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WJLL UIVE SECIttiT TO HUMANITY in a n i;aii. m;u ue.mlody is not a sum m ()|{ A V U'CINIO AND IS NOT A L'KE\ KNTIYK HUT A CUKE. The complete downfall of ihe Koch t hooeies ;i ml s In> (|i>iinili! ruin of llk i lirnr,'. I luil ho\ inc t übereulosis is ( rniisniis.sible In Liu* limiuin Mperies is I lir rosull in lh" prosenl Tuberculosis ('oil!.-Ti'M- in Paris, ; i <<■'>•■ clj 11 ;_V lo Prof. Itehl'illg, discoverer i)l' (lII' lllltiili pi herd ic si'i'iiin. a rcpi i'.simil al i\ r appointed by Hit! Kaiser himself, says (he "New York World." The '•World" rorrespnndenl railed on Ihe celebrated savant, who declared that he di'l not. I.iran to nniiiiimre tin' cure of tuberculosis hex i yea r, and in the mean t iine w oii'.d maiiii ain in\ iolnble secrecy alimit it . Propping Ihe stllijecl of the discov. fvy, I'rof. liohi ing' said : '■The t henries of I he I'Vencii school, which wore always strongly contrasted with I he. (ii'i'iitnit, mow seem t riuniphant ; Kronrh students always insisted that (he st el ili/a lii ill of milk was one of the tremendous preventive measures, insist in;.'., as now seems the unanimous opinion of the congress, thai. Ihe bovine bacillus was i',ir more dangerous than Ihe human bacillus itself. Investigat ions in the lasi two years have brought a vast majority of the liesl equipped authorities lo I lie holief thai (he most dhrncious meiins of checking the disease, which is so ra \ acini;' Ihe populal ion everv w her.', lies in ihe isolation of the tuberculosis patient even in the earliest stages and development of sanatoria schemes. with more a t len I ion lo ultimate cum (han is i lie keynote oi the congress, which realizes the (ruth that lube.rcotilosis is not hereditary, in thousands of cases being due to the ill dilTcrenrp with one affected member of a family is allowed to contaminate others. ' •| believe that from I lie date of I Ills mod me. t lie di pad disease will he foughi with more common-sense measures than before." WILL MAKK IT ITHLIi: \KXT \ KAN i.'elel | ing |() his IIISCOV "TV . Prof. Iteliring said : '' As in lhe case ol mv ami di p- : heretic serum, I feel I have a right. 0 i'iiih' siune iif ihe pecunia i \ fruits ii up. di-i o\ er.\ , in order I o enn hie ne in undertake other imporlant research work later on. Therefore I lave conlided Hi'. I he.ic, only lo \lei rhnikall and Koiix. ol I he Pasteur ! nst it in e I will announce all the letails next summer. and not long ii: .■! w.t !■(! cease receiving an; linan•i.ll i ii'llf lit uha lexer I I'm.l ii . '' l'i ic the mi iiiieiit , 1 nia.v sa -. m.v •ure is not ,i serum or a vaccine, ii Hid I soleh avow in cut ire con-, ieii.a in ihe I lioriiughn. '-s and I'mullt.v ii t his cure, w hieh is ihe i ulminal in:; ore anollu'l' venr has passed ihe vol Id w ill be in posse: • ion ol a sec VI \- Ilich w ill • pei-dil." . mi it ol ulie i! i lie "real oi plagues." I 'mi I '..-bring s cu i•• is a pi ivrder ■ In, hj he call* ■•T.\." I'rof I'.ekring ii\ es on a la: .:•• niedi ■ al farm near Marburg he is a pmessor at 'be I uivei sit; of lie, liu md a personal ii iend of ihe Kaiser, \ In. has increas. d his salnr.v in nuler ~ eililble him i.l ll.'V ole his I line to iibei culi.-i- ic: .-arches mi a large ;c;,|e On hi' 1,1111! ol I"" acres 'mi. U.I line has not less Mian lon ~ws a- well a- several hundred imsi's ;,i',,| ~i ];.■! animal* I'll.' elll.'Cel- e COSI S 111 I lie 111 I ..' 11l lOlirlll '. "i of It has been Lie.'\n lot' Iwo Venn, hat I'm! I'.chi iii- \- as in th" t rack , a . but the sa\ c.iul ded in only lev. i :.-r,ne,i mi iimiii ■ ami member:'. ,l Ihe I'.,- leiir Ins! llule In . Mai 1 Meili, ine that he had discovered I nheicil.e.l-. .' erum did iml me. I ilh succ. -ss. w ili ae.a in i epea I I hai p serum i- a deliniie cure for .he i, ea>" unless cabal-. I ee|. him from | el ime a chance i o read hi paper. The work hi Ihe cougiess has ! II an ied mi in tbe most ml crest iie: lallllel I lie Ii! St S.'l I llSCIls: es he g.-ueral seiciit ilic phases ol Ihe isease : Ihe second : eel urn examines he charact.v" of t he iii adult s oecl h.-r Wit ll pl'.'V enl iv e im-asm •• i : he I bird : I udies Ibe i-.rovv 11l of 111 ecclosis -. m: children, sugges! i» measures lieccssan to lake lo .olate children at birth nun. al'fecl ,1 parenls. and ibe foiu I hj i-. discus iiu; : iibei .miosis Ir-un t be sl andpoiiil I lis social coliscipiences. i| s effect n Ihe labour i|Ue: i it s I esul' s I |, ...... ■) mi.; the Illt.'H.'Cl Mil! and lorai lone of Ihe i in Iv , ils neourngeuient ol alcoholism and I her v ices, and its :;. ■l l ein I : low bill lie del el'ioral i.m of Ihe rail I'ii.i I'.ehring announeeiiient oi is (lisc.iv erv ol a ' Ul'e for | libel rill - sis b.v medical ion is rev obit iouar.v, ! is the most sensational and im nrtaiit announce nl thai has em naied from a member ol i he medical mfes .inn i n recent s ears. I I collie:; l a i ime w hen Ihe I tea i meni of Ibe great white I'biL'.u. in s.'vnit ariiims ml. a.en dm:: to the I henries of Ihe ■•know ledged be:.l aill hoi ll ies. had i Him,l l eil ihe use oi medien lion for ie desl ,ll.| i ,f (he (lea.ll.'. bacillus I >r. Kmil von Itohl ing was formerl.v Kussian arm.v surgeon, and is a cofessor of the I'niv ersit.v of Mar ure.. I .'.u main .at wlt ich i nst 11 u I ion' • founded ihe I nst it tile of l-'.xperi enl al Therapeiil ics. I'm il now his line rested upon his brilliant disiver.v of the serum deadl.v lo the ■ihi of diptheria. and in lhe fad lal In was deeply engaged in seek :• a prev en II ve and cure in I liber ilosis nl the lungs His (liptherin • ruin has come (~ |,,. recognised iroiighoui Ihe civilized w odd as a lecilic. and as one ol the greatest ions conferred upon human kind, l>r. Iteliring aimoimceil his ilisiv erv as In ilipt hei ia in lhe lal tor ill of I SUM. In Ihe follow im.: \ ear ,-l'lill recorded its IoVVI'SI deal ll I'll 1■ ' urn dipt heria. w Inn onl.v H'i'.l deal hs 'Sidled, as againsl from 1 :»<><• to mi ii i in pre\ hois \ea is I'm' I his •Ili licence alone llr. I'.ehl'ilig was ~ aided t he Xoliel prize for I he most ilunble discov ei.v in medicine, was •ealed ii noble l,y Hie Kaiser, who ' so appointed him In membership in ie Prussian I'riv.v f'oiincil, Hie first l\ sieia II In I'ecei \ e I his 110111 111 I*, Idle large sums were Set apart b.v i rioiis count lies and munii ipal il ies I' Ihe pros.'Clll ion nl Ihe discov ec.v . ill' a I iine Ihe coll eel ness of I »r. ; ■hriiie'.. icsiills was ipiesti I by i dlieu! bacl eroloi;isl ■ . anion,; ol hel S i e great l'i oi . Virclion, of liei'lin. il luiaJlv his discove.rv was miaiii-

