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Burnside Stock Sale.

Fat Cattle—Best bullocks jGS 15s to £lO, extra £ll 10s, medium £6 10s to L 7 15s, light L 5 15s, heifers and cows i/I 15s. Fat Sheep.—About 2600 penned, the bulk ewes with a pen or two extra primn wethers. Prices were perhaps a little better but there was no quotable increas-'. Rest wethers 19s 6d to 21s Oil, extra to 255, good do 17s to 10s best ewes 1-ia to 16s 6d, extra to 17s Od good do lis to 12*. Invorcargill. Best steers L 9 15s to L 7 10s, medium L 7 03 to 1.5, bust heifers LS 5s to L 7 10s, medium to poor 17 2s Oil to L 4 15s. Fat Sheep.—looo yarded. Keen demand for good Ireee/.ers, both wother and ewe. Wethers 19« Id to 12s, ewes 10s Od to 10s 9d lambs 17s to 14*.

Store Sheep.— 2100 yarded. Forward wethers IGa 3d to Ms S.M. ewes 13s 6d to 9s 6(1, lambs lis to 9s, old ewes 7s to ss,

Weekly Market Boports, Mkssiw A. MoitlT/-a>N AND Co., auctioneers, wool, stock and station, grain, produce, and commission agents, eornei Bond and .1. tty Sir, is, Duucdin, repo: t (wholesale) as follows for the week. All ipu»t:iti'iii» subject to market fluol naluois : Oats.—This cerial is considerably firme with good inquiry but very lew lines of round, oats, one linn we quote prime milling 2h 3d, P» g ado 2s 2d, interior 2i. Wheat. Prices remain firm at; las: week's quotations. We quote : Prime velvet and Tuscan, from 3s 3d to 3s -ihd • red sorts, Id ler.s ; fowl wheat, scaioe, ->t ;>s. Barley.—Prime malting, -Is 3d to -Is 0.1 : pearling, 3s to 3* 3d ; feed barley, 2- Od. Cluff.—Market »«•''" himtng. Prime T. 3 15s. medium L 3 10-, inn riof L2 15s; wheaten straw 40.-. ; oaten -15*.

Prussian blue peas, -is Lo-Is Od per bushel Maize, 4.-< 9d. L're-sed sr.raw, L2. Carrots, done. Pressed hay, 1.3 ; pre-sed straw,

plentiful. Ryegrass :—Market excited, i'rices tirin lit fanners dressed :?.-. lid 10 o (ill, machine dressed 4s Oil to us Oil. Cookt-fiiot-. —No change In report Mai k« t remains .strong. Farmers bits "ti»l to •l.'i'l machined od to O.J-.1. New season's crop will be on the market shortly. Chewiugs Fescue.— Demand for this seed ia brisk, and price has gone up to -J.l for machined feed, fannoia' lots 2jd per lb. Rve corn, 2s (J.l to '2>. !') !. Seed samples

Potatoes.—Market firm at 10s tollapor cwt. Market bare.

We receive rabbitskins, hides, sheepskins and tallow, and return highest market rallies. We hold regular aules Hide".— Thu market, co dinues firm, We quote : Prime ox(.v.ont) fiom G;/d to 7Ail ; extra hiavy ox, f'.'id tii (i.+d ; mellium ox Gid to .OJd ; heavy cows oju to fijjd ; light ox and eow up to ;"i£d ; eall skins, up to Gd per lb for sou ml yearlings good, 7s to Cm 3d ; horse hides 8a to I '2s ; Cow tips, Is Did to la it;,! pir dizi.-n-Sheepskins- C.ossbreds, ex. heavy up to 12s Gd ; crossbred (sound pells) <Js to 10smedhmi 7* <sd to Sa lid, inferior Us to 7s, lambs (ex. good) up to 7-s Gd ; pells, (good) 4a to ss. All skins are Umr.ii.ghl} attended to, ai.d it green aie dried. iop prices guaranteed. Horsehair, 18. l d to 1(1^1. Cow hair, Sid to 10d. l'.eesw.x. I- tl wanted.

