for his oats del vcl-cd it the r.iiLvay, and a llivcitou farmer <.;< A. JL IhV I on Sauu day. ]ii: Cron.slam'.'.i Noxol BUsi'ii Ihu sluggish liver and put.-i it into y.iul wnrkimj uiUr wuiioui caii.iiii(„< fjripi"",, nau.-ea, or other disagreeable. ...lie.:'.-. J. ■ is a marvojlous iii.-d'cine In - indk'c.iiion and ooii->tip.i tiOu. J'ry il to-day. -2i :u oiiemist.s and ntores. Do not allow that cmi-il ip .tion to continue Chock it whde. thor.j m yet a on.mce. Lidieodinit, constipation a;ie rein/.;-, breath, till lollow in iin train, C-i:.' tin: coiiafipation wiih !.>r Ciua:shuuli lSysul ; _•: at uhcuiistH and store .

Mother Nature, M.I). When sulie.ine from a cough or cold, you Wan! to take Chamberlain's Cough Kcme-iy, it act- on Nature's pi in by loosening the eoid, relieving the lungs, and making exp"ot.oration easy. P.easant ti take, 8-ife, and .-iways cares For fille by all d.ealers. the pi ofa-sion .1 cl.nnpiou ■| r ni.-r of N Z. a, d |{,. llomigaa of N.S.W. met at Wellington in Wednesday for £./0 aaide. Moii.igau wen by four inches, in lo so onds. For Bronchial Coughs and Colds, Wo ds ; (.'real Peppermint Cure, 1/0 .and 2/(i per Pottle. Constipation. For constipation, there is nothing quite so nice, as Chamberlain's .Stomach and liver tablets. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, without any (lis■■givjuiblo effect. For sale by all dealer-. Treat it Properly. ( weaken the lungs, lower the vitality and pave the way tor Pneumonia always results from a cold, or from au attack of influenza. Give every cold the atteiriun it deserves ; treat; it promptly and pioperly. What should you do? There is but one answer. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always cure-. For sale by till dealers A miner in British Columbia was fined £JSO for working more that eight bou.ts a day. Burns and Scald?. l'A'cu the slightest, burn or scald will raise a blister, and often lead to a painful and chronic sore. Instantly after a burn apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which will relieve the pain and in most cases prevent the formation of a blister or No ordinary accident is so likely to lead to dangerous results as a burn or scald, and if Chamberlain's Pain Halm wan good for nothing else, it would still be a remedy that no household sh uiid ever be without. For sale by all dealers. A Mother's Recommendation, Mrs Mary Gray, Wagonga (N.S.W.), writes : —•' Chamberlains Ccugh Pucmody has a splendid reputation in ihis district, and I know of man}' cases where acute Croup and Bronchitis have been cured. I had been a sufferer from Bronchial Asthma for many years and never found any treatment that would relieve me, until I commenced taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that completely cured me. It has never failed to cure coughs or chest complaints among the member.-, of my family. I always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Re medy in the house, and would advise all mothers to do likewise. 1 ' For sale by all dealers. It is 65 years sines New Zealand was proclaimed independent of New South Wales. MR WOLLAND'S JTISSTIMONY". Mr W. Wollaud, butcher, Tory Street, Wellington, is another who bears testimony o the marvellous powers of Rin:i7MO in caring ri.ouniafism. He writes : — ; ' I snfferea severely from rheumatism until I tried your RiiKUMo. Since that 1 have recommended it in many, will very good results." HiiKtiiw, if given a fair trial, wi'l cure you f rheumatism, g nit, sciatica, lumbago, and kiudred diseases, It neutralises and drives out the uric acid, which i.s the real cause of the disease. 'Pry it. Sold everywhere 2s 6il and 4s Od a bottl.. TO Till'] I.)K.VF.