1 moitsly acknowledged to be an e.pocf making cure. At, l.lie time of Ihe discovery l)r | Behring was Director of the lfy ! genie Institute at Halle, at. whos( ! univ ersit y he also lectured, lie v.a: ja de.sciplo of the noted Koch, work- ; ing for years in his laboratory, froir \ whom, hiiu'i'ViT. he appears to radically differ in his theories concern ing Ihe germs of tuberculosis. Whei he had proceeded to a certain point j in his researches for a diptheric curi he called in dr. Aaroiisohn, of Her lin, and Dr. I'otis, of I'aris. and will: t hem complel ed Ihe in v ent ion. The first lo benefit by the serum were a unmoor of children in Heligoland, whose country physician, !>r Werner, Ik'hring's friend, volunteered to try Ihe new remedv . I lis reportfmi the results were very enthusiast ic. The suggestion by Mr. ('.earing that he expects a large money considera t ion before he gives to Ihe world the secret of his cure for consiiiupl ion must not be I to mean t hat he is mercenary. No more altruistic savant ever \\\ ed, it is declared. The dncior has contributed t he proceeds of the Nobel Prize, .C 7.000, and e | .mm received from one-half of Ihe French prize awarded to him. to the institute of research at Warburg, and has also used freely in research his own fluids earned as teacher and lecturer.

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Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 7

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BEHRING WILL RID WORLD OF CONSUMPTION. Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 7

BEHRING WILL RID WORLD OF CONSUMPTION. Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 7