Kulil.Hskii!*. We hold weekly s-a/es. At I his v. ock s wait: there was a ri.-o ol I<l t 0 |i(l i,n iill i:lafcno.«. Sucker.-, 5.U1 lo (U'l ; RiiHimera Sd to IOW, curly a'.UiumiH I'JJM '.<> l.'Ud, ir.coinir," winters 14d to luii, early wiiiutm lf>.|d to Ktyi l , prime winter* (selected) up lo 2id ; sumine blacks., 12-! to Hiil. Tul'ow. Konjjli (.it., extra clear, lUa oil l„ Ms (iii : mntl.nn in o.ihUs, 23 i to 25s ; iiiaiifl for prime muMoii tallow fro.n 21s to •22s ; lailow. Ids 0 1 to '2oo. We have inquiry for ex, good mutton, in ci.skn, ;ii 23s to 255.

(.'iii'ViY !S.U,KS coiuliiel ed on ,:.<>.st reason able, terms.

We supply Uabbit ■Hid Sheep Netting and give special ijuutuLions by tlie iniie. Oil (/ike in mock.

KartneiH r'airiiank;Hooll> scales, 1.5 IDs. Cio'.vii Sucep Dip, 'U i'd per gallon in di'iiiiiH, ii.i in easka. red and black Sheep Kr.imlin Oil, 4s per '•ailolt. |',ilil< r Ilexes. - We can supply s:iib lustier litixes with vegetable paaohnient lining, at 18s per iio/.i.n. Uil.soii's Ciiltln Unuid.-- Wu quote '.)» lor Hinall and 15s for I ins. .Slack ("avers, 111 X J'S, 4(K

We are agents for KhvludV: l.'itenl, Woo! press. Can he inspected ill out stonMM each.

(Jlovor, Rape, and Tnniip .Seeds all freshly landed. Prices on application. OraSK Seed Cleaning : Our niaenhiciy is up-U) date. We have just added a clover polklicr and ilh wo have a, nuoli lie oi the latest type for each kind of ucud, wo yivo roni 5 to 10 per cent, Letter ol a.umg rculu tlui.ii a mucttinu which cleans nil yeed-i, \vu also store seed froe'-of chaise until cleaned and keep same ihsurai.