~A rich lady, cured of her iV-afness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, has sent 11,000 to his Institute, so that, deaf people unabie to procure the Far Drums may have them free, Apply to Department C. W. The Institute, " Longcott," Uunnersbury, Loudou, W., England. I'lll'.i.ATAl FK-lInXS AND tfOARsr.NF.SK.—AII sußoring f-en irritation of the throat ami hoarseness will lie suri>ns.'il at flu- almost, "imuiidiat.: relief ,nm-i!eTli\ tlic'ngi.' of " Ulown'd ISroiiininl Tioehe:-." n,i-M. famous '" ir./.e.i-.-s" are :; )w sold bv most .... -. -ai.le el.emisLs in this comitiy. I\-i.lo f.roail.lcil with a " luiekiiis; e ;li," .". ' slight eoid "or hj . luiil aiTo.-t.i.niH emmet try ttieui I. .. -.aoe, as .; i.,,- i:.iiil)'u.?lf.\l!..nv..l lopi.. •less.h' ■• a 1" .loi'Miarv viid Ahdnaatle .iiVi'el'ii.iis. Si:-j I' tie i, o!.i "1.'r.•.■... s !>!■..n.■.-lialT.r. ehes"are on the Gov ■».- :i.i,t Sl'.mii. aratuid v.'ieli liox.—rieiiaied by John U :,.o'.\N fc tiiiss, lioston, thiii'.ct Slates. Kir ocean Do X . :;:;. farrin-'ilon it >mi, Loii.'inn Kiivhind. KKATINH'S I'OWDKIi" destroys IiUOS, t'J.KAS MiVi'llS, ItKKTl.!■'.*, and all other insects, wm'lst mite leinnie-s to di'.inest ie animals. In extenniiia ['ii,-- i'.eetles t tie sueeess e.l tills powiler is extraoit !i,i"ii-V It is peril My clean in application. the o-.i.le eon piuvha-a is " K K,\TI Nti'S," i.e., w.tii the -; •■■ ■ rare 't'llii.M AS li i;a i i.Nti on ~/.,•;. tin, as inn 1,1 „ are rioxiou- and ineir-.etaal. Sold in tin-, ltd md Is i ae.i, !.\ all e.hoaiisi.s. \ »t.i' Mn.i: !>is> iwk.ijV i nit IIIK H Alt. —Tf -lOiuhui oev or white, or lalline o.'t. i'se"Xl.e M Mean '"lh.ii 'litiiewer," or it will poMthelv resloie •■„ .... r\ ca-i! ilri'V v » hit.e hair to its orieinai vol.a , .1.1...ut 10... io- tlu: .lisaoreeanle sue.ll of most, " He- , .a-s : ' it mates the hair rimrnii; u;lv beautiful, an ~- i: in . uorue,' the urentli o' the hair on bald s .o-.i wie ie :'a« -,' l mil- arn not dee aval. Asi; p.: r C i in -I >.)'■ " Tui. Mkxican Haih Iti'.Nl'.WKM," sold bv O ..i,, st. .md feiiu.iH!!-.- e-uvvwiiere. Wliolesaliqi ; t ! a '-..•-iuiol'iil l.'oa.i,, Kti-land. Aiivn •,.. :n Mol'lll'.lis. Are Vim tin.Ken In Vo'n rust i, v n -iek ehild eeTerm- ..•;!.!> the paiit of-'.-o: I!." at i.ll-e 1.. i a eh.inline ■JlAjtitfOt a hett.le of he. '-Vis -low's SoonilXii Svinir . flwMi relieve the ■ i .or .-liile-ei imiiK'di lUly. It, is p rli.clh harmle s ' ,d pie. i-a wl lo :,.,.S'.e, II |n'liiille..'S .■.0,0:0, ij-,11. 1 ,I t . , 11, re'i viie. I,lm ehild Horn -.ain, tml the lit,! e ui-rnli ..wane-a. " bn...'llt ;i.s a button." 11. soooi.n-.-.s 111. eiiild, ii aliens till' U'Utiis, ailaes till pain, re lie'. -.•!. wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best •iiiown reinedv for dvsuiitrv ami iliiurhteti, wnitl.'ei oi ini; from teetliiii'/er otlitir etills.;s. Mrs Vonstim't •iout.liiiiy -Syrup is sold by .Medicine dealer., uveijw ere I'l.oltll.lNK. Putt TIIK TKKTII ANl> UriKATH. A tew ilops of the liiptiJ " florilini! ' spi-inlcltid on a wet .-h-bntsh produees 11 pleasant, lather, ivhieh UlO .uiahly eleansi s tlie t.eeih [remall paiasitos or inipil dies, iro'lens Lite .'inns, in'everifs tartar, stojiS d '.e ,'-rives tn t.lii! t.'elh a p • •r.h:ir pearly white. ~.-..*; and a .1. ii-iitful fra-rnnec to the hi eath. It rein nes all uiipleasuiit.oiliiurari.iiii,' from decayed t e'tlmr t.oo 1 • oi n ».:. " t'he Piarrrant l'leriliue," b it.a' eoiiiposid in part of !i mej and sweet, herbs, , lieii.-.e.uj lo the t,.t.-te, ami tile -leniesr. toilet, ill ■ 1: n-ei-y of the ace. Oi all t.'lieiusts and Perfumers. Whulesalo Jojiot :!:i, Karriuadon Kitul 1.0 aieli. KiiL'-laud

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Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5

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NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5

NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5