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A mi diu"; of women at Wanganui p i-sed a resolution aiiirming the justice of equal nay for equal work, inespc-ctA'c of sex. Tim amount of capital sub.-cnbcd for ili'edijinu in New /aland is equal to a cmtribiilion of i.d by every man, woman ami child in the colony. I’ieiio! gist ; Your lumipof d.-si rnctive-nc.-s is very large. Are you a soldi -r or a pu'dlist Subject; '' Neither, I’m a furniture mover. ( 'an giil a Dreadful Cold. Marion Iv oke, manager tor ) • M. ihompson, a large importer of line millinery a! 11in!), Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: " During tlie late severe Weather 1 a (head,id co d which kept, me- awake at Highland m me me until to attend my work during toe day. (hie of my milliners was lakii g Ch .inkerdam's C-mgli Ueimaly for a m in re old at liiat time, which neeine I to rcl eve her to quiekiy that 1 I.ought some tor ill).'. If. 1, acted like magic and 1 began to improve at once. i am n ;\v entirely wadi am! let 1 very pleased to acknowledge its merits. For sale by Colter Ih , s ., A now

V 1! •• •• ■ ; 1..' i. il mu t : s at t’J.l.'VI. 1 y- r. Four I c • I t ill'll - 111 i Jt . Old-* ill V 1 11l ' 1- (• 'll "■ - . 1• . 1.1 1! jV ■ -■■ 1 , lii ■ > :i ■-It■ ■ll wilii tin 1 Svdenliam villa iv :11 ■ ■.• I • 11 1 at Syib'e .. ■\ T'-stiinmii il in 1 >!■! I •’ ll 'mb | •• | ,m; s’ili i' ( 'ii.unbe- iiin's C u.:ii i< tm-ly | 1 1,.' !. i m ill- world ' .1- hi "ici 1 i -," " '.V' ’ \i: William ( S iv rv. "I \\ .in iugt.m, Engi I,mi!. ii l,i- .-av--d m. wife's lit -,; having I ht! i,i inirtvr to i■>:llil ii t i tm' "V.-r six \e r-, ;g in..>l of i il" till!.- eo-ilm '1 to ’in r li"il .S!n• is now quite well S ilii liy i 'Jotter liras Arrowtowu ami Kail-ml ile. I'lri- ere it illitsi.iii, '• T jipef's 11 !e>-t,” j Rolongs t.■) il iy -ot yet i . I’] he smartest conjurer cannot boast I lie’s puzzled pe ,(.!■■ morn, ! Many ailments iiu.i-a iliys [ Are just a.s 1 1 inky sure, | For ciutjrs anil cohD we’ll sing the praise i Of Wuiitis' (lidav Pkiti-:i;m tvr Ct in-;. j ! l ills lieen announced in tin; House, ! there is no inl-ntiou <.l replacing Mr Reeves las Agent tiei'ieral. There \> a) an almost general expression of opinion that .Mr Reeves | Joes excellent work in capacity. liie Rest Remedy for Rheumatism. t.iKICK KKUI-tK fitltn IMIS, i A!! who use Chamb.-rlam’s I’.iin I {aim for | rheumali-in arc delighted with the quick relief from pain which it ath n!s. Wren speaking of thin Mr IN. Sinks,, of Troy, | <.) ili< >, says : ‘' Se ne lime ago I a .itivt-fi! I attack of rheumatism in my arm ami .slioulI tier. !, Irieil numerous reuse,lies but got no relief until I was revcinmcmlcil by Mars, s < mo. !■'. Parsons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's I’ain !>a!m. Titey recommended it so highly that 1 b mght a bottle. I wu.i xooii ri'iit I'f'.l of all /tain. 1 : have since no nimended this liniment to i many of my friends, who agree with me that il is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market.'’ For sale by Cot ten Pros., Arrowtown ami Buliendale. Owing to the failure of the brake of a petroleum train, tile latter escaped from control and telescoped an i xpre-s train at Palota, in Koumauia, killing 32 out of 38 passengers. AUTH I7NTTC MEDICAL OPINION'S WORTH KNOWING. —Dr Osborne s-ivs : “ 1 use SANDKR & SON’S KUOAf.V FIT EXTRACT as a spray for nasal-catarrh, low fever, asthma, etc., with great success. ■ 1 find tins preparation superior to al! i others.” Hr Stahl ; “1 have used various I preparations of Eucalyptus, but I get bettor [ results from SAN DKR & SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT than from any other.” Ur. Preston: “ L never use any Eucalyptus preparation other than SANDER & SONS’, as 1 found the others to be almost useless.’ Dr. Hart : “It goes without saving tint SANDER & SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is the best in the market.” In influenza, all fevers., throat and lung trouble, iliptheria, diarrhoea, dysentery, kidney complaints, rheumatism, wounds, sprains, ulcers, etc., it is invaluable. See that you get SANDER & SONS’, and reject spurious L . reparations, which arc sometimes applied by unscrupulous dealers

Harrowing retails ;uc appearing of the floods ia the Yang-tse. Ten million j ergons arc homeless. Civil <li:-t urbanoi s are feared owing to the sufferings of the pa p't, Whatever may be the o >use, thereu., pears 1 lie no doubt thai consumption is cxrreme'y prevaient in this colony, and, according to medical testimony, the disease is rapid'y spreading. Any remedy, therefore, uhicli can be depended on ;o arrest the progress of this terril)le scourge should be welcomed as a national benefit. There is no '-o <• path tie object on the face of the earth than a cmsumptive pitieut when the fell dia ase has once taken a firm hold on the system. The bowed shouldcrt>, the wearied movement, and the constantly recurring cough that seems to shake the body to pieces—all those things rouse our sympathy and our pi y Vet, as a m titer of fac-, in the large iriaj nity of eases the sufrertr is to blame for his condition, as the danger might have been avcrtid had the in duly been dealt with in its earliest stages. A dose of Tl'ssioika, administered when the hacking cjng . first ma le its presence Inown, would li.-ive the organs affected, and have made the spread of the disease impossible. With this rem dy at hand, not necessarily as a cure (alr.ii aigh many serious eases have been sueo-ssfully dealt wi:ii through its agency), but a= a preventative, much may be dnie to prevent the ueveloptneiit of serous trouble in ill? throat and lungs. Ti's. ci'H.v has proved it s ciliciacy ill innumerable instanc: s, n i lias never fail<j I to give relief to the sufferer This preparation can be obtained from all chemists and storekeepers throughout, the colony. Price -, u'd per bottle.— Advt. IT) IT IK DEAF.—A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Nuises in the Head by Dr Nicholson's Artilieial Ear Drums, has sent 1 1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the !vtr ,Drums may hj ive them free Apply to Department (..'. W. The Institute, " Longcott," Gunuersbury, London, W., England. MOUNTAIN KING ASTHMA I'OWDKtI a wonderful cur? for Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Laryngitis, and Irritation of the Air Passages. Ke iipthoine, IVosser, agents KEATING'S I'OWDKK" destroys II'JGS, KI.KAS Mi'TllS, r.EKTLIiS, ant! all other insets, wuiii-t quite harmless to domestic animals. In exteimina lieutles tin- success of this powder is extraoit clinai'v. It is pcrio'tly clean in applieation. See the article \uu pun hast is " KEATING'S," i.e., with the s -nature THOMAS KKATIXU oil each tin, as inn tations arc noxious ami iuuffoutual. .Sold in tins, tic and la each, liy a chemists.

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Lake County Press, Issue 982, 3 October 1901, Page 5

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NEWS AND NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 982, 3 October 1901, Page 5

NEWS AND NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 982, 3 October 1901, Page 5