Wo have erect cil a crusher tun I kibbler, and arc now prepared U> crush grain, linseed, and kibble peas and beans. St-.ring (Jmil'. —We are pr luml to store, receive, deliver and insure vw i 111 Ihn.-o months'fret. storav;e at :>d per sack. Our stores are connected witll tm. railway by private siding. Sa. Us— 2nd hand irrain sacks I'm I'M to f>s ; good flour s-ai:ki> ii- (J.i do/., FHIHT AND I■ii <> I > I;': I ■•. KKl'iiltl'. Defiance dried milk lis Sid p-.-r dozen, 4 dozen ill case. ISulter : Prime-salt, 9<p! (, 0 Jo I ; sep-ira-10.-lOd in bulls; factory, lid; m bulk. ||l.|. Kggs.—ls 10 i to Is lid'.i ; 1., I.'" to la I'd preserved (slow of sale). Unions —Ss (id to 10.-. CUKKUK! Akaro.i, fUd ; loaf, ;jfd, Factory 6Jd. Money, HAil tn 4d ; in small tins, -Jd to •l.'.d ; section honey, 4s lid to 7* U;i pe. don. "Walnuts, 4.U1 lo oA I wanted. I'onltry (local). —ileus, 2i (Jd to 3s : roosters, 8* to 4s ;, 4s 1;o (Is ; ducks, os to 4a : turkeys, hens »•!, cocks 7d per lb, live weiuht., Poultry (foi export)— Hens, ."Sib to 4!!., 2s (id ; (lucks, -lib and over, .'ss (id • choice and heavy, S.i 9d to 4s ; chickens 2.J11) to-ill) and nivr, 2s (Jd to 3s !) i ; choice and heavy, 4a to 4s G-.l ; turkey lien, fid per 11), cocks 7<l per I'd f;ceof railage if consigned to Agricultural Department, Apply for labels and "particular.-. Please take note that all poultry must be iorwardsd to the Department not than Thursday to arrive here. iIACOX : Rolls, Qhdiold ; hams, '/ii to 7i-d sides C>b<\ to (id. Pigs : SToi* sizes up to KJOI-'s, 3.Jd ; weights, M : yl to S.Jil. Fruit by every steamer. Victory s Egg Preservative, 20s Od per case. P.O. order must accompany order sent. For sale a good country store (general) old business apply for part oulars. Mkssrs Wateiis, Ritchie and Co., auctioneers, wool, stock, grain, produce, and commission agents, report (wholesale) for the week as under. All quotations are subject to market fluctuations : Wheat.—Market very firm. We quote Best new velvet and Tuscan, 3s 4d to 3s u i ; medium,3s 3d ; fowl wheat, 3a to 3s Jd (sack.--extra), Oats.—Viry few offrring. Milling, 2s Id to 2a ,'ld ; bright short feed, 2s ; interior, Is lOd. Barley—We have a good demand for prime inalting samples. Rabb'tskins. Auction sides every fortnight during the oil' season. We offered a fair catalogue this week, when competition was very brisk and prices ruled firm. Suckers and mincers, 5.1 to 7d ; autumns, 12Jtcl to 15d ; summers, 7.1 to lid per lb. Sheepskins—We held our usual weekly sale on Tuesday. We. quote: Pulls, Is ill to 4s ; crossbred, 4s (id lo lis ; ox..ra, 7s to 8:s (Id; merino, 4'.. to 5 ; ; extra Gto 7s. liiiles—We hold fortnightly sales. Prime ox Od to <lo, od to fi.'d ; li'jtht do, ">.i :o r,l\ ; calfskins, Is !)d to 4s ; yearlings, lis 6d o 7s (id ; horse hides, 6s Od to lis (5.1 each. Tallow—Hough fat, 13s to 14s Od ; tallow in tin?, lo.s to ISs; casks, Ills to 21s per cwt. Horsehair—Keen demand horn J7d to 18d per lb. We store and dress all classes ;>f seed and grain. All our machinery is of the latest and most ellect ive design, and is operated by pnctioal men of long exper'ence. Seeds. —Wt have now on Hale a specially selected stuck of grass and clover seeds w ich we quote as follows: Heavy machined ryegrass 3s Od in a;, medium .'vs Od to4-=3d,'cnck.-foui I.'. Ito fUd, had all 4s .'! i :.,4s (id, white clover (Od lo Is Id, al-ike Od I.:. 10 1. oovrgr.iss Md to !(>.!, Tiiii.»th\ 'id. Samp!, aon aep'.ie.iti .n. Orr's (j.dir.nd.i!: L'he-tleW ~> Destroyer (u.-ed by tie N'.Z. (Javernmci't). >'■ e supply this in Igal tins at !'.N, and fig d ■ hums m. 8s per »al. it is easily appllcu and thurotuthly effective. We recommend a trial. cii'.net:at. it.citci'. ?:i:i-okt. BiiMui—'. sab, fid to Od per ib : dairy buner (in pa's). SI per lb. [.] ..-Maiket linn at. Ii !od. H?,T,ev—3d old per lb. Cheese-O.H P''r 11. r.acim—K-dls lii'd, hj "i>s /■:'• l'— In rood deinan i at 'S.fd, heavy weights to 3d. Poultry—(Local), roosters 2- 0 1 to 3- p-r pair, hens 2s fid pel pair, ducks .'!s to 3s 3d per pair. (Kxport), we have received increased ordefa tor South Allien. I'.ill p iiticuiara on applie itiou. Pun-bred piolir;, : If you wish to ourclnese or have any siock for sale, write to us. W<■ euli gnaraulee you saU-i'ae:iou. Ni,;e Ail export poobry is earned raila-e fi,-e if consigned to the I) partme'.H of A'J,<<.culture. We suppl\ crates on loa.i.

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Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5

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AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5

AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2117, 10 May 1906, Page 5