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Klee!ric No ‘2 tops dredging returns— 7mz. No limn; pain, no uion; hail liver troubles. A remedy has been found —Dr Ocisslaud’s Ni .vd—which is a een-im cun; fur indigestion, constipation, liver and stomach troubles. Try it—*Js at chemists and stores. Dndg ng roiun.s tit.'.l !t21!3. To those who cough, and those who need To frequeol ly to Mow their noses At church or at public meetings, heed The secret that my pen discloses. No need to he, a mins,me now, To man or child or maid demure. Ilr.w can you stop? 1 ted yon how, Dose up with Wood.-.’ Peppermint (Jure. Thro it irh ti train d..r;, iling a fireman at Kalpnorlie was roasted to death by the engine. IMlhiliMO SOON UlIKKI) HIM. A few i.o-ni, of Uni;i:.'M soon eared Mr Geo. Collcdgthe \\ : kmiirii Wellington Master Marnier. He writes :—“ 1. was at.? acl.i d with ihe matin gout. My feet v, re mm hj ewe!lew. Mid o very painful that 1 had So In- pm hj a lie, rng of your ear ; ,•!• • . ;1 1,. 1 sea f,r a h-.ltlc of JiiIKCMO, and after laLing a few d > ,es the oll'eat was magical -the severe pain left and the swelling disappeared : 1 was soon on my feet again and alii" to go to work.” UIIKKMO is sold every u here at t!. (i ! and 4s (id ;i bottle. T'or llia.ueliitil (.'o-ighs and (dolls, W O dT (heal, i’ep.p’i mini (,'ure, l/d and ii for ihmh

Baby As Cough Must Never Linger. Nothing is more distressing than to see a helpless little infant sulk.ring with a cough, and to he fearful of using a remedy w inch may contain some b .rumil ingredient. '1 be makers of (Jhamberlain's CuugU Reumly positively guarantee that this preparai. on does not contain opium in any form, or any Other harmful subsiunuc. Motb-.-rs may confidently give this remedy to their little ones, ft gives pi- nipt relief, and i-i perfectly safe. It always cures, and cures qu ckly. Por sale by all dealers. You cannot, enjoy life if you are troubled with indigestion or constipation. But there is no occasion to sutler from such ; Dr Crossland’s great prescription inconstantly curing these troubles. 2, bottles at all patent medicine vendors. Dr Ooaslaud says that every man and woman whose Htomaeli is out of older must take his special prescription, BOS7S known as Noxol, if they wish to know wh.ifc good health is. This remedy Noxol in a sure thing for constipation, indigestion, liver and stomach complaints. 2s at chemists and Stores. Get a. bottle to-day. What is the great medicine that everyh dy is talking about? Why, Noxol, of course. Dr Cross) md’:; celebrated prescription 80573, one of the best known cures tor constipation, indigestion and liver disorders. Bold by chemists and stores at 2. per bottle. 50,000 p (.pie witneiecd the Olympic games iu Alliens, They Make You Keel Good. The pleasant purgative effect experienced by all win. u e CiiainherhiuTs Stomach anil Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of t he body ami mind which they create, maker one feci joyful. For sale by all dealers. Rheumatic S u try Mmy suHcitrs from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. In advising you i.o use Chamber lai ds Pain Bilm for Rheumatism, we know it will give you perfect satisfaction, as the first application will relievo the pain, and irs continued use for a short time will effect a cure. For sale by all dealers. There is an interruption in the eastern extension cable. Quito Different. The ordinary cough medicine may soothe 1 1io throat, but it has no power to heal ; recovery' L not complete-, and a .second attack is more liable to follow. Chamberlain's Gough Remedy is quite different, because it not only soothes, but also heal?, so th it the affected parts are restored to a healthy condition, and ihc danger of a future attack is removed. For sale by all dealers. Disastrous floods have occurred in Southland. Jiibl What Everyone Should Do. Mr .S. G. Mather, proprietor Chionic-le, Normantim (Q.), always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand, ready for emergency, fot there is no toiling when it may he needed. He says;—“'lt completely cured me of chronic dysentery, from which 1 bad suff’eied for years. J feel Confident that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved the life of my infant daughter, who. when teething, was severely attacked with diarrhoea, and was given up by tile doctors.” For Mile l.y all dealers. TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums, lias sent. j.1.00010 hie Institute, so Unit deaf people unable to procure the Eir Drums may have t.iiem free. Apply to Department CAV. The Institute, “ Longcott,” Gumieiaburv, London, W., England. TlllOl.vr M l-'KCI lONS AND riOARIiIiNKSS.—AII SUfTefil.g f u ll init.ifiaii of tie- tln-erit a’.-t h-arwm-a- will 1.0 uio-iainy sai-i-iisc.l at tin- almost- ' r. I.t-f itVor-i. (5 by ttu'Jcso of “’s Croncni.M Tlci-lie-.” rii.-sii 1 my “ 1.-..- i ” ire ii i»- solii l.y inert .iI at it* - in tliii coimtiy. IVr j o trout.n it witli n “ hacking en..gli,” ft ‘ slight cold ”or ), .n-'lii-al aitc -rl'-ns canm.l try tlu-m t •» soon, as S cl u 11.. nines if dlowi<l to piogn .-•s, l rvsiiJtJl!i se ao s i’ .anon .ry and Astiimntie alt;ctions, .Se.- Ttiat t iv-.ids “ Ur.evil's Dr in-ln:.! Tr-.eln-s"aro on I lie Goa r: • vi. -it .stamp around eachj box. -a:.g .Sons, Fo- .hi, I oil; ■ ii St.liiM tjii Lie N . lanii.g.l-.u Itmiii, l.ondmi Kngland. IvKATING’S t'OWl.ifili ” dv .troya tPjGS, KI.ICAS MOTHS, KT.IITI.KS, and all otlr.-r innec-tB, wuilst quite liarniti.'A* to domestic an:ma 1-. In extennina tin-.; beetles (lie success of this powder is evu-aoit diu’irv It i- perfv-tly el-.-au iu apl-be.iti-ni. See the :iri icle yon pnreliasc :- ‘ ’ tv K \ l’l N(.io ~ "ne .s gnaturo THOMAS K.RATING on Df.eli tin, as imi t aioi.; are n.ixioas and ineif: .il l in tin.-, td and Is i-:n;'.i, hv ail eiienii-U. Vai.faiili: lusoovitav run irm Urn —lf your lad a. t iming ni’ .V or white, or falling ->!f. ns.: •• Tl,c ,n ~V e r> ease Grey or White hair to its original -ol .. un.ut l-.-.iMiig Uu lis.i.ns.-i na smell o: 11 IP. • 11 i,,i5," ii, inal.i s I !.a i liti i- eliar.mi; gly lieauii'iP , inw 1! as ,w n.mtiiig tiic grewlli o« U.. hai: on ba d s win in. the gl lots .re lin'd '...Ve'i. Ask yo. r G non; t on- “ I’m M.;xi(.'aN It Aliil'.Ni.v. an," sold hv c ; -in-i Pen miters everywhere. Wholesale ~e|) t .’it; ingd-ni Head,, fingl.'cid. vuvici: io Monti!!!*.— Ant you broket, tti yout r. s'" hv a -iek ehild sintering with tin- pain of nutting ,!i.s Wi.xsia.w’s .SouTiiixn Si nei- It will relieve tiio ji sailer.‘f mini.-di.iti tv. It, is pi n feetly barnil.ns pleasant, to taste, i(, pi-odnoes n.u oral, qnii t sle 0,1.\ relieving the child irein )-ain, and the little c i ■rut. awaiies a.s “ brigtit, as a tintT.on,” It. soootiies til ■ I-lidd, iy snlt.en.s ihe -gums, allays all pain, re-in_-vos wiml, regulates tie' nowets, and is tile lust known remedy for dy -entry and diarrlepa, .vnetber ariing from leeitiin-g or ot tier causes. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup ic sold by .Medicine dealers everyW ere I-noun.ini-;.—-ton Tin; Tkktii 'and Jlhkatu.—A tew drops of tlie liquid “ Tloi'iline ’ sprinkled on a wet uilli-lnniih produeea a pl.-asant la'Jier, tl.o uiig'niy cleanses ( lie teetli I rom all parasites or impn ,tiv-, ii ii- lens Ute gums, luvvents tartar, stops d • av, given to the te.-th a p.,--uli:ir pearly whit.,~ess( and a deligiit.l'nl fragrance to liie In eat In It removes all unpleasant odour ari- ing from decayed p ethor soi.iiviisiijsi;. “ i'lns l-’ragr.uit l-'lcrdine,” i> ing composed in part of ii mey and svvv. t lu-rl-M, S delie,Oil; M. tile taste, and tile greatest toilet di.very of the age. Of all Gliemsts and Terfumers. Wholesaiu depot 32, Tiirringdoi. Knud ),n at.m. Kngland

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Lake County Press, Issue 2115, 26 April 1906, Page 5

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NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2115, 26 April 1906, Page 5

NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2115, 26 April 1906, Page 5